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Brit ish Folk-Talesand Legends

“Katharine Briggs is an editor of such surpassing know-ledge that one suspects that she may have sourcesamong witches, ghosts and fairies. This is one of therichest selection of folk-tales available. It travels fromKing Herla to black dog-demons, from eleventh-centurymedieval sources to folk-tales collected since the Sec-ond World War. If you aren’t delighted with it, you maywell be under an evil spell.”

Diane Purkiss

“Katharine Briggs’ British Folk-Tales and Legends pro-vides a superb, comprehensive selection of fables,exempla, fairy tales, jokes, novelle, nursery tales, andstories that focus on ghosts, black dogs, bogies, devils,dragons, saints and witches. There are also sectionson local legends and historical traditions. KatharineBriggs is the surest guide to British folklore in the twen-tieth century, and her insightful remarks and carefulselection of important tale types make this volume oneof the most important collections of British folk-talesand legends ever compiled.”

Jack Zipes

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BriggsBritish Folk-Tales and Legends

A sampler

London and New York

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First published 1977by Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd

First published in Routledge Classics 2002by Routledge11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE29 West 35th Street, New York, NY 10001

Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group

© 1977, 2002 The Katharine Briggs Trust Fund

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprintedor reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic,mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafterinvented, including photocopying and recording, or inany information storage or retrieval system, withoutpermission in writing from the publishers.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication DataA catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication DataA catalog record for this book has been requested

ISBN 0–415–28602–6 (pbk)

This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2003.

ISBN 0-203-21789-6 Master e-book ISBN

ISBN 0-203-27347-8 (Adobe eReader Format)

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To Katharine M. Law,

with many thanks for her unfailing interestand for the help and advice she has given me

in the selection of the tales

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Acknowledgements xivIntroduction 1

PART 1 Fables and Exempla 15

Belling the Cat 18The Bum Bee 18The Farmer and his Ox 19The Yaller-Legg’d co*ck’ril 20

PART 2 Fairy Tales 23

Allison Gross 25Ashey Pelt 25The Dead Moon 27The Flight of Birds 29The Gobborn Seer 32The Golden Ball 35Jack and the Giants 38The King of the Black Art 41King Herla 44The Man Who Wouldn’t Go Out at Night 46

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The Old Woman Who Lived in a Vinegar Bottle 48Tom Tit Tot 51The Gipsy Woman [sequel to Tom Tit Tot] 56

PART 3 Jocular Tales 61

Austwick Carles: II 64The Austwick Carles and the Watch: V 64The Best Way to Die 65Box About 66The Cuckoo-Penners 66The Dog that Talked 67Dutch Courage 68An Exorcism 68Good and Bad News 70The Man that stole the Parson’s Sheep 71The Miller’s Eels 72The Painswick Ancients 72The Secret Agent 73The Three Sillies 74The Two Pickpockets 77Yorkshire Follies: The considerate bandsman 78

PART 4 Novelle 79

Adam Bel, Clym of the Clough and William of Cloudesley 81Cap O’ Rushes 88The King of the Liars 92Mr Fox 102The Professor of Signs 105The Tale of Ivan 107The Three Good Advices 110The Ungrateful Sons 115

PART 5 Nursery Tales 117

The Cattie sits in the Kiln-Ring Spinning 119The Endless Tale 120The Old Man at the White House 121


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Sir Gammer Vans 122Teeny-Tiny 125The Three Bears 126The Three Wee Pigs 129The Wee, Wee Mannie 131

PART 6 Black Dogs 135

The Black Dog of Tring 137The Guardian Black Dog 137Lyme Regis Black Dog Legend 138

PART 7 Bogies 141

The Boggart 143The Buttery Spirit 144The Farmer and the Boggart 145Nuckelavee 146The White Bucca and the Black 148

PART 8 Devils 151

The Black Rider 153Dando and His Dogs 153The Devil at the Card Party 156The Devil at Little Dunkeld Manse 157A Minister Molested 158The Prize Wrestler and the Demon 159

PART 9 Dragons 165

The Dragon of Wantley 166The Gurt Vurm of Shervage Wood 167King Arthur and the Dragon 169The Linton Worm 170The Longwitton Dragon 172

PART 10 Fairies 175

Anne Jefferies and the Fairies 177

contents ix

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The Broken Bilk 179The Brownie 179The Captured Fairies 180The Fairy Dwelling on Selena Moor 181The Green Children 184Horse and Hattock 186Inkberrow’s Ting-Tang 187Jeannie’s Granny Sees a Fairy 187Johnnie in the Cradle 188The Laird of Balmachie’s Wife 190The Midwife 191Sir Godfrey Macculloch 192The White Powder 193

PART 11 Ghosts 197

The Bishopsthorpe Ghost 200The Bussex Rhine, and King’s Sedgemoor 201Croglin Grange 202The Death “Bree” 204A Doctor’s Strange Experience 206The Drummer of Airlie 209The Ghost of Gairnside 209The Grateful Ghost 215John Rudall and the Ghost of Dorothy Dinglett 217Lady Howard’s Coach 219A Lay Ghost-Layer 220The Lord Protector 222Sammle’s Ghost 223The Silken Shawl 226The Six Dead Men 227The Treasure of Downhouse 228

PART 12 Giants 231

Brutus and Corineus 233The Giant Bolster 234


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The Giant of Carn Galva 235The Giants of Stowey 236The Origin of the Wrekin: II 237Wade and his Wife 238

PART 13 Historical Traditions 241

Burke and Hare 243Cromwell in Glasgow 246Drake as a Wizard 248Dream Portending the Death of William Rufus 250Flood Law in the Fens 252Folk-Memory of Chaucer 253The Ghost’s “Evidence” 254The Grey Goose Feathers 255King Richard and the Penitent Knight 257Marshall’s Elm 259The Oxford Student 260Pudsay the Coiner 261The Sons of the Conqueror 264The Warden of the Marches 266

PART 14 Local Legends 271

The Beasts’ Thorn 273Canobie Dick and Thomas of Ercildoun 274The Church of Fordoun 276The Cook at Combwell 277Crawls 278The Gold of Largo Law 279Guinevere’s Comb 281The Horn of Egremont 282The Murder Hole 282The Old House of Balhary 284Owen Parfitt 286The Pedlar of Swaffham 287The Rollright Stones 288The Sale of a Wife 289

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Simmer Water 290Trapping the Plague 291The Wimblestone 292

PART 15 Saints 295

The Crowza Stones 297Men With Tails 298St Adelme 299St Aloys and the Lame Nag 300St Augustine at Long Compton 301St Uncumber 302St Wulfric and the Greedy Boy 303Ushen and St Patrick 305

PART 16 The Supernatural 309

The Anchor 312The Curate of Axholme 312The Dart of Death 313The Dream House 314The Escaping Soul 316The Green Lady of Cromarty 316The Hand of Glory 317The Shepherd and the Crows 320A Vision at Dunino 321The Waff 323The Wandering Jew 323

PART 17 Witches 325

The Black Hen 328The Blacksmith’s Wife of Yarrowfoot 329The Counter-Charm 330The Elder-Tree Witch 331The Ferryman 334Friar Bacon 335The Hares’ Parliament 348


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Jakey Bascombe and the Cob 350The Laird of Pittarro 351Molly Cass and the Nine of Hearts 352Mother Shipton 353The Silver Sixpence 355The Unbidden Guest 356The Witch of Berkeley 357Witches at Hallowe’en 359

PART 18 Miscellaneous legends 363

Farmer Hewlett’s Amends 365The Foreign Hotel 366The Good Magpie 367The Stolen Corpse 368The Wooden Legs 370

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The editor gratefully acknowledges the following copyright-ownersand publishers for their kind permission to reprint tales: George Allen& Unwin Ltd for In My Solitary Life by Augustus Hare; Mr W. H. Barrett forTales from the Fens and More Tales from the Fens; B. T. Batsford Ltd for EnglishFolklore by Christina Hole; Miss Christina Hole and the Folk-Lore Societyfor permission to use the Society’s publications; Hutchinson & Co.Ltd and the Earl of Airlie for Thatched with Gold by Mabell, Countess ofAirlie; Mr Peter Leather for Folk-lore of Herefordshire by Helen E. Leather;Mr. F. Grice for Folk Tales of the North Country.

In some cases, it has not been possible to trace the copyright-owners.

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As a child I was perhaps more fortunate than most because my fatherhad collected three or four books on Folklore, so that, as well as theordinary fairy stories which we had in our own nursery, Grimm, HansAndersen, Perrault, Hauff’s Fairy Tales, The Arabian Nights, two ofLang’s coloured fairy books, Jack the Giant-Killer, The Babes in theWood, and a few others, I had access to Hartland’s English Fairy and FolkTales, Yeats’ Irish Fairy And Folk Tales and Douglas’s Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales,all these in the Scott Publishing Library. There was besides Celtic Folk Loreby John Rhys, rather tougher reading because of all the Welsh scatteredabout it, but full of fascinating stories. I came across these four bookswhen I was about nine years old, and they coloured my taste in FolkNarrative for the rest of my life. There were ordinary fairy stories in thebooks, but the tales which caught my fancy most were not the folkfictions, but the legends, short, factual-seeming accounts of Browniesand fairy changelings and women carried away into Fairyland to nursethe fairy babies, and, best of all, the anecdotes of little fairies capturedby humans, such as the tale of Skillywidden, who happily got back tohis parents and was not left to pine in captivity.

It was the memory of these small nuggets of tradition which mademe when I was a grown woman rebel against the prettified, airy-fairystories which were foisted upon children in the 1920s and 1930s, and

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told in so many schoolrooms and Brownie Pow-Wows, and whichdrove me into the Folk-Lore Society in an attempt to disentangle thestrange muddle of Six names in the Brownie fairy lore. I may well begrateful to them, for it was the beginning of a life-long interest.

I have taken my Dictionary of British Folk-Tales (Part A, 2 volumes pub-lished in 1970 and Part B, 2 volumes published in 1971, 2558 pages inall) and selected a sampler of these fables, tales, legends and traditionsto give the reader a conspectus of the riches of British Folklore. In thissampler, I have included the notes which are in the dictionary, particu-larly to indicate references to other stories, so that the interested readercan follow up ideas easily, and can then use the main dictionary. Thecross references in italic type are to tales which are in this sampler; thosein roman type are to be found in the dictionary.


The study of Folklore covers a wide area and touches a great number ofdisciplines. Professor Archer Taylor, one of the great Folklore scholars,used to describe it as a central study because it dealt with so manydifferent aspects of scholarship: Sociology, Anthropology, Literature,Linguistics, Music, Drama, History, Archaeology. All these are ofimportance to Folklore, and Folklore is significant to them. So it will beseen that Narrative Research covers only a small part of Folklore Stud-ies, though it has always been an important part to me personallybecause I have never lost my early love of stories and story-telling, andhave found that those rooted in tradition are the best both to tell and tohear.

To run back over some of the contacts which Folklore has with otherdisciplines, Sociologists need to be aware of the regional CalendarCustoms, deeply rooted in tradition, but with an increasing appeal formodern people, who are uneasily aware of their unrooted state. Manyof these are celebrated all over Europe and spring from prehistoricattempts to control and stimulate the processes of Nature, to givestrength to the New Year, to call on the Dead to help the growth of theburied crops, to reinforce the power of the Sun, and so on. Some ofthese celebrations were incorporated into the Christian Church, some,like the May Day celebrations, remained obstinately Pagan. Other


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Calendar Customs were more restricted in scope; civic rituals, like, forinstance, the Lady Godiva Ride in Coventry, which had an earlier originthan the historical legends that it is supposed to celebrate. These festi-vals still meet a need, and they are investigated and chronicled byfolklorists, as, for example, in Dr Ellis Davidson’s study of the GodivaLegend. The study of Industrial Folklore and of the traditional customsof civic institutions, of schools, colleges and other collective institu-tions are obviously of importance to Sociologists, as are expressions ofMob Psychology, witchhunts of all periods and racial prejudices. It isunnecessary to stress the close connection between Anthropology andFolklore: each subject was at one time a branch of the other. One of themost fascinating aspects of the study of Literature is to observe the wayin which folk traditions, beliefs and legends are drawn up by poets andstory-tellers from the common stock and shaped into literature, whichin its turn enriches the common stream of tradition, is re-shaped asfolk-tales, ballads and proverbial sayings, until these in their turnbecome the inspiration of a new poet. Linguistic studies, and particu-larly the study of dialects, deal with the very stuff of Folklore. Some ofthe best of our more recent folk-tales are to be found in the dialectpublications.

Like poets, musicians drew much of their inspiration from folk-music—among modern composers Bartok is an outstanding exampleof this—and art music becomes popularized among the folk if it issufficiently haunting and direct, and is used for ballad and broadsidetunes, gradually undergoing those traditional variations which charac-terise folk-art. The same is true of Drama, which not only drawsthemes from folk-tales and folk-beliefs but may well spring from thefolk-plays which still survive, though in a weakened form. Local anec-dotes, handed down from father to son, sometimes throw a revealinglight on historical events, and an observation of the processes of oraltransmission may well make us wary of written reports. The use ofsome of the articles dug up by archaeologists may well be explained bythe more recent use of similar artefacts in recent folk tradition: and soon. It is an enormous, many-branched subject, and folklorists meetingtogether at a generalized conference will be pursuing a great variety ofspecialized activities, and will have a great deal to teach each other.

One thing has to be remembered about the study of Folklore; it is,

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like History and the study of Literature, an inexact science; though allthree may make use of technical aids it is still inexact, because there canbe no controlled experiments. In the past it has collected around it—asPsychical Research is also apt to do—a fringe of quacks and cranks whohave done nothing for the reputation of the study as a discipline. Seri-ous scholars are, however, aware of this danger, and modern scientificaids to collection as well as a highly responsible attitude to research ingeneral are now making their impact on the public estimation of Folk-lore, and the important part that the study can play in the evaluation ofour environment is increasingly realized. Another danger to the seriousstudy of the subject arises out of its growing popularity. Folklore isbeing invaded and captured by the mass media for commercialization.True traditions are coarsened and falsified. This is not the legitimate,spontaneous growth which we find in stories handed from father toson or in customs that alter as they are practised, it is an ignorant andwilful debasem*nt for the sake of money. This danger is particularlypresent in America and England. Most of the European countries have awell-established, scholarly discipline in the Folklore field. Their chiefdanger would be from pedantry.

Professor R. D. Dorson, of Bloomington, Indiana, has waged a con-tinuous war against this falsification, and has coined a name for it,“Fakelore”, as opposed to “Folklore”. He writes eloquently on thesubject in his book, American Folklore. The book is useful too in outliningthe general field of Folklore research. Professor Dorson points outthat in England, America and the Romance nations of Europe “Folk-lore”, the word coined by W. J. Thoms in 1846, dealt especially inoral traditions carried down the centuries, local customs, beliefs, ves-tigial rituals, tales, songs, festivals, while in the Teutonic nations the“Volkskunde” embraced as well all traditional artefacts.

Thoms in his first definition of the word gives its scope as “Com-prising that department of the study of antiquities and archaeologywhich embraces everything relating to ancient observances and cus-toms, to the notions, beliefs, traditions, superstitions, and prejudices ofthe common people.” It will be seen that the scope of this, thoughquite wide enough to provide a lifetime’s study, does not embraceanything like the ground covered by modern Folklore disciplines. By1895 Marion Roalfe Cox in her admirable book, An Introduction to


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Folk-lore, covered a much wider area. The subjects she suggested asproper Folklore research include: magic, myths, beast-fables, giants, thedistinction made between “Märchen” and Sagas, folk-tales, folk-songs,popular ballads, rhymes, traditional games, folk-drama, nurseryrhymes and riddles, proverbs—almost all the material covered bymodern Folklore studies, except for artefacts, which have lately beenadmitted, so that modern Folklore now covers both “Folklore” and“Volkskunde”.

A further slight shift of emphasis in our own time allows for theinclusion of modern Folklore, still generally insisting on oral transmis-sion but including newly invented tales, rhymes and rumours. Thesocial range is also wider. The emphasis is no longer exclusively onpeasant customs. Industrial Folklore and the customs of courts andcolleges are now considered worthy of study.


When we come to the consideration of folk-tales we find that they canbe broadly divided into two categories, Folk Narratives or Folk Fiction,and Folk Legends or “Sagen”. Folk Narratives will probably deal withFolk beliefs actually held, but the whole story is frankly fictional, in thesame way that a modern detective story must be accurate in its descrip-tion of a motorcar, a revolver and the procedure of a law-court, but isyet frankly and avowedly fiction, probably with an announcement onthe front that no reference is intended to any living person. To take awell-known German Fairy Tale, “Hansel and Grethel” was conceived ina society which ardently believed in witches and was ready to believestories of their ritual cannibalism, in which the power of witches totransform one thing into another, or at least to create an illusion oftransformation, was taken for granted, but there is no doubt that thestory is a fictional one, invested to delight an audience. Folk Legend, onthe other hand, is an account of something that was believed to havehappened, historical, anecdotal, supernatural, curious. Broadly speak-ing it is easy to distinguish between these two categories, though allkinds of border cases arise. For instance, the story believed by the firstnarrator but picked up, retold and furbished by a sceptical collector,who cannot resist the temptation to improve on it, may become, after it

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has passed through several hands, a good example of a Folk Fiction. Onthe whole, however, the two genres can be distinguished without toomuch difficulty. There is a typical beginning and ending for the Fic-tional Tale. Usually it begins with some such formula as “Once upon aTime”, and we are dismissed at the end by another formula, “They alllived happily ever after.” Or a more farcical ending may mark thereturn to the everyday world, something like, “I was asked to thewedding, but by the time I got there there was nothing left but apeascod, so I jumped on it and tobogganed home.”

A legend, on the other hand, will begin something like: “Well, it’s aqueer thing, but as my grandfather was going past the churchyard onenight he saw an old chap coming out of the lychgate, who came rightup to him, and then he saw he was an old neighbour of his who hadbeen buried last week.”

An example of a story of this kind, with a rather more humorousturn, is Company on the Road.

A Folk Narrative commonly forms a recognizable pattern, which iscalled a “Type”. Folk Legends sometimes have Types of their own, butare generally made up of one or more “motifs”, that is the strands thatmake up a tale. A Type should be made up of a cluster of motifs, thoughthere are some stories so anecdotal that they consist of one motif only,and hardly deserve to have a Type assigned to them. The Aarne–Thompson Type Index is usually employed in the Folk-Tale Archives ofthe World. It was first laid down by the Finnish scholar, Antti Aarne,and afterwards twice enlarged and revised by Professor Stith Thompsonof Bloomington, Indiana. Other suggestions for classification had beenmade earlier, some of them quite promising, but none had been laidout in detail, and though the Aarne–Thompson Index has been criti-cized on various points, it seems unlikely that it will be superseded.The Motif-Index is a massive work in six volumes for which Stith Thomp-son is alone responsible. It covers a much wider field than the TypeIndex which only catalogues Folk Narratives, while the Motif-Index has amythological section and covers some literary treatment of Folklorethemes as well as Legends. Ideally a list of the motifs occurring in a taleshould give its plot, but this rarely happens except in such well-knownstories as “Cinderella”. Even a selection of the motifs of this storygives one a plot of the whole, though in a rather ponderous style.


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“Cinderella” is Type 510. Among the motifs assigned to the Frenchversion are: S31 Cruel Stepmother; F311 Fairy Godmother; D813Magic object received from fairy; D1050.1 Clothes produced by magic;F861.4.3 Carriage from pumpkin; D411.6.1 Transformation: mouse tohorse; N711.6 Prince sees heroine at ball and is enamoured; C761.3Tabu: staying too long at ball; H36.1 Slipper test: identification byfitting of shoe; F823.2 Glass slipper; L162 Lowly heroine marriesPrince. (Peter Opie, however, in his Classic Fairy Tales, has pointed out thatthis last motif is not applicable to “Cinderella”.)

This particular story is so well known that the motifs outline thewhole plot. Two important monographs have been written on the“Cinderella” theme, an early one by Marion Roalfe Cox, and a latervery full treatment by Anna Birgitta Rooth of Sweden. An example of astory with only one motif is Type 1030. This is the Crop Division,when the man and the bogie, who both claim a field, take turns to takethe top of the crops or the roots, and the man always wins. The motifassigned to this is K171. Many of the Ogre stories collected by AnttiAarne have only one motif. They are more properly parts of a longstruggle between a man and a giant after the pattern of “Jack theGiant-killer”.


There are many categories into which Folk Narratives can be divided.That used in the Aarne–Thompson Types of the Folktale is pretty generallyfollowed. The general headings are: I Animal Tales, II Ordinary Folk-Tales (sub-divided into A Tales of Magic, B Religious Tales, C Novelle(Romantic Tales) D Tales of the Stupid Ogre). Then III Jokes and Anec-dotes, IV Formula Tales, and there is one short section of UnidentifiedTales. All except this last are sub-divided, generally to differentiatebetween the people of whom the stories are told. For instance, theAnimal Tales are sub-divided into Wild Animals, Wild and DomesticAnimals, Man and Wild Animals, Domestic Animals, Birds, Fish, OtherAnimals and Objects. This is in some ways an unsatisfactory divisionbecause it disregards the real differences between Animal Tales, someof which are fables after the manner of Aesop, which satirizehuman habits and characteristics under the disguise of animals, some

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primitive conceptions of animals as on an equality with Man and someOrigin Myths. It is more successfully used in category III, Jokes andAnecdotes, as Numskull Stories, Stories about Married Couples, Storiesabout a Woman, and so on.


The Legends have no such over-all coverage as the Narratives, but areoften dealt with on a more national basis. This is understandablebecause of the particularity of the Legend, believed to have happened ata definite time and place. Certain Legends, however, are set in manydifferent places, either by the general resemblance of human nature orby transmission. Reidar Christiansen of Norway worked on the classifi-cation of these diffused Legends and produced the fruit of his work inThe Migratory Legends, A Proposed List of Types with a Systematic Catalogue of theNorwegian Variants, of which the first version was published in Helsinki in1951. This list he envisages as continuous with the Aarne–ThompsonType Index. He leaves a space for possible additions to the Type Index.Starting at the number 3000 he leaves a gap of four between each entryto allow for possible accretions later. Thus the first entry is “3000.Escape from the Black School of Wurtemberg”, and the next is “3005.The Would-be Ghost”. Professor Christiansen divides the MigratoryLegends into eight categories: The Black Book of Magic, The Experts,Legends of the Human Soul, of Ghosts and Revenants, Spirits of Rivers,Lakes and the Sea, Trolls and Giants, The Fairies, Domestic Spirits,Nisse, Haugetusse, Tusse, Gobonden and lastly, Local Legends of Places,Events and Persons. He does not include unexplained supernaturalhappenings, glimpses into the past and similar strange experiences.Nor does he include sacred legends of Saints and Heroes, nor eco-logical legends; but on the whole he gives a pretty full account of theMatter of Legend.

Séan Ó’Súilleabhain, in his most excellent and encyclopaedic book,A Handbook of Irish Folk-Lore, devotes several chapters to the exposition ofIrish legendary matter, though he does not arrange the legends asnumbered types. His exploration covers some of the same ground asThe Migratory Legends but gives full coverage to Mythological Legends,Origin Myths, Supernatural Beings, The Devil, Mythical Champions


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and Warriors, Supernatural Personages, Supernatural Places, Super-natural Phenomena, The Afterworld. In the chapter on Historical Tradi-tions he writes of Individual Personages, Important Historical Events,Local Happenings, Ireland in Tradition, and Traditions about ForeignCountries. It will be seen that a great many aspects of Folk Legend andFolk Tradition are touched on here, and though it deals with oneparticular country the book is in general of the greatest assistance toanyone who is taking up Folklore research for the first time.


The body of tales from which we are taking our Sampler is much morefragmented than those in the Celtic-speaking areas of these Islands,where the shadow of the Bardic traditions survived the great days ofthe Bards for many generations, so that the heroic legends were heldsacred, and in Ireland tales were found in oral tradition in the lastcentury which reproduced, almost word for word, some of the veryearly written manuscripts, and these were told by unlettered peoplewho could not possibly have read them. The same is true of some ofthe West Highland tales collected by Campbell of Islay.

Ireland and Wales were the two countries in which the Bards werespecially revered. Lady Wilde, in Ancient Legends of Ireland, gives an elo-quent account of the great learning and accomplishments of theOllaves, Filés and Senachies who were trained in the Bardic College atTara. The head of them was the Ard-File, or chief poet, who was given analmost royal state.

She describes these poets in action: “The Brehons, seated on a hill,intoned the laws to a listening people; the Senachies chanted thegenealogies of the Kings; and the Poets recited the deeds of the heroes,or sang to their gold harps those exquisite airs that still enchant theworld. . . . The chief poet was required to know by heart four hundredpoems, and the minor bards two hundred. And they were bound torecite any poem called for by the kings at the festivals.”

For these services the poets were paid an income by the state accord-ing to their eminence, besides the rich gifts given to them by the kings.Any king regarded by the poets as nigg*rdly was cruelly satirized, sothat blisters were raised on his face, and one king even went mad and

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died after a particularly cutting lampoon. At length the Bards becameso intolerable in their greed and arrogance that the Brehons, or law-givers, were forced to make enactions against them, and at last theirpower went into decline. The influence of the Welsh Bards was suf-ficiently strong to give rise to the legend that Edward I was obliged tomassacre them before he could conquer Wales. The Welsh Bards, how-ever, continued with a diminished influence until the end of the seven-teenth century, for Aubrey writes of how the wandering Bards had thegift of improvising verse, a gift which sometimes left them suddenlyand never returned. The last descendants of the Bards were the wander-ing droll-tellers of Cornwall, from whom Hunt and Bottrell collectedtales. Cornwall, of course, was another Celtic area; in England we mightsuggest that the last descendants of the Anglo-Saxon Minstrels and theNorman Troubadours were the wandering ballad-singers who carriedballads and chapbooks about with them, commending their wares bysinging snatches of songs and telling stories from their chapbooks.Shakespeare’s Autolycus is a specimen of them, and we find quite anumber of references to them in seventeenth-century drama. Gipsiescarried stories about with them, and gained a welcome at lonely farm-houses by their tale-telling. The same is true of the “Travelling Men”,the Tinkers of Scotland, from whom a sympathetic collector can stillobtain excellent fairy tales, drolls and memorats. A few generationsago, however, small, lonely communities did not even need wanderingchapmen or Bards, for they could provide their own entertainmentround their winter firesides or at local gatherings. The English Blue-beard story, “Mr Fox”, shows how story-telling took its place even onsuch lively occasions as betrothal parties. But in the Highlands andIslands of Scotland the art of self-entertainment was raised to its high-est pitch. Alexander Carmichael, whose Carmina Gadelica, the fruitof forty years’ travel and research in the Hebrides, was published in1900, gives a memorable account of a Highland ceilidh, a session ofstory-telling, ballads and riddles. It may appear slightly idealized, butAlexander Carmichael had travelled on foot through the Hebrides,and had been welcomed wherever he went. He was the colleague ofCampbell of Islay, perhaps the greatest of the Highland collectors, andhe was more qualified than most of us to speak of the inhabitants of theHebrides. He tells us about the variation in methods of story-telling


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which is of prime importance for us to know in determining themethods of oral transmission.

In a crofting townland [he says] there are several story-tellers whor*cite the oral literature of their predecessors. The story-tellers of theHighlands are as varied in their subjects as are any literary men andwomen elsewhere. One is a historian narrating events simply andconcisely; another is a historian with a bias, colouring his narrativeaccording to his leanings. One is an inventor, building fiction uponfact, mingling his materials, and investing the whole with the charm ofnovelty and the halo of romance. Another is a reciter of heroic poemsand ballads, bringing the different characters before the mind asclearly as the sculptor brings the figure before the eye. One gives thesongs of the chief poets, with interesting accounts of their authors,while another, generally a woman, sings, to weird airs, beautiful oldsongs, some of them Arthurian.

He goes on to describe a ceilidh, one out of many which he hadattended.

The house of the story-teller is already full, and it is difficult to getinside, and away from the cold wind and sleet without. But with thatpoliteness native to the people, the stranger is pressed to come for-ward and occupy the seat vacated for him beside the houseman. Thehouse is roomy and clean, if homely, with its bright peat fire in themiddle of the floor. There are many present—men and women, boysand girls. All the women are seated, and most of the men. Girls arecrouched between the knees of fathers or brothers or friends, whileboys are perched wherever—boy-like—they can climb. . . . Thehouseman is twisting twigs of heather into ropes to hold down thatch,a neighbour crofter is twining quicken roots into cords to tie cows,while another is plaiting bent grass into baskets to hold meal. Thehousewife is spinning, a daughter is carding, another daughter is teas-ing, while a third daughter, supposed to be working, is away in thebackground conversing in low whispers with the son of a neighbour-ing crofter. Neighbour wives or neighbour daughters are knitting,sewing or embroidering. The conversation is general . . .

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The stranger asks the houseman to tell a story, and after a pause theman complies.

The tale is full of incident, action and pathos. It is told simply yetgraphically, and at times dramatically—compelling the undividedattention of the listener. At the pathetic scenes and distressful eventsthe bosoms of the women may be seen to heave and their silent tearsto fall. Truth overcomes craft, skill conquers strength, and bravery isrewarded. Occasionally a momentary excitement occurs when heatand sleep overpower a boy, and he tumbles down among the peoplebelow, to be trounced out and sent home. When the story is ended itis discussed and commented upon, and the different characterspraised or blamed according to their merits and the views of thecritics.


The date of the ceilidh which Carmichael describes was 1861–2. Thenany number of stories could be easily obtained, deriving from thebeginning of the seventeenth century, told by entirely unlettered nar-rators in beautiful, polished, traditional language. By the time Car-michael published them they had become almost impossible to obtainbecause of the wholesale conversion of the population to a militantPuritanism, and the active discouragement of the Gaelic language bythe Schoolmaster, the Minister and the elders had driven songs, musicand proverbs underground. The people were still as courteous andhospitable as ever, but they had learnt to distrust their ancient riches.No such violent revolution happened in Ireland, where the stream ofnarrative continued unchecked. The present problem of the Irish folk-lorists is how to deal with the wealth of material they have obtained.Séan Ó’Súilleabhain’s handbook gives much wise advice about the bestmethods to pursue so as to secure accuracy in recording and the bestconditions for the performance of the stories, but at the time when hewrote the tape recorder was not in such general use. Advice which isapplicable to our more sophisticated times in England as well as inAmerica is to be found in Professor Kenneth Goldstein’s book, A Guidefor Field Workers in Folklore. Professor Goldstein is a skilled worker in the


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field and has collected in England and Scotland as well as in the USA. Asan experienced and vital teacher he is well able to pass on his findingsand to make his experience available to others. His is one of the bestbooks to begin on, but there is no lack of reading material for anyonewho really wishes to pursue the subject. A fuller list is to be found inthe entire Dictionary.

Stories will be found in this Sampler which have been collected withthe help of modern techniques and appliances, but there are also taleswhich have been written down hundreds of years ago and whichdepend for their vividness on the unsophisticated approach of thenarrator. I have tried to select stories from different parts of the coun-try, told by different kinds of people, some unusual and some familiar.Besides this I have picked out a few which illustrate folk-beliefs, orprovide a link with far-spread stories. For instance, “Jack and theGiants” is the only remnant of “The Grateful Dead”, of which theearliest example is in the Apocrypha, the often illustrated story of“Tobias and the Angel”. There are several variants of this in Celtictradition, and we come across it in Peele’s Old Wives Tale, but “Jack andthe Giants” is solitary in England. My chief criterion, however, has beenmy own enjoyment of the story and my pleasure in handing it on—anenjoyment which has endured since I browsed over Hartland’sfolk-tales at nine years old.


Aarne, Antti and Thompson, Stith, The Types of the Folktale: A Classificationand Bibliography, 2nd revision, Helsinki, 1961.

Carmichael, Alexander, Carmina Gadelica, 3 vols, 2nd edition, Oliver &Boyd, Edinburgh, 1928.

Christiansen, Reidar, The Migratory Legends, Helsinki, 1958.Cox, Marion Roalfe, Cinderella, Folk-Lore Society, 1843.Cox, Marion Roalfe, An Introduction to Folk-lore, David Nutt, London, 1895.Dorson, R. D., American Folklore, University of Chicago Press, 1959.Goldstein, Kenneth S., A Guide for Field Workers in Folklore, Folklore

Associates, Pennsylvania, and Jenkins, London, 1968.Opie, Peter, Classic Fairy Tales, Oxford University Press, 1974.Ó’Súilleabhain, Séan, A Handbook of Irish Folk-Lore, Jenkins, London, 1963.Rooth, Anna Birgitta, Cinderella, Lund, 1961.

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Thompson, Stith, Motif-Index of Folk Literature, 6 vols, revised and enlargededitions by Stith Thompson, Rosenkilde & Bagger, Copenhagen,1955.

Wilde, Lady, Ancient Legends of Ireland, 2 vols, London, 1887.


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Part 1Fables and Exempla

The Animal Tales collected in this group of folk narratives are notanimal anecdotes, nor tales of magical animals such as we find in theFairy Tales. They are fables after the manner of Aesop which carry amoral applicable to humanity, or animal tales with a moral or satiricintention, in which the characters are nominally animals but talk andbehave like human beings. In the primitive tales, such as those told bythe Australian aborigines, animals do indeed share human character-istics, but this is because they were believed to be gods, more powerfulthan men, or at least man’s intellectual equals. The approach in thefables is more sophisticated, the so-called animals are humans wearinganimal masks.

Aesop’s fables had a great influence in early times. A study of theirtransmission may be found in the second volume of Bengt Holbek’sreproduction of Aesop’s Leyned og Fabler, printed from the manuscript ofChristiern Pedersen, 1556. The earliest surviving collection is dated inthe first century . A lost book of Alfred the Great introduced Aesop’s

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fables into England, with some native additions. Avianus’ fables (c.

400) in verse were the chief source of the medieval fables; in 1484Caxton printed The Boke of Subtyl Historyes and Fables of Esop, and new ver-sions of them continued to come out all through the sixteenth andseventeenth centuries.

This number of editions shows the respect in which the fables wereheld, and indeed they passed into common speech as proverbial wis-dom, as we see, for instance, in the nickname of “Archibald Bell-the-Cat” in Scottish history. There were many literary versions of whichHenryson’s “Tail of the Uplandis Mous and the Burges Mous” is one ofthe most charming, though Chaucer’s Nonnes Preests Tale is even moreattractive.

An excellent example of the extent to which fables were quoted inCourts and Council Chambers is to be found in a letter quoted in theappendix of the King’s Classics edition of Roper’s Life of Sir Thomas More.It was from Lady Alington, More’s stepdaughter, to Margaret Roper. Itretells two fables not now generally known, the first about a defilingrain that fell upon a country mainly inhabited by fools. The wise menof the land foresaw the rain, took refuge underground and so escapedit; but when they emerged, thinking to have gained added prestige, thebespattered fools thought themselves much improved by the dirt andmocked at the wise men, utterly refusing to be ruled by them. Thesecond story was about the inequalities of the confessional and of howthe lion was absolved for his slaughters, the ass put to penance foreating a blade of grass and the wolf left to judge for himself. Sir Thomassaid that he had often heard the first story from Cardinal Wolsey in theKing’s Council Chambers. The second, as he pointed out, belonged tostories of the confessional and could not have been told by an earlyheathen slave like Aesop. Neither had any bearings on his plight. Theincident shows how commonly these fables were cited in royal councilchambers and places where matters of importance were debated, andthe numbers which passed into proverbial phrases, such as “dog in themanger”, “sour grapes”, and so on, proves that they were equally usedby common men. The four tales chosen out of the twenty-nine to befound in the Dictionary of British Folk-Tales illustrate different kinds ofFables and Exempla. “Belling the Cat” is a true Aesop’s fable, and theincident illustrates the use of the Fables in rhetoric and debate; “The

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Bum Bee” is a modern variant of Aesop’s “The Ant and the Cricket”with an ending in which summary justice is done on the King of theAnts; “The Farmer and his Ox” is a terse jocular story of a talking beastwhich points the moral that the treatment a man receives is a mirror ofhis own behaviour and “The Yaller-Legg’d co*ck’ril” shows moreobservation of animal behaviour than most of the earlier fables, but isnone the less framed to point a moral. For want of space no originmyths have been included. A well-known one, “The Wren, King of theBirds” will be familiar to most people.

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Many of the nobility and barons held a secret council in the church ofLauder, where they enlarged upon the evils which Scotland sustainedthrough the insolence and corruption of Cochran and his associates.While they were thus declaiming, Lord Gray requested their attentionto a fable. “The mice,” he said, “being much annoyed by the persecu-tion of the cat, resolved that a bell should be hung about puss’ neck, togive notice when she was coming. But though the measure was agreedto in full council, it could not be carried into effect, because no mousehad courage enough to undertake to tie the bell to the neck of theformidable enemy.” This was as much as to intimate his opinion thatthough the discontented nobles might make bold resolutions againstthe King’s ministers, yet it would be difficult to find anyone courage-ous enough to act upon them.

Archibald, Earl of Angus, a man of gigantic strength and intrepidcourage, started up when Gray had done speaking. “I am he”, he said,“who will bell the cat”; from which expression he was distinguishedby the name of Bell-the-Cat to his dying day.

From Tales of a Grandfather, Sir Walter Scott, first series, ch. , p. 222.Note: Aesop: Jacobs, The Fables of Aesop (New York, 1894), no. 67. Turkish,Wesselski, Hodscha Nasreddin, , no. 213. American Negro, Joel Harris, Nights withUncle Remus (Boston, 1883). Irish, seven examples.

This anecdote about the conspiracy of the Scottish nobles against thefavourites of James III shows that the fable was familiar in Scotland as early as1482.

THE BUM BEE [summary]

The Queen of the Bumble Bees went out one day to get food for herchildren, and she was overtaken by a terrible storm. When it was at itsworst, she saw ahead of her the palace of the King of the Pismoules, soshe knocked at the door. A maidservant came to the door and the Bum

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Bee said, “Will you ask the King if the Queen of the Bum Bees can getshelter for the night out of the storm?” The maid shut the door andwent to ask the King of the Pismoules. “Oh no,” said the King. “She’llnot get shelter here. Tell her, ‘Where you made your summer’s honey,go and make your winter’s quarters.’ ” So the maid took the King’smessage, and went and shut the door on her, and the poor Queen of theBum Bees struggled on through the storm, and at long last, more deadthan alive, she got home, and told her children how the King of thePismoules had refused her shelter and said, “Where you made yoursummer’s honey, go and make your winter’s quarters.” And she said,“If the King of the Pismoules comes here seeking hospitality when I’mout, mind and pour boiling water on him.” So the next summer theKing of the Pismoules was out hunting, and he was overtaken by aterrible storm of rain, and he lost his party and his horse threw himand he hurt his leg. So he went to the Queen of the Bum Bees’ palaceto ask for shelter. But when she looked out and saw who it was shesaid, “Do you mind how you told me when I was near dead in thestorm, ‘Where you made your summer’s honey, there make yourwinter’s quarters’?” And she had a big kettle of boiling water and shepoured it over the King of the Pismoules. And for all I know, it killedhim.

The School of Scottish Studies, Maurice Fleming, from Bella Higgins,Perthshire.Note: No exact parallel to this can be found. See “The Fox and the Magpie”.


There were a zurly old varmer and ’e ’ad a girt ox. One day ’e said to it,“Thee girt orkurd vule. Stupid vule thou be. I wonder who taught theeto be zo orkurd!”

And the ox ’e turn round to varmer, and ’e say, “Why, it were thee,tha’ girt stupid vule!”

Ruth L. Tongue, Folktales of England, p. 140.

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Note: Baughman records only American versions, the earliest in 1925. Textfrom South Carolina. This could be classified as a Shaggy Dog story, but thebrevity and the moral both qualify it to be considered as a fable.


He’s a good hand at swaggerin’ hissen off, he is. Bud it’ll be happenin’to him as it happen’d to th’ yaller-legg’d co*ck’ril, if he doesn’t mindwhat he’s aboot.

What soort’n a taale’s that, do ye saay? Why, it’s a peäce ’at mygran’-feyther offens tell’d me when I was a little lad at hoäme.

Yaller-legg’s co*ck’ril liv’d i’ frunt yard wi’ owd white co*ck ’at washis feyther, an’ red co*ck liv’d o’ steäm-hoose side o’ yard. An’ wondaay, when owd co*ck’s sittin’ crawin’ upon crew-yard gaate, co*ck’rilgets up an’ begins to craw an’ all.

“co*ck-a-doodle-doo,” says owd co*ck. “Kick-a-ee-a-ee,” says co*ck-’ril: he couldn’t craw plaain yit, he was ower yung. “Houd thy noise,”says owd co*ck, as couldn’t abeär to hear him skreelin’ like yon. “Houdthy noise, bairns should be seän an’ not heerd.” Soä co*ck’ril, ’at thinksas he’s doin’ on it fo’st raate, has to get off gaate an’ tek up wi’ th’ hensan’ chickens agaan. An’ owd co*ck craws an’ craws, till at last co*ck frat’uther side o’ yard c*ms to knaw what’s up. Bud when he seäs who itis ’at’s makkin’ all to-do, he reckons ’at he’s nobbut dropp’d in bychanche, an’ passes time o’ daay: an’ then says as how he mun goä andseä if garthman isn’t sarvin’ pigs, an’ if he hasn’t slatter’d a few taatiesan’ things ’at’ll mak a dinner fer that theare last cletch ’at graay hen’sbrowt off. An’ soä he taks his hook back agaain to steäm-hoose yard.

Bud daay efter, when owd co*ck’s gone a peäce o’ waay doon sandylaane wi’ a pullet ’at’s lookin’ fer a nest, co*ck’ril flies upo’ gaate agaan,an’ claps his wings an’ craws till th’ hens is o’most stoäne-deäf. Fo’stwon on ’em tell’d him to cum doon, an’ then anuther, bud it wasn’tnoa good: he was that setten upo’ hearin’ hissen ’at he niver hed noätime to listen to onybody else. Awiver, just when he reckon’d ’at he’dgotten to do it o’most as well as his feyther, or mebbe a bit better, upc*ms co*ck fra t’uther side o’ yard wi’ all his neck-feathers up, an’ he

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says to co*ck’ril, “I thowt I heerd ye at it yesterdaay, an’ noo I knaw Idid: cum on.” An’ afoor co*ck’ril could get oot anuther craw, red co*ckhed him off gaate an’ doon i’ crew-yard. An’ when he’d gotten himtheare, he wasn’t long afoor he’d made an end o’him. An’ when owdco*ck cum’d hoäm he fun’ pigs just finishin’ co*ck’ril’s yaller legs, an’ heheerd red co*ck crawin’ like mad upo’ steäm-hoose wall. “A-deary-me,” says he, “I knaw’d how it would be if he wouldn’t keäp his tungstill. Well, you uther chickens mun tak warnin’ by him, an’ mind whatI tell ye; niver craw till yer spurs is grawn.”

M. Peaco*ck, The Lindsey Folk-Speech, p. 105.

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Part 2Fairy Tales

In this group the term “Fairy Tales” are those folk-fictions of whichmagical or supernatural episodes are a necessary part. This is the realdistinction made between the Novelle and the Fairy Tales. The thememay very often be similar, the dividing line is between the natural andmagical machinery. The Type-Index calls them “Ordinary Folk-Tales”.

Modern England is more sparsely provided with Fairy Tales than therest of Europe. Literary references show that we were once rich in themand all the sub-divisions of this class which are recorded in the Aarne–Thompson Index are represented somewhere in the British Isles,though England is not so well supplied with them as the Celtic parts ofthese Islands. For instance, the last trace of “The Grateful Dead” (Type505) is to be found in “Jack and the Giants”, the Chapbook version of“Jack the Giant-killer”, though there are many examples of it in Irelandand in the Highlands of Scotland. The Name of the Helper (Type 500)is richly represented in England by “Tom Tit Tot”, in the Lowlands ofScotland by “Whuppity Stoorie” and in Cornwall by “Duffy and the

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Devil”. There are many Cinderella stories, of which “Ashey Pelt” is agood and brief example of a version much older than the Cinderella ofPerrault.

The Devil and Witches play quite a part in these stories. In “The Manwho wouldn’t go out at Night” the Devil gets the worst of it, as heoften does. The medieval story “King Herla” is one of the bestexamples of the supernatural passage of time in Fairyland. There aregood stories here, and many as good had to be omitted because theywere too lengthy. I have chosen the tersest.

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Allison Gross, “the ugliest witch i’ the north country”, lured a youngman into her bower and with many fair speeches tried to persuade himto become her “lemman so true”. He withstood all her bribes andblandishments, for first she promised him a scarlet embroidered man-tle, then a “sark o’ the saftest silk”, wrought with pearls, then a cup ofred gold. But he would not so much as give her one kiss, and at last sheblew three blasts on a grass-green horn and, taking a silver wand in herhand, turned round three times, muttering words that chilled theblood till the youth fell down senseless and she changed him into aworm,

“And gard me toddle about the tree.”

Every Saturday night his sister Maisry came with a silver basin andsilver comb, and took the worm’s head on her knee and tended it.There seemed to be no remedy against the enchantment, until at last,on Hallowe’en, the fairy court rode by, and the queen, alighting nearthe tree where the worm lay coiled, took it up in her hand, and strokedit three times over her knee, and the worm was restored to its ownshape.

Child, The English and Scottish Ballads, , pp. 313–15.Note: There is no motif in the Index for the turning of a man or woman into amonster, though this occurs in “The Loathly Lady” type. See also “The LaidlyWorm of Spindlestone Heugh”, “The Lailey Worm”.


Well, my Grandmother she told me that in them auld days a ewe mightbe your mother. It is a very lucky thing to have a black ewe. A manmarried again, and his daughter, Ashey Pelt, was unhappy. She criedalone, and the black ewe came to her from under the grey-stone in the

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field, and said, “Don’t cry, go and find a rod behind the stone andstrike it three times, and whatever you want will come.” So she did asshe was bid.

She wanted to go to a party. Dress and horses all came to her, but shewas bound to be back before twelve o’clock or all the enchantmentwould go, all she had would vanish.

The sisters, they didna’ like her, she was so pretty, and thestepmother, she kept her in wretchedness just.

She was most lovely. At the party the Prince fell in love with her, andshe forgot to get back in time. In her speed a-running, she dropped hersilk slipper, and he sent and he went over all the country, to find thelady it wad fit. When he came to Ashey Pelt’s door he did not see her.The sisters was busy a-nipping and a-clipping at their feet to get on thesilk slipper, for the king’s son he had given out that he loved that ladysae weel he wad be married on whaever could fit on that slipper.

The sisters they drove Ashey Pelt out bye to be out of the road, andthey bid her mind the cows. They pared down their feet till one o’them could just squeeze it on. But she was in the quare agony I’mtelling you.

So off they rode away: but when he was passing the field, the voiceof the auld ewe cried on him to stop, and she says, says she—

“Nippet foot and clippet footBehind the king’s son rides,But bonny foot and pretty footIs with the cathering hides.”

So he rode back and found her among the cows, and he married her,and if they live happy, so may you and me.

Norton Collection, , p. 78. Folk-Lore, (1895), pp. 305–6, contributed byM. Damant. “The following tale was told me by a woman now living, a nativeof Ulster, aged about 60.”Note: See “Ashpitel”.

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THE DEAD MOON [dialect modified]

Long ago the Lincolnshire Cars were full of bogs and it was death towalk through them, except on moonlight nights, for harm and mis-chance and mischief, Bogles and Dead Things and crawling horrorscame out at nights when the moon did not shine. At length the Moonheard what things went on in the bogland when her back was turned,and she thought she would go down to see for herself, and find whatshe could do to help. So at the month’s end she wrapped a black cloakround her, and hid her shining hair under a black hood, and steppeddown into the boglands. It was all dark and watery, with quaking mud,and waving tussocks of grass, and no light except what came from herown white feet. On she went, deep into the bogland and now thewitches rode about her on their great cats, and the will-o’-the-wykesdanced with the lanterns swinging on their backs, and dead folks roseout of the water, and stared at her with fiery eyes, and the slimy deadhands beckoned and clutched. But on she went, stepping from tuft totuft, as light as the wind in summer until at length a stone turnedunder her, and she caught with both hands at a snag nearby to steadyherself; but as soon as she touched it it twisted round her wrists like apair of handcuffs and held her fast. She struggled and fought against itbut nothing would free her. Then, as she stood trembling she heard apiteous crying, and she knew that a man was lost in the darkness, andsoon she saw him, splashing after the will-o’-the-wykes, crying out onthem to wait for him, while the Dead Hands plucked at his coat, andthe creeping horrors crowded round him, and he went furtherand further from the Path.

The Moon was so sorry and so angry that she made a great struggle,and though she could not loose her hands, her hood slipped back, andthe light streamed out from her beautiful golden hair, so that the mansaw the bog-holes near him and the safe path in the distance nearly asclear as by day. He cried for joy, and floundered across, out of thedeadly bog and back to safety, and all the Bogles and evil things fledaway from the moonlight, and hid themselves. But the Moon struggledin vain to free herself, and at length she fell forward, spent with thestruggle, and the black hood fell over her head again, and she had no

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strength to push it off. Then all the evil things came creeping back, andthey laughed to think they had their enemy the Moon in their power atlast. All night they fought and squabbled about how best they shouldkill her, but when the first grey light before dawn came they grewfrightened, and pushed her down into the water. The Dead Folk heldher, while the Bogles fetched a great stone to put over her, and theychose two will-o’-the-wykes to guard her by turns, and when the daycame the Moon was buried deep, until someone should find her, andwho knew where to look?

The days passed, and folk put straws in their caps, and money intheir pockets against the coming of the new Moon, and she never came.And as dark night after dark night passed, the evil things from thebogland came howling and screeching up to men’s very doors, so thatno one could go a step from the house at night, and in the end folk satup all night, shivering by their fires, for they feared if the lights wentout, the things would come over the thresholds.

At last they went to the Wise Woman who lived in the old Mill, toask what had come of their Moon. She looked in the mirror, and in thebrewpot, and in the Book, and it was all dark, so she told them to setstraw and salt and a button on their door-sills at night, to keep themsafe from the Horrors, and to come back with any news they could giveher.

Well, you can be sure they talked, at their firesides and in theGarth and in the town. So it happened one day, as they were sittingon the settle at the Inn, a man from the far side of the bogland criedout all of a sudden, “I reckon I know where the Moon is, only I wasso mazed I never thought on it.” And he told them how he had beenall astray one night, and like to lose his life in the bog-holes, and allof a sudden a clear bright light had shone out, and showed him theway home. So off they all went to the Wise Woman, and told whatthe man had said. The Wise Woman looked in the Book, and in thepot, and at last she got some glimmer of light and told them whatthey must do. They were to set out together in the darkness with astone in their mouths and a hazel twig in their hands, and not aword must they speak till they got home; and they must search throughthe bog till they found a coffin, and a cross, and a candle, and thatwas where the Moon would be. Well, they were main feared, but

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next night they set out and went on and on, into the midst of thebog.

They saw nothing, but they heard a sighing and whispering roundthem and slimy hands touching them, but on they went, shaking andscared, till suddenly they stopped, for half in, and half out of the waterthey saw a long stone, for all the world like a coffin, and at the head ofit stood a black snag stretching out two branches, like a gruesomecross, and on it flickered a tiddy light. Then they all knelt down andthey crossed themselves and said the Lord’s Prayer, forward for thesake of the cross, and backward against the Bogles, but all silently, forthey knew they must not speak. Then all together they heaved up thestone. For one minute they saw a strange beautiful face looking up atthem and then they stepped back mazed with the light, and with agreat shrieking wail from all the horrors, as they fled back to theirholes, and the next moment the full moon shone down on themfrom the Heavens, so that they could see their path near as clear as byday.

And ever since then the Moon has shone her best over the boglands,for she knows all the evil things that are hid there and she remembershow the Car men went out to look for her when she was dead andburied.

Mrs Balfour, “Legends of the Cars”, Folk-Lore, . An unusual mythologicaltheme. The plot corresponds to an Indian motif, . 754. . ; it is uncommon inEuropean folk-tales.


There was once a farmer living in a wild part of the country, wherestrangers seldom came. His wife was very beautiful and a good wife tohim, and her husband loved her so fondly and so jealously that hecould hardly bear another man to set eyes on her. One night of greatstorm and wind a small boat was forced to seek shelter in the little baynear the farm, and a stranger came knocking at the door to ask for foodand lodging. He was a fine-looking man, and as he sat warming himself

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by the fire, and glancing at the goodwife as she moved about the room,it came into the farmer’s head that anyone who saw them would saythat they would make a grand pair, and that he himself looked nothingbeside them. A little thing is tinder to a jealous heart, and as he wasthinking so, it chanced that the stranger yawned, and from the tablewhere she was laying supper his wife yawned too. “Ah,” thought thehusband, “there is but one thought between them. Likely they arelovers from long syne, and he came here with no purpose but to liewith her.”

No sooner did the thought pass through his head than he took it asproved, and all through supper he sat glowering there without a wordto throw at a dog. If they had met on road or at market he would havefought the stranger and tried to kill him, but here he was a guest, andhis life was sacred.

The stranger soon went into the bedroom they had left empty forhim, and fell asleep; then the husband reached a hempen rope downfrom the rafters and took his wife by the wrist. “Come,” he said, andled her out into the stormy night. “What’s the matter? What are youwanting with me?” “I’m wanting to keep you an honest and true wife,and I see no way for it but to hang you. That’ll be your old love, nodoubt.”

“I declare to God, I’ve never seen him till this day.”“Then the thought gaed quickly between you. What for did you

gant when he ganted?” And for all his wife could say, she could notshake his belief, nor soften his heart. He put the rope round her neck,and led her towards the nearest tree. The wind was dropping, but it stillblew hard, and they struggled against it towards a ragged wood thatstood in a sheltered dean not far from the farm. As they went, a flock ofsmall birds passed them, fluttering against the wind. The moon shoneout fitfully as they reached the first tree, and the farmer threw up hisrope over the lowest bough. It crossed it, but it did not lodge there, forthe flight of birds landed on the branch, and it slid down over theirbeating wings. He tried again, but with no better success. “We’ll leavethat tree to the birds,” he said, “and gang on to the neist.” They movedon, but the flight of birds went with them, and when the farmer threwup the rope, it slid down once more. Then his wife spoke for the firsttime since they had set out:

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“The birdies flee frae tree tae tree,Sae ganting gangs frae Man tae me,” she said.

But the farmer was obstinate. “We’ll try’t again,” he said, and hewent on, and the birds went with them. Then again as his rope slippeddown his wife said:

“The birdies flee frae tree tae tree,Sae ganting gangs frae Man tae me.”

But he was obstinate still, and tried one tree after another all throughthe wood, and still the birds went before him. At last he said, “Thiswood is o’er full of birdies, but I mind me of an old fir tree, that standsits lane on the hillside a twa-three mile off. And the wind blows saesnell through it that nae birdies will light on it. We will gang there.”

So they set off on the long tramp, and the birds left the wood, andsoared high up into the air, and for a while they did not see them.

They went on and on, struggling against the wind, until theyreached the one lonely pine on its hill top, and it was the grey lightbefore dawn.

“There are no birdies here to save you,” said the farmer, and flungthe rope up at the nearest branch, high above them. But as he threw,there was a grand whirr of wings, and the birds swept down from thesky again, and the rope fell to the ground. And the first rays of the sunfell on the farmer’s wife, as she said again:

“The birdies flee frae tree tae tree,Sae ganting gangs frae Man tae me.”

At the sight and the sound, the farmer’s heart was softened, and heburst into tears. He knew that his wife was true to him, and he knewthat if he had murdered her in his jealous anger, the birds would havefollowed him night and day, and he would have known no rest. Hetook the rope from his wife’s neck, and they went back hand in hand;and so long as he lived the farmer never mistrusted her again.

Miss Naismith, from her mother, heard in 1917, Berwickshire.

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Note: The foundation story of this type is a jocular tale of a jealous husband,very different in mood from this. Examples have been found in Finland,Estonia, Livonia and Sweden. In its present form it was printed in Von Prinzen,Trollen und Herrn Fro, (1957).


Once there was a man, Gobborn Seer, and he had a son called Jack.One day he sent him out to sell a sheep-skin, and Gobborn said,

“You must bring me back the skin and the value of it as well.”So Jack started, but he could not find any who would leave him the

skin and give him its price too. So he came home discouraged.But Gobborn Seer said, “Never mind, you must take another turn at

it tomorrow.”So he tried again, and nobody wished to buy the skin on those terms.When he came home his father said, “You must go and try your luck

to-morrow,” and the third day it seemed as if it would be the samething over again. And he had half a mind not to go back at all, his fatherwould be so vexed. As he came to a bridge, like the Creek Road outyonder, he leaned on the parapet thinking of his trouble, and thatperhaps it would be foolish to run away from home, but he could nottell which to do; when he saw a girl washing her clothes on the bankbelow. She looked up and said, “If it may be no offence asking, what isit you feel so badly about?”

“My father has given me this skin, and I am to fetch it back and theprice of it beside.”

“Is that all? Give it here, and it’s easy done.”So the girl washed the skin in the stream, took the wool from it, and

paid him the value of it, and gave him the skin to carry back.His father was well pleased, and said to Jack, “That was a witty

woman; she would make you a good wife. Do you think you could tellher again?”

Jack thought he could, so his father told him to go by-and-by to thebridge, and see if she was there, and if so bid her come home to taketea with them.

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And sure enough Jack spied her and told her how his old fatherhad a wish to meet her, and would she be pleased to drink tea withthem.

The girl thanked him kindly, and said she could come the next day;she was too busy at the moment.

“All the better,” said Jack, “I’ll have time to make ready.”So when she came, Gobborn Seer could see she was a witty woman,

and he asked her if she would marry his Jack. She said, “Yes,” and theywere married.

Not long after, Jack’s father told him he must come with him andbuild the finest castle that ever was seen, for a king who wished tooutdo all others by his wonderful castle.

And as they went to lay the foundation-stone, Gobborn Seer said toJack, “Can’t you shorten the way for me?”

But Jack looked ahead and there was a long road before them, and hesaid, “I don’t see, father, how I could break a bit off.”

“You’re no good to me then, and had best be off home.”So poor Jack turned back, and when he came in, his wife said,

“Why, how’s this you’ve come alone?” and he told her what his fatherhad said, and his answer.

“You stupid,” said his witty wife, “if you had told a tale you wouldhave shortened the road! Now listen till I tell you a story, and thencatch up with Gobborn Seer and begin it at once. He will likehearing it, and by the time you are done you will have reached thefoundation-stone.”

So Jack sweated and overtook his father. Gobborn Seer said never aword, but Jack began his story, and the road was shortened as his wifehad said.

When they came to the end of their journey, they started building ofthis castle which was to outshine all others. Now the wife had advisedthem to be intimate with the servants, and so they did as she said, and itwas “Good morning” and “Good day to you” as they passed in andout.

Now, at the end of a twelvemonth, Gobborn, the wise man, had builtsuch a castle thousands were gathered to admire it.

And the king said: “The castle is done. I shall return to-morrow andpay you all.”

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“I have just a ceiling to finish in an upper lobby,” said Gobborn,“and then it wants nothing.”

But after the king was gone off the housekeeper sent for Gobbornand Jack, and told them that she had watched for a chance to warnthem, for the king was so afraid they should carry their art away andbuild some other king as fine a castle, he meant to take their lives onthe morrow. Gobborn told Jack to keep a good heart, and they wouldcome off all right.

When the king had come back, Gobborn told him he had beenunable to complete the job for lack of a tool left at home, and he shouldlike to send Jack after it.

“No, no,” said the king, “cannot one of the men do the errand?”“No, they could not make themselves understood,” said the Seer,

“but Jack could do the errand.”“You and your son stop here. But how will it do if I send my own

son?”“That will do.”So Gobborn sent by him a message to Jack’s wife, “Give him Crooked

and Straight!”Now there was a little hole in the wall rather high up, and Jack’s wife

tried to reach up into a chest there after “crooked and straight”, but atlast she asked the king’s son to help her, because his arms were longest.

But when he was leaning over the chest she caught him by the twoheels, and threw him into the chest, and fastened it down. So there hewas, both “crooked and straight”!

Then he begged for pen and ink, which she brought him, but he wasnot allowed out, and holes were bored that he might breathe.

When his letter came, telling his father he was to be let free whenGobborn and Jack were safe home, the king saw he must settle for hisbuilding, and let them come away.

As they left, Gobborn told him: Now that Jack was done with thiswork, he should soon build a castle for his witty wife far superior tothe king’s, which he did, and they lived there happily ever after.

Jacobs, More English Fairy Tales, p. 54.Note: Collected by Mrs Gomme from an old woman at Deptford. “GobbornSeer” comes from the Irish “Goban Saor”, a travelling carpenter, a godlike

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character somewhat in the tradition of Wayland Smith. The tale is to be foundin Ireland. “The Peasant’s Wise Daughter”, to which this tale bears someresemblance, occurs in Kennedy’s Fireside Stories. A wise wife, who compensatesfor her husband’s lack of intelligence, is to be found in “A Pottle of Brains”.


There were two lasses, daughters of one mother, and as they came fromthe fair, they saw a right bonny young man stand at the house-doorbefore them. They never saw such a bonny man before. He had gold onhis cap, gold on his finger, gold on his neck, a red-gold watch-chain—eh! but he had brass. He had a golden ball in each hand. He gave a ballto each lass, and she was to keep it, and if she lost it, she was to behanged. One of the lasses, ’twas the youngest, lost her ball. I’ll tell theehow. She was by a park-paling, and she was tossing her ball, and it wentup, and up, and up, till it went fair over the paling; and when sheclimbed up to look, the ball ran along the green grass, and it went rightforward to the door of the house, and the ball went in and she saw it nomore.

So she was taken away to be hanged by the neck till she was deadbecause she’d lost her ball.

But she had a sweetheart, and he said he would go and get the ball.So he went to the park-gate, but ’twas shut; so he climbed the hedge,and when he got to the top of the hedge, an old woman rose up out ofthe dyke before him, and said, if he wanted to get the ball, he mustsleep three nights in the house. He said he would.

Then he went up into the house, and looked for the ball, but couldnot find it. Night came on, and he heard bogles move in the courtyard;so he looked out of the window, and the yard was full of them.

Presently he heard steps coming upstairs. He hid behind the door,and was as still as a mouse. Then in came a big giant five times as tallas he, and the giant looked round but did not see the lad, so he wentto the window and bowed to look out; and as he bowed on hiselbows to see the bogles in the yard, the lad stepped behind him, andwith one blow of his sword he cut him in twain, so that the top part

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of him fell in the yard, and the bottom part stood looking out of thewindow.

There was a great cry from the bogles when they saw half the giantcome tumbling down to them, and they called out, “There comes halfour master, give us the other half.”

So the lad said, “It’s no use of thee, thou pair of legs, standing aloneat the window, as thou hast no eye to see with, so go join thy brother”;and he cast the lower part of the giant after the top part. Now when thebogles had gotten all the giant they were quiet.

Next night the lad was at the house again, and now a second giantcame in at the door, and as he came in the lad cut him in twain, but thelegs walked on to the chimney, and went up them. “Go, get thee afterthy legs,” said the lad to the head, and he cast the head up the chimneytoo.

The third night the lad got into bed, and he heard the bogles strivingunder the bed, and they had the ball there, and they were casting it toand fro.

Now one of them has his leg thrust out from under bed, so the ladbrings his sword down and cuts it off. Then another thrusts his arm outat the other side of the bed, and the lad cuts that off. So at last he hadmaimed them all, and they all went crying and wailing off, and forgotthe ball, but he took it from under the bed, and went to seek his truelove.

Now the lass was taken to York to be hanged; she was brought outon the scaffold, and the hangman said, “Now, lass, thou must hang bythe neck till thou be’st dead.” But she cried out:

“Stop, stop, I think I see my mother coming!Oh, mother, hast brought my golden ball

And come to set me free?”

“I’ve neither brought thy golden ballNor come to set thee free,

But I have come to see thee hungUpon this gallows-tree.”

Then the hangman said, “Now, lass, say thy prayers, for thou mustdie.”

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“Stop, stop, I think I see my father coming!Oh, father, hast brought my golden ball

And come to set me free?”

“I’ve neither brought thy golden ballNor come to set thee free.

But I have come to see thee hungUpon this gallows-tree.”

Then the hangman said, “Hast thee done thy prayers? Now, lass, putthy head into the noose.”

But she answered, “Stop, stop, I think I see my brother coming.” Andagain she sang, and then she thought she saw her sister coming, thenher uncle, then her aunt, then her cousin; but after this the hangmansaid, “I will stop no longer, thou’rt making game of me. Thou must behung at once.”

But now she saw her sweetheart coming through the crowd, and heheld over his head in the air her own golden ball; so she said:

“Stop, stop, I see my sweetheart coming!Sweetheart, hast brought my golden ball,

And come to set me free?”

“Aye, I have brought thy golden ball,And come to set thee free,

I have not come to see thee hungUpon this gallows-tree.”

And he took her home, and they lived happy ever after.

Jacobs, More English Fairy Tales, p. 12. Contributed by Baring-Gould to the firstedition of Henderson’s Folk-Lore of the Northern Counties.Note: This appears to be a mixture of type 326A, a haunted house disenchantedby a man sleeping in it for a certain time, and the folk-song “A Maid Freedfrom the Gallows”. The notion connecting the two has been often examined,for instance by M. Damant in his notes on “The Three Golden Balls”, Folklore, ,pp. 305–8, but the last word has probably been said by Tristram E. Coffin in“The Golden Ball and the Hangman’s Tree”, Folklore International, U.S.A. (1967),pp. 23–8. He established the unity of the theme.

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King Arthur’s only son desired of his father to furnish him with acertain sum of money, that he might go and seek his fortune in theprincipality of Wales, where a beautiful Lady lived, whom he heardwas possessed with seven evil spirits; but the King his father advisedhim utterly against it, yet he would not be persuaded of it; so that hegranted what he requested, which was one horse loaded with money,and another for himself to ride on; thus he went forth without anyattendants.

Now after several days travel, he came to a market-town in Wales,where he beheld a large concourse of people gathered together; theKing’s son demanded the reason of it, and was told that they arrested acorpse for many large sums of money, which the deceased owed whenhe died. The King’s son replied, “It is a pity that creditors should be socruel. Go bury the dead,” said he, “and let his creditors come to mylodging and their debts shall be discharged.” Accordingly they came,and in such great numbers that before night he had almost left himselfmoneyless.

Now Jack-the-Giant-Killer being there, and seeing the generosity ofthe King’s son, he was taken with him, and desired to be his servant; itwas agreed upon, and the next morning they set forward, when, ridingout at the town-end, an old woman called after him, crying out, “Hehath owed me twopence these five years; pray sir, pay me as well as therest!” He put his hand into his pocket, and gave it her; it being the lasthe had left, the King’s son turning to Jack, said, “I cannot tell how I willsubsist in my intended journey.” “For that,” quoth Jack, “take you nothought nor care. Let me alone, I warrant you we will not want.”

Now Jack, having a small spell in his pocket, which served at noon togive them a refreshment, when done, they had not one penny leftbetwixt them; the afternoon they spent in travel and familiar discourse,till the sun began to grow low, at which time the King’s son said, “Jack,since we have no money, where can we think to lodge this night?” Jack

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replied, “Master, we’ll do well enough, for I have an uncle lives withintwo little miles of this; he’s a huge and monstrous giant with threeheads: he’ll fight five hundred men in armour, and make them to flybefore him.” “Alas,” quoth the King’s son, “what shall we do there?He’ll certainly chop us both up at one mouthful! nay, we are scarceenough to fill one of his hollow teeth.” “It is no matter for that,” quothJack, “I myself will go before, and prepare the way for you: thereforetarry here, and wait my return.”

He waits, and Jack rides full speed, when coming to the gates of thecastle, he knocked with such a force, that he made all the neighbouringhills to resound. The giant with a voice like thunder, roared out,“Who’s there?” He answered, “None but your poor cousin Jack.”Quoth he, “What news with my poor cousin Jack?” He replied, “Dearuncle, heavy news, God wot.” “Prithee, what heavy news can come tome? I am a giant with three heads, and besides thou knowest I can fightfive hundred men in armour, and make them fly like chaff before thewind.” “O! but”, quoth Jack, “here’s the King’s son coming with athousand men in armour to kill you, and so to destroy all that youhave!” “Oh! cousin Jack, this is heavy news indeed: I have a large vaultunder the ground, where I will immediately hide myself, and thoushalt lock, bolt, and bar me in, and keep the keys till the King’s son isgone.”

Now Jack having secured the giant, he soon returned and fetched hismaster, they were both heartily merry with the wine, and other daintieswhich were in the house: so that night they rested in very pleasantlodgings, while the poor uncle, the giant, lay trembling in the vaultunderground.

Early in the morning, Jack furnished his master with a fresh supplyof gold and silver, and then set him three miles forward on his journey,concluding he was then pretty well out of the smell of the giant, andthen returned to let his uncle out of the hole, who asked Jack what hewould give him in reward if his castle was not demolished. “Why,”quoth Jack, “I desire nothing but the old coat and cap, together withthis old rusty sword and slippers, which are at your bed-head.” Quoththe giant, “Thou shalt have them, and pray keep them for my sake, forthey are things of excellent use. The coat will keep you invisible, thecap will furnish you with knowledge, the sword cuts in sunder

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whatever you strike, and the shoes are of extraordinary swiftness; thesemay be serviceable to you, and therefore pray take them with all myheart.” Jack takes them, thanking his uncle, and follows his master.


Jack having overtaken his master, they soon after arrived at the Lady’shouse, who finding the King’s son to be a suitor, she prepared a ban-quet for him, which being ended, she wiped his mouth with herhandkerchief, saying, “You must shew me this one to-morrow morn-ing, or else lose your head”: and with that she put it into her ownbosom.

The King’s son went to bed very sorrowful, but Jack’s cap of know-ledge instructed him how to obtain it. In the middle of the night, shecalled on her familiar spirit to carry her to her friend Lucifer. Jack soonput on his coat of darkness with his shoes of swiftness, and was there assoon as her; by reason of his coat they could not see him. When sheentered the place she gave the handkerchief to Old Lucifer, who laid itupon a shelf; from whence Jack took, and brought it to his master, whoshewed it to the lady next day, and so saved his life.

The next night she saluted the King’s son, telling him he must showher to-morrow morning the lips that she kissed last, this night, or elselose his head. “Ah,” replied he, “if you kiss none but mine, I will”:“ ’tis neither here nor there,” said she, “if you do not death’s yourportion.” At midnight she went as before, and was angry with Luciferfor letting the handkerchief go: “But now”, said she, “I will be too hardfor the King’s son, for I will kiss thee, and he’s to shew thy lips,” whichshe did; Jack standing near him with his sword of sharpness, cut off thedevil’s head, and brought it under his invisible coat to his master, whowas in bed, and laid it at the end of his bolster. In the morning, whenthe lady came up, he pulled it out by the horns, and shewed her thedevil’s lips which she kissed last.

Thus, having answered her twice, the enchantment broke, and theevil spirits left her; at which time she appeared in all her beauty, abeautiful and virtuous creature. They were married the next morningin great pomp and solemnity, and soon after they returned with a

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numerous company to the court of King Arthur, where they werereceived with the greatest joy, and loud acclamations by the wholecourt. Jack, for the many and great exploits he had done for the good ofhis country, was made one of the Knights of the Round Table.

Norton Collection, , p. 66. The History of Jack and the Giants (Glasgow, 1807),pp. 8–12.

This tale is a thinly disguised version of “The Grateful Dead”, only lackingthe link between Jack and the dead man; the ransomed dead man in “The OldWives’ Tale” was also called Jack. The tale is more explicit and widely distrib-uted in Celtic areas; it is therefore interesting to come across this practicallycomplete version in an English tale.Note: See also “Four Eggs a Penny”, “The Red Etin”. Celtic versions are: “Jackthe Master” and “Jack the Servant”, Kennedy; “The Barra Widow’s Son”,Campbell .

THE KING OF THE BLACK ART[condensed version]

There was once an old fisherman, and one day as he was fishing hedrew out a long box, and inside was a baby boy. He took it home to hiswife, and they brought it up as their own. When the boy was fourteenyears old, a ship came to land, and on the bridge there was a mandressed as fine as a king, juggling with three poison-balls with spikeson them. The stranger came to shore, and seemed to take a great fancyto the boy; he offered to take him away for a year and day, and to teachthe boy his art. He wheedled so that the fisherman and his wife agreed,and the boy went away with the stranger. In a year and day the shipwas back, and the boy was back, tossing seven poison-balls. The oldcouple were so pleased that they allowed the stranger to take the boyfor another year and a day, but he did not come back. So the old wifesent the fisherman to look for him. The fisherman travelled on and on,until in a wee hut in a wood he saw an old, old man, who asked him infor the night. The fisherman told the old man his story, and the oldman said, “There’s little doubt that the King of the Black Art has yourson, and there is no more I can tell you; but maybe my eldest brothercan help you. He lives a week’s journey from here. Tell him I sent you.”

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So the next morning the fisherman set out, and he journeyed for aweek to the older brother’s house. And if the first old man was old, thiswas three times older. But he asked the fisherman in, and gave him foodand lodging, and told him what to do. He was to go on to the King ofthe Black Art’s castle, and ring the bell and ask for his son. They wouldlaugh at him, and the King would tell him to choose his son fromamong fourteen pigeons that he would throw up into the air, and hewas to choose a little, weak, raggety-winged one, that flew lower thanthe rest. The fisherman did as he was told, and chose the raggety-winged pigeon. “Take him, and be damned to you!” said the King, andhis son stood beside him. They went away together.

“I’d never have got free if you’d not come for me,” said the boy.“The King of the Black Art and his two sons are at the head of all thewizards in the country. But I’ve learned something, and we’ll get some-thing back from them. Now, we’re coming to a town where there is amarket, and I’ll change myself into a greyhound. All the lords andgentry will offer to buy me, but don’t you sell me till the King of theBlack Art comes. You can take five hundred pounds from him, butmind you, father, for your life, do not sell the collar and strap, but takeit off me.” So, in a moment, he’d turned himself into the finest grey-hound dog that ever was seen, and the fisherman led him into themarket. Knights and nobles were crowding round him to buy, but hewould take no offers till the King of the Black Art and his two sonscame into the place, and he would not let him have the dog under fivehundred pounds. Then he took the strap from round the dog’s neck,and tied a piece of string round it instead, and walked away. As soon ashe was out of the town, there was his son beside him, for he had beenthe strap. They went on to another town, and the son turned himselfinto a grand stallion horse, but he warned his father not to sell thebridle with him, whatever he did. The knights and nobles came roundhim as before, for no such horse had ever been seen in those parts; buthe would not sell him to anyone till the King of the Black Art and histwo sons came, and he asked a thousand pounds from him. “He looksworth it,” said the King of the Black Art, “and I’ll give it if he is as goodas his looks. But no man can buy a horse without trying it.” Thefisherman stood out for a while, but the King said, “Come to this weehouse, and I’ll show you the gold you’ll get. But I must just ride him

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round the fair-ground.” The glint of the gold was too much forthe fisherman. He said, “Just ride him round the ground then,” and theKing leapt on the horse’s back. The fisherman turned to look at thegold, and it turned to dung before his eyes, and when he looked back,the horse was gone.

The King of the Black Art rode the horse back to a stable where hewas fastened up with other horses, and they were fed on salt beef, andnot given a drop to drink till their tongues were swollen and coated.One day the King and his sons had gone hunting, and the boy spoke tothe groom who brought their food, and begged to be given a drink.The groom was frightened, but the horse begged until he had compas-sion on it, and led it out to the stream. The horse begged him to loosenthe bit so that he could drink, and when he did so it slipped its headout of the bridle, and slipped into the stream as a salmon. As he did so,all the bells of the castle rang, and the magicians dashed back from thehills, turned themselves into otters, and swam after the salmon.

They came closer and closer, until they were almost on him, then heleapt into the air, and turned into a swallow. The otters turned intohawks, and pursued him. The swallow saw a lady sitting in a garden,flew to her, and turned into a ring on her finger. The hawks sweptround her and flew away. Then the ring spoke. It said, “Lady, in a fewminutes three labourers will come here, and offer to build up yourdyke. When they have done it, they will ask for the ring from yourfinger for payment. But say to them that you would rather throw it intothat bonfire, and throw it as you speak.” The lady said she would do ashe told her, and in a few minutes the three labourers arrived. They builtup the walls as if by magic, and when she offered them money, theyasked for the ring, but she threw it into the fire. The labourers turnedthemselves into three blacksmiths, and began to blow up the fire, butthe ring hopped out on the other side into a pile of corn, and turneditself into a grain in the pile. The magicians turned into three co*cks,and began to eat the corn, but the boy turned into a fox, and snappedoff the three co*cks’ heads as quick as thought. So the King of the BlackArt was defeated, and the boy rejoined his father, and they livedprosperously all their days by his magic art.

School of Scottish Studies, Hamish Henderson, from John Stewart.

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Note: This is a complete version of “The Magician and his Pupil”, Grimmno. 68. It is widespread: Norwegian, Russian, French, Spanish, Greek, Highlandand Irish versions are found, among others.

The English folk-song, “The Coal-Black Smith” (Baring-Gould), is anexample of the contest.

See also “The Black King of Morocco”.


Herla was king of the Ancient Britons, and was challenged by anotherking, a pigmy no bigger than an ape, and of less than half humanstature. He rode on a large goat; indeed, he himself might have beencompared to Pan. He had a large head, glowing face, and a long redbeard, while his breast was conspicuous for a spotted fawnskin whichhe wore on it. The lower part of his body was rough and hairy, and hislegs ended in goats’ hooves. He had a private interview with Herla, inwhich he spoke as follows: “I am lord over many kings and princes,over a vast and innumerable people. I am their willing messenger toyou, although to you I am unknown. Yet I rejoice in the fame whichhas raised you above other kings, for you are of all men the best, andalso closely connected with me both by position and blood. You areworthy of the honour of adorning your marriage with my presence asguest, for the King of France has given you his daughter, and indeedthe embassy is arriving here to-day, although all the arrangements havebeen made without your knowledge. Let there be an everlasting treatybetween us, because, first of all, I was present at your marriage, andbecause you will be at mine on the same day a year hence.” After thisspeech he turned away, and moving faster even than a tiger, disap-peared from his sight. The King, therefore, returned from that spot fullof surprise, received the embassy, and assented to their proposals.When the marriage was celebrated, and the king was seated at thecustomary feast, suddenly, before the first course was served, thepigmy arrived, accompanied by so large a company of dwarfs likehimself, that after they had filled all the seats at table, there were moredwarfs outside in tents which they had in a moment put up, than at the

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feast inside. Instantly there darted out from these tents servants withvessels made out of precious stones, all new and wondrouslywrought. They filled the palace and the tents with furniture eithermade of gold or precious stones. Neither wine nor meat was servedin any wooden or silver vessel. The servants were found whereverthey were wanted, and served nothing out of the king’s or anyoneelse’s stores, but only from their own, which were of quality beyondanyone’s thoughts. None of Herla’s provisions were used, and hisservants sat idle.

The pigmies won universal praise. Their raiment was gorgeous; forlamps they provided blazing gems; they were never far off when theywere wanted, and never too close when not desired. Their king thenthus addressed Herla: “Most excellent King, God be my witness that Iam here in accordance with our agreement, at your marriage. If there isanything more that you desire, I will supply it gladly, on the conditionthat when I demand a return, you will not deny it.” Hereupon, withoutwaiting for an answer he returned to his tent and departed at aboutco*ck-crow with his attendants. After a year he suddenly came to Herlaand demanded the observance of the treaty. Herla consented, and fol-lowed at the dwarf’s bidding. They entered a cave in a very high cliff,and after some journeying through the dark, which appeared to belighted, not by the sun or moon, but by numerous torches, they arrivedat the dwarf’s palace, a splendid mansion.

There the marriage was celebrated, and the obligations to the dwarffittingly paid, after which Herla returned home loaded with gifts andofferings, horses, dogs, hawks, and all things pertaining to hunting andfalconry. The pigmy guided them down the dark passage, and theregave them a (small) bloodhound (canem sanguinarium) small enough tobe carried (portabilem), then, strictly forbidding any of the king’s retinueto dismount until the dog leapt from his carrier, he bade them farewell,and returned home. Soon after, Herla reached the light of day, andhaving got back to his kingdom again, called an old shepherd and askedfor news of his queen, using her name. The shepherd looked at himastonished, and said, “Lord, I scarcely understand your language, for Iam a Saxon, and you a Briton. I have never heard the name of thatqueen, except in the case of one who they say was Herla’s wife, queenof the earliest Britons. He is fabled to have disappeared with a dwarf at

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this cliff, and never to have been seen on earth again. The Saxons havenow held this realm for two hundred years, having driven out theoriginal inhabitants.” The king was astonished, for he imagined that hehad been away for three days only. Some of his companions descendedfrom horseback before the dog was released, forgetful of the dwarf’scommands, and were instantly crumbled to dust. The king then for-bade any more of his companions to descend until the dog leapt down.The dog has not leapt down yet. One legend states that Herla for everwanders on mad journeys with his train, without home or rest. Manypeople, as they tell us, often see his company. However, they say that atlast, in the first year of our (present) King Henry (the second) it ceasedto visit our country in pomp as before. On that occasion, many of theWelsh (Wallenses) saw it whelmed in the Wye, the Herefordshire river(Waiam Herefordiae flumen). From that hour, that weird roaming ceased, asthough Herla had transferred his wandering (Errores, a pun containingthe idea of error) to us, and had gained rest for himself. (A hit atcontemporary politics.)

Folk-Lore of Herefordshire, E. M. Leather, p. 172. Derived from Walter Map’s De NugisCurialium.Note: The Irish tale of the Return of Ossian is one of the most poetic of manystories about the miraculous passage of time in fairyland. A widespread Japa-nese version is “Urashima Taro” (Folktales of Japan, no. 32). Hartland devotedthree chapters to the subject in The Science of Fairy Tales. The Welsh story of Shonap Shenkin is one of many Celtic versions.

See also “The Noontide Ghost”, “The Stonemason of the Charltons”.


There was a farmer, a great upstanding chap, and he wouldn’t go outafter dark, not for anything. It was not so bad in the Summer, but whenAll Hallows was come and gone things grew terribly awkward. Theremight be stock to feed and cows to milk and lambs to help into thisworld, but he wouldn’t put a foot outside the door after sunset, not if

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you begged him on your bended knees. What was worse, his wife wasexpecting a child and she asked him flat out if he’d fetch the doctor ifher pains came on her at night, and he had to admit that he wouldn’t.She knew there must be something far amiss there, because he fairlydoted on her. So she begged and prayed him to tell her what was thematter, and at last it came out.

It seemed when he was a foolish youngster that he had sold his soulto the Devil, old Bogey, he called him, for prosperity on the farm, andnow the time had come to pay. Old Bogey was hanging round the farmto snap him up if he set foot over the threshold after dark. The door waswell guarded with horseshoes and a piece of mountain ash, but oncebeyond them and the farmer was a lost soul.

Well the poor wife was hard set to it to know what to do, but shemade up her mind she must save her husband, and the farm and stockbeside. So she took an iron plough colter and she made it red-hot in thefire, and she rolled out a great piece of pastry and made a deep cross init, and filled the cross with salt; then she put the red-hot colter into thepie, with the cross turned inside so that it didn’t show. When it wasdone she sent her man into the bed-chamber, and she opened the farmdoor and stretched out her hand with the pie.

“Are you there, sir?” she said. “My man’s just a-getting ready tocome, and here’s a warm bite for you whilst you’re a-waiting.”

Bogey took the pie and bit into it hard, and he pretty near brokeevery tooth in his head, and the cross and the salt were like poison tohim. Just then the wife cried out from her chamber, “We’re a-coming,sir, we’re a coming.”

“Who’s we?” said Bogey, anxious all of a sudden.“Why, I’m a-coming with my dear man,” she said, “to cook for the

both of you.”With that they say old Bogey let out a yell that sunk two ships off

Lundy, and he took himself off to Taunton as fast as he could fly.And what I’ve seen of the Taunton folk, he stayed there for good andall.

Collected by Ruth L. Tongue. Recorded from her on 29 September 1963, asheard at Brampton Ralph Women’s Institute in 1962. She knew other versionstold between 1930 and 1940, by a blacksmith at Vellow, a cottage woman at

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Monkshields, and a farmer’s wife at Elworthy. First published in The Folktales ofEngland, 1965. Also in Somerset Folklore.

The Irish tale of Finn McCoole (Patrick Kennedy, Legendary Fictions of the IrishCelts, London 1866, pp. 303–5) uses the same theme.Note: See also “Dule upon Dun”, “Will the Smith”.


Once upon a time there was an old woman who lived in a vinegarbottle. One day a fairy was passing that way, and she heard the oldwoman talking to herself.

“It is a shame, it is a shame, it is a shame,” said the old woman. “I didn’tought to live in a vinegar bottle. I ought to live in a nice little cottage with athatched roof, and roses growing all up the wall, that I ought.”

So the fairy said, “Very well, when you go to bed to-night you turnround three times, and shut your eyes, and in the morning you’ll seewhat you will see.”

So the old woman went to bed, and turned round three times andshut her eyes, and in the morning there she was, in a pretty littlecottage with a thatched roof, and roses growing up the walls. And shewas very surprised, and very pleased, but she quite forgot to thank thefairy.

And the fairy went north, and she went south, and she went east, andshe went west, all about the business she had to do. And presently shethought, “I’ll go and see how that old woman is getting on. She mustbe very happy in her little cottage.”

And as she got up to the front door, she heard the old woman talkingto herself.

“It is a shame, it is a shame, it is a shame,” said the old woman. “Ididn’t ought to live in a little cottage like this, all by myself. I ought tolive in a nice little house in a row of houses, with lace curtains at thewindows, and a brass knocker on the door, and people calling musselsand co*ckles outside, all merry and cheerful.”

The fairy was rather surprised; but she said: “Very well. You go to

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bed to-night, and turn round three times, and shut your eyes, and inthe morning you shall see what you shall see.”

So the old woman went to bed, and turned round three times andshut her eyes, and in the morning there she was in a nice little house, ina row of little houses, with lace curtains at the windows, and a brassknocker on the door, and people calling mussels and co*ckles outside,all merry and cheerful. And she was very much surprised, and verymuch pleased. But she quite forgot to thank the fairy.

And the fairy went north, and she went south, and she went east, andshe went west, all about the business she had to do; and after a time shethought to herself, “I’ll go and see how that old woman is getting on.Surely she must be happy now.”

And when she got to the little row of houses, she heard the oldwoman talking to herself. “It is a shame, it is a shame, it is a shame,”said the old woman. “I didn’t ought to live in a row of houses like this,with common people on each side of me. I ought to live in a greatmansion in the country, with a big garden all round it, and servants toanswer the bell.”

And the fairy was very surprised, and rather annoyed, but she said:“Very well, go to bed and turn round three times and shut your eyes,and in the morning you will see what you will see.”

And the old woman went to bed, and turned round three times, andshut her eyes, and in the morning there she was, in a great mansion inthe country, surrounded by a fine garden, and servants to answer thebell. And she was very pleased and very surprised, and she learned howto speak genteelly, but she quite forgot to thank the fairy.

And the fairy went north, and she went south, and she went east, andshe went west, all about the business she had to do; and after a time shethought to herself, “I’ll go and see how that old woman is getting on.Surely she must be happy now.”

But no sooner had she got near the old woman’s drawing-roomwindow than she heard the old woman talking to herself in a genteelvoice.

“It certainly is a very great shame,” said the old woman, “that Ishould be living alone here, where there is no society. I ought to be aduch*ess, driving in my own coach to wait on the Queen, with footmenrunning beside me.”

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The fairy was very much surprised, and very much disappointed, butshe said: “Very well. Go to bed to-night, and turn round three times andshut your eyes; and in the morning you shall see what you shall see.”

So the old woman went to bed, and turned round three times, andshut her eyes; and in the morning, there she was, a duch*ess with acoach of her own, to wait on the Queen, and footmen running besideher. And she was very much surprised, and very much pleased. BUTshe quite forgot to thank the fairy.

And the fairy went north, and she went south, and she went east, andshe went west, all about the business she had to do; and after a whileshe thought to herself: “I’d better go and see how that old woman isgetting on. Surely she is happy, now she’s a duch*ess.”

But no sooner had she come to the window of the old woman’sgreat town mansion, than she heard her saying in a more genteel tonethan ever: “It is indeed a very great shame that I should be a mereduch*ess, and have to curtsey to the Queen. Why can’t I be a queenmyself, and sit on a golden throne, with a golden crown on my head,and courtiers all around me.”

The fairy was very much disappointed and very angry; but she said:“Very well. Go to bed and turn round three times, and shut your eyes,and in the morning you shall see what you shall see.”

So the old woman went to bed, and turned round three times, andshut her eyes; and in the morning there she was in a royal palace, aqueen in her own right, sitting on a golden throne, with a goldencrown on her head, and her courtiers all around her. And she washighly delighted, and ordered them right and left. BUT she quite forgotto thank the fairy.

And the fairy went north, and she went south, and she went east, andshe went west, all about the business she had to do; and after a whileshe thought to herself: “I’ll go and see how that old woman is gettingon. Surely she must be satisfied now!”

But as soon as she got near the Throne Room, she heard the oldwoman talking.

“It is a great shame, a very great shame,” she said, “that I should beQueen of a paltry little country like this instead of ruling the wholeround world. What I am really fitted for is to be Pope, to govern theminds of everyone on Earth.”

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“Very well,” said the fairy. “Go to bed. Turn round three times, andshut your eyes, and in the morning you shall see what you shall see.”

So the old woman went to bed, full of proud thoughts. She turnedround three times and shut her eyes. And in the morning she was backin her vinegar bottle.

Camp-fire story, 1924.Note: The motif of the spared fish and the greedy wife is absent. A lively versionof “The Fisherman and his Wife” was heard in Oxfordshire in 1965, but thesource could not be traced, and it seems likely that it was derived directly fromGrimm, no. 19. The story has a wide distribution. Forty-one Irish versions aregiven in Béaloideas, , pp. 273 ff.


Well, once upon a time there were a woman, and she baked five pies.And when they come out of the oven they was that overbaked, the crustwere too hard to eat. So she says to her darter:

“Maw’r,” says she, “put you them there pies on the shelf an’ leave’em there a little, an’ they’ll come agin.” She meant, you know, thecrust ’ud get soft.

But the gal she says to herself, “Well, if they’ll come agin, I’ll ate ’emnow.” And she set to work and ate ’em all, first and last.

Well, come supper time, the woman she said: “Goo you, and git oneo’ them there pies. I dare say they’ve come agin now.”

The gal she went an’ she looked, and there warn’t nothin’ there but thedishes. So back she come, and says she, “Noo, they ain’t come agin.”

“Not none on ’em?” says the mother.“Not none on ’em,” says she.“Well, come agin or not come agin,” says the woman, “I’ll ha’ one

for supper.”“But you can’t, if they ain’t come,” says the gal.“But I can,” says she, “Goo you an’ bring the best of ’em.”“Best or worst,” says the gal, “I’ve ate ’em all, an’ you can’t ha’ one

till that’s come agin.”

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Well, the woman she were wholly bate, an’ she took her spinnin’ tothe door to spin, and as she spun she sang:

“My darter ha’ ate five, five pies to-day.My darter ha’ ate five, five pies to-day.”

The King he were a’ comin’ down the street an’ he hard her sing, butwhat she sang he couldn’t hare, so he stopped and said:

“What were that you was a singin’ of, Maw’r?”The woman, she were ashamed to let him hare what her darter had

been a doin’, so she sang, ’stids o’ that:

“My darter ha’ spun five, five skeins to-day,My darter ha’ spun five, five skeins to-day.”

“S’ars o’ mine!” said the king, “I never heerd tell of anyone as coulddo that.”

Then he said: “Look you here, I want a wife and I’ll marry yourdarter. But look you here,” says he, “ ’leven months out o’ the year sheshall have all the vittles she likes to eat, and all the gownds she likes togit, and all the cump’ny she likes to hev; but the last month o’ theyear she’ll ha’ to spin five skeins ev’ry day, an’ if she doon’t, I shall killher.”

“All right,” says the woman, for she thowt what a grand marriagethat was. And as for them five skeins, when te come tew, there’d beplenty o’ ways o’ gettin’ out of it, an’ likeliest, he’d ha’ forgot about it.

Well, so they was married. An’ for ’leven months the gal had all thevittles she liked to ate, and all the gownds she liked to git, an’ all thecump’ny she liked to hev.

But when the time was gettin’ oover, she began to think about themthere skeins an’ to wonder if he had ’em in mind. But not one word didhe say about ’em, and she whoolly thowt he’d forgot ’em.

Howsivir, the last day o’ the last month, he takes her to a room she’dnivir set eyes on afore. There worn’t nothin’ in it but a spinnin’ wheeland a stool. An’ says he, “Now, me dear, hare yow’ll be shut in tomor-row with some vittles and some flax, and if you hain’t spun five skeinsby the night, yar hid’ll goo off.”

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An’ awa’ he went about his business. Well, she were that frightened.She’d allus been such a gatless mawther, that she didn’t so much asknow how to spin, an’ what were she to dew to-morrer, with no one tocome nigh her to help her. She sat down on a stool in the kitchen, an’lork! how she did cry!

Howsiver, all on a sudden she hard a sort of a knockin’ low down onthe door. She upped and oped it, an’ what should she see but a smalllittle black thing with a long tail. That looked up at her right kewrious,an’ that said:

“What are yew a cryin’ for?”“Wha’s that to yew?” says she.“Nivir yew mind,” that said. “But tell me what you’re a cryin’

for?”“That ’oon’t dew me noo good if I dew,” says she.“You doon’t know that,” that said, an’ twirled that’s tail round.“Well,” says she, “that oon’t dew no harm, if that doon’t dew no

good,” and she upped and told about the pies an’ the skeins an’everything.

“This is what I’ll do,” says the little black thing. “I’ll come to yarwinder iv’ry mornin’ an’ take the flax an’ bring it spun at night.”

“What’s your pay?” says she.That looked out o’ the corners o’ that’s eyes, an’ that said:“I’ll give you three guesses every night to guess my name, an’ if you

hain’t guessed it afore the month’s up, yew shall be mine.”Well, she thowt she’d be sure to guess that’s name afore the month

was up.“All right,” says she, “I agree.”“All right,” that says, an’ lork! how that twirled that’s tail.Well, the next day, har husband he took her inter the room, an’ there

was the flax an’ the day’s vittles.“Now there’s the flax,” says he, “an’ if that ain’t spun up this night

off goo yar head.” An’ then he went out an’ locked the door.He’d hardly goon, when there was a knockin’ agin the winder. She

upped and she oped it, and there sure enough was the little oo’d thinga settin’ on the ledge.

“Where’s the flax?” says he.“Here to be,” says she. And she gonned it to him.

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Well, come the evenin’, a knockin’ come agin to the winder. Sheupped and she oped it, and there sure enough was the little oo’d thingwith five skeins of flax on his arm.

“Here te be,” says he, an’ he gonned it to her.“Now what’s my name,” says he.“What, is that Bill?” says she.“Noo, that ain’t,” says he. An’ he twirled his tail.“Well, is that Ned?” says he.“Noo, that ain’t,” says he. An’ he twirled his tail.“Well, is that Mark?” says she.“Noo, that ain’t,” says he. An’ he twirled harder, an’ awa’ he

flew.Well, when har husband he come in, there was the five skeins riddy

for him.“I see I shorn’t hev for to kill you to-night, me dare,” says he.

“Yew’ll hev yar vittles and yar flax in the mornin’,” says he, an’ awa’ hegoes.

Well, ivery day the flax an’ the vittles, they was brought, an’ iveryday that there little black impet used for to come mornin’s an’ evenin’s.An’ all the day the mawther she set a tryin’ fur to think of names to sayto it when te come at night. But she niver hot on the right one. An’ asthat got to-warts the ind o’ the month, the impet that began for to looksoo maliceful, an’ that twirled that’s tail faster an’ faster each time shegave a guess.

At last te came to the last day but one.The impet that come at night along o’ the five skeins; an’ that said:“What, hain’t yew got my name yet?”“Is that Nicodemus?” says she.“Noo, t’ain’t,” that says.“Is that Sammle?” says she.“Noo t’ain’t,” that says.“A-well, is that Methusalem?” says she.“Noo, t’ain’t that norther,” he says.Then that looks at her with that’s eyes like a cool o’ fire, an’ that says,“Woman, there’s only tomorrer night, an’ then yar’ll be mine!” An’

awa’ te flew.Well, she felt that horrud. Howsomediver, she hard the King a

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comin’ along the passage. In he came, an’ when he see the five skeins,he says, says he:

“Well, my dare,” says he, “I don’t see but what you’ll ha’ your skeinsready tomorrer night as well, an’ as I reckon I shorn’t ha’ to kill you, I’llha’ supper in here tonight.” So they brought supper, an’ another stoolfor him, and down the tew they sat.

Well, he hadn’t eat but a mouthful or so, when he stops an’ begins tolaugh.

“What is it?” says she.“A-why,” he says, “I was out a-huntin’ to-day, an’ I got awa’ to a

place in the wood I’d never seen afore. An’ there was an old chalk pit.An’ I heerd a sort of a hummin’ kind o’. So I got off my hobby, an’ Iwent right quiet to the pit, an’ I looked down. Well, what should therebe but the funniest little black thing yew iver set eyes on. An’ what wasthat dewin’ on, but that had a little spinnin’ wheel, an’ that werespinnin’ wonnerful fast, an’ a twirlin’ that’s tail. An’ as that span, thatsang:

“Nimmy nimmy not,My name’s Tom Tit Tot.”

Well, when the mawther heerd this, she fared as if she could ha’jumped outer her skin for joy, but she di’n’t say a word.

Next day, that there little thing looked soo maliceful when he comefor the flax. An’ when night came, she heerd that a knockin’ agin thewinder panes. She oped the winder, an’ that come right in on the ledge.That were grinnin’ from are to are, an’ Oo! that’s tail were twirlin’round so fast.

“What’s my name?” that says, as that gonned her the skeins.“Is that Solomon?” she says, pretendin’ to be afeard.“Noo, t’ain’t,” that says, an’ that come fudder into the room.“Well, is that Zebedee?” says she agin.“Noo t’ain’t,” says the impet. An’ then that laughed, an’ twirled

that’s tail, till yew cou’n’t hardly see it.“Take time, woman,” that says; “next guess an’ you’re mine.” An’

that stretched out that’s black hands at her.Well, she backed a step or two, and she looked at it, an’ then she

laughed out, an’ says she, a-pointin’ of her finger at it,

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“Nimmy nimmy not,Yar name’s Tom Tit Tot.”

Well, when that hard her, that shruck awful, an’ awa’ that flew intothe dark, an’ she niver saw it noo more.

E. S. Hartland, County Folk-Lore, , p. 43 (Suffolk section). (Told by an old servantto the writer when a child.) A.W.T., ‘Suffolk Notes and Queries’, Ipswich Journal,15 January 1878.

Reprinted by Edward Clodd from The Ipswich Journal, ‘Notes and Queries’,edited by F. Hindes Groome, from a lady who had heard it from an old Suffolknurse.Note: Edward Clodd elaborated the article, “The Philosophy of Rumpelstilt-skin” (The Folk-Lore Journal, 1889), into a book, Tom Tit Tot, an Essay on SavagePhilosophy in Folk-Tale (1898), in which he examines the primitive name-tabus.“Rumpelstiltskin” (Grimm, no. 55), is the best known version of thiswidespread tale. It is most frequent in Ireland, Germany, Denmark andFinland.

See also “Duffy and the Devil”, “Whuppity Stoorie”, “Titty Tod”.This version is in the Suffolk dialect. “Maw’r” or “Mawther” means “daugh-

ter”, or “girl”; “gatless”, “heedless” or “careless”.The question of what happened at the end of the next eleven months is

neatly answered in the appended sequel.

THE GIPSY WOMAN [sequel to“Tom Tit Tot”]

Well, the hool o’ that yare, the mawther she’d the best o’ livin’ an’ thebest o’ cump’ny, till the ’leventh month was nare oover.

An’ then, her husban’ says to her, says he: “Well, me dare, to-day,that’s the end o’ the month, an’ to-morrer yow’ll ha’ to begin an’ spinyare five skeins ivvery day.”

She hadn’t nivver given a thawt but what he’d clane forgotten aboutit; an’ now, what to dew she did not know. She knew she couldn’treckon noo moor on Tom Tit Tot, an’ she couldn’t spin a mite herself:an’ now har hid ’ud have to come off!

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Well, pore Toad, she set herself down agin on a stule in thebackhouse, an’ she cried as if har heart ’ud break.

All at onst, she hared someone a knockin’ at the door. Soo she uppedan’ onsnecked it, an’ there stood a gipsy woman, as brown’s a berry.

“A why, what’s this to-dew hare?” sez she, “What a’ir yew a-cryin’for like that?”

“Git awa’, yow golderin’ mawther,” says she. “Doon’t yew comewhere yew ain’t no good.”

“Tell me yar trouble, an’ maybe I shorl be some good,” says thewoman.

Well, she looked soo onderstandin’ that the gal she upped an’ tooldher.

“Wha’s that all?” sez she. “I ha’ holped folks out o’wuss than this,an’ I’ll help you out o’ this.”

“Ah! but what de yew arst for dewin’ of it?” sez the gal, for shethowt how she’d nare gonned herself awa’ to that snaisty little blackimpet.

“I doon’t ask nothun’ but the best suit o’ clothes yow ha’ got,” thegipsy said.

“Yow shall hev ’em, an’ welcome,” says the gal, an’ she runned an’ooped the hutch where har best gownd an’ things was, an’ giv’ ’em tothe woman, an’ a brooch o’ gay goold. For she thowt to herself, “Ifshe’s a chate an’ can’t help me, an’ may hid is cut off, that woon’t makenoo matters if I hev giv’ awa’ my best gownd.”

The woman, she looked rarely plazed when she see the gownd: an’sez she: “Now then, yow’ll ha’ to ask all the f*cks yew know to astammin’ grand partery, an’ I’ll come tew’t.”

Well, the mawther, she went to har husban’ an’ says she: “My dare,bein’ that ’tis the larst night afoor I spin, I shud like to hev a partery.”

“All right, me dare,” sez he.Soo the f*cks wuz all arst, an’ they come in their best cloothes; silk

an’ sattuns, an’ all mander o’ fine things.Well, they all had a grand supper o’ the best o’ vittles, an’ they liked

theirselves rarely well. But the gipsy woman she niccer come nigh, an’the gal her heart was in her mouth.

One o’ the lords as was right tired o’ dancin’, said that it wornt farfrom bull’s noon, and te wus time te goo.

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“Noo, noo, dew yew sta’ a little longer,” says the gal. “Le’s hev agame o’ blind man’s buff fust.” Soo they begun to play.

Just then the door that flew oopen, an’ in come the gipsy woman.She’d woished herself, an’ coomed her hair, an’ whelmed a gay an’ gahhankercher round har hid, an’ put on the grand gownd, till she lookedlike a Queen come in.

“S’ars o’ mine, whu’s that?” says the King.“Oo, that’s a frind o’ mine,” saz the gal. An’ she looked to see what

the gipsy ’ud do.“What, are yew a playin’ blind man’s buff?” sez she. “I’ll jine in

along on ye.”An’ soo she did. But in her pocket what wuz there but a little gotch

of cold cart-grease; an’ as she run she dipped har hand in this haregrease, an’ smudged it on the f*cks as she run by.

That warn’t long afore somebody hollered out. “Oo lork, there’ssome rare nasty stuff on my gownd.”

“Why, soo there is on mine,” sez another, “that must ha’ come off o’yow.”

“Noo, that that di’n’t. Yow ha’ put it onto me.” An’ then nighivvery-body began to holler an’ quarrel with ache other, ache one athinkin’ that the tother had goon an’ smirched ’em.

Well, the King he come forrerd an’ he heerd what was the matter.The ladies was a cryin’, an’ the gentlemen was a shoutun’, an’ all theirfine things was daubed oover.

“Why, wha’s this?” he sah, for there was a great mark on his coot-sleeve. He smelt of it an’ then he turned up his noose, an’ says he:“That’s cart-grease.”

“Noo, that ain’t,” sez the gipsy woman. “That’s off my hand. Tha’sspindle grease.”

“Why, wha’s spindle grease?” sez he.“Well,” says she, “I ha’ bin a great spinner i’ my time, an’ I span an’

span an’ span five skeins a day. An’ becos I span se much the spindlegrease that worked inter my hands, and now woish ’em as often as Imay, I naster every thing I touch. An’ if yer wife spins like I, she’ll ha’spindle grease like I.”

Well, the King he looked at his coot sleeve, an’ he rubbed it an’snuffed at it an’ then he said: “Look yew hare, me dare, an’ listen what I

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sa’ to yew. If ivver I see ye with a spindle agin in yar hands, yar hid’llgoo off.” Soo she hadn’t never to spin noo more.

An’ tha’s all.

Norton Collection, , p. 42. East Anglian, (1897–8), sec. iii. Probably 1897.From Miss L. A. Fison and Mrs Walter Thomas, her sister, from their nurse. Alsoin Merry Suffolk (1899), pp. 102–3, where the spelling of the dialect is somewhatdifferent. In the Merry Suffolk version “Tom Tit Tot” ends with the traditionalsentence: “Lork! How she did clap her hands for joy. ‘I’ll warrant my master’llha’ forgot all about spinning next year,’ says she.”

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Part 3Jocular Tales

Jocular Tales are among those most alive in modern oral tradition, onlyto be rivalled by ghost stories. They are still handed from mouth tomouth in clubs and public houses, at dinner hour in works and harvestfields, at women’s tea parties and in after-dinner speeches. They are aspopular now as they were in the sixteenth century, and many of themare equally indecent. The “Shaggy Dog Story” is a comparatively mod-ern development. It is already going rather out of fashion, but no doubtthe wittiest examples will hold their place. “The Dog That Talked” is anexample of one with a neat twist to it.

It is no easy matter to thread one’s way through the mazes of theJocular Tale, and only a small sample of them can be shown here. Atfirst as we read one after the other there seems a great sameness aboutthem, but there are actually many varieties of subject and treatment.They may be divided into: Local Taunts, Noodle Tales, Courtship Talesand Anti-feminist Taunts, Conflicts between Husband and Wife, BawdyTales, Tales of Trickery, Practical Jokes that Went Wrong, Exploits of

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Jesters, The Child or Simpleton Exposing the Wise, Jokes against Par-ticular Classes or Professions, Jokes about Animals, Unexpected Twistsor Quirks, Jokes that Depend on Puns, Nonsense Tales. And many moremight be worked out.

A particularly large class in England, though it is not peculiar toEngland, is the Local Taunt, the Noodle Tale multiplied to cover awhole village. Gotham, whether in Nottingham or Sussex, is generallytaken as the typical village of fools, though over fifty places can befound scattered through the different counties of England againstwhom the same sort of accusations are levelled. One of the commonesttaunts is that they tried to wall in the cuckoo. This subject was dealtwith by J. E. Field in some detail in The Myth of the Pent Cuckoo. Mr Fieldhad an interesting thesis to advance; it is that the sites of cuckoo pensare always places where a stand was made by the Britons against theSaxons, and that the simpleton villages were pockets of Ancient Britonswho kept their identity. A similar explanation can be advanced forsimpleton villages in other countries. Mr Field derived “cuckoo” fromthe same root as the “cucking-stool” on which scolds were ducked,with the meaning of “scold” or “jabber”. The pen is the high, fortifiedplace which held out longest. There is, for instance, a cuckoo pen, withno story attached to it, near Wittenham Clumps in Oxfordshire, andanother near Idbury, on the wold above Burford. Whether this con-jecture be well grounded or no, there is no doubt that the Gothamitestories are of great antiquity. Some of them are told in a twelfth-century Latin poem published by Wright in one of his collections.

Both the Gothamite and the ordinary Noodle Tales are treated byClouston in his well-known Book of Noodles. This is useful for com-parison, but even more helpful is The Fool, His Social and Literary History, byEnid Welsford. She traces the medieval and Renaissance fools back tothe classical parasites and buffoons, and indicates the connectionbetween licensed fools and bards and the value attached to railing as ameans of averting ill luck. The buffoons of the Italian Renaissancecourts raised folly to a high art, and were many of them men of learn-ing, such as Dominicus Ciaiesius, buffoon to Duke Ferdinand I ofFlorence. He taught the duke’s children Latin, and also secretlyobtained a doctorate of law at Pisa University. The tradition of theselearned buffoons may explain why Skelton and George Buchanan were

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pressed into the part of Royal Jesters. The Khojah Nasr-ed-Din, themost famous of all noodles, was also accounted a preacher and a manof learning.

Another aspect of the buffoon studied by Enid Welsford is his con-nection with the simpleton or madman, the magical inspirationascribed to madness and the good luck which is said to accompanydeformity. She touches on, but does not fully explore, the part playedby scurrilous jests in fertility rites. It is a matter which might well befurther investigated. Nonsense Tales may also have a notion of magicalefficacy behind them, apart from the pleasure which most people takein nonsense.

Another purpose of Jocular Tales is as social comment. They may beused either to repress and hold up to scorn undesirable behaviour or asa retaliation of the under-privileged against their superiors in wealth orlearning. But whatever solemn purposes may be found underlyingthese tales it is to be hoped that most people tell them and listen tothem because they find them funny.

There will always be new Jocular Tales to collect, though many ofthem will be old in form, however new in fashion, for so long aspeople meet together socially so long they will amuse each other withtales.

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Once a farmer of Austwick, wishing to get a bull out of a field, callednine of his neighbours to his aid. For some hours they tried in vain tolift the animal over the gate, and at last sent one of them to find morehelpers.

He opened the gate and went through, and only after he was out ofsight did the others begin to think that the bull also might have been letout the same way.

W. A. Clouston, The Book of Noodles, p. 54, “The Bull in the Field”.

Another Austwick farmer had to take a wheelbarrow to a certain town,and to save a hundred yards in following the ordinary road, he took itthrough the fields. This involved lifting the barrow over twenty-twostiles.


Some of the [Austwick] carles had been over to Settle, and on return-ing, pot valiant, one of them was out-distanced by the others, when hisattention was arrested by something alive, with a “lang tail”, saying“Tack him, tack him.”

“Hoo, hoy, chaps,” he exclaimed to his companions, “stop, or he’ll ame.” His companions waited to hear what was the cause of alarm tohim. When he reached them he told them, “There was a lile fella undert’wa’ as said he’d a me.” They all returned, and still found the soundrepeating, “Tack him, tack him.” And now commenced the tug-of-war.Armed with knob-sticks, they cavilled as to which should lead theattack on the “tick ’em, tack ’em fella”. At last dispute was brought toan end by the whole body of companions advancing in abreast to theattack.

Smash went the knob-sticks, and soon silenced the “tick ’em tack’em” voice. Not being able to find the remains of the still small voice in

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the dark, they resolved to search for him in the morning, when lo! andbehold! the ghost, the robber, the kidnapper, was discovered to be asimple watch, and none of them had ever heard a watch tick before.

Norton Collection, , p. 129. From N. Dobson, Rambles by the Ribble, first series,p. 40.Note: Tales of Local Follies are very common in England. The best known ofthem is “The Wise Men of Gotham”. See also “The Borrowdale Follies”,“Bolliton Jackdaws”, “The Chiseldon Follies”, “The Yabberton Yawnies”.


There’s the story of the three old miners—were retired—one was wellover 70, the other one was 80 some odd, and the oldest was 96! andthey were in the eventide of their life—summertime sitting on thecouncil seat enjoying the sunshine—watching the traffic going backand forth . . . and they suddenly discussed how they’d like to die! . . .see . . . the youngest now of the trio was well over 70, he said, “Well,boys bach,” he said, “I’ve been watchin’ these red sports cars,” he said,“that these youngsters have got travelling back and fore,” he said, “Idon’t know nothing about cars,” he said, “but I’d like to get into oneof those,” he said . . . “Rev up,” he said, “that’s what I think they callit . . . 60–70–80 miles an hour—Bang into a lamp post—everything atan end . . . that’s the way I’d like to die”—“What about you, John?” hesaid. Now the one who was over 80 now, the second oldest of thetrio . . . “Well, boys,” he said, “I’m a bit more modern than you are,”he said, “I’ve been reading about these Sputniks,” he said, “I wouldlike to volunteer to go into one of these . . . Sputniks,” he said. “Theytell me they go up into the sky—thousands of miles,” he said . . . “I’dlike to be up there,” he said, “10,000 miles up—something go wrongwith the works—explosion—everything finish—that’s the way Iwould like to go out,” he said. Now the oldest of the trio of the oldminers—he was ninety-six—so they said to him, “You’re silent,Robert?” . . . “Ha, boys,” he said, “I’ve been listening to you two,”he said. “D’you know the way I’d like to go out?” he said. “No,

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Robert—which way would you like to die?” “Well, boys bach,” he said,“to tell you the truth—I’d like to be shot by a jealous husband!”

Roy Palmer, from Ewan MacColl and Charles Parker.Note: The literary reference to this in the Motif-Index is Tennyson’s Ulysses. Thisrecently collected anecdote is a livelier and more humorous illustration of thesame theme: Si vieillesse pouvait.


Sir Walter Raleigh’s eldest son, Walter, was of a very quarrelsome dis-position. One day, his father was invited to dinner with some greatnobleman, and he was asked to bring his young son. He talked to theboy, and said that he was such a bear that he did not like to bring himinto his good company. Mr Walter humbled himself, and said he wouldbehave very discretely. His father therefore took him, but kept him athis side. Young Walter sat demurely for some time, but in a pause hemade a very outrageous remark [omitted by Aubrey]. “Sir Walter beingstrangely surprised and putt out of countenance at so great a table,gives his son a damned blow over the face. His son, as rude as he was,would not strike his father, but strikes over his face the gentleman thatsat next to him, and sayd, ‘Box about, ’twill come to my father anon.’’Tis now a common-used proverb.”

John Aubrey, Brief Lives, , p. 185.Note: There are Russian and Lithuanian versions of this tale. None is listed inNorton or Baughman.

This young Walter Raleigh died in his father’s lifetime, in America. Raleigh’spoem “The Weed and the Wag” was addressed to him.


Round April 15th they hold Cuckoo Fair Day down to Crewkerne, ’coswhen cuckoo do come, they begins to think about putting in the ’arvest.

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If ’e come early, they get a good ’arvest, but if ’e come late, well, thenthey don’t ’ave much chance. Well, the Crewkerne wiseacres, they puttheir ’eads together, and they say, “Well, if us kept cuckoo, us ’ud getmore ’n one ’arvest in one year.” So they outs, and they vinds a youngcuckoo in a dunnock’s nest. Well, they veeds ’en, and while they keeps’en ved and ’appy, the rest o’ the Crewkerne men, they builds a ’edgeright round ’en. “Now,” say they, “Us’ll ’ave three ’arvests this year.Look ’ow the ’edge be a-growing!” Cuckoo were growing too. Well,the ’edge grew nice and ’igh, and the cuckoo grew ’is wings, and ’eflied nice and ’igh. And ’e went!

Collected by Ruth L. Tongue from L. Wyatt in 1913; from Crewkerne,Somerset.

See “The Borrowdale Cuckoos”, “The Wise Men of Gotham”.


A man was entering a village inn one day, when a large sheepdog lyingbeside the door looked up, and said to him, “Good morning, sir.” Theman stopped in astonishment, thinking he must be mistaken, but thedog said again, “Good morning, sir.”

“Er—good morning,” he managed to reply, and going indoors, hesaid to the landlord, “That’s an extraordinary dog of yours justoutside.”

“Oh, I don’t know, sir,” answered the man, “I don’t know there’sanything special about him.”

“Nothing special!” exclaimed the other. “He said ‘Good morning,sir’ to me as I came in.”

“Impossible!” said the landlord. “But he did—he said it twice.”“Oh, no, sir, you must be mistaken,” said the man again. Then, after apause, he asked, “Was there another dog there as well?” “I don’t thinkso,” said the guest; “but wait a minute. There was a little white terrier,but he was lying quite a way off.”

“Ah! that’d be it,” the landlord said. “He’s a ventriloquist!”

Margaret Nash-Williams from J. D. K. Lloyd, Esq., C.B.E., Wales, c. 1960.

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In J. H. Brunvand’s A Classification for Shaggy Stories, JAFL, (1963), this isnumbered . 200. Eric Partridge examined this genre in The Shaggy Dog Story: ItsOrigin, Development and Nature.Note: See also “The Horse that Played Cricket”, “The Two Elephants”, “TheTortoises’ Picnic”, “The Pious Lion”.


A man had been drinking after dinner, and he was sitting at the tablewith a few drops of whisky still at the bottom of his glass. Presently amouse climbed up the tablecloth and ran about the table picking upcrumbs. It climbed up the glass, fell inside, and sucked up all thewhisky. Then it began dashing round the glass until it knocked it over,stood up unsteadily on its hind legs, brushed back its whiskers,clenched its front paws, and said: “Now, wher’sh that damned cat!”

K. M. Briggs, from Stella Pulling (college friend), Oxford, 1919.


In a farre countrey there dwelled sometime a gentleman of good par-entage, called Signor Myzaldo, who had to his wife a verie faire andbeautifull gentlewoman. And as the beastes most greedilie gaze at thePanther’s skin, and the birds at the Peaco*ck’s plumes; so every fairfeminine face is an adamant to draw the object of men’s eyes to beholdthe beauties of women! experience proveth it true in the wife ofMyzaldo, for she being a woman of singular perfection and proportion,was generallie looked on and liked of al, but favoured and loved espe-ciallie of a yong gentleman called Peter, dealing with such secrecie,that they continually satisfied their desires without giving SignorMyzaldo the least occasion of suspition; and the meanes that they per-formed it with such secrecie was this. Everie weeke twice her husbandrid from home, about certaine his affaires, and she very artificially

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neare to the highway that leads to the towne where Peter lay, had placedan asses head upon a tree, and when hir husband was gone forth, shetourned the head towards the town; but when he was at home, shealwaies had it looking to hir own house; using herein, as somethought, an Embleame, saying when she turned the Asses head forth,that the Asse hir husbande with the long horning eares was gone fromhome; and when it stood towards the house, that the Asse kept hischamber; but whatsoever in this hir conceit was, Peter alwaies knewwhen to come, and ever when Myzaldo was from home resorted to hishouse. Now it chanced that certaine boyes coming by, and seeing theAsses head stand there, threw stones at it and hit it so often, that at lastthey turned the Asses head towards the town; which Peter walkingabroad and spying, thought that Myzaldo had gone from home; andtherefore at night, walked towards his lovers house, and coming to thedore, finding it shut, according to his accustomed manner, knockt; thegood wife awakt, heard him and was sore afraid that hir husbandshould hear him, and so lay still; by and by he knockt again mor lowd:Myzaldo awoke, and hearing this, asked of his wife who it was that rapt atthe dore, or what that knocking meant: Oh, husband, quoth she, be stil,it is a foule spirit that hauntes this house, and yet hitherto we neverdurst reveale it, and it hath, thanks be to God, bin your good fortunenever to hear it before. Myzaldo, richer by far than he was wise, beleevedhis wife, and askt hir if it had done any harme: No, quoth shee, for Ihad learned a charme to send it home; frier Roland learned me it, andif it knocke again, you and I will goe down together, and I wil say mycharme, and so we shall live at rest.

Peter that thought som other friend had bin with his Lemman, takingin scorn that hir husband (as he thought) being from home he shouldnot be let in, knockt againe amaine. With that Myzaldo and his wifearose, lighted a candle, and went down to the dore where Peter was:Then she wisht hir husband to kneele down upon his knees while shesaid the charme. With that she began thus:

“Spirit, spirit, get thee hence,For here is no residence:Here thou maist not beThis night to trouble me.

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For my husband and ISafe in our beds must lie,Therefore from hence goe,And trouble me no moe.”

Now husband, quoth she, spit; and with that he spit, and Peter laughthartily, and wisht he might spit out his teeth for being at home. Thischarme said shee thrise over, and every time made him spit, that Petermight be assuredly perswaded that hir husband was at home. Uponthat Myzaldo and his wife went to bed, and heard the spirit no more; forPeter went laughing home to his lodging.

From The Cobbler of Caunterberie (1590), pp. 61–2.Very probably borrowed from Boccaccio (, no. ).See also the “Go from my Window” songs, such as that introduced into

“The Untrue Wife’s Song”.


Two friends who had not seen each other a great while, meeting bychance, one asked the other how he did? He replied, that he was notvery well, and was married since they had last met. “That is good newsindeed.” “Nay, not so very good neither, for I married a shrew.” “Thatis bad, too.” “Not so bad, neither, for I had two thousand pounds withher.” “That is well again.” “Not so well, neither, for I laid it out insheep, and they all died of the rot.” “That was hard, in truth.” “Not sohard, neither, for I sold the skins for more than the sheep cost me.”“Aye, that made you amends.” “Not so much amends, neither, for I laidmy money out in a house, and it was burned.” “That was a great loss,indeed.” “Not so great a loss, neither—for my wife was burned in it.”

Norton Collection, , p. 117. Glasgow.

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There was once a man that used to steal a fat sheep every Christmas.One Christmas he stole the parson’s sheep, and his son, a lad abouttwelve years old, went about the village singing—

“My father’s stolen the parson’s sheep,And a merry Christmas we shall keep,We shall have both pudding and meat,But you moant say nought about it.”

Now it happened one day that the parson himself heard the boysinging these words, so he said, “My lad, you sing very well; will youcome to church next Sunday evening, and sing it there?”

“I’ve no clothes to go in,” said the boy. But the parson said, “If youwill come to church as I ask you, I will buy you clothes to go in.” Theboy agreed, and at the end of the service, the parson said he wished allthe people to stay and hear what the boy had to sing to them. But theboy sang,—

“As I was in the field one day,I saw the parson kiss a may;He gave me a shilling not to tell,And these new clothes do fit me well.”

S. O. Addy, Household Tales, p. 18. Collected in Calver, Derbyshire. Published in TheFolktales of England, p. 117.Note: This tale is scattered through Europe, and Baughman gives five UnitedStates references.

See also “The Parson’s Sheep” and “The Wee Boy and the Minister Grey”.

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A certeine sir John, with some of his companie, once went abroad ajetting, and in a moone light evening robbed a millers weire, and stoleall his eeles. The poore miller made his mone to sir John himselfe, whowilled him to be quiet; for he would so cursse the theefe, and all hisconfederates, with bell, booke, and candell, that they should havesmall joy of their fish. And therefore the next sundaie, sir John got himto the pulpit, with his surplisse on his backe, and his stole about hisnecke, and pronounced these words following in the audience of thepeople.

All you that have stolne the millers eeles,Laudate Dominum de coelis,

And all they that have consented thereto,Benedicamus Domino.

Lo (saith he) there is sauce for your eeles my maisters.

Reginald Scot, Discoverie of Witchcraft, p. 151.Note: At a date a little earlier than Scot the same story was told in Tales and QuickAnswers, A Hundred Merry Tales, racily.

A variant of the tale is known in Finland and Sweden.


‘Twer ai nation long toime agone—’undreds o’ years. Afore beer wurbrewed when thur was nu’but waater ter drink, yer min’—not but oibe agun a quilt at times, nor a pipe o’ bacca neither. Well, as oi wur asaayin’, ’twur afore these things comm’d about, yer onderstan’ . . .Well, some bloke as ’ad a bin hall over the world ’appened ter coomoop along this ’ere road one daay, an’ ’e wur tired—a pilgrim, thaaycall’d un. Oi dwon’t knaaw what a pilgrim be, but ’owever, ’e wurtired, which caused un to set anunst a yep o’ stwons, as might be wur

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we be now. . . . Agen ’im wur squat a mon as looked like a livin’ carpse,all shrivelled up, like, who were a blubberin’ of ’is ’eart hout. This ’eretravellin’ pilgrim, ’ad sid mony a hold man in ’is time, but ’e nevercoom’d athurt a cove o’ t’likes o’ this un. Bein’ kind o’ nesh in ’is ’eart,like, t’pilgrim ’e ups and axes t’bloke what’s awry wi’ ’e. T’old bloke—a shakin’ an’ a sobbin’—ses as ’is sheather ’ad bin a yutting of un . . .T’pilgrim axed un whur ’is sheather did bide, then ketched ault ont’old bloke an’ carried un ter Pains’ick . . . Auter thaay coom’d tert’sheather’s ’ouse, another old mon come ter t’door, nation angered,wi’ a dazzed girt stick purt nurly as big as ’issel’, seein’ as ’e wur bentneigh double, an’ ’ad a girt long white beard, as swep’ up t’ groun’.T’pilgrim, ’e wur flummuxed wi’ seein’ of a older mon as ’im as ’ecarried on ’is back. But bein’ kinder venturesome, like, ’e ups an’ ses:“Elekee, owd mon, down ’ee budge, an’ kep thuck stick to theesel’.”Then thuck sheather ups an’ ses: “Oi’ll gie my son a dazzed gurtlarropin’ if ’e dwon’t stop a doin’ what ’e ’ave bin adoin’. co*ck thee eyeoop in yon apple tree, guverner, ool’t. ’Is gran’sheather ’ave bin an’rasked ’is old bwones a skinnin’ oop thuck tree, auter t’fruit, an’ this’ere rascal ’ave bin a dubbin’ of un wi’ stones” . . . When t’pilgrimlooked into the tree, ’e wur come over all scared, like, an’ ’e cleared off

wi’ all t’ power ’e wur ter able, a saayin’ as folk lived for hever inPains’ick.

Norton Collection, , p. 211. Farmer, A Wanderer’s Gleanings, pp 172–4. From anold man between Cranham and Painswick.


An agent of a foreign power was sent to a village in mid-Wales, to makecontact with another agent, who lived there. The houses had no namesnor numbers; so, being at a loss, he knocked at a door at random. Awoman put her head out of an upper window, and called down: “Whatdo you want?”

“Does Mr Jones live here?” he asked.“Yes, he does. What do you want with him?”

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Looking uneasily about him, the man, as softly as possible, gave asecret code word.

“Oh, no, man!” in a loud clear voice. “Jones the Spy lives two doorsfurther down.”

Told to Margaret Nash-Williams at Oxford, about 1965.There are various stories told about localities where everyone has the same

name; as that about one of the Highland regiments where a stranger cameenquiring for Ian MacGregor. “Which Ian MacGregor will you be meaning?There are twenty-five Ian MacGregors here.” “It’s Red Ian MacGregor I want.”“Twenty of them are red.” “Well, the red Ian MacGregor I’m wanting has theitch.” “Ach, man, twenty-four of them have the itch!”


Once upon a time there was a farmer and his wife who had onedaughter, and she was courted by a gentleman. Every evening he usedto come and see her, and stop to supper at the farmhouse, and thedaughter used to be sent down into the cellar to draw the beer forsupper. So one evening she had gone down to draw the beer, and shehappened to look up at the ceiling while she was drawing, and she sawa mallet stuck in one of the beams. It must have been there a long, longtime, but somehow or other she had never noticed it before, and shebegan a-thinking. And she thought it was very dangerous to have thatmallet there, for she said to herself: “Suppose him and me was to bemarried, and we was to have a son, and he was to grow up to be a man,and come down into the cellar to draw the beer, like I’m doing now,and the mallet was to fall on his head and kill him, what a dreadfulthing it would be!” And she put down the candle and the jug, and satherself down and began a-crying.

Well, they began to wonder upstairs how it was that she was so longdrawing the beer, and her mother went down to see after her, and shefound her sitting on the settle crying, and the beer running over thefloor. “Why, whatever is the matter?” said her mother. “Oh, mother!”says she, “look at that horrid mallet! Suppose we was to be married,and was to have a son, and he was to grow up, and was to come down

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into the cellar to draw the beer, and the mallet was to fall on his headand kill him, what a dreadful thing it would be.”

“Dear, dear! what a dreadful thing it would be!” said the mother, andshe sat down aside of the daughter, and started a-crying too. Then aftera bit the father began to wonder that they didn’t come back, and hewent down into the cellar to look after them himself, and there theytwo sat a-crying, and the beer running all over the floor. “Whatever isthe matter?” says he. “Why,” says the mother, “look at that horridmallet. Just suppose, if our daughter and her sweetheart was to bemarried, and was to have a son, and he was to grow up, and was tocome down into the cellar to draw the beer, and the mallet was to fallon his head and kill him, what a dreadful thing it would be!”

“Dear, dear, dear! so it would!” said the father, and he sat himselfdown aside of the other two, and started a-crying.

Now the gentleman got tired of stopping up in the kitchen by him-self, and at last he went down into the cellar too, to see what they wereafter; and there they three sat a-crying side by side, and the beerrunning all over the floor.

And he ran straight and turned the tap. Then he said: “Whatever areyou three doing, sitting there crying, and letting the beer run all overthe floor?”

“Oh,” says the father, “look at that horrid mallet! Suppose you andour daughter was to be married, and was to have a son, and he was togrow up, and was to come down into the cellar to draw the beer, andthe mallet was to fall on his head and kill him!” And then they allstarted a-crying worse than before.

But the gentleman burst out a-laughing, and reached up and pulledout the mallet, and then he said: “I’ve travelled many miles, and I nevermet three such big sillies as you three before; and now I shall start outon my travels again, and when I can find three bigger sillies than youthree, then I’ll come back and marry your daughter.” So he wishedthem goodbye, and started off on his travels, and left them all cryingbecause the girl had lost her sweetheart.

Well, he set out, and he travelled a long way, and at last he came to awoman’s cottage that had some grass growing on the roof. And thewoman was trying to get her cow to go up a ladder to the grass, and thepoor thing durst not go. So the gentleman asked the woman what she

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was doing. “Why, lookye,” she said, “look at all that beautiful grass.I’m going to get the cow on to the roof to eat it. She’ll be quite safe, forI shall tie a string round her neck and pass it down the chimney, and tieit to my wrist as I go about the house, so she can’t fall off without myknowing it.” “Oh, you poor silly!” said the gentleman, “you shouldcut the grass and throw it down to the cow!” But the woman thought itwas easier to get the cow up the ladder than to get the grass down, soshe pushed her and coaxed her and got her up, and tied a string roundher neck, and passed it down the chimney, and fastened it to her ownwrist. And the gentleman went on his way, but he hadn’t gone farwhen the cow tumbled off the roof, and hung by the string tied roundher neck, and it strangled her. And the weight of the cow tied to herwrist pulled the woman up the chimney, and she stuck fast half-way,and was smothered in the soot.

Well, that was one big silly.And the gentleman went on and on, and he went to an inn to stop

the night, and they were so full at the inn that they had to put him in adouble-bedded room, and another traveller was to sleep in the otherbed. The other man was a very pleasant fellow, and they got veryfriendly together; but in the morning, when they were both getting up,the gentleman was surprised to see the other hang his trousers on theknobs of the chest of drawers and run across the room and try to jumpinto them, and he tried over and over again, and he couldn’t manage it;and the gentleman wondered whatever he was doing it for. At last hestopped and wiped his face with his handkerchief. “Oh dear,” he says,“I do think trousers are the most awkwardest kind of clothes that everwere. I can’t think who could have invented such things. It takes me thebest part of an hour to get into mine every morning, and I get so hot!How do you manage yours?” So the gentleman burst out a-laughing,and showed him to put them on; and he was very much obliged tohim, and said he should never have thought of doing it that way.

So that was another big silly.Then the gentleman went on his travels again; and he came to a

village, and outside the village there was a pond, and round the pondwas a crowd of people. And they had got rakes, and brooms, andpitchforks, reaching into the pond; and the gentleman asked what wasthe matter. “Why,” they say, “matter enough! Moon’s tumbled into the

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pond, and we can’t rake her out anyhow!” So the gentleman burst outa-laughing, and told them to look up into the sky, and that it was onlythe shadow in the water. But they wouldn’t listen to him, and abusedhim shamefully, and he got away as quick as he could.

So there was a whole lot of sillies bigger than them three sillies athome.

So the gentleman turned back home again, and married the farmer’sdaughter, and if they don’t live happy for ever after, that’s nothing to dowith you or me.

Joseph Jacobs, English Fairy Tales, p. 9. From Burne and Jackson, Shropshire Folklore.


There was a provincial pickpocket who was very successful at his work,and he thought he’d go up to London and see what he could do there.So he went up to London, and he was even more successful. One day hewas busy in Oxford Street when he suddenly found that his ownpocket-book had been taken. He looked round and saw a very attractiveblonde girl walking away. He was sure that she was the one who hadpicked his pocket, so he followed her and got his pocket-book backfrom her. He was so much taken by her cleverness in robbing him thathe suggested that they should go into partnership together. And so theydid, and succeeded brilliantly. At length the provincial pickpocketthought: “We’re the best pickpockets in London. If we married wecould breed up a race of the best pickpockets in the world.” So heasked the girl, and she was quite agreeable, and they were married, andin due time a beautiful little baby boy was born to them. But the poorlittle fellow was deformed. His right arm was bent to his chest, and thelittle fist tightly clenched. And nothing they could do would straightenit. The poor parents were much distressed. “He’ll never make a pick-pocket,” they said, “with a paralysed right arm.” They took him atonce to the doctor, but the doctor said he was too young, they mustwait. But they didn’t want to wait; they took him to one doctor afteranother, and at last—because they were very rich by this time—to the

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best child-specialist they could hear of. The specialist took out his goldwatch, and felt the pulse on the little paralysed arm. “The flow of bloodseems normal,” he said. “What a bright little fellow he is for his age!He’s focusing his eyes on my watch.” He took the chain out of hiswaistcoat, and swung the watch to and fro, and the baby’s eyes fol-lowed it. Then the little bent arm straightened out towards the watch,the little clenched fingers opened to take it, and down dropped themidwife’s gold wedding-ring.

K. M. Briggs, from Ella Lowe, who heard it from her sister in London, someyears before. Burford, February 1968.Note: This type is known in India and Hawaii. See also “The Stolen Sheep”.



Almost every village in the West Riding claims the story of the brassband which got back late at night after winning the band contest. So asnot to wake the village they tiptoed up the main street in their stock-inged feet; and, at the same time, to mark the triumphant occasion,they played See the Conquering Hero Comes at full blast.

Norton Collection, , p. 36 [extract]. From M. Wilson, Leeds.

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Part 4Novelle

Novelle may be called “Naturalistic Fairy Tales”. The loutish simpletonof a hero gains the hand of the Princess, but without the help of agolden goose; the constancy and truth of the ill-used heroine win herhappiness in the end but there is no fairy godmother to help her.

For the knowledge of most of these tales, though fortunately not all,we are dependent upon early literary sources; the matter not the man-ner is traditional. Many of these are linked with history as, for instance,the story of King Lear and Cordelia, a variant of “Cap O’ Rushes”, orKing John and the Abbot of Canterbury, a widespread tale studied byWalter Anderson in Kaiser und Abt; or the equally travelled tale of “TheProfessor of Signs”. Many have survived in Ballads, particularly theOutlaw tales, the Robin Hood stories or “Adam Bell, Clym of theClough and William of Cloudesley”. There are English Blue Beard stor-ies of less sympathetic ruffians: “Mr Fox” was known to Shakespeareand Spenser and has survived orally in Somerset, and versions of it havealso been preserved in the retentive memory of the Travelling People of

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these Islands. A particularly lively and entertaining version of theChapbook Princess of Canterbury is “The King of the Liars” told toHamish Henderson by Andra Steward in 1956. Type 910, PreceptsBought or Given Prove Correct, is to be found in all its forms. The onegiven here is “The Tale of Ivan” from Cornwall, of which again a moremodern version is to be found in the Archives of the School of ScottishStudies. Many other plots, romantic, tragic and humorous, are to befound among the Novelle, of which this Sampler can give only agleaning.


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Merry and joyous it is in the green forest, when the leaves are full andbroad, to walk beneath its breezy shade and hearken to the wild birds’song.

It is of three good yeomen of the north country that I seek at presentto tell you all: Adam Bel, Clym of the Clough, and William of Cloudes-ley. Archers of approved skill were they, and outlawed for venison; andin the town of Carlisle where they dwelled, they sware brotherhood,and to the forest betook them. Whereof twain were single men; butCloudesley had taken unto him a wife, and with moist eyes he brakefrom fair Alice, and the children clasped to his knee, to lead a strangenew life in Inglewood with his two comrades, their hand against everyman, and every man against them.

So they made such shift as they could, and passed their days amid theforest glades and lawns, sustaining themselves on the king’s venisonand the water of the brook; and ever and again a little boy, who hadserved Cloudesley as his swineherd, was sent to him privily, andbrought him and the others victuals and raiment and news withal.

Till, after a certain space of time, Cloudesley waxed homesick, think-ing often on his young wife Alice and his sweet little ones, whom hehad left behind him; and he said to the others, that he would fain makehis way to Carlisle, to gladden his eyes with the sight of them all oncemore. For Alice, while she caused the little swineherd to pass to and frowith meat for the foresters, held it unwise to charge the boy with anymessage praying Cloudesley to come unto her, seeing that she was sostraitly observed.

Then said Adam Bel to him: “Ye go not, brother, by mine advice; forif ye be marked and the justice take ye, your life is even at an end. Stay,prythee, where ye are, and be content.”

But Cloudesley replied: “Nay, wend thither I must; and if so I returnnot to you and Clym by noon, ye may augur that I am taken or slain.”

And when his brethren saw that they might nowise prevail upon himthey said no more, and he departed on his way, as it drew towardevening.

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With a light step, and an anxious heart, he sped along till he came tothe gates of Carlisle, and he passed in thereat disguised, that no manmight discern who he was; and he paused not till he was at his ownwindow, and called on Alice his wife to undo the door, for it was herown William who stood without.

Then when the joy of the meeting had a little abated, fair Alice gazedat him pensively, and said: “William, it is so that this house has beenwatched and beset for you this half-year or more.”

But he replied to her: “Now I am here, bring me to eat and drink,and let us make good cheer while we may.”

Now there was an old wife in the chimney corner, that Cloudesleyhad harboured for charity’s sake some seven years, and that had not oflong time set foot on ground. This shrew and cursed crone, albeit shehad eaten his bread so long, seized her occasion, and crept privilyto the sheriff, where he lived, and warned him that that very nightWilliam the outlaw had by stealth come into the town, and was evennow securely at home, where they might have him.

The sheriff caused the bell to be rung, and the justice and the sheriffgetting their men together, they soon encompassed the house roundon every side. Then Cloudesley made all the doors fast, and took hissword and buckler and bow, and with his three children and fair Alicehis wife mounted the stair to an upper chamber, where he imaginedthat he might withstand them all; and by his side his true wedded wifeheld a poleaxe in her hand.

Cloudesley bent his bow, and the arrow shivered in two against thejustice’s breastplate. “Beshrew the varlet,” muttered Cloudesley, “thatdressed thee in that coat; if it had not been thicker than mine, thouhadst not spoken more.”

“Yield, Cloudesley,” cried the justice, “and give up thy arms.”“A curse light on him,” cried Alice, “who lendeth us such counsel!”And they kept them all at a distance, for Cloudesley was at the

window, with his bow ready bent, and none durst break the doors, sotrue an archer was he.

“Set fire on the house, since there is no other way,” shouted thesheriff; and they did as he bad, and the flames quickly rose. Cloudesleyopened a back window, and let down his wife and his children, andsaid to the sheriff, “For Christ’s love, hurt them not, but wreak all your


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ire on me.” And he kept his bow busy till all his arrows were spent andthe fire nigh burnt his bowstring in twain.

“This is a coward’s death,” he exclaimed, “and liever had I fallensword in hand than thus.” And he cast down his bow, and taking hissword and buckler, leaped down among the throng, and smote themon every side, till only by hurling doors and windows at him couldthey make prisoner that stout and bold yeoman.

Then they bound him hand and foot, and led him to prison and thejustice commanded that he should be hanged the next morning, andthat the gates should be shut, so that none might enter thereat. For thejustice doubted that Adam Bel and Clym of the Clough might gaintidings of their fellow, and might essay to rescue him from the gallows.

“Not Adam Bel, nor Clym, nor all the devils in Hell,” quoth thejustice, “shall save thee from the rope this time.”

Early in the morning a pair of new gallows was erected in the marketplace, nigh the pillory, and the gates of Carlisle were locked.

Now Alice, seeing no other remedy, had that same night thatCloudesley was taken despatched with all speed to Inglewood the littleswineherd, who crept unobserved through a crevice in the wall afterdusk, and lost not a moment in finding the two foresters, where theylay under the greenwood shade.

“Too long, too long,” cried he, “tarry ye here, ye good yeomen.Cloudesley is taken, and tomorrow betimes he shall be hanged on anew gallows in the market-place.”

“He might have dwelled with us in peace,” said Adam Bel, “as Iprayed him heartily to do, and now here is a shrewd pass.” And he tookhis bow in his hand, and a buck that bounded by was stretched sud-denly on the ground. “That will serve us for our breakfast,” said he,“ere we go. Fetch me my arrow again, boy, for we shall have needenough.”

Now when these yeomen had eaten their meal hastily, they girdedon their swords, and took their bows and arrows and bucklers, andsped on their way, for time pressed, and it was a fair May morningwhen they reached the gates of Carlisle.

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“We must devise some sleight,” said Clym of the Clough, “to get in. Letus say that we are messengers from the king.”

“I have a fair letter,” quoth the other; “we will declare that we havethe king’s signet; the porter is, I warrant, no clerk.”

They beat hard at the door, and when the porter heard that they hadthe king’s seal, he unlocked the gate, and let them enter.

“Now we are in,” whispered Adam Bel; “but by Heaven! I do notknow how we shall make our way out again.”

“Let us seize the keys,” whispered Clym.They beckoned the porter to them, and wrang his neck, and cast his

body into a corner.“Now am I porter in his room,” cried Adam, “the worst they have

had here in Carlisle this hundred year.”And without more ado they hastened to the market-place, placing

themselves where they might not be noted. They espied the gallows,and the justice with his inquest, that had ajudged Cloudesley to die,and Cloudesley hard by in a cart, bound hand and foot, with a roperound his neck.

The justice called a boy, and promised him the outlaw’s clothes, if hewould dig his grave against the time for despatch. Cloudesley cast hiseye aside, where his two brethren stood, and he said to the justice:“Such wonders have happened ere now as that a man who diggeth agrave for another lieth in it himself.”

But the justice answered and said: “Ah! thou talkest proudly. I willhang thee, fellow, with my own hand.”

Scarce had the words fallen from him, when an arrow pierced hisbreast, and a second the sheriff’s; the rest began to scatter, and Adam,running up to the cart, loosed Cloudesley, who wrenched an axe froma man near him. There was a panic; the bells were rung backward, theouthorns were blown, and the mayor with a strong force behind himarrived with their bills and their swords.

The foresters, when they saw them, were dismayed by their num-bers, and retreated towards the gate; and when they could no longeruse their bows, they cut down all that came near with their swords, tillat last they reached the gate, and unlocked it; and when they were


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without, Adam Bel threw the keys at the heads of the mayor’s men, andcried: “I give up my office. Prythee, elect a new porter.” And theywaited not to see what further befell but took their way back to Ingle-wood, where Cloudesley found fair Alice and his children three, thathad thought him dead; and there was great rejoicing among them alland they feasted to their heart’s ease.

Then, when those three bold foresters, with Alice and her childrenthree, had supped merrily together, and they had rested somewhat afterthat notable work at Carlisle, quoth Cloudesley to the others: “Brethrenmine, let us even go straightway to London to our king to seek hisgrace, ere the tidings come to his ear, how the justice and sheriff beslain, with many more; and Alice and two of my children shall repair toa nunnery hereby, and my eldest son I shall take with me.”

So, when they came to London, they sought our lord the king,pushing bluffly past the porter at the palace gate, and the usher, and all,who pressed after them in a body to know what they would have; andthey said they had travelled far to obtain from the king a charter ofpeace.

When they were brought into the presence of our lord the king, theyfell on their knees, as the law of the land was, and each held up hishand; and they said: “Lord, we beseech thee to grant us grace, for wehave slain your highness’ deer.”

“What are your names?” asked the king.“Adam Bel, Clym of the Clough, and William Cloudesley.”“Ah! ye be those thieves,” returned the king, “that men have

reported so oft to me? Gramercy, sirs, I shall see well that ye be hangedwithout more ado.”

“We pray your highness,” said they again, “that you will suffer us toleave you with our arms in our hands till we are out of this place, andwe will seek no farther grace.”

“You talk rather proudly,” quoth the king. “Nay, nay; ye shall be of asurety hanged all three.”

Now the queen, hearing the news of these archers having made solong a journey to see her lord the king, came to him, praying him, as hehad made promise to her on their marriage to grant the first boon sheshould ask, to yield unto her the lives of those three yeomen; and theking, albeit he was wroth that she should have begged so mean a thing,

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when she might have had market-towns, castles and forests to her useand pleasure, said unto her: “I depart not, madam, from my word; theyare yours.”

“My lord,” she said, “much thanks. I undertake that they shallbecome to your grace good men and true. But, prythee, speak a wordto them, that they may know your bounty to them.”

“You are pardoned, fellows,” our lord the king said thereupon. “Gonow, wash, and sit to meat.”

A crafty man was William of Cloudesley, who thought of fair Aliceand his sweet children, and wist well that the men of Carlisle wouldsend messengers to London without delay to apprise our lord the kingof what had there befallen; and, certes, scarcely were those three yeo-men assoiled by our lady the queen’s favour, when, as they sat at meatin the king’s kitchen, there came a post from the north country todisclose the whole thing as it was.

The messengers kneeled, and presented their letters, saying, “Lord,your officers of Carlisle in the north country greet you well.” Andwhen our lord the king brake the seal, he was a sad man; for he foundthat those three yeomen, to whom he had granted grace, and leave towash and eat at his board, had slain three hundred and more, with thejustice and the sheriff, and the mayor and many other, and had ravagedhis parks, and killed his deer, and by all that country were held indread.

“Take away the meat,” cried the king. “I can touch no more. Whatarchers be these, that can do such feats with their bow? Marry, I havenone such. Methinks I will see them shoot.” And his grace commandedthat his bowmen, and the queen’s, should forthwith hold a meeting,and set up butts. Whereto Adam Bel, Clym of the Clough and Williamof Cloudesley were summoned to come.

They all took their turns, and the king’s bowmen, and the queen’s,put out their whole strength and skill before those three yeomen of thenorth country; but those three yeomen carried everything; and therewas much marvelling at such archery.

But William of Cloudesley spake and said: “Gramercy, I hold him noarcher that shooteth at such wide butts.”

“What wouldest thou, then?” demanded the king.“Such a butt, lord,” he answered, “as men use in my country.”


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And the king gave him leave that he should shew his meaning.Then Cloudesley took two hazel wands in his hand, and set them up

two hundred paces apart, and said to the king: “Whoso cleaveth themboth in twain, I hold him an archer indeed.”

No man that was with the king raised his voice or made a sign, butall were still and silent; and the king said: “There is none here who cando such a thing.”

“I shall try then,” said Cloudesley, stepping forward suddenly; andfixing a bearing arrow in his bow, he drew it to the head, and split boththe wands in two.

“Thou art the best archer,” exclaimed the king, delightedly, “that Iever beheld.”

“Wait a moment, lord,” said Cloudesley, “and I will shew yourgrace even more. Here is my little son, seven years old; dear enough tohis mother and to me he is. Grieved in our hearts were we if anymisadventure should befall him; yet, lo! I will bind him to a stake, andplace an apple on his head, and at sixscore paces I will cut the apple intwo.”

None believed that even Cloudesley had the courage and steadfast-ness to achieve such a deed. But he called his son to him and fastenedhim with his back towards him, lest he might wince, to a post, andthe apple was laid upon the child’s head, and sixscore paces weremeasured out. Cloudesley stood motionless for an instant, not abreath was heard throughout all that meeting, and many prayed forthe yeoman that God would protect him in his task, and some wept.He drew out a broad shaft, fixed it in his good bow, and the nextmoment the apple fell from the child’s head, and not a hair wasstirred.

“God forbid,” cried the king, “that thou shouldest shoot at me! Iperceive how my officers in Carlisle sped so ill when they had such afoe. But I have tried thee sorely, William, and thou art an exceedinggood archer. I give thee eighteenpence a day, and thy clothing, andmake thee a gentleman, and chief forester of my north country; and thybrethren twain shall be yeomen of my chamber. Thy little son, whomthou so lovest, I will place in my wine cellar, and when he cometh toman’s estate, he shall be farther preferred.”

So said the king; and our lady the queen commanded that Alice

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should be brought to London to the court, and should be set over hernursery.

So fared these three yeomen excellently well through the mastery ofWilliam of Cloudesley and the gracious offices of our lady the queen;and when they had gone on pilgrimage to Rome, to our holy father thepope, to obtain remission of their sins against God, they returned totheir own land, and lived ever after in ease and worship.

W. Carew Hazlitt, National Tales and Legends, p. 324. Cf. Child, , p. 174,no. 116.


Well, there was once a very rich gentleman, and he’d three darters. Andhe thought to see how fond they was of him. So he says to the first,“How much do you love me, my dear?” “Why,” says she, “as I love mylife.” “That’s good,” says he. So he says to the second, “How much doyou love me, my dear?” “Why,” says she, “better nor all the world.”“That’s good,” says he.

So he says to the third, “How much do you love me, my dear?”“Why,” says she, “I love you as fresh meat loves salt,” says she. Well, hewere that angry. “You don’t love me at all,” says he, “and in my houseyou stay no more.” So he drove her out there and then, and shut thedoor in her face.

Well, she went away, on and on, till she came to a fen. And there shegathered a lot of rushes, and made them into a cloak, kind o’, with ahood, to cover her from head to foot, and to hide her fine clothes. Andthen she went on and on, till she came to a great house.

“Do you want a maid?” says she.“No, we don’t,” says they.“I hain’t nowhere to go,” says she, “and I’d ask no wages, and do

any sort o’ work,” says she.“Well,” says they, “if you like to wash the pots and scrape the

saucepans, you may stay,” says they.So she stayed there, and washed the pots and scraped the saucepans,


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and did all the dirty work. And because she gave no name, they calledher Cap o’ Rushes.

Well, one day there was to be a great dance a little way off, and theservants was let go and look at the grand people. Cap o’ Rushes said shewas too tired to go, so she stayed at home.

But when they was gone, she offed with her cap o’ rushes, andcleaned herself, and went to the dance. And no one there was so finelydressed as her.

Well, who should be there but her master’s son, and what should hedo but fall in love with her, the minute he set eyes on her. He wouldn’tdance with anyone else.

But before the dance were done, Cap o’ Rushes she stepped off, andaway she went home. And when the other maids was back, she wasframin’ to be asleep with her cap o’ rushes on.

Well, next morning, they says to her:“You did miss a sight, Cap o’ Rushes!”“What was that?” says she.“Why the beautifullest lady you ever see, dressed right gay and ga’.

The young master, he never took his eyes off of her.”“Well, I should ha’ liked to have seen her,” says Cap o’ Rushes.“Well, there’s to be another dance this evening, and perhaps she’ll be

there.”But, come the evening, Cap o’ Rushes said she was too tired to go

with them. Howsumdever, when they was gone, she offed with her capo’ rushes, and cleaned herself, and away she went to the dance.

The master’s son had been reckoning on seeing her, and he dancedwith no one else, and never took his eyes off of her.

But before the dance was over, she slipped off and home she went,and when the maids came back, she framed to be asleep with her cap o’rushes on.

Next day they says to her again:“Well, Cap o’ Rushes, you should ha’ been there to see the lady.

There she was again, gay an’ ga’, and the young master he never tookhis eyes off of her.”

“Well, there,” says she, “I should ha’ liked to ha’ seen her.”“Well,” says they, “there’s a dance again this evening, and you must

go with us, for she’s sure to be there.”

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Well, come the evening, Cap o’ Rushes said she was too tired to go,an do what they would, she stayed at home. But when they was gone,she offed with her cap o’ rushes, and cleaned herself, and away shewent to the dance.

The master’s son was rarely glad when he saw her. He danced withnone but her, and never took his eyes off her. When she wouldn’t tellhim her name, nor where she came from, he gave her a ring, and toldher if he didn’t see her again he should die.

Well, afore the dance was over, off she slipped, and home she went,and when the maids came home she was framing to be asleep with hercap o’ rushes on.

Well, next day they says to her: “There, Cap o’ Rushes, you didn’tcome last night, and now you won’t see the lady, for there’s no moredances.”

“Well, I should ha’ rarely liked to ha’ seen her,” says she.The master’s son, he tried every way to find out where the lady was

gone, but go where he might, and ask whom he might, he never heardnothing about her. And he got worse and worse for the love of her, tillhe had to keep his bed.

“Make some gruel for the young master,” they says to the cook,“he’s dying for love of the lady.” The cook she set about making it,when Cap o’ Rushes came in.

“What are you a’ doin’ on?” says she.“I’m going to make some gruel for the young master,” says the

cook, “for he’s dying for love of the lady.”“Let me make it,” says Cap o’ Rushes.Well, the cook wouldn’t at first, but at last she said yes; and Cap o’

Rushes made the gruel. And when she had made it, she slipped the ringinto it on the sly, before the cook took it upstairs.

The young man, he drank it, and saw the ring at the bottom.“Send for the cook,” says he. So up she comes.“Who made this here gruel?” says he.“I did,” says the cook, for she were frightened, and he looked at her.“No, you didn’t,” says he. “Say who did it, and you shan’t be

harmed.”“Well, then, ’twas Cap o’ Rushes,” says she.So Cap o’ Rushes came.


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“Did you make the gruel?” says he.“Yes, I did,” says she.“Where did you get this ring?” says he.“From him as gave it me,” says she.“Who are you then?” says the young man.“I’ll show you,” says she. And she offed with her cap o’ rushes, and

there she was in her beautiful clothes.Well, the master’s son he got well very soon, and they was to be

married in a little time. It was to be a very grand wedding, and every-one was asked, far and near. And Cap o’ Rushes’ father was asked. Butshe never told nobody who she was.

But afore the wedding she went to the cook, and says she, “I wantyou to dress every dish without a mite o’ salt.”

“That will be rarely nasty,” says the cook.“That don’t signify,” says she. “Very well,” says the cook.Well, the wedding day came, and they was married. And after they

was married, all the company sat down to their vittles.When they began to eat the meat, that was so tasteless they couldn’t

eat it. But Cap o’ Rushes’ father, he tried first one dish and then another,and then he burst out crying.

“What’s the matter?” said the master’s son to him.“Oh!” says he, “I had a daughter. And I asked her how much she

loved me. And she said, ‘As much as fresh meat loves salt.’ And I turnedher from my door, for I thought she didn’t love me. And now I see sheloved me best of all. And she may be dead for aught I know.”

“No, father, here she is,” says Cap o’ Rushes.And she goes up to him and puts her arms round him. And so they

was happy ever after.

E. S. Hartland, County Folk-Lore, . Suffolk, p. 40 (told by an old servant to thewriter when a child); A.W. T., “Suffolk Notes and Queries”, Ipswich Journal(1877).

See also “Catskin”, (, ), Ashy Pelt, (, ), “Mossycoat”, (, ).

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THE KING OF THE LIARS[transcription from tape]

Well, this was a king, and he was very ill. His wife was deid, ye see, andhe’d one daughter, and he sent in for the daughter one day, and he says,“Look here”, he says, “ye can prepare yoursel’ for a shock,” he says. “Inabout a year’s time, the doctor’s told me,” he says, “I might pass away,maybe before it. Now I think,” he said, “ye should get up the GoodAdvisers here to me, and I’ll tell them what I’m going to do with mykingdom, ye see, before I die. I want ye,” he says,” to go down forthem now and take them up.”

So anyway the girl went out and she was aafie forlorn-like about herfather dyin’, and took the three Wise Men (as they cry them) up to theside of the King’s bed, ye see. So the king told them that he was dyin’jist any time, the doctor said, and he wanted a man to reign as king, yesee. (Are ye listenin’, Toby?)

“I’ve made up my mind,” says the king, he says, “the man that canmake me call him a liar will get my daughter’s hand in marriage, andmy kingdom, ye see.”

“Well, that soonds fair enough,” says the Good Adviser, he says, “ifye want to do that, fair enough,” he says, “but it could go on for years,this carry-on.”

“No, no,” he says, “I think if the right man comes in, a clever manthat can trap me, that I can call him a liar, he’ll get my daughter’s handin marriage.”

“Very well,” said the Good Advisers, “we’ll leave it at that.”Well, for the first nine months, there was knights, nobles, tramps off

the road, earls and dukes, and all these Knights of the Round Stables,come to tell the King that—to see if they could make him a liar—tellhim the story, you see. But none of them succeeded in making the kingcry him a liar.

Now, to make a long story short, Toby, at the bottom of the oldwood there was a wee, what they call a toll-hoose, and there was a lazyladdie in there—they cried him Silly Jeck the Water Cairrier. He donenothing but cairried water to the servants in the castle—carried water


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to his mother, and he lay and slep’ amongst the cinders, and he scrapedthe pots—for meat, ye see, when he was hungry.

So the mother got on to him one day—she was an auld wumminand she was milkin’ the coo, and she says, “Jeck,” she says, “wil ye nobreak a wee bit of stick for the mornin’s fire?”

“Ach, mother,” he says, “I’m tired,” he says, “I want a sleep.”“A sleep,” she says, “ye’ve duin nothing aa day,” she says, “but lie,

aboot that barn oot there,” she says. “Ye’ll no dig the gairden,” shesays, “ye’ll do nothing. Ye’ll no take the coo oot to the field.”

“Ach, well,” says Jeck, “if that’s the way o’t,” he says, “I’m goin’away up to the king’s castle,” he says, “and I’m goin’ to tell him a story,anyway,” he says.

“You tell him a story!” she says. “If you go up near the King’scastle,” she says, “ye’ll get shot.”

“Well,” he says, “I was speakin’ tae a man in the toon the day,” hesays, “oniebody can go up,” he says, “tramps off the road can go, andI’m jist as good to go,” he says, “and tell him a story, as the next yin.”

“Oh well,” she says, “laddie, please yersel,” she says, “but I hope yewin,” she says.

“Ach, well, mother,” he says, “I’ll go up and see, onieway.”Well, Jeck had nae sword, but when he was goin’ into a place like

that—he was half-daft—he tied a scythe-blade wi’ a big string at theside of his —— roon his waist, to let on he had a sword, ye see, tied tohis side, a scythe-blade. He took this wi’ him for protection. Hemarches doon this big drive, ye see, throu’ the gates, and here asoldier—a guard—stopped him at the gate, ye see, one of the soldiers,and he says,

“Hullo,” he says, “Jeck, where are you goin’?” he says,—aa thesodgers kent Jeck, ye see—aa the guardsmen kent Jeck—Jeck says,

“I’m goin’ in,” he says, “to see the King.”“Haw, haw, haw,” he says, “you goin’ to see the King, Jeck. Man,” he

says, “dinnae be silly,” he says; “if you go in there,” he says, “thesodgers ’ll chase ye oot,” he says. “Ye’ll be the laugh at ye.”

“No, no,” says Jeck, “I don’t think you’ve onie right to stop me,” hesays, “ye’d better let me by.”

“Oh, well,” he says—the sodger bowed to Jeck, makin’ a fool of—he says, “all right,” he says, “in you go,” he says, “away you go.”

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So, anyway, Jeck marches in, thought he was a sodger, ye see, and thescythe-blade was swinging’ back and forrit frae his side—and he goesup to the door, and aa the sodgers and the guards in the castle’slaughin’ at him passin’.

Up, and he knocks at the big knocker on the door, ye see, and thebutler’s come oot—man wi’ a red coat, swallow-tail coat, cam oot, andhe says—everybody kent him well, ye see—

“Jeck,” he says, “what are ye doin here?” he says, “I hope ye’re notthinkin’,” he says, “the cow’s roon about the castle here,” he says;“you lookin’ for your coo?”

“Naw,” said Jeck, “I’m up to see the King.”“Well,” says the——, says, “What are ye up to see the King

aboot?”He says, “I’m up,” he says, “to see,” he says, “if I can cry him a liar.”“Oh, ye are! Oh well,” says the butler, he says, “ye’re jist as well to

have a go as well as any other body,” he says, “Jeck, I cannae keep yeback,” he says. “It’s free to all comers.”

Jeck went, ye see, and the maids is lookin’ at Jack, inside, andlaughin’ at Jeck, at his old guttery boots, ye know, and his old torntrousers—he hadnae a patch on the airse o’ his troosers—his shirt-tailwas hingin’ oot. So, anyway, up he goes on this plush carpets, redcarpets, up the stair, ye see, and he goes up to the King’s Castle, andthey rang a bell, ye see, at the door, and the Good Advisers invited Jeckin. So Jeck saluted the King, ye see, and he says,

“How ye gettin’ on, King,” he says; “ye’ve been a long time lyin’ inbed?”

“Aye,” says he, “Jeck, I have. I havenae seen you,” he says, “foryears.”

“No,” he says, says Jeck, “and I don’t like comin’ to visit oniebody,”he says, “in a state of this kind,” he says, “seein’ ye’re no-weill in bed.For”, he says, “I cam’ up,” he says, “King,” he says, “to win yourdaughter’s hann in marriage.”

So the King looks at him, ye see—weighs him up and doon. TheGood Advisers gied a wee-bit smile t’each other, so the King gien awave wi’ his hann for them to g’ootside, ye see. So the Good Advisersturns and walks oot of the room.

So this great big stately room, ye see, and Jeck wi’ his guttery boots,


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and he lookit terrible-lookin’, stannin’ aside the King in the bed; andhe startit tellin’ the King the story.

Noo, this is the story that Jeck tell’t the King, ye see.He says, “You have knew my father,” he says, “King,” he says,

“before he died?”“Yes, a fine man,” he says, “your father was, Jeck.”“Ah, but,” says Jack, “he wasna good as me.”“Was he no?” said the King.“No,” says Jeck. “D’ye mean to cry me a liar?”“Oh, no,” said the King.“Well,” he says, “my father turned very ill,” he says.“Yes,” said the King.“And,” he says, “I was left to run the wee-bit land doon there

mysel’.”“Oh, I see,” says the King. He says, “What did ye dae, Jeck?”“Well,” he says, “when my father died,” he says, “I had to cut corn,”

he says, “cut wheat,” he says, “and dae aa this things, and,” he says,“d’ye ken what I cut it wi’?”

The King looked at his side, and he says, “Wi’ your scythe-blade,” hesays, “I mean that sword you’ve got at your side,” the King says taehim.

“Naw, naw,” he says, “it wisnae the sword,” he says, “it was wi’ aheuk.” (Noo a heuk’s a wee thing ye cut grass wi’—ye see roadmenusin’ it, at the side of the roads—a wee hookit thing like a big knife,like a knife. No, something like a neap-shar, but no a neap-shar—it’s aheuk, for cuttin’ grass.)

So, anyway, Jeck says, “I’ve cut,” he says, “forty acre of wheat,” hesays, “or corn,” he says, “in two hours.”

“God bless us!” says the King, he says. “Ye must hae been goin’—jistyerself ’, Jeck?”

“Jist mysel’,” says Jeck. “D’ye mean to cry me a liar?”“Oh, no,” said the King. “I’ll no cry you a liar.”“Well,” he says, “I started, it was a bonnie morn,” he says, “and the

birds was whistlin’, and I started cuttin’ the corn, and,” he says, “jistwhen I was goin’ away to start,” he says, “what comes oot of thecorn,” he says, “but a broon hare. And,” he says, “wi’ the excitement Iran eftir the hare,” he says, “I’m aye fond of stewed hare,” he says,

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“and rabbits,” he says, “and I’d nae dog or nothin’,” he says, “I was jista herd, and I took the heuk and I threw it eftir the hare. And,” he says,“it stuck, and then the heuk whirlt throu the air, and it stuck in thehare’s back-end—the hannle of the heuk. Noo,” he says, “the harewent roon the corn, and went roon the corn and went roon the corn,”he says, “aboot forty mile-an-hour, and the heuk stickin’ in its ——here. Roon the corn, and roon the corn it went, till it flattened everytaste of corn in the field,” he says, “less nor an hour.”

“God bless us,” says the King. “I never heard the like of that before,Jeck.”

“D’ye mean to cry me a liar?” says Jeck.“Oh, no,” said the King.“Well,” he says, “now,” he says, “there was a great famine,” he says,

“started,” he says. “That was a poor year,” he says, “for corn andwheat,” he says. “What you know,” he says, “the famine.”

“What famine,” said the King.“The big famine,” he said, “before my father died.”The King says, “I never seen nae famine.”“D’ye mean to cry me a liar?”“Oh, no,” says the King. “I’ll no cry ye a liar.”“Well,” he says, “it was the year of the big famine,” he says, “and

here,” he says, “nobody in Britain,” he says, “England or Scotland,” hesays, “had wheat. The boats,” he says, “were stormy”, he says, “stormyin the sea,” he says, “at the time. There were gale eftir gale,” he says,“for aboot six weeks, and the boats couldnae get across,” he says, “taeother countries, to get wheat or corn or meal owre to this country.”

“I cannae mind of that,” says the King.“Ah, well,” says Jeck, “I can mind it,” he says, “and I dint think I’m a

liar, am I, King?”“No,” he says, “ye’re nae liar,” he says.“Well,” he says, “what are ye speakin’ aboot?” he says to the King.“Well, that’s aa right,” says the King, he says. “Carry on. What

happent?”So the King’s gettin’ interested in this, ye see. He thocht Jeck was

silly, but he’s no so silly: he didnae think what to make of him.“But anyway,” he says, “well,” he says, “there were no boats, but I

went up,” he says, “to tell aa the heid men,” he says, “in the toon, that


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I would get wheat and corn back,” he says, “in aboot a day’s time. Sothey looked at me,” he says, “and they laughed at me.” He says, “Yeneedna laugh,” says he to them, he says, “I’ll get wheat and corn,” hesays, “back,” he says, “in nae time t’ye,” he says, “jist maybe aboot aday.”

Says the King, “Where was ye to get wheat and corn?”Jeck says, “I was going to hae two jumps,” he says, “and three

leaps,” he says, “and I was goin to cross the Mediterranean,” he says,“into Africa or France or these countries; and I was goin’ to loadmysel’,” he says, “and jump back again.”

“Jump the sea!” says the King, he says, “how could—no humanbein’, Jeck,” he says, “could jump the sea.”

“Aye, but,” he says, “I could jump the sea,” he says, “and quay andaa,” he says, “I could clear the toon and everything,” he says, “wi’ ajump.” He says, ‘D’ye mean to cry me a liar?”

“Oh, no,” says the King. “I’ll no cry ye a liar.” He says, “How did yedae’t?”

“Well,” he says, “I took two runnin’ leaps,” he says, “a hop, stepand leap,” he says, “what they dae at the games. And,” he says, “Iflew throu the air,” he says, “and I landed in Africa. And the firstman that come to see me,” he says, “was a big chief,” he says, “wi’feathers stickin’ in his heid,” he says. “He did the Rumba roonaboot me,” he says, “dancin’”, he says, “like a whale dancin’ abootme wi’ feathers stickin’ in his heid. So,” he says, “I spoke in Gaelictae him.”

“Gaelic!” says the King.“Yes,” he says, “I spoke in Gaelic tae him.”“And did he ken Gaelic?”“Aye,” he says, “he kent Gaelic,” he says.“God bless us! I never heard o’ onieone, either an African or a savage

speakin Gaelic before.”“D’ye mean to cry me a liar?” says Jeck.“No, no,” says the King, “I’ll no cry ye a liar.”Well, he has the King trementit to daith—the King didnae ken what

to make of him—he’d the King a raigl’t.But, anyway, here, now, to make a long story short, he goes and

tells—he gets throu the savages and that, he gets throu the savages to

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tell what happent aboot the corn and they were stervin—this countrywas stervin.

Well, now, “How are ye goin’ to get the wheat and that back?” thesavages says tae him.

Jeck says, “I’ll get the wheat and that back.”Noo, there was something bitin’ the back of his neck, and Jeck put

his hand doon the back of his neck, cried—he caught a flea, and heturns the skin ootside-in, for a bag. He says, “Fill that.”

So the King started laughin’, “Haw, haw—.” Says Jeck, “Whar are yelaughin’ at, man?”

“Fill a flea-skin,” he says, “with wheat and corn,” he says, “that’sridiculous!”

“D’ye mean to cry me a liar?” says Jeck.“Well—oh, no, oh, no,” said the King. “I’ll no cry ye a liar.” (He was

gettin’ a bit stupid noo, ye see.)“Well,” he says, “they pit four-hundred and fifty thoosand ton,” he

says, “of wheat,” he says, “in the flea-skin.”“God bless us!” said the King; “that’s an aafie corn,” he says, “and

wheat,” he says, “tae pit in a, intil a flea-skin. And,” he says, “how didye get it ower?”

“Ah,” he says, “that was the bloomin’ trouble,” he says, Jeck says. “Iwas in a mess noo,” he says, “I startit trailin’ it and humpin’ it on myback.”

“Thoosands of tons on your back, Jeck?”“Aye,” says Jeck, “thoosands of tons. D’ye mean to cry me a liar?”“Oh, no,” said the King.“Well,” he said, “what cam owre but a flock of geese? And,” he says,

“the sky,” he says—“I thought there were going to be a thunder-storm,” he said, “there were so many geese,” he said, “it blackent thesun. And,” he says, “they cam doon lower, and cam doon lower, andwhen they cam doon lower, the first of them says to me, ‘Jeck, are ye ina bit of trouble?’ he says. ‘We were flyin away to Scotland,’ he says, ‘andwe seen you doon ablow us,’ he says, ‘and some of them says, “There’sJeck doon there, we’ll hae to go doon and help him.” ’ ‘It was very kindof ye’ ”, Jack says to the geese.

He says, “The geese spoke t’ye and cam doon to help ye, Jeck?”“Aye,” says Jeck.


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He says, “What did they dae?”“Ah, that is what I’m gaun to tell ye,” said Jeck. “They tell’t me to

get on, on their back. And they spread oot their wings, flat on thegrund, just like a big sheet—like a big blanket,” he says, “over thiswide area,” he says, “of desert.”

“And what happent?” says the King.“Well,” he says, “I humphed and plowtered,” he says, “till I got the

corn and the wheat”, he says, “owre on top of the seagulls’s back. And Isat doon beside the corn,” he says, “and I fell fast asleep. But,” he says,“when I wakent up,” he says, “I’m fleean owre the North Sea, and I’mlookin’ doon at wee ships,” he says, “gettin’ wrecked in the gale. And,”he says, “I could dae nothin’ to help them. And,” he says, “I’m lookin’owre the side—”

“How did ye look owre the side?” he says. “How monie geese werethey?”

He says, “They were five hundert and fifty million.”“Five hundert and fifty million!” says the King—“God bliss!”“D’ye mean to cry me a liar?” says Jeck.He says, “How did ye see doon throu the geese, Jeck?”He says, “I jist opent the feathers up like that,” he says, “and lookt

throu a hole,” he says, “throu them. And,” he says, ‘I could see every-thing,” he says, “like a telescope,” he says, “doon throu the geese’sbelly,” he says, “doon throu their stomicks, the wings.”

“God bliss us!” said the King. “I never heard the like of that before.”“Naw,” says he, “and it will be a while before ye hear’t again,” says

Jeck. “D’ye mean to cry me a liar?”“Oh, no,” said the King.Well, Toby, it went on like that. They were comin’ across the North

Sea, and they were near the Scottish coasts, when aa the geese startit tospeak to each other, and, aw, there was an aafie noise, wi’ them kecklin’and cairryin’-on. They got tired, wi’ the weight of corn on their back,this thoosans of ton of wheat and corn on their back—they got tired.

So here now, when they [were] fleean owre, they said, “Jeck, we’llhae to let ye go.” He says: “We can dae nothing. We’re on Scotland, theground of Scotland now, and,” he says, “we’re tired,” he says. ‘Ye’llneed to let us go.”

“And the geese done a dirty thing, King.”

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“What did they dae?” said the King. (The King’s interested noo, yesee.) “What did they dae?” said the King.

“They opent up their wings, and put me and the corn and the wheat,cam doon,” he says, “they cam mountin’—the noise,” he says, “fraethe heavens,” he says, “like a thunderbolt or thunderstorm,” he says,“of hailstones, the corn and the wheat comin’ throu the sky, and I’mcomin’ doon along wi’d.”

“Gode bliss us!” says the King, “did ye get kilt, Jeck?”“Ah,” says Jeck, “haud on till ye hear what happent. I cam’ doon that

fast,” he said, “I thought I’d land,” he says, “at my mother’s back-door,” he says, “but instead of me landin’ at the back-door,” he says, “Iwent on to a big rock,” he says, “that was sittin’ beside the shore,” hesays, “up to the neck,” he says, “into a big whinstane rock.”

“Up to the neck—wis ye not kilt?” says the King.“Naw,” says Jeck, “I was stuck in the rock and I couldnae get oot.

And,” he says, “all I could dae,” he says, “was to move my heid backand forrit like that,” he says, “and I couldnae get oot, my body’sdisappeart into the rock.”

“Och,” says the King, “I wadnae believe that, Jeck.”“Ye wadnae believe—d’ye mean to cry me a liar?”“Oh, no,” says the King. “I wadnae cry ye a liar.”“Well,” he says, “I didnae know what to dae,” says Jeck, he says,

“and I’d only aboot two hundert yairds or three hundert yairds,” hesays, “to go hame,” he says, “to my mother’s hoose. And all the corn,”he says,—“covert the wud,” he says, “there were nae trees to be seen,”he says,—“so much corn and everything. And”, he says, “in theexcitement of the birds comin pickin’ the corn and everything,” hesays, “I didnae ken what to do. I tried to shove mysel’ oot of the rock,and I couldnae. And,” he says, “the best thing I can dae is try andmanoeuvre my sword—” he’d this old sword—he says, “I have it at myside here,” he says, “this sword here,”—he says, “it cost me a fewthoosan’ pound, that sword.”

The King looked at the scythe-blade, and he says,“That a sword?” he says. “That’s a scythe-blade.”“That a scythe-blade!” says Jeck. “It’s a better sword,” he says, “than

monie guid men,” he says, “has doon in the courtyaird doon there.”“Ach! That’s a scythe-blade.”


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“D’ye mean to cry me a liar?” says Jeck.“No, no,” says the King, he says. “That’s a good gold sword you’ve

got.” (See!)“Well,” he says, “I plowtert,” he says, “and I moved my airm back

and forrit,” he says, “and I cut my heid off.”“Ye cut your heid off!” says the King.“Yes,” he says, “and it was the only wey I could get away,” he says. “I

tellt my heid to run hame and tell my mother to come wi’ help, to getme oot of the rock.”

“Ye tellt your heid,” he says, “to run hame! How did ye manage that,Jeck?” he says, “when ye’d nae heid on?”

“D’ye mean to cry me a liar?” says Jeck.“Oh, no,” says the King. “I’ll no cry ye a liar.”“Well,” he says, “my heid rowellt hame,” he says, “and I tellt it to

hurry up, and the heid startit rowellin’ like a big baa,” he says, “alongthis dusty track. But,” he says, “as my heid was goin’ on the road,” hesays, “here there was a fox,” he says, “stole my mother’s hens—I hatitthis fox,” he says. “I’d two or three shots at it and I missed it. But,” hesays, “the fox started to chase my heid. And it’s efter it,” he says. “AndI’m sayin’, ‘Run, heid, run!’ I’m sayin’. ‘Run, heid, run!’ I’m shoutin’.”

“How could ye shout,” he says, “like that, Jeck,” he says, “without aheid,” he says. “How did your heid get on?”

“Just a minute,” he says. “D’ye mean to cry me a liar?” says Jeck.“Oh, no,” said the King. “I’ll no cry ye a liar.”“Well,” he says, “the fox was catchin’ up on my heid—catchin’ up

on my heid,” he says, “and jist when the fox was goin’ to catch up onmy heid—goin’ to bounce my heid,” he says, “wi’ the excitement Icried, ‘Hooch!’ and I jumped richt oot of the rock. And when I jumpedoot of the rock, I ran efter the fox,” he says, “whan it’s got a grip of myheid in its mouth. And,” he says, “I kickit the fox, and I kickit the fox,and I kickit the fox, and I kickit siven young foxes oot of the fox,” hesays. “And,” he says, “d’ye ken this, King?”

“No, it’s what?” says the King (and the King’s gettin’ excited, andhe’s sittin’ up in his bed by this time, ye see—he feels right, too)—hesays, “I kickit siven young foxes oot of the fox,” he says, “and,” he says,“the worst fox’s sh*te was better’n you.”

“YE’RE A LIAR!” says the King. “Well,” he says, “for that,” he says,

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“I’ll get your daughter’s haund in marriage, and your castle,” and theking faintit and dee’d.

And he’s there yet, Toby, and he’s mairrit to the lassie. That was agood story, Toby, eh?

School of Scottish Studies. Told to Hamish Henderson by Andra Stewart, 1956.Note: This is a widespread tale. It is in Grimm (no. 112), and is spread all overEurope, and in Africa, America, India, and Indonesia. 228 Irish versions arecited (Béaloideas, , pp. 151ff.) and even more are cited in The Types of the IrishFolktale (Ó’Súilleabhain and Christiansen).

For rather similar tales see also “Daft Jack and the Heiress”, “The Princess ofCanterbury”.


Lady Mary was young, and Lady Mary was fair. She had two brothers,and more lovers than she could count. But of them all, the bravest andmost gallant was a Mr Fox, whom she met when she was down at herfather’s country house. No one knew who Mr Fox was; but he wascertainly brave, and surely rich, and of all her lovers, Lady Mary caredfor him alone. At last it was agreed upon between them that theyshould be married. Lady Mary asked Mr Fox where they should live,and he described to her his castle, and where it was, but, strange to say,did not ask her, or her brothers, to come and see it.

So one day, near the wedding-day, when her brothers were out, andMr Fox was away for a day or two on business, as he said, Lady Mary setout for Mr Fox’s castle. And after many searchings, she came at last to it,and a fine strong house it was, with high walls and a deep moat. Andwhen she came up to the gateway, she saw written on it:


But as the gate was open, she went through it, and found no one there.So she went up to the doorway, and over it she found written:

, ,


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Still she went on, till she came to the hall, and went up the broad stairstill she came to a door in the gallery, over which was written:

, , , ’

But Lady Mary was a brave one, she was, and she opened the door,and what do you think she saw? Why, bodies and skeletons of beautifulyoung ladies all stained with blood. So Lady Mary thought it was hightime to get out of that horrid place, and she closed the door, wentthrough the gallery, and was just going down the stairs, and out of thehall, when who should she see through the window, but Mr Foxdragging a beautiful young lady along from the gateway to the door.Lady Mary rushed downstairs, and hid herself behind a cask, just intime, as Mr Fox came in with the young lady, who seemed to havefainted.

Just as he got near Lady Mary, Mr Fox saw a diamond ring glitteringon the finger of the young lady he was dragging, and he tried to pull itoff. But it was tightly fixed, and would not come off, so Mr Fox cursedand swore, and drew his sword, raised it, and brought it down uponthe hand of the poor lady.

The sword cut off the hand, which jumped up into the air, and fell ofall places in the world into Lady Mary’s lap. Mr Fox looked about a bit,but did not think of looking behind the cask, so at last he went ondragging the young lady up the stairs into the Bloody Chamber.

As soon as she heard him pass through the gallery, Lady Mary creptout of the door, down through the gateway, and ran home as fast as shecould.

Now it happened that the very next day the marriage contract ofLady Mary and Mr Fox was to be signed, and there was a splendidbreakfast before that.

And when Mr Fox was seated at table opposite Lady Mary, he lookedat her. “How pale you are this morning, my dear.” “Yes,” she said. “Ihad a bad night’s rest last night. I had horrible dreams.” “Dreams go bycontraries,” said Mr Fox; “but tell us your dream, and your sweet voicewill make the time pass till the happy hour comes.”

“I dreamed,” said Lady Mary, “that I went yestermorn to your castle,

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and I found it in the woods, with high walls, and a deep moat, and overthe gateway was written:

, ”

“But it is not so, nor it was not so,” said Mr Fox.“And when I came to the doorway over it was written:

, , ”

“It is not so, nor it was not so,” said Mr Fox.“And then I went upstairs, and came to a gallery, at the end of which

was a door, on which was written:

, , , ’ ”

“It is not so, nor it was not so,” said Mr Fox.“And then—and then I opened the door, and the room was filled

with the bodies and skeletons of poor dead women, all stained withtheir blood.”

“It is not so, nor it was not so, and God forbid it should be so,” saidMr Fox.

“I then dreamed that I rushed down the gallery, and just as I wasgoing down the stairs, I saw you, Mr Fox, coming up to the hall door,dragging after you a poor young lady, rich and beautiful.”

“It is not so, nor it was not so. And God forbid it should be so,” saidMr Fox.

“I rushed downstairs, just in time to hide myself behind a cask,when you, Mr Fox, came in dragging the young lady by the arm. And,as you passed me, Mr Fox, I thought I saw you try and get off herdiamond ring, and when you could not, Mr Fox, it seemed to me in mydream, that you out with your sword and hacked off the poor lady’shand to get the ring.”

“It is not so, nor it was not so. And God forbid it should be so,” saidMr Fox, and was going to say something else as he rose from his seat,when Lady Mary cried out:


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“But it is so, and it was so. Here’s hand and ring I have to show,” andpulled out the lady’s hand from her dress, and pointed it straight at MrFox.

At once her brothers and her friends drew their swords and cut MrFox into a thousand pieces.

Joseph Jacobs, English Fairy Tales, p. 148. Contributed by Blakeway to Malone’sVariorum Shakespeare.

See “Mr Fox’s Courtship” (below), with notes.See also The Oxford Student, (, ), “The Brave Maid Servant”, (, ), “The

Cellar of Blood”.


A famous Professor of Learning once came to England to examine allthe scholars there. He went to Oxford, and it fared so badly that thestudents of Cambridge began to be anxious, and hit on a plan to raisethe reputation of the place. So when the professor was expected someof the most learned dressed up as labouring men, and went to mendthe roads. Presently the professor drove along, and his coachman calledout to ask if he was on the right road. The road-man answered him inLatin. They rode on a little further and met another party whoanswered them in Greek. The professor thought to himself: “This mustbe a learned place, since the very roadmen talk Latin and Greek. I musthit on some other subject to examine the students in.”

So, when he got to Cambridge, he announced that he would testthem in the Language of Signs. At this there was great consternation inthe University, and none was more distressed than the best scholar ofthem all, a poor, one-eyed student, who had hoped for prefermentfrom this examination. Whilst the others were preparing themselves,he wandered gloomily along the banks of the Cam, where he met afriend of his, a one-eyed miller, who asked why he was so sad. Thestudent told him everything, and the miller suggested that he should tryhis luck, for he was a hardy fellow, and feared nothing, and since thetest was to be silent, his speech would not betray him. They changed

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clothes, and the student waited anxiously outside the ExaminationHall.

At first all was silent, but presently there was a great burst ofapplause, and the miller came slipping out. “Here, change quickly,” hesaid, “they say I’ve won.” The student pulled on his gown, and got intothe Hall just in time to hear the Professor explaining.

“It was remarkable,” he said. “Never would I have believed that aman could follow every turn of my thought. First I held up an apple, tosignify that by the apple Mankind had fallen. But quick as thought heheld up a piece of bread, to show that by the Bread of Life we were allredeemed. Then I held up one finger, to show there is but one God, buthe held up two, to signify that we must not forget Christ, so I held upthree, to remind him of the Trinity, and he very quickly clenched hisfist, to show that three are yet one. He never faltered nor mistook, andrichly deserves the Prize.”

The scholar was delighted, but he wondered very much how thepoor miller had gained such knowledge, so, as soon as he could slipaway from the congratulations of his friends, he went to ask themiller’s side of the disputation.

“He was a quarrelsome old fellow,” said the miller, “but I gave asgood as I got. First he scrabbled in his pocket, and he took out a greenapple, and shook it under my nose, as much as to say he’d throw it atmy head if I didn’t watch out. So I felt in my pocket, but all I could findwas an old bit of crust, so I shoved that under his nose, as much as tosay, ‘You throw the apple, and I’ll throw the crust.’ With that, he putaway the apple, and poked his finger at me, as much as to say, ‘I’llthrust out your eye!’ So I poked my two fingers at him, to say, ‘If youdo, I’ll put out your two!’ Then he scrabbled at me with his threefingers, to show he’d scratch my face. And I wasn’t going to stand that,so I doubled up me fist and shook it at him, to show I’d knock himdown. And at that he clapped me on the back, and said I’d won.”

Norton Collection, , pp. 281–2. Folk-Lore Record, (1879), pp. 173–6.Note: Norton has made copious notes on this tale, pointing out that it consistsof two parts: (a) the students posted along the road; and (b) the discussion insign language.

Straparola is an early source of (a); Anthony à Wood gives a version of itwhich dates from the sixteenth century, and differs a good deal from


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Straparola. The (b) story is earlier known, the first written version being in TheGloss of Accursius (c. 1260). It is also found among the Nasr-el-Din stories. It wasused by various writers, among them Rabelais. A Dutch version from Utrecht isthe only example beyond these islands of the combination of (a) and (b). Inthis an Indian prince, on his way to Leyden, is greeted in Latin and Hebrew bystudents dressed as rustics. He is so impressed that he decides to examine theuniversity in the sign language of which he is master. He is answered by a one-eyed gypsy. See also “The Miller at the Professor’s Examination”, “GeorgeBuchanan”, “King John and the Abbot of Canterbury”, “The IndependentBishop”, “The Two Little Scotch Boys”.


There were formerly a man and a woman living in the parish of Llanla-van, in the place which is called Hwrdh. And work became scarce, sothe man said to his wife, “I will go search for work, and you may livehere.” So he took fair leave, and travelled far toward the east, and at lastcame to the house of a farmer and asked for work.

“What work can ye do?” said the farmer.“I can do all kinds of work,” said Ivan.Then they agreed upon three pounds for the year’s wages.When the end of the year came round his master showed him the

three pounds.“See, Ivan,” said he, “here’s your wage; but if you will give it me

back I’ll give you a piece of advice instead.”“Give me my wage,” said Ivan.“No, I’ll not,” said the master; “I’ll explain my advice.”“Tell it me, then,” said Ivan.Then said the master, “Never leave the old road for the sake of a new

one.”After that they agreed for another year at the old wages, and at the

end of it Ivan took instead a piece of advice, and this was it: “Neverlodge where an old man is married to a young woman.”

The same thing happened at the end of the third year, when thepiece of advice was: “Honesty is the best policy.”

But Ivan would not stay longer, but wanted to go back to his wife.

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“Don’t go to-day,” said his master; “my wife bakes to-morrow, andshe shall make thee a cake to take home to thy good woman.”

And when Ivan was going to leave, “Here,” said his master, “here is acake for thee to take home to thy wife, and, when ye are most joyoustogether, then break the cake, and not sooner.”

So he took fair leave of them, and travelled towards home, and at lasthe came to Wayn Her, and there he met three merchants from TreRhyn, of his own parish, coming home from Exeter Fair. “Oho! Ivan,”said they, “come with us; glad are we to see you. Where have you beenso long?”

“I have been in service,” said Ivan, “and now I’m going home to mywife.”

“Oh, come with us! You’ll be right welcome.”But when they took the new road, Ivan kept to the old one. And

robbers fell upon them before they had gone far from Ivan as they weregoing by the fields of the houses in the meadow. They began to cry out,“Thieves!” and Ivan shouted out “Thieves!” too. And when the robbersheard Ivan’s shout, they ran away, and the merchants went by the newroad and Ivan by the old one till they met again at Market Jew.

“Oh, Ivan,” said the merchants, “we are beholding to you; but foryou we would have been lost men. Come, lodge with us at our cost,and welcome.”

When they came to the place where they used to lodge, Ivan said, “Imust see the host.”

“The host,” they cried, “what do you want with the host? Here isthe hostess, and she is young and pretty. If you want to see the host,you’ll find him in the kitchen.”

So he went into the kitchen to see the host; he found him a weak oldman turning the spit.

“Oh! oh!” quoth Ivan, “I’ll not lodge here, but will go next door.”“Not yet,” said the merchants. “Sup with us and welcome.”Now it happened that the hostess had plotted with a certain monk in

Market Jew to murder the old man in his bed that night while the restwere asleep, and they agreed to lay it on the lodgers.

So while Ivan was in bed next door, there was a hole in the pine-endof the house, and he saw a light through it. So he got up and looked,and heard the monk speaking. “I had better cover this hole,” said he,


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“or people in the next house may see our deeds.” So he stood with hisback against it while the hostess killed the old man.

But meanwhile Ivan out with his knife, and putting it through thehole, cut a round piece off the monk’s robe.

The very next morning the hostess raised the cry that her husbandwas murdered, and as there was neither man nor child in the house,but the merchants, she declared they ought to be hanged for it.

So they were taken and carried to prison, till at last Ivan came tothem.

“Alas! Alas! Ivan,” cried they, “bad luck sticks to us; our host waskilled last night, and we shall be hanged for it.”

“Ah! tell the justices,” said Ivan, “to summon the real murderers.”“Who knows,” they replied, “who committed the crime?”“Who committed the crime!” said Ivan. “If I cannot prove who

committed the crime, hang me in your stead.”So he told all he knew, and brought out the piece of cloth from the

monk’s robe, and with that the merchants were set at liberty, and thehostess and the monk were seized and hanged.

Then they all came together out of Market Jew, and they said to him:“Come as far as Coed Carrn y Wylfa, the Wood of the Heap of Stones ofWatching, in the parish of Burman.” Then their two roads separated,and though the merchants wished Ivan to go with them, he would notgo with them, but went straight home to his wife.

And when his wife saw him she said: “Home in the nick of time.Here’s a purse of gold that I’ve found; it has no name, but sure itbelongs to the great lord yonder. I was just thinking what to do whenyou came.”

Then Ivan thought of the third counsel, and he said: “Let us go andgive it to the great lord.”

So they went up to the castle, but the great lord was not in it, so theyleft the purse with the servant that minded the gate, and then they wenthome again and lived in quiet for a time.

But one day the great lord stopped at their house for a drink of water,and Ivan’s wife said to him: “I hope your lordship found yourlordship’s purse quite safe with all its money in it.”

“What purse is that you are talking about?” said the lord.“Sure, it’s your lordship’s purse that I left at the castle,” said Ivan.

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“Come with me and we will see into the matter”, said the lord.So Ivan and his wife went up to the castle, and there they pointed out

the man to whom they had given the purse, and he had to give it upand was sent away from the castle. And the lord was so pleased withIvan that he made him his servant instead of the thief.

“Honesty’s the best policy!” quoth Ivan, as he skipped about in hisnew quarters. “How joyful I am!”

Then he thought of his old master’s cake that he was to eat when hewas most joyful, and when he broke it, lo and behold inside it was hiswages for the three years he had been with him.

Jacobs, Celtic Fairy Tales, p. 195, from Lluyd, Archaeologia Britannia (1707). Cornish.Note: See also The Three Good Advices, “The Tinner of Chyannor”, “Yalla-britches”.

THE THREE GOOD ADVICES[transcription of tape]

Oncet upon a time there was a man and a woman lived in a weecottage, away up about the north of Scotland somewhere, ye see, andthis man was a baker to trade, but in the village he was stayin’ in, theold man of the baker’s shop died, and this man was thrown out of ajob—there were no baker’s shop there. But he stuck his place for abouttwo year, and things was gettin’ very hard wi’ him, ye see, so one dayhe says to the wife, he says, “I think”, he says, “I’ll go and look for ajob,” he says. “Things are very tight,” he says—“nae work comin’ intothe hoose,” he says, “and the two lassies at school,” he says, “I’ve gotto go and look for a job, ye see.”

So his wife says, “Where are ye goin’ ’a go?”“I don’t know,” he says; “if ye jist make me up a piece,” he says, “gie

me a blanket wi’ me,” he says, “I’ll march the road, and I’ll try and geta job in some toon,” he says; “I’ll surely get a job somewhere, ye see.Doesnae maitter what it is.”

So anyway, in the mornin’ she gies him a piece and gies him ablanket—made her man as comfortable as she could for the long jour-ney. And he’s waved his kiddies farewell, and kissed his wife, and off he


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went—sets off, ye see. So anyway, on he goes—oh, he marched on tillhe was aboot six weeks on the road, till he comes marchin’ intae avillage. In the village, there was four cross-roads in this village in thestreet, a cross-roads. An he comes in—he looks up the one street and helooks doon the ither street, and he’s standing at the corner—it waskinda well on in the night. An across the street was a baker’s shop; itwas shut.

In the front of the baker’s shop there was a stoot man stannin’, likethe wan, the boss of the shop, was stannin’. An this man of the shopwas matchin’ this other man across the street,—the baker—stannin’watchin’ the man that was lookin’ for the job, ye see.

So he comes marchin’ owre to the baker to ask where there was alodgin’-hoose or anything where he could sleep for the night, and theman directed him where he could get lodgings. He says, “What are yedoin’?” he says—“Ye’re a stranger here,” says the man of the shop.

“Yes,” he says, “I’m a stranger,” he says. “I’m looking for a job.” Hesays, “What kinna job are ye lookin’ for?”

“Well,” says the man, “it’s a funny thing,” he says, “you asked methat,” he says—“jist the same kinna job you are,” he says. “I’m a baker.I’m a baker to trade.”

“Well,” says the man, “I could do wi’ a man for a baker,—a man tomake pastries.”

They’ve come to an agreement, an’ asked the wages, and the mantellt him.

“Well,” he says, “ye’ll get your lodgings,” he says. “I’ll gie ye a goodpay, and everything.”

So he was there for aboot six month, and he could make the loveliestpastries ever, the man—he was aboot the best baker this man had—theboss of the baker’s shop—told him he was a good baker. And he got somuch wi’ his keep—got his food and his bed, but at the end of the yearhe got so much of his wages, a lump sum for goin’ away.

Now he was wearied for his wife and two wee lassies—see—so hesays to the man, “I’m goin’ home,” he says, “the day after to-morrow,”he says, “I’m goin’ back home,” he says—“I want to see the wife andkiddies. And,” he says, “I’ll be liftin’ aa my wages,” he says, “I don’tknow what might happen me, for I’ve a long road to go home.”

“That’s all right,” says the man, he says, “but,” he says, “there’s one

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thing,” he says, “I’m goin’ to ask ye,” he says. “I jist cam in to see ye,man,” he says, “before ye were goin’ away up to your bed,” he says,“whether wad ye take your year’s wages, or take three good advices.”

So the baker looked at him, says, “What d’ye mean, Boss?”“Well,” he says, “I’m only askin’,” he says, “Whether wad ye take

three good advices,” he says, “or wad ye take your year’s pay?”“Well,” he says, “ye’ve got me noo,” he says, “ye see, I cud dae wi’

my week’s pey. An’,” he says, “wi’ three good advices I could walk ootin the road there and get killed,” he says, “or something like that.”And he says, “Wad ye gie me up to the morn’s mornin’ to think itowre?”

So the man says, “Yes, that’ll do,” he says. “If you wait till the morn’smornin’ ye’re gaun away to-morrow,” he says, “I’ll—ye can decidethen which of the things ye want to take—your money or your threeadvices.’

So away, thinkin’ in bed—he could hardly sleep. An’ he says—whanhe cam doon for his breakfast in the mornin’, the Boss says, “Well,” hesays, “George,” he says, “did ye make up your mind what ye’re goin’totake,” he says, “your money”, he says, “there’s your wages; there’syour packet,” he says, “there’s a fair lump of money in it—I know youcould be daein’ wi’ the money. And,” he says, “I’ve got three goodadvices to gie ye,” he says. “Have ye made up your mind which o’mye’re gonnae take?”

“Well,” says the man, “I could dae wi the money,” he says, “but Ithink I’ve made up my mind,” he says, “to take the three goodadvices.”

“Well,” he says, “you took a wise decision,” the man says.“Well,” he says, “the best advice is: Never take a near-cut!” He says,

“Never get into a hoose,” he says, “where there’s a red-heidit man,a red-heidit wumman, a red-heidit—an auld red-heidit man, anauld red-heidit wumman, an’ a red-heidit son.”

“Oh,” says the man, “I’ll mind that.”“And,” he says, “your third advice is,” he says, “There’s a half-loaf,

an’ don’t break that half-loaf,” he says, “till ye break it in your wife’sapron. Get her to haud oot her apron,” he says, “and break the half-loafin your wife’s apron—see?”

“Very good,” says the man.


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“But,” he says, “there’s your week’s pey to ye. It will cairry ye hame.”So he bid his boss farewell, and said, “You were very good to me,”

and bid his family farewell, and away he set off for home.In them days it was mail-coaches—there were nae motor-cars,

an’buses—horseback and mail-coaches. He’s marchin’ the road back,and his feet were sore, travellin’. Well, he came to a near-cut, and acrossthis near-cut, across the fields, was takin’ aboot three mile off him, off

his journey, see.He forgot aboot the advice, and he says, “Well,” he says, “I’m goin’

owre this near-cut,” he says, “and it’ll cut three mile off me. And,” hesays, “my feet’s sore, I’ll have to go across this field.”

Well, he went owre the stile, and he’s marchin’ through this field—it was a moonlight’s night—and the frost was on everything. Whenhe’s comin’ over the field, he hears the scream of a man, and this wasBurkers cuttin’ a packman’s throat, in the middle of the field, jist as hewas comin’ owre the brae of the hill. The screams over the roads weresomething terrible. He backs back, and he backs back, and he ran forhis life till he got on to the road, and he ran doon the road, and wi’ theexcitement—he ran doon the road—he ran to a wee crofter’s hoose atthe side of the road, and when he ran in oot the road, there was a red-heidit man, an auld red-heidit wumman, and a red-heidit son. And heknew he’d done wrong. The man said, “What is it?” “Ah”, he says,“I’m tired—I got chased there and I cam in,” he says, “to see if yecould pit me up for the night.”

“Well,” says the man, he says, “I’ll tell ye,” he says, “ye can gie himsome parritch,” he says, “and milk there—gie him a feed.”

So he mindit on the three advices noo; he says, “I’m goin’ ’a bemurdered here the night,” says, “this is a Burker’s hoose. Well,” hesays, “listen,” he says, “before ye gie me a wee bite of meat and that,”he says, “and before ye’s pit me in the byre,” he says, “will ye let meoot for a minute—I want to do something, see?”

The man says, “Aye, aye,” he says, “jist gang oot there, and dinnae belong.”

And here, when he went oot, he went into the reed—that’s wherethey keep the manure—coo’s manure and horse-manure—he wentinto the reed, and he sat in a corner of the reed; he never cam back inagain. An’ they’re searchin’ for him up and doon, here and there, and

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they couldnae fin’ him; they searched byre, stacks and everything, butthey hadnae an idea tae gaun into the reed where the dung was, wherehe was sittin’—see?, he was hidin’ in there.

He bade there tae aboot the break of day-light, and here was themail-coach comin’, wi’ the mail and two horses. The man had a gun ontop of the thing, and his two dogs, and the horses comin’ trottin’ alongthe road. He jumps owre and he held his hand up to the man like that,and tellt the man to gie him a lift. And he still had his parcel. He got onto the mail-coach, and he tells the man goin’ along the road whathappened.

“Well,” he says, “if they come eftir ye,” he says, “I’ll gie them anunce of leid,” he says, “oot of my gun, wi’ this blunderbuss, I’ve got,”he says, “and I’ll put my dogs on them,” he says. “Ye should watchwhat ye’re daen, man.” But when he got to the wife’s hoose, the wifewas glad to see him, and the wee lassie; she throwed her arms aroondher man and tellt him to come in.

“God”, she says, “you look fa*gged oot,” she says, and she says,“Have ye got the money?”

“No,” he says, “I’ve only got this, what’ I’ve got left,” he says,“aboot three pound,” he says.

“Did ye no get nae mair nor that,” she says, “for your year’sworkin’?”

“Naw,” he says, “that’s aa I’ve got,” he says, but he started tellin’ heraboot the three good advices. He says, “My first good advice was no totake a near-cut through the field, and whan I went through the field,”he says, “there was a man gettin’ murdered. An’,” he says, “the otheryin was no to gaun intae a hoose where there was red-heidit folk. But,”he says, “that’s what I done,” he says, “and I sat in the reed aa night.An’,” he says, “my third good advice,” he says to his wife, “was thiswee half-loaf. The baker told me,” he says—“the boss at the baker-shop told me for to haud oot your apron. Now,” he says, “haud ootyour apron until I break the half-loaf.”

An’ the wife held oot the apron, like that, and he broke the half-loaf.It was full of gold sovereigns. “Jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle,” the goldsovereigns fell intae her apron, and they lived happily ever after, andshe was glad to see her man—he was near killed. So the three goodadvices peyed him, didn’t it?


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That’s the finish of it, and that’s the end of my story.My mother told us that story, years ago, when I was a wee boy.

School of Scottish Studies. Collected by Hamish Henderson from AndrewStewart, 1955.Note: See The Tale of Ivan, “The Tinner of Chyannor”, “Yalla-britches”. See also“The Reid-Heidit Family” among the Burker Tales.


They have a tradition at Winterton that there was formerly one MrLacy, that lived there and was a very rich man, who, being grown veryaged, gave all that he had away unto his three sons, upon condition thatone should keep him one week, and another another. But it happenedwithin a little while that they were all weary of him, after that they gotwhat they had, and regarded him no more than a dog. The old manperceiving how he was slighted, went to an attorny to see if his skillcould not afford him any help in his troubles. The attorny told him thatno law in the land could help him nor yield him any comfort, but therewas one thing onely which would certainly do, which, if he wouldperform, he would reveal to him. At which the poor old man wasexceeding glad, and desired him for God’s sake to reveal the same, forhe was almost pined and starved to dead, and he would willingly do itrather than live as he did. “Well,” says the lawyer, “you have been agreat friend of mine in my need, and I will now be one to you in yourneed. I will lend you a strong box with a strong lock on it, in whichshall be contained £1000; you shall on such a day pretend to havefetched it out of such a close, where it shall be supposed that you hid,and carry it into one of your sons’ houses, and make it your businessevery week, while you are sojourning with such or such a son, to bealways counting of the money, and ratleing it about, and you shall seethat, for love of it, they’ll soon love you again, and make very much ofyou, and maintain you joyfully, willingly and plentifully, unto yourdying day.” The old man having thanked the lawyer for this goodadvice, and kind proffer, received with a few days the aforesayd box full

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of money, and having so managed it as above, his graceless sons soonfell in love with him again, and made mighty much of him, and per-ceiving that their love to him continued stedfast and firm, he one daytook it out of the house and carry’d it to the lawyer, thanking himexceedingly for the lent thereof.

But when he got to his sons he made them believe that (he) hadhidden it again, and that he would give it to him of them whome heloved best when he dyd. This made them all so observant of him thathe lived the rest of his days in great peace, plenty and happinessamongst them, and dyed full of years. But a while before he dyd heupbraded them for their former ingratitude, told them the whole his-tory of the box, and forgave them.

County Folk-lore, , Lincolnshire (Gutch and Peaco*ck), p. 362. From the diary ofAbraham de la Pryme, pp. 162–3.Note: This type is given literary treatment by Ernest Seton Thompson in TwoLittle Savages.


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Part 5Nursery Tales

The Nursery Tales are perhaps those that have the greatest chance ofsurvival amongst us, for small children will always demand them, andif mothers no longer tell them they are likely to hear them on thewireless. People also commonly remember longest what they haveheard earliest. There is one type of Nursery Tale which is not likely tobe told to the very small, though it will be popular among olderchildren. This is the alarming story, ending with a shout that is meantto startle the listener, such as “The Old Man at the White House”, verypopular with school-children. Such animal tales as “The Three Bears”and “The Three Wee Pigs” are suitable for very young children, and areperennially popular. “The Three Bears” has no type number, probablybecause it was long regarded as being the invention of Robert Southey,who actually only retold it. Even if he had been the originator, it hasgone through enough changes in the course of transmission to qualifyit as a late folk-tale.

Nonsense tales and jingles are popular with the very young, and

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keep their popularity as the children grow up. Some, like “Sir GammerVans”, are pure nonsense; some, like “The Cattie sits in the Kiln-RingSpinning”, had probably originally a satiric intention and havebeen adopted by children. It is possible that some of them may haveoriginated in thieves’ cant, like the nursery rhyme,

As I went over Humber-Jumber,Humber-Jumber, Jiney O!

and have been innocently adopted, as it has, for their pretty rhythm.

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The cattie sits in the kiln-ring,Spinning, spinning;

And by came a little wee mousie,Rinning, rinning.

“O what’s that you’re spinning, my loesome,Loesome lady?”

“I’m spinning a sark to my young son,”Said she, said she.

“Weel mot he brook it, my loesome,Loesome lady.”

“Gin he dinna brook it weel, he may brook it ill,”Said she, said she.

“I soopit my house, my loesome,Loesome lady.”

“ ’Twas a sign we didna sit amang dirt then,”Said she, said she.

“I fand twall pennies, my winsome,Winsome lady.”

“’Twas a sign ye warna sillerless,”Said she, said she.

“I gaed to the market, my loesome,Loesome lady.”

“ ’Twas a sign ye didna sit at hame then,”Said she, said she.

“I coft a sheepie’s head, my winsome,Winsome lady.”

“ ’Twas a sign ye warna kitchenless,”Said she, said she.

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“I put it in my pottie to boil, my loesome,Loesome lady.”

“ ’Twas a sign ye didna eat it raw,”Said she, said she.

“I put it in my winnock to cool, my winsome,Winsome lady.”

“ ’Twas a sign ye didna burn your chafts then,”Said she, said she.

“By came a cattie, and ate it a’ up, my loesome,Loesome lady.”

“And sae will I you—Worrie, worrie—guash, guash,”Said she, said she.

Chambers, Popular Rhymes of Scotland, p. 53.Note: Versions of this tale are known in Finland, Norway, Denmark, Belgium,Russia, Greece, Indonesia and America. Lewis Carroll’s “Fury said to a Mouse”is on something the same theme.

The usual tale is of a vain attempt to escape death by a captured mouse. Inthis version the mouse takes the initiative and seeks for reparation.


Once upon a time there was a king who had a very beautiful daughter.Many princes wished to marry her, but the king said she should marrythe one who could tell him an endless tale, and those lovers that couldnot tell an endless tale should be beheaded. Many young men came,and tried to tell such a story, but they could not tell it, and werebeheaded. But one day a poor man who had heard of what the king hadsaid came to the court and said he would try his luck. The king agreed,and the poor man began his tale in this way: “There was once a manwho built a barn that covered many acres, and that reached almost tothe sky. He left just one little hole in the top, through which there wasonly room for one locust to creep in at a time, and then he filled thebarn full of corn to the very top. When he had filled the barn therecame a locust through the hole in the top and fetched one grain of

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corn, and then another locust came and fetched another grain of corn.”And so the poor man went on saying “Then another locust came andfetched another grain of corn” for a long time, so that in the end theking grew very weary, and said the tale was endless, and told the poorman he might marry his daughter.

S. O. Addy, Household Tales, p. 15.Note: This is the most complete of the English versions of “The Endless Tale”,having the romantic suitor’s task element.


There was once a man who lived in a white house in a certain village,and he knew everything about everybody who lived in the place.

In the same village there lived a woman who had a daughter calledSally, and one day she gave Sally a pair of yellow gloves and threatenedto kill her if she lost them.

Now Sally was very proud of her gloves, but she was careless enoughto lose one of them. After she had lost it she went to a row of houses inthe village and inquired at every door if they had seen her glove. Buteverybody said “no”, and she was told to go and ask the old man thatlived in the white house.

So Sally went to the white house and asked the old man if he hadseen her glove. The old man said: “I have thy glove, and I will give itthee if thou wilt promise me to tell nobody where thou hast found it.And remember, if thou tells anybody I shall fetch thee out of bed whenthe clock strikes twelve at night.”

So he gave the glove back to Sally.But Sally’s mother got to know about her losing the glove, and said:

“Where did you find it?”Sally said: “I daren’t tell, for if I do the old man will fetch me out of

bed at twelve o’clock at night.”Her mother said: “I will bar all the doors and fasten all the windows

and then he can’t get in and fetch thee;” and she made Sally tell herwhere she had found her glove.

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So Sally’s mother barred all the doors and fastened all the windows,and Sally went to bed at ten o’clock that night and began to cry. Ateleven she began to cry louder, and at twelve o’clock she heard a voicesaying in a whisper, but gradually getting louder and louder:

“Sally, I’m up one step.”“Sally, I’m up two steps.”“Sally, I’m up three steps.”“Sally, I’m up four steps.”“Sally, I’m up five steps.”“Sally, I’m up six steps.”“Sally, I’m up seven steps.”“Sally, I’m up eight steps.”“Sally, I’m up nine steps.”“Sally, I’m up ten steps.”“Sally, I’m up eleven steps.”“Sally, I’m up twelve steps!”“Sally, I’m at thy bedroom door!!”“Sally, I have hold of thee ! ! !”

Reprinted from S. O. Addy, “Four Yorkshire Folk-Tales”, Folk-Love, (1897),pp. 393–4, told by Richard Hirst, aged 18, of Sheffield.Note: A literary version of this tale is Mark Twain’s “The Man with the GoldenArm”. See also “The Golden Arm”, Teeny-Tiny, “The Bone”, etc. Also “TheStrange Visitor”, “The Lady that Went to Church”, “Peggy with the WoodenLeggy”.


Last Sunday morning at six o’clock in the evening as I was sailing overthe tops of the mountains in my little boat, I met two men on horse-back riding on one mare: so I asked them, “Could they tell me whetherthe old woman was dead yet who was hanged last Saturday week fordrowning herself in a shower of feathers?” They said they could notpositively inform me, but if I went to Sir Gammer Vans he could tell meall about it.

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“But how am I to know the house?” said I.“Ho, ’tis easy enough,” said they, “for ’tis a brick house, built

entirely of flints, standing alone by itself in the middle of sixty orseventy others just like it.”

“Oh, nothing in the world is easier,” said I.“Nothing can be easier,” said they: so I went on my way.Now this Sir G. Vans was a giant, and bottle-maker. And as all giants

who are bottle-makers usually pop out of a little thumb-bottle frombehind the door, so did Sir G. Vans.

“How d’ye do?” says he.“Very well, I thank you,” says I.“Have some breakfast with me?”“With all my heart,” says I.So he gave me a slice of beer, and a cup of cold veal; and there was a

little dog under the table that picked up all the crumbs.“Hang him,” says I.“No, don’t hang him,” says he; “for he killed a hare yesterday. And if

you don’t believe me, I’ll show you the hare alive in a basket.”So he took me into his garden to show the curiosities. In one corner

there was a fox hatching eagle’s eggs; in another there was an ironapple-tree, entirely covered with pears and lead; in the third there wasthe hare which the dog killed yesterday alive in the basket; and in thefourth there were twenty-four hipper switches threshing tobacco, and atthe sight of me they threshed so hard that they drove the plug throughthe wall, and through a little dog that was passing by on the other side.I, hearing the dog howl, jumped over the wall; and turned it as neatlyinside out as possible, when it ran away as if it had not an hour to live.Then he took me into the park to show me his deer: and I remem-bered that I had a warrant in my pocket to shoot venison for hismajesty’s dinner. So I set fire to my bow, poised my arrow, and shotamong them. I broke seventeen ribs on one side, and twenty-one anda half on the other; but my arrow passed clean through without evertouching it, and the worst was I lost my arrow: however, I found itagain in the hollow of a tree. I felt it; it felt clammy. I smelt it; it smelthoney.

“Oh, ho,” said I, “here’s a bees’ nest,” when out sprang a covey ofpartridges. I shot at them; some say I killed eighteen; but I am sure I

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killed thirty-six, besides a dead salmon which was flying over thebridge, of which I made the best apple-pie I ever tasted.

Jacobs, More English Fairy Tales, p. 39.Note: There is a seventeenth-century version of this tale printed in Penny Histories(Bodleian, Wood, 704). It is an interesting example of the way in which talesare whittled down in oral tradition. It is called “A Strange and WonderfullRELATION of an Old Woman that was Drowned at RATCLIF High-way aFortnight Ago.”

The beginning is not unlike the traditional story: “It was last Sunday morn-ing, at four o’clock in the afternoon, before Sun-rise, going over Highgate-Hillin a Boat, I met a Man I overtook. I asked him, If the Old Woman was dead thatwas drowned at Ratcliff Highway a fortnight ago? He told me he could not tell;but if I went a little further, I should meet with two men a Horseback, upon aMare, in a blew Jerkin and a pair of Freestone Breeches, and they would giveme true intelligence.”

After various non sequiturs, the narrator arrives at Sir John Vang’s house. “Atlast I arrived at Sir John Vang’s house, ’tis a little House all alone, encompassedwith forty or fifty other Houses, having a brick Wall made of flint stones roundabout it, knocking at the door, Gammer Vangs (his wife) appeared: GammerVangs, said I, is Sir John Vangs within? Walk in, said she, and you shall find himin the little, great, round three-square Parlour. This Gammer Vangs had a littleOld Woman to her Son, her Mother was a Church-Warden of a Troop of Horse,and her Grandmother was a Justice of the Peace; but when I came into the little,great, round, long three-square Parlour, I could not see Sir John Vangs, for he wasa Gyant, but I espied abundance of wicker-bottles, and just as I was going outhe call’d me, asking what I would have. So looking back I espyed him justcreeping out of a Wicker-bottle. (It seems by profession he was a Wicker-Bottle-Maker), and after he had made them he crept out of the stopper-holes.”

The tale ends in a traditional way with a rhyme:

Awake, arise, pull out your eyes,And see what time of day,And when you have done pull out your tongue,And see what you can say.

These non sequiturs were very popular in the seventeenth century. Corbetwrote two; an earlier one is to be found in Chambers’ Early English Lyrics, “MyLady went to Canterbury” (, ).

See “Five Men”, “A Lying Tale”, “Mother Shipton’s House”.

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Once upon a time there was a teeny-tiny woman lived in a teeny-tinyhouse in a teeny-tiny village. Now one day this teeny-tiny woman puton her teeny-tiny bonnet, and went out of her teeny-tiny house to takea teeny-tiny walk. And when this teeny-tiny woman had gone a teeny-tiny way, she came to a teeny-tiny gate; so the teeny-tiny womanopened the teeny-tiny gate, and went into a teeny-tiny churchyard. Andwhen this teeny-tiny woman had got into the teeny-tiny churchyard,she saw a teeny-tiny bone on a teeny-tiny grave, and the teeny-tinywoman said to her teeny-tiny self, “This teeny-tiny bone will make mesome teeny-tiny soup for my teeny-tiny supper.” So the teeny-tinywoman put the teeny-tiny bone into her teeny-tiny pocket, and wenthome to her teeny-tiny house.

Now when the teeny-tiny woman got home to her teeny-tiny house,she was a teeny-tiny tired; so she went up her teeny-tiny stairs to herteeny-tiny bed, and put the teeny-tiny bone into a teeny-tiny cupboard.And when this teeny-tiny woman had been to sleep a teeny-tiny time,she was awakened by a teeny-tiny voice from the teeny-tiny cupboard,which said, “Give me my bone!”

And this teeny-tiny woman was a teeny-tiny frightened, so she hidher teeny-tiny head under the teeny-tiny clothes, and went to sleepagain. And when she had been to sleep again a teeny-tiny time, theteeny-tiny voice again cried out from the teeny-tiny cupboard, a teeny-tiny louder, “Give me my bone!” This made the teeny-tiny woman ateeny-tiny more frightened, so she hid her teeny-tiny head a teeny-tinyfurther under the teeny-tiny clothes. And when the teeny-tiny womanhad been to sleep again a teeny-tiny time, the teeny-tiny voice from theteeny-tiny cupboard said again a teeny-tiny louder, “Give me mybone!” And this teeny-tiny woman was a teeny-tiny bit more fright-ened, but she put her teeny-tiny head out of the teeny-tiny clothes, andsaid in her loudest teeny-tiny voice, “ !”

Halliwell, Nursery Rhymes and Popular Tales, p. 148.

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Once upon a time there were Three Bears, who lived together in ahouse of their own, in a wood. One of them was a Little, Small, WeeBear; and one was a Middle-sized Bear; and the other was a Great, HugeBear. They had each a pot for their porridge; a little pot for the Little,Small, Wee Bear; and a middle-sized pot for the Middle Bear; and agreat pot for the Great, Huge Bear. And they had each a chair to sit in; alittle chair for the Little, Small, Wee Bear; and a middle-sized chair forthe Middle Bear; and a great chair for the Great, Huge Bear. And theyhad each a bed to sleep in; a little bed for the Little, Small, Wee Bear; amiddle-sized bed for the Middle Bear; and a great bed for the Great,Huge Bear.

One day, after they had made the porridge for their breakfast, andpoured it into their porridge-pots, they walked out into the woodwhile their porridge was cooling, that they might not burn theirmouths by beginning too soon to eat it.

And while they were walking, a little girl named Silver-hair came tothe house. First she looked in at the window, and then she peeped in atthe keyhole; and seeing nobody in the house, she lifted the latch. Thedoor was not fastened, because the Bears were good Bears, who didnobody any harm, and never suspected that anybody would harmthem. So little Silver-hair opened the door, and went in; and wellpleased she was when she saw the porridge on the table. If she hadbeen a good little girl she would have waited till the Bears came home,and then, perhaps, they would have asked her to breakfast; for theywere good Bears—a little rough or so, as the manner of Bears is, but forall that, very good-natured and hospitable.

So first she tasted the porridge of the Great, Huge Bear, and that wastoo hot for her. And then she tasted the porridge of the Middle Bear,and that was too cold for her. And then she went to the porridge of theLittle, Small, Wee Bear, and tasted that; and that was neither too hot nortoo cold, but just right; and she liked it so well that she ate it all up.

Then little Silver-hair sate down in the chair of the Great, Huge Bear,and that was too hard for her. And then she sate down in the chair ofthe Middle Bear, and that was too soft for her. And then she sate down

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in the chair of the Little, Small, Wee Bear, and that was neither too hard,nor too soft, but just right. So she seated herself in it, and there she satetill the bottom of the chair came out, and down she came, plump uponthe ground.

Then little Silver-hair went upstairs into the bed-chamber in whichthe Three Bears slept. And first she laid down upon the bed of theGreat, Huge Bear; but that was too high at the head for her. And nextshe lay down upon the bed of the Middle Bear; and that was too high atthe foot for her. And then she lay down upon the bed of the Little,Small, Wee Bear; and that was neither too high at the head nor at thefoot, but just right. So she covered herself up comfortably, and lay theretill she fell fast asleep.

By this time the Three Bears thought their porridge would be coolenough; so they came home to breakfast. Now little Silver-hair had leftthe spoon of the Great Huge Bear standing in his porridge. “-

!” said the Great, Huge Bear, in hisgreat, rough, gruff voice. And when the Middle Bear looked at his, hesaw the spoon was standing in it too.

“Somebody has been at my porridge!” said the Middle Bear, in his middlevoice.

Then the Little, Small, Wee Bear looked at his, and there was thespoon in the porridge-pot, but the porridge was all gone.

“Somebody has been at my porridge, and has eaten it all up!” saidthe Little, Small, Wee Bear, in his little, small, wee voice.

Upon this, the Three Bears, seeing that someone had entered theirhouse, and eaten up the Little, Small, Wee Bear’s breakfast, began tolook about them. Now little Silver-hair had not put the hard cushionstraight when she rose from the chair of the Great, Huge Bear.

“ !” said the Great,Huge Bear, in his great rough, gruff voice.

And little Silver-hair had squatted down the soft cushion of theMiddle Bear.

“Somebody has been sitting in my chair!” said the Middle Bear, in his middlevoice.

And you know what little Silver-hair had done to the third chair.“Somebody has been sitting in my chair, and has sate the bottom of

it out!” said the Little, Small, Wee Bear, in his little, small, wee voice.

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Then the Three Bears thought it necessary that they should makefurther search; so they went upstairs into their bed-chamber. Now littleSilver-hair had pulled the pillow of the Great, Huge Bear out of itsplace.

“ !” said the Great, HugeBear, in his great, rough, gruff voice.

And little Silver-hair had pulled the bolster of the Middle Bear out ofits place.

“Somebody has been lying in my bed!” said the Middle Bear in his middlevoice.

And when the Little, Small, Wee Bear came to look at his bed, therewas the bolster in its place; and the pillow in its place on the bolster;and upon the pillow was little Silver-hair’s pretty head—which wasnot in its place, for she had no business there.

“Somebody has been lying on my bed—and here she is!” said theLittle, Small, Wee Bear, in his little, small, wee voice.

Little Silver-hair had heard in her sleep the great, rough gruff voiceof the Great, Huge Bear; but she was so fast asleep that it was no moreto her than the roaring of wind, or the rumbling of thunder. And sheheard the middle voice of the Middle Bear; but it was only as if she hadheard someone speaking in a dream. But when she heard the little,small, wee voice of the Little, Small, Wee Bear, it was so sharp, and soshrill, that it awakened her at once. Up she started; and when she sawthe Three Bears on one side of the bed, she tumbled out of the otherand ran to the window. Now the window was open, because the Bears,like good, tidy Bears, as they were, always opened their bedroom win-dow when they got up in the morning. Out little Silver-hair jumped;and away she ran into the wood; and the Three Bears never saw any-thing more of her.

Joseph Cundall, A Treasury of Pleasure Books for Young People (1856).Note: The first widely known version of “The Three Bears” is that given bySouthey in 1837 in The Doctor, , pp. 318–26. This was exactly copied by Jacobsin English Fairy Tales, p. 93. The heroine was an old woman. The story wasnot, however, originated by Southey, for a metrical manuscript version hadbeen written by Eleanor Muir in 1831, for her godson. She described it as“the celebrated Nursery Tale of the Three Bears put into verse”. This is in

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the Osborne Collection in The Toronto Public Library, and has now beenpublished by the Oxford University Press.

N.G., in The Three Bears and their Story (1841), describes the author of TheDoctor as the “original concocter” of the tale, but Joseph Cundall, whoseversion is given here, said that it had been often told, but never better thanby Southey. In Mother Goose’s Fairy Tales (Routledge, 1878) the three bears forthe first time become Father, Mother, and Baby, and the little girl is SilverLocks. In 1889 she has become Little Golden-Hair, and very shortly after that,if not before, she took final shape as Goldilocks. In Dickens’ reference to thetale in Our Mutual Friend, it is three hobgoblins, not three bears, who own thehouse.

In More English Fairy Tales (p. 87) Jacobs published “Scrapefoot”, which he hadlately discovered, in which the intruder was not a human being, but a fox.Jacobs thought it probable that this was a much earlier version, in which casethe tale belongs to the early Bear and Fox tale-cycle.

See “Scrapefoot”.


There was once a pigs’ house where they were getting thick on theground. The old sow had a younger family, so one day she sent outDennis and Biddy and Rex to find their fortunes for themselves. Theywandered on and on, till they got up by the Devil’s Elbow and Glen-shee, and the wind was blowing, and it was snowing and raining atonce, and oh! but their trotters were sore! So they sat down by theroadside, under the shelter of a wood. They sat for an hour. They hadbut one pipe and one match between them, and Dennis lent his pipe toRex, and Rex dried the match in his hair, for it was soaked, and he satand smoked the wee cuttie pipe. Presently they heard a cart comingalong, and it was loaded with straw. Biddy thought she’s build herself ahouse, if the man would give her some straw. And the man was verykind and obliging, for he was sorry for them, turned out of theirMother’s house on such an awful day, just because Dennis had trod onone of the wee piglets by mistake.

So he gave them the straw, and some matches too, and Biddy builtherself a cosy wee house. The other two were sitting a bittie longer,

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when they heard a cart coming up with slats of wood on it, and whoshould be driving it but Jimmie McLauchlan, who was at school withDennis. So Dennis asked him for some of the slats of wood, to buildhimself a wee wooden housie. And Jimmie gave it him and welcome.Well, Dennis had hardly set to work when a lorry from Fife came upthe road, with a load of bricks on it. Rex cried to the man, and hestopped, and threw out as many bricks as Rex needed to build himself abrick house. And there they were all settled for the night. But as Biddywas sitting in her cosy wee house, she heard someone knocking. “Isthat you, Dennis?” she said. “Oh, no, it’s an old friend,” said a voicethat she knew well. “Just let me in and have a news with you.” “Oh, no,I’ll not let you in,” said Biddy, for she knew the wolf’s voice when sheheard it. “Then I’ll puff and I’ll blow, and I’ll blow your house in,” saidthe wolf, and he blew so hard that all the straw scattered. But just as hegot in at the front door, Biddy ran out at the back, and went to Dennis’house. “He’ll not blow this down,” said Dennis. And that moment theyheard the wolf at the door. “Let me in, I’ve a great piece of news foryou.” “No, we’ll not let you in,” they said. “Then I’ll puff and I’ll blow,and I’ll blow your house in.” And he blew so hard that he blew all theslats apart, and Biddy and Dennis had only time to get out of the backdoor, and scamper to Rex’s house before the wolf was in at the front.

He raced on after them to Rex’s house, but though he puffed and heblew, he couldn’t blow it down. So he crept up on to the roof to jumpdown the lum. But Biddy had given Rex some straw to make a bed, andwhen they heard the wolf on the roof he threw all the straw on the fire,and it blazed up, and burnt him to death. So they hooked him down thechimney, and cut him up into collops, and roasted him for their sup-per. But there are no houses up in the wood now, for the pigs were alltaken to the old people’s houses, and there they died.

School of Scottish Studies. Hamish Henderson, from Bella Higgins. Heard fromher mother.Note: In version the two first pigs are eaten by the wolf, and there is a furthertrial of wits between the third pig and the wolf, reminiscent of the Brer Rabbitstories. The same is true of the doggerel version printed by Joseph Cundall of“The Fox and the Geese”.

Version , found by Andrew Lang, gives a happy ending to all three pigs,

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and the same is true of , the delightful “Three Wee Pigs”, collected byHamish Henderson.

See “The Fox and the Geese”.


Once upon a time when all big folks were wee ones and all lies weretrue, there was a wee, wee Mannie that had a big, big Coo. And out hewent to her one morning, and said:

“Hold still, my Coo, my hinny,Hold still, my hinny, my Coo,And ye shall have for your dinner,What but a milk-white doo.”

But the big, big Coo wouldn’t hold still. “Hout!” said the wee, weeMannie—

“Hold still, my Coo, my dearie,And fill my bucket wi’ milk,

And if ye’ll no’ be contrairyI’ll gi’e ye a gown o’ silk.”

But the big, big Coo wouldn’t hold still. “Look at that now!” said thewee, wee Mannie.

“What’s a wee, wee Mannie to do,Wi’sic a big contrairy Coo!”

So off he went to his mother at the house. “Mother,” he said, “Coowon’t stand still, and wee, wee Mannie can’t milk big, big Coo.”

“Hout!” says his mother, “take stick and beat Coo.” So off he went toget a stick from the tree, and said—

“Break, stick, break,And I’ll gi’e ye a cake.”

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But the stick wouldn’t break, so back he went to the house. “Mother,”says he, “Coo won’t hold still, stick won’t break, wee, wee Manniecan’t beat big, big Coo.”

“Hout!” says his Mother, “Go to the butcher and bid him kill Coo.”So off he went to the Butcher, and said—

“Butcher, kill the big, big Coo,She’ll give me no more milk noo.”

But the Butcher wouldn’t kill the Coo without a silver penny, so backthe Mannie went to the house. “Mother,” says he, “Coo won’t holdstill, stick won’t break, Butcher won’t kill without a silver penny, andwee, wee Mannie can’t milk big, big Coo.”

“Well,” said his mother, “go to the Coo and tell her there’s a weary,weary lady with long yellow hair weeping for a sup of milk.”

So off he went and told the Coo, but she wouldn’t hold still, so backhe went and told his mother.

“Well,” said she, “tell the Coo there’s a fine, fine laddie from thewars sitting by the weary, weary lady with the golden hair, and sheweeping for a sup of milk.”

So off he went and told the Coo, but she wouldn’t hold still, so backhe went and told his mother.

“Well,” said his mother, “tell the big, big Coo there’s a sharp, sharpsword at the belt of the fine, fine laddie from the wars who sits besidethe weary, weary lady with the golden hair, and she weeping for a supo’ milk.”

And he told the big, big Coo, but she wouldn’t hold still.Then said his mother, “Run quick and tell her that her head’s going

to be cut off by the sharp, sharp sword in the hands of the fine, fineladdie, if she doesn’t give the sup of milk the weary, weary lady weepsfor.”

And the wee, wee Mannie went off and told the big, big Coo.And when the Coo saw the glint of the sharp, sharp sword in the

hand of the fine, fine laddie come from the wars, and the weary, wearylady weeping for a sup of milk, she thought she’d better hold still; sowee, wee Mannie milked the big, big Coo, and the weary, weary ladywith the golden hair hushed her weeping and got her cup o’milk, and

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the fine, fine laddie new come from the wars put by his sharp, sharpsword, and all went well that didn’t go ill.

Jacobs, More English Fairy Tales, p. 177.A version of this, “There was a wee, wee wumman, who had a wee, wee coo”,is printed in JAFL, , p. 81, no. 2016.

This tale is both more amusing and more poetic than “The Old Woman andHer Pig”, but it does not follow the same logical sequence.

See also “The Old Woman and Her Pig”, “The Wife and Her Bush ofBerries”.

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Part 6Black Dogs

There are traditions of Black Dogs, good and evil, all over England, butthey have received very little attention from the international index-makers. They are not entirely indigenous to Britain, for black dogs areknown in Brittany and in Scandinavia. The Motif-Index mentions theblack dogs that lead the wild hunt (E. 501, 4. 1.5). In the classificationof E. T. Kristensen, Danske Sagn, devilish dogs and spectral dogs are giventheir places. On the Continent, the black dog is usually the witch’sfamiliar, such as the black dog that accompanied Faustus. In Scotlandthe “Muckle Black Tyke”, which presided at the Witches’ Sabbats wassupposed to be the Devil himself; the fairy dog was dark green.Occasionally in Scotland black dogs are treasure-guardians, like thedogs in Hans Andersen’s “Tinder Box”. Near Murthly, Perthshire, thereis a standing stone, and it is rumoured that the man bold enough tomove it will find a chest with a black dog sitting on it guarding it. It issaid that the school-master’s sons once shifted the stone with gun-powder, but they took fright at the dog and put the stone back again.

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(This is on the authority of the Rev. Routledge Bell, who had it fromone of his parishioners.)

The best studies of the Black Dogs are two articles in Folk-Lore: “TheBlack Dog”, by Ethel Rudkin (Folk-Lore, June 1938), who gives variousfirst-hand accounts of the black dog of Lincolnshire; and “The BlackDog”, by Theo Brown (Folk-Lore, September 1958), who gives a sys-tematic and generalized account of the black dog beliefs all over thecountry, with a map showing distribution.

She divides the dogs into three types: (A) the Barguest, which is ashape-shifting demon dog; (B) the black dog, which is uniform intype, about the size of a calf, generally shaggy and intensely black; (C) arare type which occurs in certain parts of the country in conjunctionwith a calendar cycle.

Three other divisions might be made: the demon dogs; the ghosts ofhuman beings; and the black dogs which appear to exist in their ownright, some of them ghosts of dogs. They might also be divided intodangerous and benevolent dogs.

There are a great many accounts of the appearances of these dogs;many of whom are thought to be ghosts, some of dogs, some ofhumans, though others are thought to be devils and bogies. There are,however, several tales of guardian black dogs. Many, however, areaccounts of appearances and can hardly be said to have stories attachedto them.

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T. F. Thistleton Dyer, The Ghost World, p. 107.

Within the parish of Tring, Hertford, a poor old woman was drownedin 1751 for suspected witchcraft. A chimney-sweeper, who was theprincipal perpetrator of this deed, was hanged and gibbeted near theplace where the murder was committed; and while the gibbet stood,and long after it had disappeared, the spot was haunted by a black dog.A correspondent of the Book of Days (ii, 433) says that he was told by thevillage schoolmaster, who had been “abroad”, that he himself had seenthis diabolical dog. “I was returning home,” said he, “late at night in agig with the person who was driving. When we came near the spot,where a portion of the gibbet had lately stood, he saw on the bank ofthe roadside a flame of fire as large as a man’s hat. ‘What’s that?’ Iexclaimed. ‘Hush!’ said my companion, and suddenly pulling in hishorse, made a dead stop. I then saw an immense black dog just in frontof our horse, the strangest-looking creature I ever beheld. He was as bigas a Newfoundland, but very gaunt, shaggy, with long ears and tail,eyes like balls of fire, and large, long teeth, for he opened his mouthand seemed to grin at us. In a few minutes the dog disappeared, seem-ing to vanish like a shadow, or to sink into the earth, and we drove onover the spot where he had lain.”

Note: This is of Theo Brown’s black dog classification, and , , 3 of theKristensen classification [Spectral dogs]. Theo Brown points out a frequentconnection between black dogs and gallows.

This black dog is an aftermath of the notorious witch-ducking case, inwhich two old people were so maltreated that they died.


Augustus Hare, In My Solitary Life, p. 188.

Mr. Wharton . . . said, “When I was at the little inn at Ayscliffe, I met a

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Mr. Bond, who told me a story about my friend Johnnie Greenwood, ofSwancliffe. Johnnie had to ride one night through a wood a mile longto the place he was going to.

“At the entrance of the wood a large black dog joined him, andpattered along by his side. He could not make out where it came from,but it never left him, and when the wood grew so dark that he couldnot see it, he still heard it pattering beside him. When he emergedfrom the wood, the dog had disappeared, and he could not tell where ithad gone to. Well, Johnnie paid his visit, and set out to return the sameway. At the entrance of the wood, the dog joined him, and patteredalong beside him as before; but it never touched him, and he neverspoke to it, and again, as he emerged from the wood, it ceased to bethere.

“Years after, two condemned prisoners in York Gaol told the chap-lain that they had intended to rob and murder Johnnie that night in thewood, but that he had a large dog with him, and when they saw that,they felt that Johnnie and the dog together would be too much forthem.

“Now that is what I call a useful ghostly apparition,” said Mr.Wharton.

Note: This story was fairly widespread during the early 1900s, when AugustusHare heard it. I was told it as a child in 1910, by an old clergyman, calledHosey, in London. A similar story was told in Yorkshire, about a well-knownNonconformist minister who had been making a charitable collection in alonely part of the country.

See “A Good Black Dog”.


J. S. Udal, Dorsetshire Folk-Lore, p. 167.

Near the town of Lyme stands a farm-house which once formed part ofan old mansion that was demolished in the Parliamentary wars, exceptthe small part still existing. The sitting-room now used by the farmer,

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and also by his predecessors for a century or two, retains the large old-fashioned fireplace with a fixed seat on each side under the capaciouschimney. Many years ago, when the then master of the house, as hiscustom was after the daily toils were over, used to settle himself on oneof these snug seats in the chimney corner, a large black dog as regularlytook possession of the opposite one.

This dog, for many nights, weeks and months sitting vis-à-vis to thefarmer, cast a gloom over his evening’s enjoyment. At length, as hereceived no harm from the appearance, he began to look upon him asquite one of the family circle.

His neighbours, however, often advised him to get rid of the fiend-like intruder, but the farmer, not relishing a contest with him, jestinglyreplied: “Why should I? He costs me nothing; he is the quietest crea-ture in the house; besides, he eats nothing.” One night, however, thefarmer having been drinking too freely with a neighbour and excitedwith his taunts about the black dog, determined his courage should beno more called in question. Returning home in a rage, he no soonersaw the dog in his usual seat than, seizing a poker, he rushed with ittoward his mysterious companion. The dog fled into an attic, and justas the farmer entered it, he saw it spring from the floor and disappearthrough the ceiling. Enraged at being thus foiled, he struck with thepoker the part where the dog had passed through and down fell a smallold-fashioned box, which on being opened, was found to contain alarge sum in gold and silver coins of Charles I’s reign.

The dog was never more seen indoors, but to the present day con-tinues to haunt at midnight a lane which leads to this house, and whichhas long borne the name of “Dog Lane”. A small inn by the roadsidestill invites the passing stranger by the ominous sign of “The BlackDog” portrayed in all his spectral frightfulness.

The dog has been seen as recently as 1856, and may be seen at thepresent time by anyone curious enough to watch at midnight for itsappearance.

Dogs should on no account be allowed to stray late at night in thisneighbourhood, as there have been many cases of their disappearancein a mysterious manner, most likely frightened to death by the spectre!

Note: There seems at first sight no doubt that this dog was the ghost of a

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person, walking for the very common reason of having hidden treasure anddied without telling of it. A strange feature, however, is that the ghost, thoughbanished from the house by the finding of the treasure, continued to haunt thelane outside it, and to frighten mortal dogs to death, like a Barguest or Padfoot.One solution might be that the Barguest was harnessed by magic, and set toguard the treasure. If this were so, one might say that the spell was brokenwhen the farmer struck him with cold iron.

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Part 7Bogies

It is sometimes difficult to decide whether a tale is told about a bogie, ablack dog, a devil or a fairy. In Somerset, Bogie is one name for the devil,but in general bogies, bogles, bug-a-boos and so on are frighteningand mischievous spirits—minor devils, if they are devils at all. Theysometimes appear as black dogs, but they have the power of shape-shifting, which the black dogs have not. The mildest of them are bog-garts, which are brownies gone to the bad. The typical tale told ofboggarts is “The Boggart” (ML7020). A tale told of a boggart, a bogieor the devil is Type 1090, of which there are several versions scatteredthrough the country, a typical one being “The Farmer and the Bog-gart” from Lincolnshire. Two versions of Type 1676, A (Big ’Fraid andLittle ’Fraid), come from places as distant as Lancashire and Cornwall.Nuckelavee is one of the most evil and diabolical of the bogies, and itmay be doubted whether Vinegar Tom is a bogie or a minor devil. It ispleasant to find a story of the Buttery Spirit, one form taken by theAbbey Lubbers, which were supposed to haunt the abbeys inhabited by

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gluttonous monks. There are many descriptions of other bogies, suchas Bloody-bones, Thrumpin, and Tom Dockin, but no real stories aboutthem. Yet this small section ranges from the harmless, if irritating,merriment of the boggart to the hideous malignity of Nuckelavee.


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Keightley, The Fairy Mythology, p. 307.

In the house of an honest farmer in Yorkshire, named George Gilbert-son, a Boggart had taken up his abode. He here caused a good deal ofannoyance, especially by tormenting the children in various ways.Sometimes their bread-and-butter would be snatched away, or theirporringers of bread-and-milk be capsized by an invisible hand; for theBoggart never let himself be seen; at other times, the curtains of theirbeds would be shaken backwards and forwards, or a heavy weightwould press on and nearly suffocate them. The parents had often, onhearing their cries, to fly to their aid. There was a kind of closet,formed by a wooden partition on the kitchen-stairs, and a large knothaving been driven out of one of the deal-boards of which it wasmade, there remained a hole.1 Into this one day the farmer’s youngestboy stuck the shoe-horn, with which he was amusing himself, whenimmediately it was thrown out again, and struck the boy on the head.The agent was, of course, the Boggart, and it soon became their sport(which they called laking2 with Boggart) to put the shoe-horn into thehole and have it shot back at them.

The Boggart at length proved such a torment that the farmer and hiswife resolved to quit the house and let him have it all to himself. Thiswas put into execution, and the farmer and his family were followingthe last loads of furniture when a neighbour named John Marshallcame up. “Well, Georgey,” said he, “and soa you’re leaving t’ouldhouse at last?” “Heigh, Johnny, my lad, I’m forced tull it; for thatdamned Boggart torments us soa, we can neither rest neet nor day for’t.It seems loike to have such a malice again t’poor bairns, it onmost killsmy poor dame here at thoughts on’t, and soa, ye see, we’re forced toflit loike.” He scarce had uttered the works when a voice from a deep

1 The Elfbore of Scotland, where it is likewise ascribed to the fairies, Jamieson, s.v. The sameopinion prevails in Denmark, where it is said that anyone who looks through it will seethings he would not otherwise have known; see Thiele, ii, 18.2 The Anglo-Saxon laean, laecan, to play.

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upright churn cried out, “Aye, aye, Georgey, we’re flitting ye see.” “Oddamn thee,” cried the poor farmer, “if I’d known thou’d been there, Iwadn’t ha’ stirred a peg. Nay, nay, it’s no use, Mally,” turning to hiswife, “we may as weel turn back again to t’oud hoose as be tormentedin another that’s not so convenient.”

Abridged from the Literary Gazette, No. 430, 1825.Note: This is a common tale in the British Isles. There is an Irish version givenin The Folk-Lore Journal, , p. 167, and Welsh one in Sikes, Goblins, p. 117, and Jones,Folktales of Wales, p. 50. There are Yorkshire, Lancashire, Lincolnshire and Shrop-shire versions. Tennyson versified the story in “The Northern Farmer: OldStyle”.

See “The Saut-Box”, “The Farndale Hob”, “Yes, We’re Flutting” (B, V).


Scott, Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, , p. 406.

An ancient and virtuous monk came to visit his nephew, an innkeeper,and, after other discourse, inquired into his circ*mstances. Mine hostconfessed, that, although he practised all the unconscionable tricks ofhis trade, he was still miserably poor.

The monk shook his head, and asked to see his buttery or larder. Asthey looked into it, he rendered visible to the astonished host animmense goblin, whose paunch, and whole appearance, bespoke hisbeing gorged with food, and who, nevertheless, was gormandizing atthe innkeeper’s expense, emptying whole shelves of food, and washingit down with entire hogsheads of liquor. “To the depredation of thisvisitor will thy viands be exposed,” quoth the uncle, “until thou shaltabandon fraud, and false reckonings.” The monk returned in a year.The host having turned over a new leaf, and given Christian measure tohis customers, was now a thriving man. When they again inspected thelarder, they saw the same spirit, but woefully reduced in size, and invain attempting to reach at the full plates and bottles, which stoodaround him; starving, in short, like Tantalus, in the midst of plenty.


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Note: This tale may be found versified in Heywood’s Hierarchie of the Blessed Angels,1635, pp. 577–80.

In Sikes’ British Goblins, pp. 180–1, there is a tale of a poltergeist which ate anddestroyed food, but nothing so explicit as this Buttery Spirit, which is akin tothe Abbey Lubbers, which haunted abbeys where the monks were given togluttony.

See “Friar Rush” (A, II).


Norton Collection, , p. 54.

T’boggart, a squat hairy man, strong as a six-year old horse, and witharms almost as long as tackle-poles, comes to a farmer who has justtaken a bit of land, and declares that he is the proper owner, and thefarmer must quit. The farmer proposes an appeal to the law, but bog-gart will have naught to do wi’ law, which has never yet done himjustice, and suggests that they should share the produce equally. “Verywell,” says the farmer, “wilt thou tek what grows above ground, orwhat grows beneath ground? Only, moind, thou mun stick to whatthou sattles; oi doant want no back-reckunings after.” He arranges totake what grows above ground, and the farmer promptly sets potatoes.Of course, when the boggart comes at harvest-time to claim his share,he gets nothing but the haulms and twitch, and is in a sore taking. Atleast, however, he agrees to take all that grows beneath ground for nextseason, whereupon the farmer sows wheat, and when boggart comesround at t’backend, the farmer gets corn and straw, and nought is leftfor boggart but the stubble.

Boggart then insists that next year wheat should be sown again, andthat they should mow together, each taking what he mows. The farmerconsults the local wise man, and studs boggart’s “falls” with thin ironrods, which wear down boggart’s strength in cutting, and take all theedge of his scythe. So boggart stops to whet, and boggart stops to rest,but the farmer mows steadily on, till at last the boggart throws downhis scythe in despair, and says, “Ye may tek t’mucky old land, an’ all

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’at’s on it; I wean’t hev no more to do wi’ it.” And off he goes, andnivver comes back no more, leastways, not after no land, but awmsabout t’delves, an’ skears loane foaks o’ noights; an’ if thou leaves thydinner or thy tools about it, ofttimes he meks off wi’ ’em.

Originally printed in Mabel Peaco*ck’s Tales and Rhymes in the Lindsey Folk-Speech,1886; then in The Saga-Book of the Viking Club, , pp. 37–8. From Mumby, nearAlford.Note: See “The Bogie’s Field”, “Jack o’ Kent and the Devil” (B, III).


Douglas, Scottish Fairy and Folk-Tales, p. 160.

Nuckelavee was a monster of unmixed malignity, never willingly rest-ing from doing evil to mankind. He was a spirit in flesh. His home wasthe sea; and whatever his means of transit were in that element, whenhe moved on land he rode a horse as terrible in aspect as himself. Somethought that rider and horse were really one, and that this was theshape of the monster. Nuckelavee’s head was like a man’s, only tentimes larger, and his mouth projected like that of a pig, and was enor-mously wide. There was not a hair on the monster’s body, for the verygood reason that he had no skin.

If crops were blighted by sea-gust or mildew, if live stock fell overhigh rocks that skirt the shores, or if an epidemic raged among men, oramong the lower animals, Nuckelavee was the cause of all. His breathwas venom, falling like blight on vegetable and with deadly disease onanimal life. He was also blamed for long-continued droughts; for someunknown reason he had serious objections to fresh water, and wasnever known to visit the land during rain.

I knew an old man who was credited with having once encounteredNuckelavee, and with having made a narrow escape from the monster’sclutches. This man was very reticent on the subject. However, aftermuch higgling and persuasion, the following narrative was extracted:

Tammas, like his namesake, Tam o’Shanter, was out late one night. It


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was, though moonless, a fine starlit night. Tammas’ road lay close bythe seashore, and as he entered a part of the road that was hemmed inon one side by the sea, and on the other by a deep fresh-water loch, hesaw some huge object in front of, and moving towards him.

What was he to do? He was sure it was no earthly thing that wassteadily coming towards him. He could not go to either side, and toturn his back to an evil thing he had heard was the most dangerousposition of all; so Tammie said to himself, “The Lord be about me, an’tak’ care o’ me, as I am oot on no evil intent this night!”

Tammie was always regarded as rough and foolhardy. Anyway, hedetermined, as the best of two evils, to face the foe, and so walkedresolutely yet slowly forward. He soon discovered to his horror that thegruesome creature approaching him was no other than the dreadedNuckelavee. The lower part of this terrible monster, as seen by Tammie,was like a great horse, with flappers like fins about his legs, with amouth as wide as a whale’s from whence came breath like steam froma brewing-kettle. He had but one eye, and that as red as fire. On him sat,or rather seemed to grow from his back, a huge man, with no legs, andarms that reached nearly to the ground. His head was as big as a clue ofsimmons (a clue of straw ropes, generally about three feet in diam-eter), and this huge head kept rolling from one shoulder to the other,as if it meant to tumble off. But what to Tammie appeared mosthorrible of all, was that the monster was skinless; this utter want ofskin adding much to the terrific appearance of the creature’s nakedbody—the whole surface of it showing only red raw flesh, in whichTammie saw blood, black as tar, running through yellow veins, andgreat white sinews, thick as horse tethers, twisting, stretching, andcontracting as the monster moved. Tammie went slowly on in mortalterror, his hair on end, a cold sensation like a film of ice between hisscalp and his skull, and a cold sweat bursting from every pore. But heknew it was useless to flee, and he said, if he had to die, he wouldrather see who killed him than die with his back to the foe. In all histerror Tammie remembered what he had heard of Nuckelavee’s disliketo fresh water, and, therefore, took that side of the road nearest to theloch.

The awful moment came when the lower part of the head of themonster got abreast of Tammie. The mouth of the monster yawned like

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a bottomless pit. Tammie found its hot breath like fire on his face: thelong arms were stretched out to seize the unhappy man.

To avoid, if possible, the monster’s clutch, Tammie swerved as nearas he could to the loch; in doing so one of his feet went into the loch,splashing up some water on the foreleg of the monster, whereat thehorse gave a snort like thunder and shied over to the other side of theroad, and Tammie felt the wind of Nuckelavee’s clutches as he nar-rowly escaped the monster’s grip. Tammie saw his opportunity, andran with all his might; and sore need had he to run, for Nuckelavee hadturned and was galloping after him, and bellowing with a sound likethe roaring of the sea. In front of Tammie lay a rivulet, through whichthe surplus water of the loch found its way to the sea, and Tammieknew, if he could only cross the running water, he was safe; so hestrained every nerve. As he reached the near bank another clutch wasmade at him by the long arms.

Tammie made a desperate spring and reached the other side, leavinghis bonnet in the monster’s clutches. Nuckelavee give a wild unearthlyyell of disappointed rage as Tammie fell senseless on the safe side of thewater.

Note: For escape from a hideous monster see “The Creech Hill Bull-beggar”.


W. Bottrell, Traditions and Hearthside Stories, 1st series, p. 143.

There is a story told of an old lady who lived long ago at Raftra, in St.Levan.

The old dame, when more than fourscore, was so fond of cardplaying, that she would walk, almost every winter’s night, in spite ofwind or weather, to the village of Trebear, distant a mile or more, thatshe might enjoy her favourite pastime with a family of congenial tastes,who resided there. The old lady’s stepdaughter wished to put a stop towhat she regarded as rather scandalous vagaries, as the old dame sel-dom arrived home before the small hours of the morning; with this


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intention the young mistress persuaded the serving-man to array him-self in a white sheet, etc., so as to personate a ghost that was supposedto wander about a lonely spot over which old madam would have topass. The winter’s night was dark and rainy, when, about midnight, theghost seated himself on the side of Goonproynter stile, where he had towait two or three hours.

The dear old lady was in no hurry to leave pleasant company, as itwas Christmas-time. At last she passed Padz-Jiggs, mounted the stile,and seated herself opposite the ghost. Over a while she said, “Hullo!Bucca-gwidden [white spirit], what cheer? and what in the world dostthee do here, with Bucca-dhu so close behind thee?” This cool addressso frightened Bucca-gwidden that he ran off as fast as he could lay feetto the ground, the old lady scampering after, clapping her hands andcalling, “Good boy, Bucca-dhu. Now thee best catch Bucca-gwidden,and take’n away with thee!” The ghost was so frightened that he fell ina fit, and was never right in the head after. The strong-minded old ladyenjoyed many more years of her favourite pastime with her friends inTrebear.

Note: See “Black Devil and White Devil”.

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Part 8Devils

The Devil has played an enormous part in the folk-traditions of theseislands, and his role has been rather variable. He shares some storieswith the gullible giants of the folk-tales. He is always being tricked,given impossible tasks, sent on fools’ errands, and generally beingmocked and deluded by mankind. He shares with giants, too, the habitof lifting and hurling stones about and of moving shovelfuls of earth tobury towns. Sometimes he goes further than the giants, and lifts wholetowns from one place to another. In a more formidable aspect he hastaken over from Odin and other pagan gods the spectral ride whichhunts lost souls. Sometimes he shares this habit with human ghosts, sothat it is sometimes the Devil who hunts with the pack of Dandy Dogs,and sometimes the lost soul of Dando the Priest.

Another aspect is the relation between the Devil and the magician, inwhich the Devil is coerced or compelled by the superior power ofmagic, and occasionally by the power of holiness, as in the story of“The Devil to the Rescue”, or the better-known legend of “The Devil

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and St Dunstan”. Sir John Schorn, who conjured the Devil into hisboot, was another ecclesiastic who could control the Devil. Indeed, adauntless heart and a determination to have the last word will oftenworst him.

In the fairy tales the Devil is always foiled, but in the legends theissue is more tragic and the Devil more formidable. This is not only soin the tales from Puritan times; in tales from the medieval chronicles,such as “The Witch of Berkeley” from William of Malmesbury (seePart 17), he is no less irresistible, and the soul and body of thewretched woman are carried off together in spite of all precautions.When the witchcraft scare added to his prestige, he was to be foundround every corner, presenting temptations, changing shape like abogie beast, or disguising himself as a parson, a monk, or a beautifulwoman. A large section of Chapter G in the Motif-Index is devoted to theattributes and activities of the Devil, but only a few stories could beincluded in this Sampler.


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Ruth L. Tongue, Somerset Folklore, p. 125.

Sam Thatcher was taking a bit of pudding and some teddies [potatoes]to Granny Thatcher down Combwich Track. His missus had just heardthat the old lady was but poorly and a hotted-up pudding might cheerher up, and what was two-three teddies for a strong feller like Sam tocarry to his mother. It was too late to send the children, so after hismug of tea, and bacon and cabbage, Sam set out again to walk back toCombwich. He slouched along the dark way wishing he had a matchfor his baccy, or a bit of company on the road. Then glancing up he sawa rider beside him. The track was pitch dark but he saw the huge blackhorse and its shrouded headless rider. He heard no sound as theypassed and vanished. Sam looked at the dark way and took a firm gripon the sack of teddies. ’Twould make a club of sorts and GrannyThatcher must have her pudding.

When he got to her cottage she met him briskly. “Sammy,” she criedjoyfully, “I be so happy as a mouse in cheese. I bant over-looked[bewitched] no more. The old black witch down to Stert—have felledin rhine and drowned. The Black Man have took she, and I’ll do justiceto Susie’s puddin’.”

Note: There are many and widespread legends of the Devil as a huntsman,carrying off souls. In the Scandinavian stories it is often wood-wives whom hehunts, in England generally witches, though sometimes children, as in “TheDemon Huntsman”.

See also “The Hunted Soul”.


Hunt, Popular Romances, p. 220.

In the neighbourhood of . . . St. Germans formerly lived a priest con-nected with the old priory church of this parish . . . He lived the life of

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the traditional “jolly friar”. He ate and drank of the best the land couldgive him, or money buy; and it is said that his indulgences extendedfar beyond the ordinary limits of good living. The priest, Dando,was, notwithstanding all his vices, a man liked by the people. He wasgood-natured, and therefore blind to many of their sins.

As a man increases in years, he becomes more deeply dyed with thepolluted waters through which he may have waded . . . So was it withDando.

The sinful priest was a capital huntsman, and scoured the country farand near in pursuit of game, which was in those days abundant andvaried over this well-wooded district. Dando, in the eagerness of thechase, paid no regard to any kind of property. Many a cornfield hasbeen trampled down, and many a cottage garden destroyed by thehorses and dogs which this impetuous huntsman would lead unthink-ingly over them. Curses deep though not loud, would follow the oldman, as even those who suffered by his excesses were still in fear of hispriestly power . . .

Dando worshipped the sensual gods which he had created, and hisexternal worship of the God of truth became every year more and morea hypocritical lie. The Devil looked carefully after his prize . . . andDando was . . . lured towards the undoing of his soul. Health andwealth were secured to him, and by and by the measure of his sins wasfull, and he was left the victim to self-indulgences—a doomed man.With increasing years, and the immunities he enjoyed, Dando becamemore reckless . . . His days were devoted to the pursuits of the field; andto maintain the required excitement ardent drinks were supplied himby his wicked companions . . . Even on the Sabbath, horses and houndswere ordered out, and the priest would be seen in full cry.

One Sabbath morning, Dando and his riotous rout were huntingover the Earth estate; game was plenty, and sport first-rate. Exhaustedwith a long and eager run, Dando called for drink . . .

“Whence can we get it?” cried one of the gang.“Go to Hell for it, if you can’t get it on earth,” said the priest, with a

bitter laugh at his own joke on the Earth estate.At the moment, a dashing hunter, who had mingled with the throng

unobserved, came forward, and presented a richly-mounted flask toDando, saying:


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“Here is some choice liquor, distilled in the establishment you speakof. It will warm and revive you, I’ll warrant. Drink deep, friend, drink.”

Dando drank deep . . . and removed the flask, exclaiming, “By Hell,that was a drink indeed. Do the gods drink such nectar?”

“Devils do,” was the reply.“An they do, I wish I were one,” said Dando . . . “Methinks the drink

is very like——” The impious expression died upon his lips.Looking round . . . Dando saw that his new friend had appropriated

several head of game. Notwithstanding his stupid intoxication, his self-ishness asserted its power, and he seized the game, exclaiming . . .“None of these are thine.”

“What I catch, I keep,” said the hunter.“By all the devils, they’re mine,” stammered Dando.The hunter quietly bowed.Dando’s wrath burst at once into a burning flame, uncontrolled by

reason. He rolled himself off his horse, and rushed, staggering as hewent, at the steed of his unknown friend, uttering most frightful oathsand curses.

The strange hunter’s horse was a splendid creature, black as night,and its eyes gleamed . . . with unnatural lustre. The horse was turnedadroitly aside, and Dando fell to the earth with much force . . . Aidedby his attendants, he was speedily on his legs, and again at the side ofthe hunter, who shook with laughter, shaking the game in derision,and quietly uttering “They’re mine.”

“I’ll go to Hell after them, but I’ll get them from thee,” shoutedDando.

“So thou shalt,” said the hunter, and, seizing Dando by the collar, helifted him from the ground, and placed him, as though he were a child,before him on the horse.

With a dash, the horse passed down the hill . . . and the dogs, bark-ing furiously, followed impetuously. These strange riders reached thebanks of the Lynher, and with a terrific leap, the horse and its riders,followed by the hounds, went out far in its waters, disappearing atlength in a blaze of fire, which caused the stream to boil for a moment,and then the waters flowed on as tranquilly as ever over the doomedpriest . . .

Dando never more was seen, and his fearful death was received

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as a warning by many, who gave gifts to the Church. One amongstthem carved a chair for the bishop, and on it he represented Dandoand his dogs, that the memory of his wickedness might be alwaysrenewed.

Cf. ‘The Devil and his Dandy Dogs”, T. Q. Couch, Folk-Lore of a Cornish Village.Note: “The Devil’s Dandy Dogs”, one form which the Wild Hunt takes in theWest Country, is supposed to be the ride of Dando and his hounds.

See “The Devil and His Dandy Dogs”.


Burne and Jackson, Shropshire Folk-Lore, p. 116.

A party of clergy were assembled one Sunday night at Plaish playingcards. All the doors were locked, when suddenly they burst open with-out any apparent cause. The men locked them again, but presently theyburst open a second time, and again a third. Then the Old Gentlemanappeared in the midst of the company, and they all rose up and fled,excepting the host, whom the others basely left face to face with theEnemy. None ever saw that wretched man again, either alive or dead.

Only a great stain of blood, shaped like a human form, was found onthe floor of the room and, despite all efforts, the mark could never bewashed out. Ever since then a ghostly troop of horse rides through thehouse at midnight, with such a noise that none can sleep.

Note: A story very like this is told of Glamis Castle to account for the secretroom.

As a rule, the issue is less fatal, but in this version there is the extraaggravation of the Sabbath. An Irishman working at the Admiralty Stores inPerthshire during World War II told a more usual version of the story, in whichthe Devil joined the card-party incognito, and was recognized by his clovenhoof. The policeman and the minister were sent for to dismiss him withoutsuccess, and he was finally exorcised by the Catholic priest. Informant, ElspethBriggs.

See also “The Card-player and the Devil”.


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Collected by K. M. Briggs from Mary Crerer, Dunkeld, 1926.

A long time ago there was a servant lassie, who worked for the Ministerat Little Dunkeld. She was a quiet lass, who had no mind for dances andsuch follies, and she liked fine to go for long walks on Birnam Hill.

After a time she told the Minister that she had met a grand gentle-man there, who used to walk and talk with her, and he was courtingher. The Minister thought that a fine gentleman would be dangerouscompany for the lass, and he told her to bring him to the Manse, and lethim see what kind of a man he was.

The lassie was pleased enough, and next Saturday she brought inher jo.

He was a grand-looking gentleman, sure enough, and pleasantspoken, but when the Minister looked down at his feet, the blood rancold in his veins, for he saw that he had cloven hoofs, and he knew thatthere was just one person that had that. So, when the stranger hadgone, he said to the lassie: “That’s a braw man, yon, but did you see thefeet of him?”

“Aye, did I,” said the lass, “and bonnie feet he has, with brawshining boots.”

“Take another look on them, when you see him again,” said theMinister.

But nothing he could say made any difference. She was still terriblytaken up with him. At last it came to this, that the braw gentlemanasked her to marry him. When the Minister heard that, he was sorelyput about, but at length he said: “Well, you may be married on onecondition, that none shall wed you but me, and that the wedding shallbe in the Manse.”

The lassie was well enough pleased at that, for it would be a grandwedding for her, and when the day came, half the parish came to see it.All the guests were waiting, and the bride in her bonnie new gown,and there was no sign of the bridegroom. But at length they heard agreat rumbling, and a chariot drove up to the door, with six blackhorses. In comes my fine gentleman, bowing and smiling around him.

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The guests were terribly taken up with him, but the Minister saw thecloven hoofs of him as plain as ever.

So the Minister took a candle, and he lighted it at both ends, as theydo for the bidding at a roup [auction], and he said: “Now, when thiscandle is burnt out I’ll marry you, and not a minute before.”

The stranger looked black at this; but the Minister held the candlesteadily between his two fingers, while the bride cried, and the bride-groom scowled, and the guests shuffled their feet and whispered. Thewax dripped and dripped, and the candle burnt and burnt, till the oneflame was about two inches from the other. Then, whilst it was stillburning, the Minister put it into his mouth and swallowed it.

“Now,” he said, “the candle will never burn out, and you will neverbe married.”

With that the stranger gave a most awesome shriek, and leaped outof the window, and vanished into the earth, and his coach and six withhim. And outside Little Dunkeld Manse there is a black spot of earthwhere they say no grass will grow to this day.

Note: Mary Crerer is of an old Dunkeld family and had this tale from an oldwoman, a neighbour. The same tale was collected by Grace Underwood froman inhabitant of Birnam, and published in Folk-Lore, , 1911, pp. 330–1.

See also “Betty’s Candle”, “The Candle”, “The Devil’s Wooing”.


W. Henderson, Folk-Lore of the Northern Counties, p. 278.

A country minister, after attending a meeting of his presbytery, had toreturn home alone, and very late, on a dark evening. While riding in agloomy part of the road, his horse stumbled, and the good man wasflung to the ground. A loud laugh followed, so scornful and so weird,that the minister felt no doubt of the quarter whence it proceeded.However, with a stout heart, he remounted without delay, and con-tinued his journey, crying out, “Ay, Satan, ye may laugh; but when I fall,I can get up again; when ye fell, ye never rose”—on which a deep groan


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was heard. This was firmly believed to have been an encounter with theEvil Spirit, and a great triumph for the dauntless minister.


W. Bottrell, Hearthside Stories and Legends of the West of Cornwall, 3rd series, p. 3.

There was a famous wrestler of Ladock, called John Trevail, more gen-erally known as “Cousin Jackey”, from the common practice of thusstyling favourites who may be no relation. One Midsummer’s DayJackey went into a neighbouring parish and threw their championwrestler. In his pride, as he swaggered round the ring, he said, “I amopen to a challenge from any man, and wouldn’t mind having a hitchwith the Devil himself.”

After the wrestling he passed a few hours with his comrades in thepublic house. On his way home alone, about the “turn of the night”, hecame to a common called Le Pens Plat, two miles or more from LadockChurchtown. As he was going on slowly, from being somewhat tired,and not very steady in the head, he was overtaken by a gentlemandressed like a clergyman, who addressed him in gentle tones, saying:

“I was at the wrestling today, and I think you are the prize wrestler.Am I right?”

“Yes, sir. I won the prize that I now carry,” replied Trevail, who feltvery uneasy at meeting there such a strange black-coated gentleman atthat time of night, though a full moon and clear sky made it almost aslight as day.

“I am very fond of wrestling myself,” resumed the stranger; “and asI want to learn more science in my play, I should much like to try about with you; say, for your gold-lace hat and five guineas, which Iwill stake.”

“Not now, sir, for I’m tired,” Jackey replied, “but I’ll play you afterdinner-time, if you please, when I’ve had a few hours’ rest—say two orthree o’clock, if it will please you.”

“Oh, no; it must be at midnight, or soon after, now the nights are

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short,” said the stranger; “it would never do for one in my position tobe seen wrestling with you by day.”

Trevail hesitated, and thought of the wild words he had uttered inthe ring. He had then challenged the Devil, and he felt persuaded thathe was now face to face with his enemy, in this lonely spot. However,he agreed to the stranger’s proposal to meet him there at midnight, orsoon after; they shook hands on the bargain, and the gentleman gavehim a purse with five guineas in it for his stake, saying:

“You are well known to be an honest fellow. I’ve no fear of your notbringing the money and the prize won today; and if, by any mischance,I shouldn’t come, the money is yours; but there’s little doubt of mybeing here sharp at midnight.”

He wished Jackey good-morrow, and went away over the commonby another path leading northward. The poor fellow felt as good asgone; in looking down as he said “Good-morrow” (he couldn’t bearthe stranger’s eye) he had seen what he believed to be a cloven hoof.But he could devise no plan to avoid his fate.

Dragging himself along, he got to his dwelling about three o’clockin the morning. His wife, seeing Jackey’s haggard looks, refrained from“jawing” him as usual, and the want of her rough tongue made himfeel worse than ever. Throwing the bag of guineas into the tool-chest,he said, “Molly, my dear, doesn’t thee touch that shammy-leather bagfor the world! ’Tes the Devil’s money that’s in am!” Little by little hetold her what had happened, and concluded by moaning out:

“Molly, my dear, thee hast often wished that Old Nick would comeand take me away bodily, and now et do seem es ef thy prayers are to beanswered.”

“No, no, Jackey, my son, never think of et,” sobbed she; “whatever Isaid was only from the lips outward, and that’s of no effect, my darlin’.Bad as thee art, it might be wes [worse] without thee. Go thee ways upto bed; I’ll this minute put on my cloak and away to the passen. Nogood for thee nor all the world to say no, for he only can save thee.”

On her way to beg Mr Wood’s assistance, she called up a croney withwhom she was on pretty fair terms just then, and said, “Come along tothe passen’s. I’m so flambustered I can hardly speak. Something dread-ful have happened to our Jackey; and you mustn’t drop a word toanybody, for your life, of what I’ll tell’e on the road.”


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The reverend gentleman was standing at his door, looking out in thegrey of the morning, when he saw the two women, in much agitation,coming towards him. Jackey’s wife with her apron to her eyes, sobbedout her case, and when he had an inkling of it he said:

“Make haste home, my good woman, and tell Jackey, from me, tocheer up; I’ll see him presently, and tell him how to act.”

Shortly after sunrise Mr Wood entered the wrestler’s dwelling, andfound him stretched out on the chimney-stool, fast asleep. Mr Woodroused him, and said:

“Jackey, is there any truth in what your wife has told me, or did youfall asleep on the common, and have an ugly dream? Tell me whathappened, from first to last, and let’s see the bag.”

“ ’Tes all like an ugly dream, sure enow, your Reverence,” he replied,“but the Old ’Un’s money es there in my tool-chest, and I rememberevery word that passed; besides, such fiery eyes I never beheld in anyother head”; then Jackey brought the bag, holding it at arm’s lengthwith a pincers, as he might a toad. He opened it, and the parson said:“The sight of these spade guineas, with what you have told me, leaveno doubt that you bargained to wrestle with the Devil. But take cour-age; you must be as good as your word. Don’t fail to be at theappointed place by midnight and take with you the stakes as agreedon.”

Jackey looked very dejected and answered that he had hoped to haveMr Wood’s company.

“No. I shall not go with you” he answered. “Yet depend on it, I’ll benear at hand to protect you against foul play.”

Whilst saying this, Mr Woods took from his pocket-book a slip ofparchment, on which certain mystic signs and words were traced orwritten.

“Secure this in the left-hand side of your waistcoat,” said he, “don’tchange your waistcoat, and be sure to wear it in the encounter; aboveall, show no fear; behave with him precisely as you would with anyordinary wrestler, and don’t spare him, or be fooled by his devices.”

He cautioned him to keep the matter private.“That I will,” replied Jackey. “I haven’t told a living soul but my

wife, and she can keep a secret first-rate—for a woman.”At the appointed time he went boldly to Le Pens Plat Common, and

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at midnight the stranger in black appeared by the same path he took inthe morning. They looked hard at each other for some minutes withoutspeaking, till Trevail said, “I’ve come in good time, you see, and thereare the prizes on the rock. You know the rules of the game, I suppose,that one must lay hold above the waist; whichever makes three falls infive bouts wins the prize; it belongs to you, as the challenger, to takethe first hitch.”

Still the stranger made no reply, and kept his gleaming eyes fixed onthe wrestler, who, feeling uncomfortable under his persistent stare,said; “Then, if you won’t wrestle, take your money, and no harmdone.”

That instant he felt himself seized, all unawares, by his waistband,and lifted clear of the ground. It seemed as if the Old One rose withhim many yards above the earth, but during a desperate struggle in theair, the man got his right arm over his opponent’s shoulder, and grab-bing him on the back with a good holdfast, took a crook with his legs.As he did so, his waistcoat touched the Evil One, who on the instant,lost his hold, fell flat on his back, as if knocked down, and writhed onthe ground like a wounded snake. The wrestler pitched to his feet,never the worse, as the other rose to his feet in fury, and exclaimed,“You have some concealed weapon about ye that has wounded me; castoff that waistcoat.”

“No, by golls,” replied Jackey, “feel my jacket, ef you like; there’s noweapon in am, not even a pin’s head; but ’tes you that show the queertricks; catch me off my guard again if you can.”

He clenched the Old One like a vice; for five minutes they struggledtogether at arm’s length; the Old One seemed afraid to close in. Jackeyfeared the blasting gleams of his evil eyes, and couldn’t get a crookwith his legs, but at length making a desperate plunge, he freed himselffrom the Devil’s grasp, took him with the “flying mare”, and threwhim on his back with such a “qualk” as made him belch brimstonefumes.

He quickly sprang up, looking furious, and said, “I’m deceived inyou, for your play is very rough. Request Parson Wood to go home. Iam confused and powerless while he is looking on.”

“I don’t see Mr Wood,” returned Jackey.“I can see his eyes glaring at me from between the bushes,” replied


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the other; “and I hear him mumbling something too. If I am foiledagain, it will be all owing to your confounding parson.”

“Never mind our passon; he can wrestle very well himself,” saidJackey, “and do like to see good play; so come on, at it again.” Hegrasped his opponent in a “Cornish hug,” with more vigour than ever,laid him on his back, and said; “There, you have had three fair falls, butif they don’t satisfy ye, I’ve more science to teach ye yet.” But duringthe half-minute or so that he watched the prostrate demon crawling onthe ground like a serpent, the sky became overcast, and the moonobscured with gathering clouds which seemed bursting with thunder.In the dim light Jackey saw that in a twinkling the black gentleman’sfeet and legs had become like those of a huge bird; his skirts changedto a pair of wings; and his form was still changing to that of a dragon,when he flew away, skimming the ground at first, and leaving a wakeof lurid flame; then soared to the clouds, which on the instant becameablaze with lightning, and the thunder roared from hill to hill. Theblack cloud, as it rose, seemed like a huge wheel, revolving in the air,flashing lightning, and shooting thunderbolts from all around itsborder.

As Jackey gazed stupefied at the clearing sky, Parson Wood touchedhim on the shoulder, saying, “Well done, my boy; I was proud to seethy courage and good play. Take up thy prizes and let’s be off home.”As Jackey hesitated to touch the bag of guineas, he added: “Take themoney; it’s fairly won.” Trevail took the bag, and as he pocketed it aflash of light drew their attention to the fiend’s retreat, now a mere dotin the clear sky. They saw a streak of fire leave it, and fall, like a shootingstar, in a neighbouring parish.

“Mark that, Jackey,” exclaimed Mr Wood. “It strikes me we haven’tseen the last of your wrestling devil yet. He’s down among the St Endorwitches.”

On their way home, Mr Wood told Jackey that it was only his frightthat had made him think the devil had carried him high in the air; butthis Jackey could never quite believe, and to his dying day, asserted thaton his first hitch he was taken up “towers high”. Then Mr Wood toldhim that, long before midnight he had been at the spot, and sum-moned many powerful spirits to watch the wrestling, for such matchesbetween men and demons, once common, had become rare of late.

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The fiend, too, had been attended by a host of lower devils, as well asby vagrant spirits of the night, visible to the parson, though not toJackey. Bets were exchanged among the watchers, and many of thedemon’s backers were now bound, in consequence, to serve the win-ners for many ages, which at least would somewhat alleviate theireternal restlessness and boredom.

Mr Wood’s only regret was, that, in climbing a hedge, he had lost inthe brambles the ebony stick with which he had hoped to thrash thebeaten devil, in revenge for his assuming the dress of the sacred office.In the moment before he could recover his stick, the demons hadeffected their master’s escape.

The devil’s money did little good to its winner; for the woman towhom Trevail’s wife had confided her trouble had not kept it to herself;and the rumour spread that the Trevails’ new clothes, and grandappearance in church, were the result of Jackey’s having sold himself tothe Devil. But Jackey continued for many years as the championwrestler of the neighbourhood.

Note: See “Parson Woods and the Devilish Bird”, “The Devil and theBlacksmith”.


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Part 9Dragons

In Fairy Tales the dragons are occasionally like the heraldic dragon,with bats’ wings, a scaly body and tail, four legs ending in claws, and afiery breath. It is such a winged dragon that St George fights; but in thelegends the dragon is more like the Scandinavian worms. “The GurtVurm of Shervage Wood” is a common type. This worm shares withthe snake, in popular belief, the power of joining its parts together if itis cut in pieces. The Dragon of Wantley had wings, the Dragon ofKingston had a fiery breath, but these are exceptions; the rule is forsnake-like dragons of great cunning and a poisonous rather than a fierybreath, who wind themselves round their victims like boa constrictors.Often these creatures come out of the sea like the worm in the story of“King Arthur and the Dragon”, though this worm was completelydominated by the holiness of St Carantacus.

In “The Linton Worm” we see the development of the great snakeinto the winged, poison-breathing dragon, tentatively beginning intales about the worm which were told to Somerville of Lariston.

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Harland and Wilkinson, Legends and Traditions of Lancashire, p. 265.

This dragon was the terror of all the countryside. He had forty-fouriron teeth, and a long sting in his tail, besides his strong rough hideand fearful wings.

He ate trees and cattle, and once he ate three young children at onemeal. Fire breathed from his nostrils, and for long no man dared comenear him.

Near to the dragon’s den lived a strange knight named More of MoreHall, of whom it was said that so great was his strength that he hadonce seized a horse by its mane and tail, and swung it round and roundtill it was dead, because it had angered him.

Then, said the tale, he had eaten the horse, all except its head. Atlast the people of the place came to More Hall in a body, and withtears implored the knight to free them from the fearful monster,which was devouring all their food, and making them go in terror oftheir lives. They offered him all their remaining goods if he woulddo them this service. But the knight said he wanted nothing exceptone black-haired maid of sixteen, to anoint him for the battle atnight, and array him in his armour in the morning. When this waspromised, he went to Sheffield, and found a smith who made him asuit of armour set all over with iron spikes, each five or six inches inlength.

Then he hid in a well, where the dragon used to drink, and as itstooped to the water, the knight put up his head with a shout andstruck it a great blow full in the face. But the dragon was upon him,hardly checked by the blow, and for two days and a night they foughtwithout either inflicting a wound upon the other. At last, as the dragonflung himself at More with the intention of tossing him high into theair, More succeeded in planting a kick in the middle of its back. Thiswas the vital spot: the iron spike drove into the monster’s flesh so far,that it spun round and round in agony groaning and roaring fearfully,but in a few minutes all was over, it collapsed into a helpless heap, anddied.


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Note: A point worth noting in this legend is the preparatory anointing of thehero by a black-haired maiden.

For the armour covered with spikes, see “The Lambton Worm” (A, II), “TheDragon of Loschy Hill.”


Ruth L. Tongue, Somerset Folklore, pp. 130–1.

“Now, look see, I wad’n there then so I couldn’ swear ’twas the truth,could I now? But ’twas like this, see.——

“There was a tremenjus gurt vurm up-over in Shervage Wood. Ah—all a-lyin’ in and out the trees an’ round about the Camp, so big and fatround as two-three girt oaks. When her felt hungry her just u’n swal-low down ’bout six or sebm ponies or sheep and went to sleepcomfortable.

“Well then, by’n by, farmers do notice sheep idn’ upalong an’ therewadn’ more’n a capful of skinny old ponies for Bridgewater Fair thatyear.

“Where was t’others gone to, then?“Arter a shepherd an’ a couple of Stowey broom-squires went upa-

long to look-see and didn’ come back neither there wadn’ nobody atall ready to go pickin’ worts on the hill when Triscombe Revel timecome around next year.

“The vurm he were gettin’ a bit short on his meals like. The deer an’the rabbits they was all over to Hurley Beacon t’other side of the hills,and there wadn’ a sheep left, and the ponies, I reckon, had run downover valley to Forty Acre.

“Now, I did hear there were a poor old soul who sold the worts forTriscombe Revel. Her made they tarts beautivull and filled’n up with athick dap o’ cream that made ’ee come back for more so fast as a dog’lleat whitpot. Well, look see, there wadn’ likely to be no tarts for her tosell on account of no one going up over to see how worts was ripenin’,’n if her didn’ sell no tarts to Triscombe Revel her’d get no money forthe rent. Poor ould soul! Her was in a shrammle!

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“Well then, there come a stranger to Crowcombe, all the way fromStogumber I expect, and he were a woodman looking for work. So herup’n tells’n, ‘Why don’t ’ee try cuttin’ in Shervage Wood upover, andlook-see if worts is getting ripe?’ Poor old soul were desperate, see. So hergive’n a cider firkin and bread’n cheese, and watches’n go off up combe.

“Being a Stogumber stranger he wadn’ used to Quantock hills and bythe time he’d a-walked into Shervage Wood and seed a wonderful finelot of worts on the way he were feeling ’twere quite time for his cider.

“So he looks round like and he seed a bit of a girt log in the fern. Sodown he quots an’ takes a swig from the firkin an’ gets out his breadan’ cheese. He’d just got nicely started on his nummet when the logbegins to squirmy about under’n.

“ ‘Hold a bit!’ says he, picking up his axe. ‘Thee do movey, do thee?Take that, then.’

“And the axe came down so hard on the log he cutt’n in two—mind, I’m only telling ’ee what ’tis said—and both the ends of the logbegun to bleed!

“Then the one end it up and run as hard as it could go to Bilbrook,and t’other end it runned to Kingston St Mary, and since they twohalves went the wrong way to meet, the gurt vurm couldn’ nowisegrow together again—so her died.

“Folks down to Bilbrook they call their place Dragon Cross, and folkto Kingston St Mary they boasts about the same old tale of a fierydragon—might be as they got the head end of our gurt vurm—but hewere all Quantock to start with!

“Well then, the woodman he just sat and finished his nummet, andcut his fa*ggot, and took the poor old soul a girt hatful of worts.

“ ‘There were a dragon there fust go off,’ he tells her verythoughtful.

“But all her says, is, ‘Didn’ ’ee know? Didn’ someone tell ’ee?’“Her were a Crowcombe woman.”I have written this from early recollections of a jovial Nether Stowey

teller of the tale in my childhood and the recitals of local epics andlibels by a thatcher of my acquaintance.

Note: Baughman cites Whistler, Folk-Lore, 1908, for a version of this story,which is halfway between a jocular tale and a dragon-legend.


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Ruth L. Tongue.

Once long ago, when the high tide used to come right over CarrMarshes to the foot of Dunster Castle, a great serpent lived in the wetmarshes, and used to come out to kill men and cattle all over thecountryside. At length the people sent to King Arthur in Camelot, andasked him to rid the country of it. He came himself, and rode down toCarhampton to the marshes, but the creature hid itself away, and searchas he might, he could not find any trace of it. As he was riding along byCarhampton (or, some say, Cleeve), he saw a strange, table-like thing ofcoloured marble floating on the water. He drew it to land, and foundengraved on it “The altar of St Carantacus”. He remembered then howthe story went that St Carantacus had flung his massy altar into theSevern, and meant to build a church where it came to land. So KingArthur covered it carefully, and rode on. After a while a stranger methim, and asked if he had seen the altar of Carantacus. “Who are you?”said the King, for he did not wish the holy altar to fall into the hands ofsome sorcerer.

“I am Carantacus,” replied the stranger. Arthur still mistrusted him.“If you are indeed the saint,” he said, “call up the dragon I am huntingfrom his hiding-place, and I will show you the altar.” The strangerturned to the marsh, and said a word, and at once the whole bogheaved, and a wave of mud came up with a great stench, at their feet.Out of it came the dragon, and crawled up to the saint, who tied hisstole round its neck.

King Arthur led the way to the altar, St Carantacus followed, with thedragon crawling meekly behind. Where the altar lay, the king gavetwelve portions of land for a church, but the altar itself he took back toCamelot, and made it into his round table. But what came to the dragonis more than anyone remembers.

From local traditions of Carhampton and Billhook.

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James Fleming Leishman, Linton Leaves, p. 10.

During the twelfth century the people of Linton were in great dis-tress by reason of a voracious monster or worm, whom a writer ofthe seventeenth century describes as being “in lenth three Scotsyards, and somewhat bigger than ane ordinary man’s leg . . . in formand callour to our common muir edders”. This monster had its lairin a hollow in the north-east side of Linton Hill, a spot which isknown to this day as the Worm’s Den. From thence it used to creepout “and wander the feildes over to catch somewhat”, which it easilydid, so that “the whole countrymen thereabouts were forced toremove their bestiall, and transport themselves three or four milesfrom the place, leaving the country desolate; neither durst any pas-senger go to the church or mercet upon that rod for fear of thisbeast”.

Somerville of Lariston, who was at this time in the south, becamecurious to see the monster about which he had heard so many strangetales, and he travelled north to Jedburgh with this intent. Here he foundmany panic-stricken country folk who had fled to the town for refuge.Some said the monster was beginning to grow wings, and others that itshot fire out of its mouth at will, and yet others that its very breath wasso venomous that it could kill cattle at a distance. But these exaggeratedrumours only made Somerville the more curious to view the beast, andso he rode one day at dawn to the mouth of its den. When it crawledforth and observed the horseman so near its den, “it lifted up its headand half of its body and long time stared him in the face with openmouth”, after which it apparently returned to its lair and did him noharm. After this, young Somerville, who was now quite determined tokill the monster, began to watch its habits and movements with thegreatest care. Noticing that it invariably stared an observer in the facewith open mouth, he hit upon an ingenious plan. He had a long lancemade, of great strength, with a slender iron wheel half a foot from thepoint, which turned upon the slightest touch. Upon the point heplaced a lighted peat, bedaubed with pitch and brimstone, and then for


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several days he rehearsed his proposed attack till his horse grew accus-tomed to the smoke and fire blowing in his face. When everythingwas in readiness, he “gave advertisem*nt to the gentlemen andcommons in that country that he would undertake to kill the mon-ster or die in the attempt”. His older neighbours, some of whomhad already tried in vain to kill the worm with arrows and darts,scoffed at his announcement as the madness or bravado of youth. ButSomerville took little heed of their scepticism, and, accompanied bya trusty servant, he rode to the worm’s den at sunrise on theappointed day.

The moment the beast’s head and part of its body appeared theservant set fire to the peats. Then Somerville, spurring his practisedhorse, advanced at full gallop and thrust the blazing lance into thebeast’s open mouth and down its throat. As the horse rebounded thelance broke, but the fatal blow had been given, and the monster, writh-ing “in the pangs of death (some part of its body being within the den)raised up the whole ground that was above her, and overturned thesame to the furthering of her ruin”.

For his heroic deed Somerville won universal applause and gratitude,and besides being appointed Royal Falconer was honoured withknighthood, and made first Barrone of Lintoune.

The ancient tympanum over the church door is traditionally reputedto have been placed there to commemorate his prowess. Despite 800years’ exposure to the elements, the rude sculpture on flaky sandstoneis still quite traceable. It depicts a man in full armour bearing a falconon his arm, in the act of charging a four-footed animal which—unfortunately for the verity of the legend—more resembles a wolf orbear than a serpent. One of the supposed versions of the inscription,which is now effaced, runs:

The Wode Laird of LaristouneSlew the Worm of Worme’s GlenAnd wan all Linton Parochine.

Though some affirm that it was the monument that gave rise to thelegend, rather than the legend to the monument, the SomervilleStone is of unique interest, not only on account of its great age and

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connection with local history, but as the only complete example of atympanum with figure carving left in Scotland.

Note: For this method of killing a dragon see “The Mester Stoorworm” (A, II).


F. Grice, Folk-Tales of the North Country, p. 95.

In a wood not far from the village of Longwitton are three wells whichhave been famous for many years. Long ago people used to travel fromfar and near to drink the water from the wells, for it was as sweet aswine and had great healing powers. Many a shepherd whose bonesached after the long, wet winter on the hills came to drink and ease hispains, and many a sickly child found new health there. The people ofLongwitton were justly proud of their wells, for there seemed to bemagic in them.

One day, however, a ploughman, going to quench his thirst, wasalarmed to find a huge dragon there. It had coiled its tail round one ofthe trees, and pushed its long black tongue into the well, and waslapping the water like a dog. When it heard him approach it vanished;but the ploughman knew that it had only made itself invisible, for heheard its claws in the dead leaves, and felt its hot breath on his face. Hefled from it in terror, and only escaped by zigzagging through the trees.

From that day no pilgrim dared visit the magic wells, for the dragonhaunted them. It was a fearsome monster, with a skin as warty as atoad’s and a long tail like a big lizard’s. It tore up the ground with itsclaws, and scraped the bark from the trees as it brushed past them. Butfew people caught sight of it, for when anyone drew near it made itselfinvisible, and nothing could be seen except the leaves trembling beforeits breath and the flowers being crushed beneath its feet. It did littleharm, and seemed content to live alone in the wood and drink fromthe wells; but whenever the men of Longwitton set out to attack it, itwas infuriated, and the trees shook round about it as if a whirlwind hadsuddenly struck the wood. It seemed to have claimed the wells and


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would not give them up to anyone. The wells grew overgrown anduntidy, while the shepherds had to nurse their aches as best they could.But one day there came riding by Longwitton a knight in search ofadventure.

“We have here a jealous dragon, sir,” said the people of Longwittonto him, “which we would gladly be rid of, but it has the power ofmaking itself invisible, and no man can get near enough to strike ablow at it.”

“I will overcome that difficulty,” said the knight. “I will stay heretonight, and give battle to the dragon tomorrow.”

So the next morning he anointed his eyes with a magic ointmentwhich he had been given on his travels, and rode to the wood. Thedragon was lying sleeping near one of the wells, but when it heardthe sound of the horse’s hoofs in the dry leaves its ears pricked up, andthe spines on its back rose. Then, trusting to its invisibility, it charged.The knight was ready. The dragon, over-careless, struck wildly with itsclaws, and the knight plunged his sword into its side. The dragonroared with pain, for the wound was severe, but it backed quickly, untilit stood defending the well, and prepared to attack again. But no matterhow dreadful a wound the knight inflicted, the dragon seemed to keepits strength, and the wounds healed as quickly as they were received.For hours they fought, the dragon with its clumsy movements being nomatch for the nimbler man; but at last the knight, worn out and arm-weary, rode away.

He was almost ashamed to confess his failure to the villagers, but hewas not easily dismayed.

“I will fight the dragon again tomorrow,” he said.But the next day, although he delivered enough blows to kill a

thousand dragons, the beast was as strong at the end of the day as at thebeginning, and the knight was forced to retire again.

“I will try a third time,” he said. “This dragon must possess someother magical power which I have not noticed. Tomorrow I will use myeyes more and my arm less.”

So he went out the third day, and for the third time attacked thedragon. But this time, as he laid about him, he kept his eyes wide open,and at last he noticed that, no matter how fiercely he drove against thedragon, it would not stir from the well; and then looking more clearly

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he observed that it always lay so that the tip of its tail dipped into thewater.

“Ah! That is the secret,” he said. And he dismounted from his horse,and led it a little into the wood. Then he approached the dragon onfoot, and pierced it lightly here and there till, enraged, it roared wildlyand leapt at him. Then he retreated, fighting faintly and deluding themonster into thinking that he was exhausted and beaten. Step by stephe fell back until he had lured it from the well. Then, suddenly leapingon to his horse, he rode round the dragon, and placed himself betweenit and the well. The dragon perceiving how it had been tricked roaredlike a mad bull, and fought desperately to get back to the well. But thisknight, knowing now that he had mastered it, dealt it blow on blow,and this time every wound weakened it more and more. The blooddripped from its side and burned the grass beneath it; it grew feeblerand feebler until it fell heavily and lay still.

The next day the people of Longwitton buried it. Then they tidiedthe wells, and sent out news that the monster was dead, and there wasrejoicing that night in every cottage for twenty miles round.


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Part 10Fairies

There are a few creatures among the fairies of the English-speakingpeople which have no real stories attached to them. Their attributesand habits were known, but no memorable anecdotes were told ofthem. Such were Kit Canstick, Lob-lie-by-the-Fire, urchines, kilmoulisand others. The names and some of the attributes of these creaturesmay be found in The Fairies in Tradition and Literature; all those of whom Ihave succeeded in finding any stories are grouped together in the Fairysection of The Dictionary of British Folk-tales. It will be seen that they are ofvery different kinds and powers, ranging from the small, helplesspeople, like Colman Grey and Skillywidden, to the formidable fairy of“The Fairy Follower”, who haunted and engrossed the man who hadraised her. Some are always small, some are of human size, some canchange size and shape at will. Some are solitary, some social, some,like the brownies, devote themselves to the service of man. Some arebeautiful, some hideous.

Their reputed origins are as various as their characteristics. Some are

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supposed to be the dead, or certain of the dead, some fallen angels,some nature spirits, and some “spiritual animals”.

The commonest types of fairy anecdote are those of changelings, ofhuman midwives, and of mortals carried off into fairyland. Almostequally common are tales of fairy thefts, often of the goodness, or“foison”, taken out of the milk, cattle, or grain of the fairies’ humanneighbours, and there are tales of mischief and misleading. On theother hand, there are examples of fairy gratitude and of helpful hob-goblins of the brownie type, who labour in farms or houses withouthire or reward.

The story which gives the most explicit account of the origin andsocial history of the fairies is Bottrell’s tale of “The Fairy Dwelling onSelena Moor”. It contains so many elements of fairy belief as to be mostinstructive. The danger of eating food in fairyland, the fairies as ghostsof prehistoric people, the fairy desire to reinforce their stock by thetheft of humans, the power of taking the form of birds or animals, andthe fairies’ dwindling size, are all exemplified in this tale, which is solengthy that it has had to be summarized. In some ways the story isreminiscent of the medieval version of Orpheus and Eurydice, inwhich Queen Meroudys is carried away by the King of Fairy becauseshe has slept under a grafted apple tree.


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Hunt, Popular Romances of the West of England, pp. 127–9.

Anne Jefferies was the daughter of a poor labourer in the parish of StTeath. It is said that she lived from 1626 to 1698.

At nineteen she became a servant in the family of Mr Moses Pitt. Shewas a brave, bold girl, and her great wish was to make friends with thefairies. So often after sunset she would look for them under the frondsof ferns, and in the bells of the foxgloves, singing:

“Fairy fair and fairy bright,Come and be my chosen sprite.”

Or on a moonlight night, walking in the valley against the stream, shewould sing:

“Moon shines bright, waters run clear,I am here, but where’s my fairy dear?”

For a long time the fairies tested her. They never lost sight of her, butwould run from frond to frond of the ferns, so that she should neversee them.

But at last, when Anne was sitting in her master’s garden after hermorning’s work, she heard the branches moving, and thought hersweetheart had come to look for her. So she sat still, saying nothing,attending to her knitting, and soon she heard a soft laugh. Still no oneappeared, and she said half-aloud, “You may stay there till the kueney[moss or mildew] grows on the gate ere I’ll come to ’ee.”

A strange, ringing and musical laugh, which she knew was not herlover’s, startled her. But she was a favourite in the parish, and toldherself that no one would harm her. She heard the garden gate openand close again very softly, and soon she saw at the entrance to thearbour where she was sitting six little men handsomely dressed ingreen. They had charming faces and bright eyes, and the grandest of

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them wore a red feather in his cap. He came forward, bowed to her, andwhen she held out her hand, jumped on to it, climbed into her lap, andup to her neck and face, and began kissing her. Presently he called theothers, and they all came and kissed her. She was altogether charmed,until one of them pricked her eyes, and blinded her for a time. Theycarried her away to some distant place, flying through the air, and thenone of them said, “Tear away!”—or so it sounded to Anne. Her sightwas restored, and she found herself in a most beautiful place. Thetemples and palaces were of gold and silver; the lakes full of gold andsilver fish, and the trees laden with fruit and flowers. Now the littlepeople seemed no smaller than herself, and Anne joined in their playand dancing, dressed as splendidly as the rest. Her six friends con-stantly attended her, but the one who had spoken to her first arousedthe jealousy of the rest because he remained always her favourite. Atlast they separated themselves, and went into a most lovely garden,where Anne would have wished to stay for ever. But the other fivefound the place, and came at the head of a fierce mob of the littlepeople to attack her lover, who soon lay wounded at her feet. Then thefairy who had blinded her before laid his hands on Anne’s eyes, andamid darkness and strange noises she felt herself whirled throughspace, as if a thousand flies were buzzing round her. When she openedher eyes, she was lying on the ground in the arbour with an anxiouscrowd of faces watching her. All thought she had suffered some kind ofconvulsion, from which she was now recovered.

Note: According to Anne Jefferies, this incident was only the beginning of herfairy experiences. After that the fairies were constantly with her, though invis-ible to other mortals. They fed her with fairy food, so that between harvest-time and Christmas she ate nothing else. They gave her the gift of prophecy anda healing touch. Her cures became famous, and her prophecies were all infavour of the Royalists. This, and her ardent Episcopalianism, got her intotrouble with the Parliament, and in 1646 she was imprisoned and prosecutedas a witch by the famous John Tregeagle (see B, VI).

A contemporary account of her was written by Moses Pitt, to whoseparents she had been apprenticed, and is quoted by Hunt (Appendix , p. 470).The best and fullest account of Anne Jefferies is given by Barbara C. Spooner inJohn Tregeagle of Trevorder, Man and Ghost, pp. 14–17.

See “Cherry of Zennor”.


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Hartland, English Fairy and Folk-Tales, p. 90.

As a countryman was one day working in a field in Upton Snodbury,he all of a sudden heard a great outcry in a neighbouring piece ofground, which was followed by a low, mournful voice, saying, “I havebroke my bilk, I have broke my bilk”; and thereupon the man pickedup the hammer and nails which he had with him, and ran to the spotfrom whence the outcry came, where he found a fairy lamenting overhis broken bilk, which was a kind of cross-barred seat; this the mansoon mended, and the fairy, to make him amends for his pains, dancedround him till he wound him down into a cave, where he was treatedwith plenty of biscuits and wine; and it is said that from thenceforwardthat man always did well in life.

Note: See also “The Broken Ped”, “The Fairy’s Kirn-staff”, “The Fairy’s Spade”.


Keightley, The Fairy Mythology, p. 358.

A good woman had just made a web of linsey-woolsey, and, promptedby her good nature, had manufactured from it a snug mantle and hoodfor her little Brownie. Not content with laying the gift in one of hisfavourite spots, she indiscreetly called to tell him it was there. This wastoo direct, and Brownie quitted the place, crying,

“A new mantle and a new hood:Poor Brownie! ye’ll ne’er do mair gude!”

Another version of this legend says that the gudeman of a farm-housein the parish of Glendevon having left out some clothes one night forBrownie, he was heard to depart, saying,

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“Gie Brownie coat, gie Brownie sark,Ye’se get nae mair o’Brownie’s wark!”

At Leithin-hall, in Dumfriesshire, a Brownie had dwelt, as he himselfdeclared, for three hundred years. He used to show himself but once toeach master; to other persons he rarely discovered more than his hand.One master was greatly beloved by Brownie, who on his deathbemoaned him exceedingly, even abstaining from food for many suc-cessive days. The heir returning from foreign parts to take possession ofthe estate, Brownie appeared to do him homage, but the Laird,offended at his mean, starved appearance, ordered him meat and drink,and new livery. Brownie departed, loudly crying,

“Ca’, cuttee, ca’!A’ the luck o’ Leithin Ha’Gangs wi’ me to Bodsbeck Ha’.”

In a few years Leithin Ha’ was in ruins, and “bonnie Bodsbeck”flourishing beneath the care of Brownie.

Others say that it was the gudeman of Bodsbeck that offended theBrownie by leaving out for him a mess of bread and milk, and thathe went away, saying,

“Ca’, Brownie, ca’,A’ the luck of Bodsbeck awa to Leithenha’.”

Note: Similar tales are told of other fairy creatures. See “The Fairy Threshers”,“Hob Thrust”, “The Kind Pixy”, “The Pixy Threshers”, “The Piskie Threshers”,“Rewarding a Pixy”.


Bowker, Goblin Tales of Lancashire, p. 72.

In the village of Hoghton, where all industrious people were weavers,there were two idle fellows, who did not work, but spent their days at


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dominoes, and their nights in poaching. Each of them owned a lurcher,but the dogs grew so clever that they would often go off alone, andboth of them were at last shot by keepers, who were waiting for achance to rid the neighbourhood of them. Soon afterwards the twomen themselves narrowly escaped being caught, and as a result theylost their nets, and being too poor to buy new ones, they were com-pelled to use sacks for their poaching instead. One night they entered awarren, put a ferret down a hole, and fixed their sacks at the mouths ofthe burrows. Almost at once there was a frantic struggling in the sacks,so the men seized them firmly, recovered their ferret, and made forhome. What was their horror when they suddenly heard a voice fromone of the sacks, “Dick, where art thou?” A voice from the other sackreplied,

“In a sack,On a back,Riding up Hoghton Brow.”

The men dropped their loads in terror, and fled home, leaving theirsacks full of fairies. Next morning, when they ventured back, theyfound the sacks neatly folded at the roadside, but no trace of theiroccupants. They picked up the sacks with care, crept home, and entirelygave up poaching as a means to a living. Their conversion intoindustrious weavers aroused suspicion in the village, and at last theywere driven to confess what had happened. The tale made them thebutt of the village youngsters, who would often in mischief, cry out intheir hearing, “Dick, where art thou?”

Note: A Yorkshire version of the tale is in Folk-Lore, , 1894, pp. 341–2.For a similar tale from Sussex see “The Stolen Pig and the Fairy”.


W. Bottrell, Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall, Penzance, 1870–80,3 vols., , pp. 95–102, as summarized in The Fairies in Tradition and Literature,K. M. Briggs, pp. 15–19.

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The tale is about a Mr Noy, a well-liked farmer, who lived nearSelena Moor and who went out to the neighbouring inn one night toorder drink for the Harvest Home next day. He left the inn, but neverarrived home. They searched for him for three days, and at last,passing within half a mile of his home, they heard dogs howling, anda horse neighing. They went over the treacherous bogland of themoor, and found a great thicket, where Mr Noy’s horse was tethered,with the dogs beside it. The horse had fed well on the rich grass, butthe dogs were very thin. The horse led them to a ruined bowjey (orbarn) and there they found Mr Noy fast asleep. He was surprised tosee that it was morning already, and was very dazed and bewildered,but at last they got his story from him. He had made a short-cutthrough the moor, but had lost his way and had wandered, hethought, many miles over country unknown to him, until he sawlights in the distance and heard music. He hurried towards it, think-ing that he had come at last to a farmhouse, where they were perhapsholding a Harvest Home supper. His horse and dogs shrank back andwould not come with him, so he tied his horse to a thorn, and wenton through a most beautiful orchard towards a house, outside whichhe saw hundreds of people either dancing or sitting drinking attables. They were all richly dressed, but they looked to him verysmall, and their benches and tables and cups were small too. Quiteclose to him stood a girl in white, taller than the rest, and playing akind of tambourine. The tunes were lively, and the dancers were thenimblest he had ever seen. Soon the girl gave the tambourine to anold fellow near, and went into the house to fetch out a black-jack ofale for the company. Mr Noy, who loved dancing and would havebeen glad of a drink, drew near to the corner of the house, but thegirl met his eyes, and signed to him to keep back. She spoke a fewwords to the old fellow with the tambourine, and then came towardshim.

“Follow me into the orchard,” she said.She went before him to a sheltered place, and there in the quiet

starlight, away from the dazzle of the candles, he recognized her asGrace Hutchens, who had been his sweetheart for a long time, but haddied, or was thought to have died, three or four years before.

“Thank the stars, dear William,” she said, “that I was on the


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look-out to stop ye, or ye would this minute be changed into the smallpeople’s state, like I am, woe is me!”

He would have kissed her, but she warned him anxiously againsttouching her, and against eating a fruit or plucking a flower if hewished ever to reach his home again.

“For eating a tempting plum in this enchanted orchard was myundoing,” she said. “You may think it strange, but it was all throughmy love for you that I am come to this. People believed, and so itseemed, that I was found on the moor dead; what was buried for me,however, was only a changeling or a sham body, never mine, I shouldthink, for it seems to me that I feel much the same still as when I livedto be your sweetheart.”

As she said this several little voices squeaked, “Grace, Grace, bring usmore beer and cider, be quick, be quick!”

“Follow me into the garden, and remain there behind the house; besure you keep out of sight, and don’t for your life touch fruit orflower.”

Mr Noy begged her to bring him a drink of cider too, but she saidshe would not on his life; and she soon returned, and led him into abowery walk, where all kinds of flowers were blooming, and told himhow she came there. One evening about dusk she was out on SelenaMoor looking for a stray sheep, when she heard Mr Noy hallooing tohis dogs, so she took a short-cut towards him, and got lost in a placewhere the ferns were above her head, and so wandered on for hoursuntil she came to an orchard where music was sounding, but thoughthe music was sometimes quite near she could not get out of theorchard, but wandered round as if she was pixy-led. At length, wornout with hunger and thirst, she plucked a beautiful golden plum fromone of the trees, and began to eat it. It dissolved into bitter water in hermouth, and she fell to the ground in a faint. When she revived shefound herself surrounded by a crowd of little people, who laughed andrejoiced at getting a neat girl to bake and brew for them and to lookafter their mortal babies, who were not so strong, they said, as theyused to be in the old days.

She said their lives seemed unnatural and a sham. “They have littlesense or feeling; what serves them in a way as such, is merely theremembrance of whatever pleased them when they lived as mortals—

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maybe thousands of years ago. What appear like ruddy apples and otherdelicious fruit are only sloes, hoggins [haws] and blackberries.”

Mr Noy asked her if any fairy babies were born, and she answeredthat just occasionally a fairy child was born, and then there was greatrejoicing—every little fairy man, however old and wizened, was proudto be thought its father. “For you must remember that they are notof our religion,” she said in answer to his surprised look, “butstar-worshippers. They don’t always live together like Christians andturtle-doves; considering their long existence, such constancy wouldbe tiresome for them; anyhow, the small tribe seem to think so.”

She told him also that she was now more content with her condi-tion, since she was able to take the form of a small bird and fly aboutnear him.

When she was called away again Mr Noy thought he might find away to rescue them both; so he took his hedging gloves out of hispocket, turned them inside out and threw them among the fairies.Immediately all vanished, Grace and all, and he found himself standingalone in the ruined bowjey. Something seemed to hit him on the head,and he fell to the ground.

Like many other visitors to Fairyland, Mr Noy pined and lost allinterest in life after this adventure.

Note: This tale exhibits a remarkable collection of fairy beliefs, particularlythose held by Cornishmen. Bottrell gives a summary of another similar tale,about a farmer named Richard Virgoe, who was pisky-led in Treville Cliffs. ThisFairyland, a pleasant, underground country, was reached by a cavern. Thefairies were hurling with a silver ball, which recalls Elidor’s Golden Ball.

See “True Thomas” (A, ).


Hartland, English Fairy and Folk-Tales, p. 132.

“Another wonderful thing,” says Ralph of Coggeshall, “happened inSuffolk, at St Mary’s of the Wolf-pits. A boy and his sister were foundby the inhabitants of that place near the mouth of a pit which is there,


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who had the form of all their limbs like to those of other men, but theydiffered in the colour of their skin from all the people of our habitableworld; for the whole surface of their skin was tinged of a green colour.No one could understand their speech. When they were brought ascuriosities to the house of a certain knight, Sir Richard de Caine, atWikes, they wept bitterly. Bread and other victuals were set beforethem, but they would touch none of them, though they were tor-mented by great hunger, as the girl afterwards acknowledged. Atlength, when some beans, just cut, with their stalks were brought intothe house, they made signs, with great avidity, that they should begiven to them. When they were brought, they opened the stalks insteadof the pods, thinking the beans were in the hollow of them; but, notfinding them there, they began to weep anew. When those who werepresent saw this, they opened the pods, and showed them the nakedbeans. They fed on these with great delight, and for a long time tastedno other food. The boy however was always languid and depressed,and he died within a short time. The girl enjoyed continual goodhealth, and, becoming accustomed to various kinds of food, lost com-pletely that green colour, and gradually recovered the sanguine habit ofher entire body. She was afterwards regenerated by the laver of holybaptism, and lived for many years in the service of that knight (as I havefrequently heard from him and his family), and was rather loose andwanton in her conduct. Being frequently asked about the people of hercountry, she asserted that the inhabitants, and all that they had in thatcountry, were of a green colour; and that they saw no sun, but enjoyeda degree of light like what is after sunset. Being asked how she cameinto this country with the aforesaid boy, she replied, that as they werefollowing their flocks they came to a certain cavern, on entering whichthey heard a delightful sound of bells; ravished by whose sweetness,they went for a long time wandering on through the cavern, until theycame to its mouth. When they came out of it, they were struck sense-less by the excessive light of the sun, and the unusual temperature ofthe air; and they thus lay for a long time. Being terrified by the noise ofthose who came on them, they wished to fly, but they could not findthe entrance of the cavern before they were caught.”

From Keightley, The Fairy Mythology, p. 281 quoting Ralph of Coggeshall.

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Note: This story is also told by William of Newbridge, who places it in thereign of King Stephen. He says he long hesitated to believe it, but he was atlength overcome by the weight of evidence. According to him, the place wherethe children appeared was about four or five miles from Bury St Edmunds. Theycame in harvest-time out of the wolf-pits; they both lost their green hue, andwere baptized, and learned English. The boy, who was the younger, died; butthe girl married a man at Lenna, and lived many years. They said their countrywas called St Martin’s Land, as that saint was chiefly worshipped there; that thepeople were Christians, and had churches; that the sun did not rise there, butthat there was a bright country which could be seen from theirs, being dividedfrom it by a very broad river. This is one of those curiously convincing andrealistic fairy anecdotes which are occasionally to be found in the medievalchronicles.


Scott, Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, , p. 367.

The Laird of Duffus was walking out in his fields one day, when acloud of dust whirled past him, and from the midst of it he heard ashrill cry of “Horse and Hattock”. Being a bold man, he repeated thecry, and immediately found himself whirled away in the air with atroop of fairies to the King of France’s cellar. There they caroused allnight so merrily that the Laird fell asleep and was left behind. The royalbutler found him next day, still fast asleep, with a cup of curiousworkmanship in his hand. He was taken before the King, and told himall that had happened. The King pardoned him, and he returned homewith the fairy cup, which was kept in his family for several generations.

Retold in The Personnel of Fairyland, p. 65.Note: See “Hupp Horse and Handocks”, “The Piskies in the Cellar”, “The Boyand the Fairies”, “The Black Laird of Dunblane”, “Da Trow’s Spell”.


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Hartland, English Fairy and Folk-Tales, p. 90.

Long ago the church at Inkberrow was pulled down and rebuilt upon anew site, which chanced to be near a spot where the fairies lived. Theytook offence, and for a long time tried to obstruct the building, carry-ing back the stones every night to the place from which they had come.

However, the builders had their way at last, and the new site wassecured. But for many years afterwards it is said that from time to timea voice was heard lamenting:

“Neither sleep, neither lie,For Inkbro’s ting-tang hangs so high.”

From Jabez Allies, On the Antiquities and Folk-Lore of Worcestershire, p. 418.Note: See “Departure of the Fairies”, “Withypool Ding-dongs”.


Hamish Henderson, School of Scottish Studies.

My grannie thought that she wouldna like to go til her bed and liedown and sleep and her horse having nothing to eat. So she, jist beingabout sixteen or seventeen, so when she thought that everything wasquiet, she went for a little shawl that they drew over their head, youknow, and their shoulders, and she made to the nearest field, and shegoes up a wee bittie, up through the field; they were beginning to pilethe stooks up, ye know. And when she went so far, she noticed thisthing getting’ up—this, you know, this little image-thing. It could havebeen a child, ye know, because they did wear queer dresses in thesedays, but she thought, to her, she said, it was like a fairy, and she saidthat when she went up near it, it lookit to her to be like a little lady, yeknow, beautifully dressed, and it seems it lookit at her and it stoppit in

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front of her, and when she walkit it was jumpin’ frae stook to stook,frae stook to stook, ye know, and she did get feart. She says, “A well, Godbless us, I cam here to steal, but now,” she says, “When I see that,” shesays, “I’m not goin’ to touch this corn. I’ll turn,” she says, “and I’mgaun back withoot it.” And she did but she lookit at it, and it kept goin’awa from her, like—it was steeppin’ frae stook to stook through thefield. But she did get a good look at it. And she aye swore to us eftir thatit was a fairy, and naebody wad change her mind.

She was a wummin that never drank in her life, and she was veryvery sensible, and she says, “Well,” she says to me, “it might have beena spirit or something, I dinnae ken, but,” she says, “to me it lookit likea little wee wummin,” she says, “lovely dressed, and it kept steppin’and jumpit up nae far frae me,” she says—“When I cam right up I got agood look at it, when it jumpit on a stook, kept gaun on the stooks infront of me till it gaed right out of sight.” An’ she says. “I jist gied awato bou doun to take the corn,” she says, “and then when it did appearto me, I couldnae take the corn,” she says. “I jist watched it gin upowre the stooks, and I turned,” she says, “and went back the road.” Shebelieves it was a fairy, and she wouldnae touch it.

From Jeannie Robertson, 1959.Note: The special function of this little solitary fairy, leaping from stook tostook, without oversetting them, seems to have been to act as a guardian of thecornfield.


Hamish Henderson, School of Scottish Studies.

A man and his wife were not long married, and they had a wee kiddiecalled Johnnie, but he was always crying and never satisfied. There wasa neighbour near, a tailor, and it came to market day, and Johnnie wasaye greeting, and never growing. And the wife wanted to get a day atthe market, so the tailor said he’d stay and watch wee Johnnie. So hewas sitting sewing by the fire, and a voice said: “Is ma mother and ma


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faither awa’?” He couldn’t think it was the baby speaking, so he wentand looked out of the window, but there was nothing, and he heard itagain. “Is ma mother and ma faither awa’?” And there it was, sitting up,with its wee hands gripping the sides of the cradle. “There’s a bottle ofwhisky in the press,” it says. “Gie’s a drink.” Sure enough, there wasone, and they had a drink together. Then wee Johnnie wanted a blowon the pipes, but there was not a set in the house, so he told the tailorto go and fetch a round strae from the byre, and he played the loveliesttune on the pipes through the strae. They had a good talk together, andthe wee thing said, “Is ma mother and ma faither coming home?” Andwhen they came, there he was “Nya, nya, nya”, in the cradle. By thistime the tailor knew it was a fairy they had there, so he followed thefarmer into the byre, and told him all that had happened. The farmerjust couldn’t bring himself to believe it; so between them they hit on acontrivance. They let on that a lot of things had not been sold at themarket, and there was to be a second day of it, and the tailor promisedto come over again to sit by the bairn. They made a great stir aboutpacking up, and then they went through to the barn, and listenedthrough the keek hole in the wall. “Is ma mother and ma faithergone?” said the wee thing, and the mother could just hardly believe herears. But when they heard the piping through the cornstrae, they kent itwas a fairy right enough, and the farmer went in to the room, and heset the gridle on the fire and heated it red hot, and he fetched in a halfbagful of horse manure, and set it on the gridle, and the wee thinglooked at him with wild eyes. When he went to it to grip it, and put iton the gridle, it flew straight up the lum, and as it went it cried out, “Iwish I had a been longer with my mother. I’d a kent her better.”

Told by Andrew Stewart.Note: See “The Changeling, II”, “The Fairy Changeling, II”.

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Gibbings, Folk-Lore and Legends, Scotland, p. 52.

In the olden times, when it was the fashion for gentlemen to wearswords, the Laird of Balmachie went one day to Dundee, leaving hiswife at home ill in bed. Riding home in the twilight, he had occasionto leave the high road, and when crossing between some little romanticknolls, called the Cur-hills, in the neighbourhood of Carlungy, heencountered a troop of fairies supporting a kind of litter, upon whichsome person seemed to be borne. Being a man of dauntless courage,and, as he said, impelled by some internal impulse, he pushed his horseclose to the litter, drew his sword, laid it across the vehicle, and in afirm tone exclaimed:

“In the name of God, release your captive.”The tiny troop immediately disappeared, dropping the litter on the

ground. The Laird dismounted, and found that it contained his ownwife, dressed in her bedclothes. Wrapping his coat around her, heplaced her on the horse before him, and, having only a short distanceto ride, arrived safely at home.

Placing her in another room, under the care of an attentive friend, heimmediately went to the chamber where he had left his wife in themorning, and there to all appearance she still lay, very sick of a fever.She was fretful, discontented, and complained much of having beenneglected in his absence, at all of which the Laird affected great con-cern, and, pretending much sympathy, insisted upon her rising to haveher bed made. She said that she was unable to rise, but her husband wasperemptory and having ordered a large wood fire to warm the room,he lifted the impostor from the bed, and bearing her across the floor asif to a chair, which had been previously prepared, he threw her on thefire, from which she bounced like a sky-rocket, and went throughthe ceiling, and out at the roof of the house, leaving a hole among theslates. He then brought in his own wife, a little recovered from heralarm, who said that some time after sunset, the nurse having left herfor the purpose of preparing a little caudle, a multitude of elves came inat the window, thronging like bees from a hive. They filled the room,


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and having lifted her from the bed, carried her through the window,after which she recollected nothing further, till she saw her husbandstanding over her on the Cur-hills, at the back of Carlungy. The hole inthe roof, by which the female fairy made her escape, was mended, butcould never be kept in repair, as a tempest of wind happened alwaysonce a year, which uncovered that particular spot, without injuring anyother part of the roof.

Note: See “Katherine Fordyce”, “Mary Nelson”, “Mind the Crooked Finger”,“Sandy Hairg’s Wife”, “The Stolen Wife”.


Hamish Henderson, School of Scottish Studies.

There was once an old midwife fetched by two little men. They tookher to a house she did not know, and as they were coming in at thedoor, they both dipped their hands in a bowl of water, so she did thesame. After that she did her work, and a baby boy was born. Then oneof the men said, “Just bake us some bannocks before you go. There’llbe just enough to do us in the jar there, but mind and put the scrapingsof oatmeal from the board back into the jar.” Then they went out, andthe old wife started baking the bannocks, putting the spare meal backinto the jar. But the jar was never emptied. She went on baking andbaking, but it was half full, just as it was at the start. Then the womanon the bed said to her:

“You’ll never be done if you put the spare meal back. Fling it on thefire.”

She did that, and she came to the end of the oatmeal at once. Thewoman said:

“They’d have had you baking for ever, if you hadn’t heeded me.” Sothe men came back, and took her home. Some while later she saw oneof the little men, and asked him how the baby was. “Do you see me?”he said. “With which eye?”

“With the both.” “Did you wash your eyes with our water?” “I just

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did as you did,” said the old wife. “Well, we’ll soon cure that,” he said,and he blew on her eyes, and she never saw the fairies again.

From C. Stewart.Note: The advice which enables a mortal to escape from Fairyland is generallythat of a fellow mortal imprisoned there. The fairy mother in this tale wasprobably a stolen mortal. The fairies here were milder than usual, for they onlytook away the magic sight, without blinding the midwife.

See “Marie Kirstan, the Midwife”, “How Joan lost the Sight of One Eye”, etc.


Douglas, Scottish Fairy & Folk-Tales, p. 106.

The Scottish fairies . . . sometimes reside in subterranean abodes, in thevicinity of human habitations, or, according to the popular phrase,under the “doorstane”, or threshold; in which situation they some-times establish an intercourse with men, by borrowing and lending,and other kindly offices. In this capacity they are termed “the goodneighbours”, from supplying privately the wants of their friends, andassisting them in all their transactions, while their favours are con-cealed. Of this the traditional story of Sir Godfrey Macculloch forms acurious example.

As this Gallovidian gentleman was taking the air on horseback, nearhis own house, he was suddenly accosted by a little old man arrayed ingreen, and mounted upon a white palfrey. After mutual salutation, theold man gave Sir Godfrey to understand that he resided under hishabitation, and that he had great reason to complain of the direction ofa drain, or common sewer, which emptied itself directly into hischamber of dais. Sir Godrey Macculloch was a good deal startled atthis extraordinary complaint; but, guessing the nature of this being hehad to deal with, he assured the old man, with great courtesy, that thedirection of the drain should be altered; and caused it to be doneaccordingly. Many years afterwards Sir Godfrey had the misfortune tokill, in a fray, a gentleman of the neighbourhood. He was apprehended,tried, and condemned. The scaffold upon which his head was to be


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struck off was erected on the Castle Hill of Edinburgh; but hardly hadhe reached the fatal spot, when the old man, upon his white palfrey,pressed through the crowd with the rapidity of lightning. Sir Godfrey,at his command, sprung on behind him; the “good neighbour”spurred his horse down the steep bank, and neither he nor the criminalwas ever seen again.

Denham Tracts, , pp. 61–2 (summarized version).Note: See “The Laird o’ Co”.


Gutch, County Folk-Lore, , East Riding of Yorkshire, p. 55.

It happened in my time, and I was both eye and ear witness of the trialof the person accused. And first take a hint of it from the pen of DurantHotham, in his learned epistle to the Mysterium Magnum of Jacob Behemenupon Genesis in these words:

“There was (he saith) as I have heard the story credibly reported inthis Country a man apprehended for suspicion for Witchcraft; he wasof that sort we call white Witches, which are such as do cures beyondthe ordinary reasons and deductions of our usual practitioners, and aresupposed (and most part of them truly) to do the same by ministrationof spirits (from whence under their noble favours most Sciences firstgrew) and therefore are by good reason provided against by our CivilLaws, as being ways full of danger and deceit, and scarce ever otherwiseobtained than by a devilish compact of the exchange of ones Soul tothat assistant spirit, for the honour of its Mountebankery. What thisman did was with a white powder which, he said, he received from theFairies, and that going to a Hill he knocked three times, and the Hillopened, and he had access to, and converse with a visible people; andoffered, that if any Gentleman present would either go himself inperson, or send his servant, he would conduct them thither, and showthem the place and persons from whom he had his skill.” To this I shallonly add thus much, that the man was accused for invoking and calling

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upon evil spirits, and was a very simple and illiterate person to anyman’s judgment, and had been formerly very poor, but had gottensome pretty little meanes to maintain himself, his Wife, and diversesmall children, by his cures done with this white powder, of whichthere were sufficient proofs; and the Judge asking him how he came bythe powder, he told a story to this effect. “That one night before the daywas gone, as he was going home from his labour, being very sad andfull of heavy thoughts, not knowing how to get meat and drink for hisWife and Children, he met a fair Woman in fine cloaths, who askedhim why he was so sad, and he told her it was by reason of his poverty,to which she said, that if he would follow her counsel she would helphim to that which would serve to get him a good living; to which hesaid he would consent with all his heart, so it were not by unlawfulways; she told him that it should not be by any such ways, but by doingof good and curing of sick people; and so warning him strictly to meether there the next night at the same time, she departed from him andhe went home. And the next night at the time appointed, he dulywaited, and she (according to promise) came and told him that it waswell he came so duly, otherwise he had missed of that benefit, that sheintended to do unto him, and so bade him follow her and not be afraid.Thereupon she led him to a little Hill, and she knocked three times, andthe Hill opened, and they went in, and came to a fair hall, wherein wasa Queen sitting in great state, and many people about her, and theGentlewoman that brought him, presented him to the Queen, and shesaid he was welcom, and bid the Gentlewoman give him some of thewhite powder, and teach him how to use it; which she did, and gavehim a little wood box full of the white powder, and bid him give 2 or 3grains of it to any that were sick, and it would heal them, and so shebrought him forth of the Hill, and so they parted.” And being asked bythe Judge whether the place within the Hill, which he called a Hall,were light or dark, he said indifferent, as it is with us in the twilight;and being asked how he got more powder, he said when he wanted hewent to that Hill, and knocked three times, and said every time, “I amcoming, I am coming,” whereupon it opened, and he going in wasconducted by the aforesaid Woman to the Queen, and so had morepowder given to him. This was the plain and simple story (however itmay be judged of) that he told before the Judge, the whole Court and


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the Jury, and there being no proof, but what cures he had done to verymany, the Jury did acquit him; and I remember the judge said, whenall the evidence was heard, that if he were to assign his punishment, heshould be whipped thence to Fairy-Hall, and did seem to judge it to bea delusion or an Imposture.

Webster, Displaying of Supposed Witchcraft, pp. 300–2.

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Part 11Ghosts

Almost every village in England has several ghost stories attached to it,but these are often accounts or rumours of apparitions, with no begin-ning or end. A satisfactory ghost story ought to be something morethan a mere account of an apparition. Ideally, it should have a begin-ning and an end as well as a middle. We should learn how the ghostcame to haunt the place and how it was laid. A good example is “A LayGhost-Layer”. This has several points of interest—the ghost in animalform, the method of laying and the widely distributed tale-type 930 A(The Murdered Son) which appears in it. Other tales are of specialinterest as exhibiting the technique of ghost-laying or illustrating someaspect of folk-belief. Anything hidden before death, especially money,is said to cause haunting, and country people are still careful not tohide even a tool in case it makes them uneasy after death. A friend toldme once that she was walking out one evening when an old neighbourpassed her, and said, “Tell my girl it’s on the top shelf.” “Very well”,she said, and only when she had walked on did she remember that the

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old man had died the week before. However, she went to the daughterand told her, and the daughter said, “Oh, that’s where it is, is it?” Shewas too polite to ask what “it” was, so heard no more of the matter.

From the earliest times it has been thought that an unburied corpsewill walk, demanding proper burial rites. Such a tale was told by PlinySecundus in his Letters, and the belief is exemplified in “The Death‘Bree’ ”, though the courage of the desecrator of the tomb and thereasonableness of the ghost brought the woman off more safely thanmight have been expected.

Vampire ghosts, another form of the reanimated corpse, are rare inthis country. “Croglin Grange”, like other stories collected by AugustusHare, may owe something to literary reminiscence. It is as horrific asone of James’ Ghost Stories of an Antiquary.

Some ghost stories are not to be found among the legends, as theyare obviously exercises in folk fiction. Examples of the kind of thing aretwo terse ghost stories which are fairly widely known: one of a nervousguest in a haunted room who locked the door, closed the shutters,looked under the bed and into the cupboards before getting into bed,and, just as he blew out the candle, heard a tiny voice coming from thecurtains at the head of his bed, “Now we’re shut in for the night.” Theother, which is supposed to be the shortest ghost story in the world,runs: “He woke up frightened and reached for the matches, and thematches were put into his hand.”

Hauntings can generally be divided into those who have donewrong and those who suffered it. Sometimes the sufferers seekingrevenge are the more malevolent of the two, but we have occasionalstories of ghosts who come back to repay kindness done to them intheir lifetime. A beautiful example of this is Christina Hole’s story of“The Grateful Ghost”.

In this section, where it is impossible to hope to reproduce all thestories, I have tried to give them in something of the numerical propor-tion in which they are to be found. It will be seen that the mostnumerous are those about the laying of ghosts and about the unquietwanderings of people who have met a violent end or who havewronged others, either by violence or fraud. Some of the less commonbut most picturesque ghost stories are those in which whole scenesfrom the past are presented to the spectator, sometimes passing before


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him like a picture, sometimes only heard, and occasionally participatedin. Because of their interest, I have perhaps included an undueproportion of these.

Many other ghost stories are to be found in such books as The GhostWorld, by Thistleton Dyer, The Night Side of Nature, by Catherine Crowe,and Haunted England, by Christina Hole.

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County Folk-Lore, , North Riding of Yorkshire, etc., pp. 93–4.

The most veritable ghost . . . was the one which was supposed to be theghost of Archbishop Scrope, who for many years walked the road toconduct his own funeral procession, and perhaps the most persistentstory told of his appearance was that told by a man who made hisliving as a slaughterman. . . . He used to speak with confidence of whathe saw. . . .

This Robert Johnson, accompanied by a boy who was apprenticed toa Jubbergate butcher was sent one night to a farm beyond Bishops-thorpe to fetch some sheep. As they returned in the darkness, nearingthe hauling lane, each suddenly saw a coffin suspended in the air, andmoving slowly along in the direction of York. It tilted occasionally, as ifborne on the shoulders of men who were thrown out of step by therugged character of the roadway. The coffin was covered with a heavyblack pall of velvet, fringed with white silk, and was in size and appear-ance the resting-place of a full-grown man. Behind it, with measuredtread, walked a Bishop in lawn, bearing on his hands a large openbook, over which his head bent, but from his lips no sound came. Onwent the procession, with the steady precision observed in bearing thedead to the grave, whilst the sheep kept pace, and would not be drivenpast the strange sight. Nobody could be mistaken in the apparition. Thenight, though dark, was too light to admit of mistake. . . . The spectreprocession moved at a leisured pace for some considerable distance tillit came to the field where the Archbishop was beheaded. Then it disap-peared as hastily as it had come, and returned to its rest. But not so withthe man and boy. . . . Having arrived at their destination . . . after veryfew particulars, spoken amid much fear, they were taken off to bed,where they remained for many days, wrung in mind and body by theterrible shock. . . . When sufficiently recovered, their story wasrepeated with particular detail, and gained universal credence, from thefact many villagers and many citizens had experienced like sight andsensation. The boy forsook his business and took to the sea, lest heshould ever again be compelled to take a similar journey, and be


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subject to like experience, whilst the man ever after avoided that road atnightfall, but never swerved from declaring his story true. . . . Morethan once after this, men who had sat late at their cups were frightenedinto sobriety by the reappearance of the strange funeral procession, butthe ghost has done its work, for in our day it never appears.

From Camidge, From Ouse Bridge to Naburn Locks, pp. 199–201.Note: See “The Phantom Funeral” (B, XII).


Ruth L. Tongue, Somerset Folklore, p. 101.

Believing that the Battlefield of Sedgemoor must be badly haunted, anelderly gentleman in the eighteenth century began to make inquiries.He was met by stolid stares, but at last a local farmer said: “I been overthey parts, man and boy. Never seed nothing, never heard nothingneither but one foggy night, and then ’twas a drunken chap some-where t’other side of the rhine, shouting, ‘Come over and fight!’ Butthere, I’d other things to mind.”

It will be remembered that “Come over and fight!” was the despair-ing cry of Monmouth’s army as they were mowed down by the King’sguns.

Told to Miss Phoebe Chatworthy in Taunton, about 1890.Note: This is one of many traditions of “Duking Days” (Somerset name for theMonmouth Rebellion) hauntings.

See “Dolly and the Duke”, “The Rebel and His Dog”, “The Ghost ofMarlpits Hill”.

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CROGLIN GRANGE [shortened]

Augustus Hare, In My Solitary Life, p. 50.

For hundreds of years the ancient family of the Fishers has owned acurious old place in Cumberland named Croglin Grange. This househas never been more than one storey high, but it has a terrace fromwhich large grounds sweep away towards the church in the hollow,and a fine distant view.

Even when the family outgrew the house, they did not add to itsextent, but went to live in the South at Thorncombe, near Guildford,and Croglin Grange was let to tenants, two brothers and a sister.

This new family settled quickly and happily into the life of thedistrict, and soon became very popular. One hot summer day, whenthe sultry atmosphere had made work of any kind almost impossible,the three dined early, and afterwards sat out on the veranda, enjoyingthe cooler air, and watching the moon rise in full brilliance over thelawn and gardens.

When at last they went indoors to their rooms, the sister still felt theheat too great for sleep, and sat up in her bed, still watching themoonlight through her window, for she had not closed her shutters.Gradually she became aware of two lights which flickered in and out inthe belt of trees which separated the lawn from the churchyard, and asher gaze became fixed upon them she saw them emerge, fixed in a darksubstance, a definite ghastly something, which seemed every moment tocome nearer, increasing in size as it approached. Every now and thenit was lost in the long shadows which stretched across the lawn, then itemerged larger than ever, and still coming on—on. She was seized withhorror, and longed to get away, but the door was close to the window,and while unlocking it she must be for that instant nearer to it. Shelonged to scream, but her throat seemed paralysed.

Suddenly, she could never explain why, the terrible object seemed toturn aside, and to be going round the house, instead of straight towardsher. She sprang from her bed to unlock the door, but at the instant sheheard scratch, scratch, scratch at her window, and saw a hideous brownface with flaming eyes glaring in at her. She took comfort in the


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thought that the window was securely locked on the inside, but all of asudden the scratching ceased, and a kind of pecking sound took itsplace. The creature was unpicking the lead! A diamond-shaped panefell on to the floor, and a long bony finger came inside, and found thelatch of the window, and turned it. She had fled back into her bed, butthe creature came into the room, and twisted its long bony fingers intoher hair, and dragged her head over the side of the bed, and bit herviolently in the throat.

Now at last she did scream aloud, and her brothers rushed to her aid.But they had to break in the still-locked door, and by the time they gotinside the creature had disappeared through the window, and theirsister lay bleeding and unconscious. One brother tried in vain to pursuethe monster, which vanished with gigantic strides, and seemed to dis-appear over the wall into the churchyard, so the pursuer returned to hissister’s room. She was fearfully wounded, but recovered with amazingstrength, and refused to let her terrible experience drive her from thehouse where they had been so happy. Both her doctor and herbrothers, however, found it hard to believe that she could be so com-pletely recovered as she seemed, and insisted on taking her away toSwitzerland for a mental and physical change. There she threw herselfinto all the interests and occupations of the country, and seemed sofully restored to health that in the autumn she herself proposed thatthey should return to England. Her dreadful visitor, she maintained,must have been some escaped lunatic, and was not likely to return;besides, only one of the seven years for which they had leased theirhouse had passed.

They therefore returned to Cumberland, but the sister always there-after kept her shutters fast closed at night, and the two brothers eachkept a loaded pistol in their room.

After a peaceful winter, in the following March the sister was sud-denly awakened by the same dreadful scratching at her window, andsaw the same hideous brown shrivelled face looking in through theone pane left uncovered at the top of the window by the shutters. (Thiswas a common fashion in certain old houses.)

She screamed as loud as she could, and her brothers rushed withtheir pistols out of the house, to find the creature already scuddingaway over the lawn. One brother fired, and hit it in the leg, but it got

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away, nevertheless, and scrambled over the wall and seemed to disap-pear into a vault belonging to a family long extinct.

Next day, in the presence of all the tenants of Croglin Grange, thisvault was opened, and a scene of horror presented itself; the coffinswith which the vault was filled were all broken open save one, and theirmangled contents scattered over the floor. On the last coffin the lid stilllay, but it was loose, and when they raised it there lay inside, brownand withered but quite entire, the same frightful figure which hadlooked in at the window of the Grange, with the mark of a recentpistol-shot in one leg. They did the only thing that can lay a vampire—they burnt it.

Note: The vampire belief is strongest in eastern Europe, Greece, and China, andso complete a vampire story as this is not common in England. It may well havehad a literary origin. There are, however, traces of vampire belief in England, asin the story of the lover’s ghost in “The Fair Maid of Clifton”. MacCullochpoints out in the article “Vampires” in Hastings’ Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethicsthat the stake with which suicides were pierced may show that they were oncefeared as vampires, for this was the recognized treatment of vampires in easternEurope. The alternative was burning, as in this case.

See “The Fair Maid of Clifton”.


Gibbings, Folk-Lore and Legends, Scotland, p. 189.

There was once a woman who lived in the Camp-del-more ofStrathavon whose cattle were seized with a murrain, or some such felldisease, which ravaged the neighbourhood at the time, carrying off

great numbers of them daily. All the forlorn fires and hallowed watersfailed of their customary effects: and she was at length told by the wisepeople whom she consulted on the occasion, that it was evidently theeffect of some infernal agency, the power of which could not be des-troyed by any other means than the never-failing specific—the juice ofa dead head from the churchyard—a nostrum certainly very difficult tobe procured, considering that the head must needs be abstracted from


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the grave at the hour of midnight. Being, however, a woman of stoutheart and strong faith, native feelings of delicacy towards the sanctuaryof the dead had more weight than had fear in restraining her for sometime from resorting to this desperate remedy. At length, seeing that herstock would soon be annihilated by the destructive career of the dis-ease, the wife of Camp-del-more resolved to put the experiment inpractice, whatever the result might be. Accordingly, having with con-siderable difficulty engaged a neighbouring woman as her companionin this hazardous expedition, they set out a little before midnight forthe parish churchyard, distant about a mile and a half from her resi-dence, to execute her determination. On arriving at the churchyard,her companion, whose courage was not so notable, appalled by thegloomy prospect before her, refused to enter among the habitations ofthe dead. She, however, agreed to remain at the gate, till her friend’sbusiness was accomplished. This circ*mstance, however, did notstagger the wife’s resolution.

She, with the greatest coolness and intrepidity, proceeded towardswhat she supposed an old grave, took down her spade, and com-menced her operations. After a good deal of toil, she arrived at theobject of her labour. Raising the first head, or rather skull, that came herway, she was about to make it her own property, when a hollow, wild,sepulchral voice exclaimed, “That is my head; let it alone!” Not wish-ing to dispute the claimant’s title to this head, and supposing she couldbe otherwise provided, she very good-naturedly returned it, and tookup another. “That is my father’s head,” bellowed the same voice. Wish-ing, if possible, to avoid disputes, the wife of Camp-del-more took upanother head, when the same voice instantly started a claim to it as hisgrandfather’s head. “Well,” replied the wife, nettled at her disappoint-ments, “although it were your grandmother’s head, you shan’t get ittill I am done with it.” “What do you say, you limmer?” says the ghost,starting up in his awry habiliments. “What do you say, you limmer?”repeated he, in a great rage. “By the great oath, you had better leave mygrandfather’s head.” Upon matters coming this length, the wily wife ofCamp-del-more thought it proper to assume a more conciliatoryaspect. Telling the claimant the whole particulars of the predicament inwhich she was placed, she promised faithfully that, if his honourwould only allow her to carry off his grandfather’s skull, or head, in a

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peaceable manner, she would restore it again when done with. Here,after some communing, they came to an understanding; and she wasallowed to take the head along with her, on condition that she shouldrestore it before co*ck-crowing, under the heaviest penalties.

On coming out of the churchyard, and looking for her companion,she had the mortification to find her “without a mouthful of breath inher body”, for, on hearing the dispute between her friend and theguardian of the grave, and suspecting much that she was likely to sharethe unpleasant punishments with which he threatened her friend, atthe bare recital of them she fell down in a faint, from which it was noeasy matter to recover her. This proved no small inconvenience toCamp-del-more’s wife, as there were not above two hours to elapseere she had to return the head, according to the terms of her agree-ment. Taking her friend upon her back, she carried her up a steepacclivity to the nearest adjoining house, where she left her for thenight; then repaired home with the utmost speed, made dead bree of thehead ere the appointed time had expired, restored the skull to itsguardian, and placed the grave in its former condition. It is needless toadd that, as a reward for her exemplary courage, the “bree” had itsdesired effect.

The cattle speedily recovered, and, so long as she retained any of it,all sorts of diseases were of short duration.

Note: There are various stories on these lines, some of them dealing withpractical jokes, most with fear tests. See “A Brave Boy” (A, II), “A Wager Won”(A, III).

On the subject of the dead’s vengeance for theft of a part of the body, see“The Bone” (A, V), etc. For the reason of their indignation, see “Sammle’sGhost”.


Elliot, Notebooks, School of Scottish Studies.

Away in the Highlands of Scotland some of the shepherds’ houses areso isolated and far from the main road they are hard to reach. In fact, a


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lot of them has only a track to reach them, and in either mist ordarkness is easy lost, and this accident happened many years ago.

A shepherd’s wife turned ill, and it was at one of these isolatedhouses, far from the main road, and they had sent word for the doctor.

It was the short days of winter, and wet and misty weather prevailed;the doctor’s way of travelling was on horseback, and it was mid-afternoon as he set out on his journey across the moors for theshepherd’s house.

He had been there before, and he knew the track, but the mist anddarkness came down, and he lost the track. He kept on trying to find it,till he was utterly lost. As he kept on wandering up and down, he saw alight through the mist and darkness, and he thought it must be ashepherd’s house, and he made his way for it, as he thought theywould be able to put him on the track. But before he reached thecottage the light went out, and when he reached it all was darkness. Hethought they must have gone to bed, and he knocked at the door, butgot no answer. So he went to the outhouse, and managed to get hishorse into the byre, then he went back to the door, and, as he got noanswer, he tried the door, and found it was not locked. So he went in;but to his great astonishment, the place was like as if no one had beenin it for a long time, as the furniture was so dusty, and no signs of life.So he thought he would make the best of it for the night; and hemanaged to light a fire, and he had a bit lunch with him, he sat down atthe fire and ate it. Then he had a look into what looked like the roomend, where there was a bed, and a little table at the side of it. So, aftersitting at the fire for some time, he rose and shut the outer door, andwent ben into the room, and prepared to go to bed, as the night was sodark and misty he could not proceed any further the night.

As he undressed he laid his purse and his gold watch on the littletable, then went to bed. He was just beginning to dover over to sleepwhen he heard voices ben in the kitchen. They were men’s voices, andthey seemed to be arguing over something. He creeped over the bed,and very quietly keeked ben into the kitchen, and he was very sur-prised to see two rough-looking men sitting at the table playing cards.There was a dispute about one of them cheating, and one had droppeda card, and as he stooped to pick it up, the other drew a long knife andstabbed him to death. The doctor got such a fright he crept back to bed,

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where he lay in terror. He kept well hidden under the clothes, and itwas not long or the man came ben and looked round the room, andcame up to the table at the bedside and lifted the doctor’s watch and hispurse of money. The doctor lay there sweating with fear, and lamentingthe loss of his purse of money and his gold watch.

He lay for some time till he heard the man go out the door, but he laylistening in fear he would come back, till, overcome with sleep, hemust have dovered away to sleep, and lay there till morning, and wakedup, and his first thoughts were of the night before and the two men,and remembering his loss of his purse of money and gold watch. Andit was his first thought—the two men and the murder. He thought ofthe murdered man lying on the floor, and he thought the sooner hewas out of bed and out of this the better; so he jumped out of bed andwas putting on his clothes, and, still thinking about his lost watch andpurse, he happened to look down at the little table where he had laidhis watch and money, when, to his great surprise, his gold watch andhis purse were lying as he had left them the night before. He couldhardly believe his own eyes, as he saw the murderer lift them the nightbefore. He was not long in getting them into his pocket; and when hekeeked ben into the kitchen he saw no man lying murdered on thefloor, and everything was the same as when he left it the night before.He made for the byre to get his horse, as the mist had cleared away, andhe now knew he could find his way. After getting his horse out, he rodeoff, and soon found the hill track to the shepherd’s house. When he gotthere he told them of his experience last night.

After the shepherd thought awhile, he remembered and told thedoctor he had been in the drainers’ haunted cottage, where the drain-ers lived, and one murdered his mate and fled the country, and wasnever heard of again, and the cottage has been haunted ever since.

Note: A puzzling feature of this tale is the disappearance of the doctor’s purseand watch, and their reappearance. In some of the re-enacted tragedies theghosts seem unconscious of spectators; in others, the mortals enter and re-shape the play. This tale seems to come halfway between. A house at Rye thathad been an inn frequented by smugglers was the nightly scene of spectralbrawls and killings, but the spectators did not participate in the drama.

See “Ghosts at Edgehill”, “Dolly and the Duke”.


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From Thatched with Gold: the Memoirs of Mabell, Countess of Airlie, 1962, pp. 47, 92.

The ghostly drummer of Airlie, who was supposed to drum before thedeath of each head of the family of Ogilvie, was heard drummingbefore the death of the 8th Earl of Airlie who died in America in 1881.He was heard by Lady Dalkeith and the Countess of Latham when theywere staying at Achnacany, the seat of the Earl of Airlie. Making allow-ance for the difference in time, he drummed one hour before the Earl’sdeath. He was also heard drumming before the death of the 9th Earl,who was killed in action in the Boer War on June 11, 1900. Thedrumming was heard on the 10th, which was a Sunday. The Boerprisoners complained of the profanation of the Sabbath and were toldthat there was no drummer in the camp.

The story dates back to 1640, when Argyle burned down the houseof Airlie. A drummer of the Cameron Clan had been posted in a watch-tower to give warning, and when the surprise attack was made theOgilvie clansmen, thinking he had betrayed them, left him in the burn-ing tower. He climbed up to the battlement, protesting his innocence,and continued to drum until the flames overpowered him. Since thenhe is supposed always to drum before the death of the head of theOgilvies.

Note: Argyle’s burning of Airlie gave rise to the Child ballad of “The BonnieHouse of Airlie”.


Hamish Henderson, School of Scottish Studies.

Tell us, John, what is this story about the Ghost of Gairnside?Ah, well, jist about a crofter and his son at the top of Gairnside.The crofter, he had a son, and his son was carryin’ on with his

sweetheart for over a year, and he’d always over a mile and a half to go

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down to meet her every Sunday night. He always met her about half-past ten every Sunday night, and this meetin’ lastit for over a year, andhe was workin’ aboot the farm in [?] Auld Ringie. His father used to sayto him, say to his mother, like, “I dout there’s something happent toJohn.” For he was always a cheery chap when he was workin’, whist-lin’ aboot and aathing when he was plewin’ up the ground and that,“Ach,” he says, “he’s jist like oorsels when we were young—perhapshe’s makin’ it up to get married, or something.”

Oniegait, when he was away down come Sunday, he had to go downto meet his sweetheart. So he went away down and aathing, and he’salways meeting’ her at a certain place at the back of a bush, aboot fourand a half mile frae his own place. So when he went down to where hewas always meetin’ his sweetheart, there was a white lady stannan upagainst a gate. So when he lookit up tea her, he says, “What are ye doin’staundin’ there?”

She says tae him, “Where are ye goin’?”“Oh,” he says, “I’m gaun to meet my sweetheart.”She says, “I know,” she says, “ye’re goin’ to meet your sweetheart,

but I’ve been stannin’ here,” she says, “for over a year, and,” she says,“I know,” she says, “that you’ve been meetin’ your sweetheart all thistime,” she says, “every Sunday night, at half-past ten, and,” she says,“your sweetheart’s not fair to you,” she says, “for she’s carryin’ onwith another chap.”

“Oh,” he says, “I wouldn’t believe that.”“But,” she says, “all right,” she says, “you can go up,” she says, “to

meet her, but go up to the bush farther on, and you’ll hear foryourself.”

So when he went up to the bush farther on, he heard this sweetheartsayin’ to his own sweetheart, “He’s always carryin’ on wi’ ye.”

“Ah, well, I’ll need to hurry on,” she says, “for that boy frae the topof the glen’s comin’ doon to meet me, and I dinnae want tae make afool of him, ye know,” she says, “kiddin’ him on.”

So he staunds, hearin’ aa this. So anyway, he left her and cam’ backto the gate, and here’s this lady always standin’ at the gate, dressed inwhite. So she says to him, “Now you’ve found out for yourself.”

“Yes,” he says, “I’ve found out for myself.”“Well,” she says, “now, what are ye goin’ to do now?”


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“Well,” he says, “I’ve nothing to do now but go home again.”“Well,” she says, “I know you’ve been meetin’,” she says, “this girl

friend of yours for over a year,” she says. “Could you meet me,” shesays, “for a week?”

“Well,” he says, “I dinnae know, for a week—I dinnae see no harmof meetin’ ye for a week,” he says, “when I could come for over a yearmeetin’ her, always at half-past ten at night. There could be no harm inmeetin’ ye for a week.”

“Well,” she says, “I want you to meet me every night for a week, athalf-past ten, the same time. Could ye do that?”

“Well,” he says, “I dinnae see nothing haudin’ me back frae daeinthat, when I’m happent to meet this girl for over a year.”

“Well,” she says, “the bargain’s made?”“Yes,” he says, “the bargain’s made.”Now he’s away. He left her again, and promised to meet her next

Monday.So when he was away from home now, he was wonderin’, like,

aboot the girl, like, false to him all the time, ye see—he went awayhome—never tellt his mother that she’d been false to him. But nextmorning he was oot in the field again, for he used to enjoy himsel,whistlin’ and singin’ to himsel when he was workin’. But Mondaymornin’, when he went oot, he never sung nor anything, he wudnaeeat nothing, so he’s aye thinkin’ awa to himsel. So his father says,“Well,” he says, “there must be something ado wi’ the laddie.” “Ach,”she says. “There’s nothing.”

So he asked the foreman, “What like is the boy getting on in the field?”“Well,” he says, “there’s something ado wi’ the bodie. He’ll no

hardly do nae work nor nothing. An,” he says, “he’ll no whistle noranything.”

So anyway, whenever night’s come, he got his supper again, and he’saway down now, meetin’ his sweetheart again.

So when he was away doon meetin’ his sweetheart, the aul’ mansays.

“Whaur is he awa tae?”“Och,” she says, “ye ken what like you and me was when we were

young. He’s been gaun that lang,” she says, “that he’ll—be getting’mairrit.”

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“Oh,” he says, “there might be something in that, tae.”So he’s away down, meetin’ his sweetheart again, but he cam

back again—he’s aye gettin’ worse and waur, every day and nicht, wi’meetin’ her, he’s aye gettin’ worse. So began this twelve months.

“Well,” he says, “I dinna like the look of my son, he’s been gettin’waur, every day meeting’ her—he’s aye gettin’ worse.”

“Oh,” he says, he says, “I’ll tell the foreman to go doon eftir him aaricht.”

So the next nicht again, when he got up he got his bitie of supper,and he’s away doon meetin’ his sweetheart again. So when he wentaway down now, the foreman followed him. So when he was awa aboota mile and a hauf or two miles doon the road, here he seen the youngfella throwin’ his airm roon the same as that—a boy throwin’ his airmroon a lassie goin’ awa doon the road, and then speakin’ tae hes-sel anaathing.

“Gode bliss me!” he saud, “what’s adae wi’ him?” he says. “Has hegone off his heid?”

So he was talkin’ to him aa the time gaun doon and aathing, same asa bloke speakin’ tae his sweetheart. So he seen this chap gaun inthrough a gate, and gaun into an auld wash-been, like aa ruins. So hewas stannin’ back—when he seen this thing he made hame, to tell theauld man.

So the auld man says, “I dinnae ken what to dae wi’ him.”So anyway, the next nicht again he says, “The best thing ye can dae,”

he says, “is I think I’ll go doon masel,” he says, “and see whit theladdie is gettin’ on.”

So the aul’ man next nicht followed them doon. So whenever heseen him there he seen his son throwin’ his airms roon this lassie’sneck and speakin’ awa and aathing, and then he listened for a while,and he heard the lassie speakin’ back tae him. So when he heard that,he says, “Gode bliss me!” he says, “I hope,” he says, “he didnae dae theither lassie in.”

Away he cam hame. So we leave with the aul’ man goin’ to theyoung boy and the lady—so he went doon to this old washbeen anddoon tae a little room. An’ here when he cam doon to the little roomhere was the table spread and fire burnin’ and aathing, and wine andeverything on the top of the table. So they dined there tae aboot twelve


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o’clock. So when they dined there tae twelve o’clock, she lookit at theyoung fellie; she says, “Ten meenits to twelve,” she says, “aboot time,”she says, “ye’re gettin’ hame. And” she says, “I’ll convoy you,” shesays, “on to the [?] haa road, and up to the fairm.”

“Aye,” he says tae hessel, “well,” he says, “I’ve been carryin’ on witha girl,” he says, “for over a year, an’,” he says, “that’s a thing that shenever said to me, for to convoy me,” he says, “home.” He says, “It’salways me, it’s left to the gentleman to convoy the girl home.” The twoof them went away. She says, “You don’t need to stand,” she says, “andspeak,” she says, “for I’ll need all my time.”

So the two of them left. So she cam up to the road turnin’ up to thefairm. Well, she’s been aboot close on two miles away, from the auldruins. So she says, “I’ll have to be biddin’ ye good-night,” she says.

So he told her, “Good-night.”“Be sure and see me the morn,” she says, “it’s the last night.”So she was away. So he was goin’ up frae the wood, and he happened

to say to hissel, “Perhaps—I hope,” he says, “it’s not a ghost I’mspeakin’ to, and not makin’ dates with.”

“Oh no,” she says, “it’s not a ghost,” she says. “I’m always here.”So anyway, Jeck, he went away now; well he’s aye broodin’ afore, but

he was broodin’ twenty times worse now when he went hame an—what he was doin’.

So next mornin’ again, it was the last day, so he went away doon thisnight again, but the whole three of them went down this time—fatherand mother and son. So the two of them was goin’ down the road afterthe son, when the father and mother seen his hauns goin’ round thelady, and the lady speakin’ back to him and asked if he had seennothing but hesself. So the mother thocht that he was goin’ off hishead, and thought, like, that he’d done his sweetheart in. So she says,“The best thing I can do,” she says, “is go up to the farm where thegirl’s workin’ and see if she’s always there.”

So the farmer he went up to the farm, “Oh, yes,” he says, “the girl’salways here—how are ye askin’ that?”

“Well,” he says, “it’s the funny things that happen. So,” he says, “areye sure,” he says, “the girl’s——”

“Oh yes,” he says, the other farmer, “the girl’s here, for she’s jistnewly home after milkin’.”

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So they cam down and aathing now. An’ I’ll leave off o’ them again,back into John again.

So Jack he went intae the house again where the lady was. So hedined away there again. So, anyway, when—she says, “This is the lastnight,” she says, “it’s time,” she says, “twelve,” she says, “ye’d betterbe goin’ home.”

When she said that, he went out again and made home again,and——

“Now,” she says, “it’s the last night. Don’t come down again hereagain,” she says. “I’ll come up there to-morrow. I’ll come to you,” shesays, “in the mornin’.”

So he was wonderin’ now what kind o’ a lady he feart to tell hispeople about—comin’ up, and didnae know whit she wis, when shesays——

So anyway the morn cam anyway, and Jeck he was sittin’ at hisbreakfast, when a rap cam to the door. So when the rap cam to the door,the mother went ootside and see who was there, and here was theyoung lady.

So she said. “Who are ye wantin’?”“Oh,” she said, “ye’ve a young man stayin’ here,” she says.“Yes,” she says, “I’ve only one young man, and that’s my son.”“Oh,” she says, “I’m the lady,” she says, “he’s been walkin’ out

with.”So when the son went out, here was the young lady, and she cam

and took him inside, and the young lady cam in, the auld man wentout, and here when he lookit round here’s a great big—where thewash-beens, auld ruins wis, wis a castle.

So he asked her, “What’s the idea?” he says, “of stoppin’ doon inthat auld ruins?—in aboot the castle, all the time.”

“Oh,” she says, “this is a long story,” she says, “a long time back,”she says, “I was the young lady, jist what I’m now,” she says, “and mybrother was left that place, and he was a jealous brother. I was coortin’a young gentleman,” she says, “and my brother was jealous, and,” shesays, “he got a witch that stopped at the other side of the hill, toenchant me intae a ghost,” and the first man as could carry on andmake love to her for a week would break her enchantment. That’s theonly way that they could get her enchantment broken.


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(My brother told me that one. His full name, James Higgins, out at[?] Blackmyre [?] Blacknile. He is from Aberdeen originally.)

From John Higgins, 1955.Note: This rather subtle and poetic story is unusual in describing a perfectlyharmless intercourse with a hitherto unknown ghost. It differs from “TheUnquiet Grave” in the fact that the young man has been cast off by his ownsweetheart and finds refreshment in intercourse with this ghost, which reallyplays more the part of a fairy than of a ghost, except that the week’s intercourselays her.


a story of the Great North Road

C. Hole, Haunted England, pp. 144–5.

A certain coachman was engaged to Nance, a farmer’s daughter atSheriff Hutton. The wedding-day was already fixed when she threwhim over in favour of another man, a stranger to the village, whomarried her and took her away with him. A year later, as Tom, thecoachman, was nearing York, he saw the girl standing by the roadsidewith a baby in her arms, looking very ill and exhausted. She told himthat her alleged husband had turned out to be a highwayman, who wasalready married, and that she had left him.

Tom took her up in the coach, and left her at the York Tavern, to belooked after by the landlady. He was obliged to go on with his passen-gers, and shortly after he left the girl died, but not before she hadpromised that her ghost would return to warn him, his children, andhis grandchildren, whenever danger threatened them.

Nothing happened for two years, and then Tom was sent to Durhamon a special errand. He was to bring four very important passengers toYork; these men urgently wished to be at their destination quickly, andpromised him the then considerable sum of four guineas if he couldget them there by eight o’clock at night. Seven miles outside the citythe coach ran into fog, which normally would have precluded all hope

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of arrival at the stated time. Suddenly the ghost of Nance appeared onthe box beside the coachman and laid her hands on the reins. Thehorses at once broke into a gallop and kept it up through the fog all theway to the Black Swan Inn in Coney Lane, which they reached at exactlyfive minutes to eight. We are told that the passengers were frightened,and one wonders what their feelings must have been, boxed up insidethe coach as it swayed from side to side in its mad career through themist, over unfenced roads and down the narrow streets of the city. Butthe ghost was a better driver than her human lover, and there was noaccident either to the coach itself or to any of the other vehicles it meton the way.

This was not the only occasion on which Nance came to thecoachman’s aid and, when he retired, he told his son that if she everappeared, he was to do exactly as she ordered, and to let her drive ifshe wished. This injunction was handed on to his grandson when hein turn became a mail-coachman. A man named Peter Jackson told MrBlakeborough that he and his brother had once seen the ghost whenthey were travelling by coach in the grandson’s time. They were goingfrom Pickering to York; amongst the outside passengers was a manwhom the coachman suspected of being in league with the localhighwaymen. Just outside Malton the horses suddenly swerved toavoid a woman standing in the roadway. Although she was clearlyvisible in the moonlight, none of the passengers saw her, except thetwo Jacksons, and a lady who afterwards said she had seen her signal-ling to the driver. A moment afterwards she had disappeared. Thecoachman told his friends it was Nance, and she had been pointing ina warning manner to the suspicious passenger. He pretended to findsomething wrong with the springs, and insisted on driving back toMalton. Once there he collected a band of men, and then persuadedthe passengers to spend the night at the Black Swan Inn, on thegrounds that the coach was unsafe. All agreed except the outsidepassenger, but he was quietly overpowered and locked up in a shed,while the coach, now full of vigilant men, drove off again towardsYork. As they had expected, they were stopped at Barton Corner bythree masked men, who were considerably astonished to find theirconfederate absent, and the inside filled with hefty labourers, bywhom they were soon disarmed and captured. Whether Nance ever


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appeared again after the railways had ruined the coaches I do notknow.

Her promise was to help Tom’s family down to the third gener-ation, and this promise was fulfilled, as we have seen. But a ghost’smemory is long, and perhaps one day we shall hear of some descen-dant of his being saved from a motor accident on the Great NorthRoad by this gentle spirit, or driven safely through the fog at ninetymiles an hour on some occasion when speed is a matter ofsupreme importance.

From Blakeborough, The Hand of Glory. Told to his father by a local man.Note: In this tale the obligation was incurred while the ghost was alive, and itdoes not belong strictly to the type of the “Grateful dead”.


C. Hole, English Folk-Lore, p. 162.

In Puritan times, exorcism often took the form of lengthy prayers andlong arguments between the demon and the exorcist, but there wereother methods. One of the most interesting cases known to us is pre-served in the Diurnall of the Rev. John Rudall, who was a curate ofLaunceston in 1665. This gentle and holy man, a scholar of greatlearning, seems to have combined the rites of the Church with certainancient practices more often associated with magic. His help wassought by a Mr Bligh, of Bothaten, whose son was haunted in a curiousmanner. Every morning, on his way to his tutor’s house, this lad usedto meet the ghost of Dorothy Dinglett, a woman he once knew well,but who had died some three years before. He saw her always in thesame place and at the same time; she seemed to glide over the top ofthe grass without walking, and kept her hand outstretched as thoughpointing to some distant object. She used to pass him without speakingor looking at him, but the strange haunting was affecting the boy’snerves and general health.

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Accordingly, Mr Rudall went with him on the following day to thefield, and both saw the apparition. The minister relates:

“The aspect of the woman was exactly that which had been relatedby the lad. There was the pale and stony face, the strange and mistyhair, the eyes firm and fixed, yet not on us, but on something thatthey saw far, far away: one hand and arm stretched out, and the othergrasping the girdle of her waist. She floated along the field like a sailupon a stream, and glided past the spot where we stood, pausingly.But so deep was the awe that overcame me, as I stood there in thelight of day, face to face with a human soul separate from her bonesand flesh, that my heart and purpose failed me. I had resolved to speakto the spectre in the appointed form of words, but I did not. I stoodlike one amazed and speechless until she had passed clean out ofsight.”

He then returned home, and sought permission from his Bishop toexorcise the ghost. Two days later, on January 12th, he again visited thescene of the haunting, wearing a brass ring traced with the scutum Davidisand carrying a rowan-wood stick. He tells us:

“First, I paced and measured out my circle on the grass. Then I didmark my pentacle in the very midst, and at the intersection of the fiveangles I did set up and fix my crutch of rowan. Lastly, I took my stationsouth, at the true line of the meridian, and stood facing due north. Iwaited and watched for a long time. At last there was a kind of troublein the air, a soft and rippling sound, and all at once the shape appeared,and came towards me gradually. I opened my parchment scroll andread aloud the command. She paused, and seemed to waver and doubt;stood still; then I rehearsed the sentence again, sounding out everysyllable like a chant. She drew near my ring, but halted at first outside,on the brink. I sounded again, and now, at the third time, I gave thesignal in Syriac—the speech which is used, they say, where such onesdwell and converse in thoughts that glide.”

He goes on to say that the spirit finally entered the circle and stoodstill, while he, summoning all his courage, and remembering that thepentacle and ring would bind her safely, asked her why she was not atrest. She said it was because of a certain sin, which she confessed. “Weconversed,” he says, “with many more words, but it is not lawful forme to set them down. Pen and ink would degrade and defile the


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thoughts she uttered, and which my mind received that day. I broke thering, and she passed, but to return once more next day.”

On the following morning, at sunrise, he once more drew hiscircle and pentacle on the ground, and this time the ghost entered itwillingly. He says:

“I went through the proper forms of dismissal and fulfilled all as itwas set down and written in my memoranda, and then, with certainfixed rites, I did dismiss that troubled ghost until she peacefully with-drew, gliding towards the west. Neither did she ever afterwards appear,but was allayed until she shall come in her second flesh to the Valley ofArmageddon on the last day.”

Note: Presumably the secrets which John Rudall would not disclose were secretsof the Confessional, and the ghost was laid by confession and absolution.According to Hunt, Dorothy Dinglett had had a love-affair with the elderbrother of the lad whom she haunted.


S. Baring-Gould, A Book of Folk-Lore, p. 67.

The wagon of the Ankou is like the death-coach that one hears of inDevon and in Wales. It is all black, with black horses drawing it, drivenby a headless coachman. A black hound runs before it, and within sits alady—in the neighbourhood of Okehampton and Tavistock she is sup-posed to be a certain Lady Howard, but she is assuredly an impersonifi-cation of Death, for the coach halts to pick up the spirits of the dying.

Now pray step in! my lady saith;Now pray step in and ride.

I thank thee, I had rather walkThan gather to thy side.

The wheels go round without a soundOr tramp or turn of wheels.

As cloud at night, in pale moonlight,Along the carriage steals.

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I’d rather walk a hundred milesAnd run by night and day,

Than have that carriage halt for me,And hear my lady say—

Now pray step in, and make no din,Step in with me to ride;

There’s room, I trow, by me for you,And all the world beside.

Note: This Lady Howard was not the notorious Frances, Lady Howard, who wasimplicated in Overbury’s murder, but a sixteenth-century Lady Howard whosurvived four husbands, and was evidently popularly credited with beingresponsible for their deaths.

For the phantom coach as a death-warning, see “The Lift that Fell” (B, XII).


Myra E. Jennings, Old Cornwall, Summer Number, 1934.

This ghost story was told by my great-grandmother to my mother, whotold it to me.

A wayside cottage had belonged to two old people, who died, leav-ing it in very bad repair. Their only son had gone out years before toAustralia, and no word had been heard from him since. So, after sometime the cottage was done up, and new tenants moved in.

They found it impossible to live there, though, because of thestrange sounds they heard at night. So badly was the cottage hauntedthat, though the parson was called in, his efforts were all in vain, and itremained empty.

Then, one day, an old stranger woman came through the village,selling brooms, and hearing of the haunted house, she offered to laythe spirit herself. All she asked was a fire in the room, a table and chair,a Bible, and some sewing to busy her hands with.

These she was gladly given, and she settled down to keep her lonelywatch.


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At midnight, the door burst open, and in lurched—a monstrous pig!Laying her hand on the Holy Book, the old woman said, “Satan, depart,and let this spirit come back in its natural form!” On this, the pig wentout, and a young man came in its place, and when told to “speak inGod’s name!” this is the story he told:

He was the missing son of the old people who had lived there. Outin Australia he had fallen on bad times, and for lack of any good newsto send had not written home for years. Suddenly he struck gold, andhaving made his fortune, he decided to come home and give his par-ents a joyful surprise. He arrived at the town near his old home too lateto bank his money as he had intended, and took it with him, as hewalked out to his parents’ cottage. When he got there and found thathe had altered so much that his own parents did not recognize him, hecarried on the joke, as he thought, by asking and obtaining a night’slodging; and, listening over a scanty supper to their tale of poverty anddistress, he went to bed glad in his heart to think of the grand sensationhe would cause when he revealed himself and his riches to them in themorning.

But the old people, poor wretches, were even more desperate thanhe had realized. Somehow they had caught the gleam or felt the weightof his gold, and, falling under the dreadful temptation, they killed the“stranger” in his sleep, and buried him behind the house.

“Come,” said the spirit, “and see where my bones lie. Let them begathered, and laid in consecrated ground, and I will trouble this placeno more.”

The old woman followed, and, as the spirit hovered over oneparticular spot in the garden, and then disappeared, fearing thatshe should not recognize the exact spot by daylight, she took off thethimble which she was still wearing, and with it marked the place.Next day, the ground was dug over, bones were found there, and dulyburied in the churchyard, after which the cottage remained as quietat night as any other.

Note: This is a dramatic and logical development of Type 939A (The Killing ofthe returned soldier). This type was studied by Professor Maria Kosko, and isfound in Eastern Europe and America, as well as in England.

See “The Penryn Tragedy” (B, VIII).

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Received from Mrs R. Tanner

The late H. G. Lee, historian and school inspector, told of a curiousexperience he had while working in Northamptonshire, not long afterthe last war.

Finding himself with some time to spare one lunch-hour betweenschool visits, he decided to go and look at a nearby church which hehad not seen for many years, but remembered as being worth a call atleast for its exterior; inside it had been too well “restored”. While hewas looking round the outside and making some notes a very suddenstorm blew up, and having no car he thought he would take shelterinside until the weather cleared. On entering he saw with a shock ofsurprise and pleasure that he had been wrong about the restoration;this church was entirely unspoilt. About the most “modern” item offurniture was a fine carved Jacobean pulpit: he could not even see anysign of an organ. He sat down in one of the front pews to drink it inand make more notes. A very beautiful arched entrance into whatseemed to be a small chapel specially delighted him. Soon he was alittle startled to hear a man’s voice close behind him, not having heardanyone approach through the noise of the rain outside; he lookedround and saw a middle-aged cassocked clergyman standing in theaisle. This must be the Vicar, he thought.

“So you are interested in our fine old church,” said the vicar.“Indeed I am” said Mr Lee, “and it is a rare delight in these days to finda church so unspoilt and so beautifully preserved.” “We have seentroubled times,” agreed the vicar, “and some churches have sufferedgreat damage. But I trust in the Lord Protector to see that my beautifulchurch is safe from harm.”

It seemed a strange way of referring to God’s providence, but theVicar’s next words were even stranger. “You see,” he smiled, “the LordProtector is an old friend of mine. We were at college together. Andnow, if you have the time, let me show you some of our treasures.”

Considerably puzzled—could the Vicar be a harmless lunatic?—MrLee followed his guide and soon forgot any alarm in his pleasure at the


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extraordinary wealth of interest the church contained. At last he real-ized that the weather had cleared and that it was time for him to go.Together they went down the aisle and out through the porch into thenow sunlit churchyard. An aeroplane zoomed suddenly overhead andMr Lee automatically glanced up at it: when he looked down again theVicar was not there. He could not have had time to reach the gate oreven turn the corner of the wall, so he must have gone back into thechurch. Feeling that he had not thanked him properly, Mr Lee followedand received another shock. This was the church he had expected tosee when he first came in. The Jacobean pulpit was still there, buteverything else was different. A rather unsightly modern organ maskedthe beautiful chapel arch. The Vicar was nowhere to be seen, either inthe church itself or in the vestry; but on the vestry wall was a list ofincumbents from the church’s foundation, and he made a note of thename of the one who had held the living under the Protectorate. Goingback down the aisle, he remembered that the Vicar’s footsteps hadmade no sound on the stone tiles.

Later he did some research and found that a person of that name didmatriculate from Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, in 1616, andcould have known Oliver Cromwell.

SAMMLE’S GHOST [anglicized]

M. C. Balfour, “Legends of the Cars”, Folk-Lore, II, p. 415.

Anyways, they told me there was a lad—granfer called him Sammle—as were burnt to death, all gone to ashes, and maybe cinders. But in awhile he got up (the inside of him, I mean) and gave himself a shake,and thought what he mun do next—for naturally he weren’t used tothings, and were a bit strange like. And ’twould be sort of queer, Ireckon, lots of bogles and things all about him. Maybe he were a bitfeared like, at first. Well, by and by something said to him:

“Thou must go in the graveyard and tell the Big Worm thou’s dead,and ask him to have thou eaten up, or else thou’ll never rest in themould.”

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“Must I?” said the lad. “Well, I’m willing.”Well, he went on, asking his way, and rubbing shoulders with all the

horrid things that glowered about him.And by and by he came to a great place where it was dark, with

glimmering lights crossing it, and full of an earthy smell, like themools in spring, and whiffs of an awful stink, that would turn one sickand feared; and underfoot were creeping things, and all round werecrawling, fluttering things, and the air were hot and mucky, and at theend of the place were a horrid great worm, coiled up on a flat stone,with his slimy head moving and swinging from side to side, as if itwere smelling for its dinner.

I reckon Sam were main feared when he heard his name called, andthe worm shot out its horrid head right in his face.

“Thou, Sammle? So thou’re dead and buried, and food for theworms, art thou? Well, where’s thy body?”

“Please, your worship”—Sammle didn’t want to anger it,naturally—“I’m all here.”

“No,” said the worm. “Dost thou think we can eat thee? Thou mustfetch thy corpse if thou wants to rest in the mould.”

“But where is it? Ma corpse?” said Sammle, scratching his head.“Where is it buried?” said the worm.“ ’Tain’t buried, that’s just it,” said Sammle. “’Tis ashes. I were burnt

up.”“Hi!” said the worm. “That’s bad. Thou’lt not taste so good. Never

fret: go fetch the ashes, and bring ’em here, and we’ll do all we can.”Well, Sammle went back, and he looked and looked, and by and by

he got all th’ ashes together that he could see, and took them off in asack to the great worm.

And he opened the sack, and the worm crawled down and smeltthem, and turned them over and over.

“Sammle,” he says by and by, “something’s missing,” says he.“Thou’rt not all here, Sammle. Where’s the rest of thee? Thou’ll have toseek it.”

“I’ve brought all I could find,” said Sammle.“Nay!” said the worm. “There’s an arm missing.”“Ah! That’s so!” said Sammle, nodding. “I’d lost an arm, I had. Cut

off it were.”


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“Thou mun find it, Sammle.”“Well, I’ve no idea where the doctor put her, but I’ll go and see.”So off he went again, and looked here and looked there, and by and

by he got it.Back he went to the worm.“Here’s the arm,” said he.And the worm turned it over.“No, there’s summat still, Sammle,” says he. “Had thou lost

anything else?”“Let’s see,” said Sammle, thinking. “I’d lost a nail, and it never

growed again.”“That’s it, I reckon,” says the worm. “Thou’s got to find it, Sammle.”“I reckon I’ll never find that, then, master,” says Sammle, “but I’m

willing to try.”And off he went.But a nail’s an easy matter to lose, see’st thou, and a hard thing to

find, and though he sought and sought, he couldn’t find nothing, so atlast he went back to the worm.

“I’ve sought and I’ve sought, and I’ve found nought,” says he.“Thou must take me without my nail—it’s no great loss, I’m thinking.Can’t ’ee make shift without it?”

“No,” said the worm. “I can’t; and if thou can’t find it—are thoucertain sure thou can’t, Sammle?”

“Certain, worse luck!”“Then thou must walk all the time! I’m main sorry for thee, Sammle,

but thou’ll have lots of company!”And all the creeping things and the crawling things took and turned

Sammle out; and ever since, if he’s not found his nail, he’s walkingabout seeking for it.

That’s all. Granfer told me one day when I were asking where all thebogles come from. ’Tis not much of a tale, but I can’t mind anothernow, and it’s sort of funny, isn’t it?

Note: This gruesome tale explains the belief behind . 235.4 [Return fromdead to punish theft of part of corpse], of which there are so many examples in Englishtradition, as “The Bone” (A, V).

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From G. Hodge, Remembered Wraiths and Tokens, Old Cornwall, Vol. 3, 1937–42,p. 416.

After several bad fishing seasons, the desperate Newlyn men turned tocold-blooded piracy, and made their blindfolded victims walk theplank into the sea to drown.

On one of the unlucky passing ships that were attacked by theNewlyn pirates the Captain happened to have a wife aboard. She waswearing a very beautiful silken shawl as she too walked the plank to herdeath, and this one of the pirates snatched from her shoulders beforeshe fell, and then took home as a present for his wife, saying nothing ofhow he came by it. On the following Sunday, while dressing to go tochurch, she put it on, and was admiring its lovely pattern and coloursas it fell in graceful folds around her, swaying in front of a mirror,when suddenly she saw reflected in the glass the pale, tragic face of thedrowned woman looking at her over her shoulder, and a hand thatpointed to the shawl. The pirate’s wife, we were told, was so horrifiedthat she went raving mad, and died shortly afterwards. What became ofthat haunted shawl we never heard, but it may be guessed that no onewas found so bold as knowingly to put it on again. Let us hope it wasburnt!

Note: The motif of a ghost seen in a mirror, though otherwise invisible,is fairly widely distributed. W. Henry Jewitt cites one in Folk-Lore, XIV,pp. 183–5.

A house in St Leonard’s School, St Andrews, was haunted by a ghostwho could only be seen in a mirror. Informant, the late Miss KatharineMcCutcheon.


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G. F. Black, Country Folk-Lore, III, p. 31.

[After a wreck] some people saw the six men who had been in the boatat the south end of the island, near a well-known Trow haunt. Theylooked just as they had been in life, only for the kind of something intheir faces that was no’ just earthly altogether. And often after that theywere seen—always the six of them—walking with their faces ayeturned to the sea. Sometimes they appeared in the daytime and some-times at night, but no one had the courage to speak to them until asensible woman did so. They were passing near her house and sheexclaimed, “Oh! what is this?” Then she called the skipper by hisname, and he spoke, but his voice was like a clap of thunder, and shecould not understand him. She said, “Moderate your speech, for I’mno’ fit to stand it.” Then the man spoke quite naturally, and the firstthing he said was, “What is it that goes before the face of theAlmighty?” and she replied:

“Justice and judgment of Thy throneAre made the dwelling place;Mercy, accompanied with truth,Shall go before Thy face.”

After that the man conversed just as if he had been alive and he toldher that when their boat came off the mouth of the fiord, Madge Coutts(a witch who disliked them) came into the boat and seated herself onthe thwart, and they knew by her look that she had “designed for theirlives”. They hoped to get rid of her by striking her with their Lug-giestaff [large fish-clip] and actually succeeded in turning her over thegunwale, but in a moment she dived under the boat and got in on theother side in the form of a large black ox. Putting down her horns, shestruck them into the boat and drew out the hassen [board adjoining thekeel to which the binders of a boat are attached], and then of course,the boat went to pieces. The skipper said he could not rest because ofsome transaction that was not quite honest between himself and a

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brother, and he begged the woman to set it right that the brother mighthave his own. She did so, and the six men were seen no more. It wasremembered that upon the day of the accident Madge Coutts was seengoing in at her own chimney in the form of a grey cat, and thatimmediately afterwards a sulphur-tainted smoke was seen ascending.

Edmonston and Saxby, p. 219.Note: This tale illustrates many beliefs, both about ghosts and about witches, ina compact form.


J. R. W. Coxhead, Devon Traditions and Fairy Tales, pp. 39–41.

About half a mile to the west of the market town of Tavistock, inDevon, there stands a large farmstead called Downhouse. Althoughthe house was rebuilt about the year 1822, the original buildingwas considered to have been an extremely ancient place, and to havepossessed a reputation for being haunted by the ghost of a verytall man.

The family who resided at Downhouse before the building wasrebuilt knew by long experience the exact hour of the night at whichthe ghost made its appearance, and they always took great care to be inbed before the dreaded hour arrived.

Now it happened that one of the children living in the house felldesperately ill, and while the worried mother was watching anxiouslyby the bedside, the child asked for water. The woman quickly fetched ajug of water which was standing on a table near the bed, but the childrefused to drink any of the contents of the jug, and demanded freshwater straight from the pump in the yard.

The little boy’s request caused the poor woman great distress, as itwas just about the time of night the ghost was in the habit of walking.

While the distracted mother was considering what course to take,the sick child again asked fretfully for fresh water from the pump, and,bravely suppressing her fear for the sake of her darling son, the woman


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exclaimed, “In the name of God, I will go down,” and she walkedswiftly from the room.

As she went down the stairs she fancied she saw a shadow followingher, and then she clearly heard footsteps, and just as she reached thepump, she felt a hand on her shoulder. With a start of terror she turnedround, and saw the shadowy figure of a tall man standing close behindher. Summoning up all her courage, she said to the spectre, “In thename of God, why troublest thou me?” The ghost replied, “It is wellfor thee that thou hast spoken to me in the name of God, this being thelast time allotted to me to trouble this world, or else I should haveinjured thee. Now do as I tell thee, and be not afraid. Come with meand I shall direct thee to a something which shall remove this pump:under it is concealed treasure.”

Whatever the “something” happened to be, when used it enabledthe pump to be removed without any great difficulty, and in a cavitythus revealed a great heap of gold and silver coins!

The spectre instructed the woman to take the treasure and use it toimprove the farm, and if anyone were foolish enough to molest her, orsteal the money, the person concerned would suffer great misfortune.

The ghost then ordered the woman to take fresh water to her sickchild, who, as a reward for the mother’s great courage and firm trust inGod, would soon recover from his serious illness.

Suddenly a co*ck crowed loudly in the farmyard, and, as though thesound were a signal that the time had come for departure, the appari-tion became less distinct, rose slowly into the air, and, after assumingthe shape of a small bright cloud, gradually disappeared.

From The Borders of the Tamar and the Tavy. Date 8 January 1833. Mrs Bray.Note: See “The Old Lady of Littledean”, “The Tin Box”, “The Haunted Castle”(A, II).

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Part 12Giants

It is a matter of some difficulty to distinguish the fairy tale giant fromthe giant of legend. The legendary giants are often those responsiblefor some topographical detail of the landscape, some hill, mound, orrock. Sometimes rocks or land formations are supposed to be petrifiedgiants, or objects dropped by giants. It is on those grounds that “TheOrigin of the Wrekin” has slipped into this section, though it might beconsidered to have plot enough to qualify as a fairy tale. It is difficult tobelieve that these tales were ever told as more than playful guesses atthe origin of certain natural features, or of place-names, as in the storyof the giant Bel.

This is a small section because the giant myths fail to qualify in twoways, either as being so slight as to have no narrative content at all,such as the description of Stonehenge as “The Giant’s Dance”, or soobviously a flight of fancy as to slip across the borderline into the fairytales. Such a tale is “Tom the Giant and Jack the Tinkeard”, which is full

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of local references and local scenery, but is yet one of the fantasticatedtales told by the droll-tellers.

The remaining giants vary greatly in size and type, from the GiantGoemagog, who was a mere ten feet high, to the giant Bolster, who hada stride of six miles. A few were gentle and well-disposed to men, likeHoliburn of Carn Galva, the greater part were rapacious and destruc-tive, treasure-hoarders and stone-throwers. The men of large statureand tremendous powers, like Tom Hickathrift and William ofLindholm, are not included in this section.

The giant figures of Cerne Abbas and Long Wilmington havecontributed something to the traditions of the giants.


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Hunt, Popular Romances of the West of England, p. 44.

. . . “Brutus, finding now his powers much lessn’d, and this not yet theplace foretold him, leaves Aquitain, and with an easy course arriving atTotness in Dev’nshire, quickly perceivs heer to be the promis’d end of hislabours. . . .

“The Iland, not yet Britain, but Albion, was in a manner desert andinhospitable, kept only by a remnant of Giants, whose excessive Forceand Tyrannie had consumed the rest. Them Brutus destroies, and to hispeople divides the land, which with some reference to his own name,he thenceforth calls Britain. To Corineus, Cornwall, as we now call it, fellby lot; the rather by him lik’t, for that the hugest giants in Rocks andCaves were said to lurk still there; which kind of Monsters to deal withwas his old exercise.

“And heer, with leave bespok’n to recite a grand fable, though digni-fy’d by our best Poets: While Brutus, on a certain Festival day, solemnlykept on that shoar where he first landed (Totness), was with the peoplein great jollity and mirth, a crew of these savages, breaking in uponthem, began on a sudden another sort of Game than at such a meetingwas expected. But at length by many hands overcome, Goëma

˙gog, the

hugest, in hight twelve cubits, is reserved alive; that with himCorineus, who desired nothing more, might try his strength, whom ina Wrestle the Giant catching aloft, with a terrible hugg broke three ofhis Ribs: Nevertheless Corineus, enraged, heaving him up by mainforce, and on his shoulders bearing him to the next high rock, threwhim hedlong all shatter’d into the sea, and left his name on the cliff,called ever since Langoëmagog, which is to say, the Giant’s Leap.”

Quoted from Milton, History of Britain, that part now especially called England.

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Hunt, Popular Romances of the West of England, p. 73.

This giant held special possession of the hill formerly known as Carne-Bury-anacht, “the sparstone grave”, sometimes known as “St Agnes’Ball”, and “St Agnes’ Pestis”, and now as “St Agnes’ Beacon”. Anancient earthwork at the foot of the hill, once extending from Trevau-nance Porth to Chapel Porth and enclosing the most important tindistrict in St Agnes, is constantly called “The Bolster”.

Bolster must have been of enormous size. He could stand with onefoot on St Agnes’ Beacon and the other on Carn Brea, a distance of sixmiles; and in the valley running upwards from Chapel Porth theimpression of his huge fingers may still be seen on a certain stone, bywhich he once rested to drink from the well at Chapel Porth.

He was tyrannous to his wife, who was made to labour hard at pilingup on the top of St Agnes’ Beacon masses of small stones, gatheredfrom an estate at the foot of the hill. This estate is still remarkable for itsfreedom from stones, though most lands reclaimed from the moors ofthis district have stones in abundance mixed with the soil.

The giant is supposed to have fallen desperately in love with StAgnes, who was extremely beautiful, and when she rejected all hisadvances he persecuted her incessantly, until in despair she pretendedto have been convinced of his love, and only required one more proof.There is at Chapel Porth a hole in a cliff at the end of the valley. Sherequired the giant to fill this with his blood, to which he gladlyassented, believing that it would be easy for him to fill many suchholes. But since the hole opened at the bottom into the sea the bloodflowed away as fast as it poured in; and eventually the giant, for all hisgreat strength, bled to death, and the countryside was rid of itsoppressor.

Note: Many of the Cornish saints were rather unscrupulous characters. See “TheCrowza Stones” (B, XI) and “The Hack and Cast”.

See also “Robin Hood” (A, IV).


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THE GIANT OF CARN GALVA[slightly shortened]

W. Bottrell, Stories and Legends of West Cornwall, p. 122.

The giant of Carn Galva was more playful than warlike. Though the oldworks of this giant now stand desolate, we may still see, or get up androck ourselves upon, the logan-stone which this dear old giant placedon the most westerly carn of the range, that he might log himself tosleep when he saw the sun dip himself into the waves, and sea-birds flyto their homes in the cleeves. Near the giant’s rocking-seat one maystill see a pile of cubical rocks, which are almost as regular and shapelynow as when the giant used to amuse himself in building them up andkicking them down again for exercise or play, when alone and when hehad nothing else to do. People of the northern hills have always had aloving regard for the memory of this giant, because he appears to havepassed all his life at the carn in single blessedness, merely to protect hisloving people of Morvah and Zennor from the depredations of the lesshonest Titans who then dwelt on Lelant Hills. Carn Galva giant neverkilled but one of the Morvah people in his life, and that happened allthrough loving play.

The giant was very fond of a young fellow of Choone, who used totake a turn over to the carn, every now and then, just to see how the oldgiant was getting on, to cheer him up a bit, play a game of bob, oranything else to help him pass his lonely time away.

One afternoon the giant was so pleased with the good play they hadhad together that when the young fellow of Choone threw down hisquoit to go away home, the giant, in a good-natured way, tapped hisplayfellow on the head with the tips of his fingers. At the same time hesaid, “Be sure to come again tomorrow, my son, and we will have acapital game of bob.” Before the word “bob” was well out of thegiant’s mouth, the young man dropped at his feet. The giant’s fingershad gone right through his playmate’s skull. When at last the giantbecame sensible of the damage he had done to the young man’s brain-pan, he did his best to put the inside workings of his mate’s head torights, and plugged up his fingerholes, but all to no purpose; for the

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young man was stone dead and cold long before he ceased doctoringhis head.

When the poor giant found it was all over with his playmate, he tookthe body in his arms, and sitting down on a large square rock at thefoot of the carn, he rocked himself to and fro; pressing the lifeless bodyto his bosom, he wailed and moaned over him, bellowing and cryinglouder than the booming billows breaking on the rocks in Permoina.

“Oh, my son, my son, why didn’t they make the shell of thy noddlestronger? A es as plum [soft] as a pie-crust, doughbaked, and made toothin by the half! How shall I ever pass my time without thee to play boband mop-and-heede? [hide and seek].”

The giant of Carn Galva never rejoiced any more, but in seven yearsor so he pined away and died of a broken heart.

So Zennor people say, and that one may judge of the size of theirgiant very well, as he placed his logan rock at such a height that, whenseated on it, to rock himself, he could rest his feet comfortably on thegreen turf below.

Some say that he gathered together the heap of square blocks, nearhis favourite resting-place that he might have them at hand to defendhis people against the giants of Trecrobben and Trink, with whom hefought many a hard battle. Yet when they were all on good terms theywould pass weeks on a stretch in playing together, and the quoitswhich served them to play bob, as well as the rocks they hurled at eachother when vexed, may still be seen scattered all over this hilly region.


Ruth L. Tongue, Somerset Folklore, pp. 128–9.

There was a time, long, long ago, when giants came to live close toNether Stowey. They flung up a huge mound for their Castle, and livedunder it.

Some of the people fled to Stogursey, others ran uphill for safety onDowsboro’ Camp, and others, poor things, just stayed where theywere.


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No one liked going past the Castle even if they had to, and most ofthose who did come back were pale and terrified. The giants had ahorrible way of putting their hands out of the hill and grabbing asheep, or a cow, or a man.

Once the monsters had tasted men’s flesh they grew ravenous. Theymade a raid on Stogursey Castle, and beat it down flat, and chased theStogursey people till they caught them in handfuls. When this supplyran out, they began again on the folk of Nether Stowey.

Most of them were very old (and tough) or very young (and ten-der), for all the able-bodied folk had run up the hills and were quitesafe in Dowsboro’ Camp and having a fine time. They didn’t knowwhat was going on, so a poor old gaffer tried to tiptoe past the Castleand tell them, but an arm came out and got him.

Then a little lad got on one of his father’s hill ponies along with a“drift” of them, and went away past the Castle at a stretch gallop. Ahand did come out, but it got such a kick it went in again mighty fastand there was a dreadful yell.

The folk on Dowsboro’ heard that, and got ready to fight—but whenthe little lad on his pony got to them they didn’t wait to give battle upthere. No. “The men from Dowsboro’ beat down Stowey Castle” andafter that anyone could pass the hill again—they still don’t like doing itat night.


Burne and Jackson, Shropshire Folk-Lore, pp. 2–3.

Once upon a time there was a wicked old giant in Wales, who, forsome reason or other, had a very great spite against the Mayor ofShrewsbury and all his people, and he made up his mind to dam up theSevern, and by that means cause such a flood that the town would bedrowned. So off he set, carrying a spadeful of earth, and tramped alongmile after mile, trying to find the way to Shrewsbury. And how hemissed it I cannot tell, but he must have gone wrong somewhere, for atlast he got close to Wellington, and by that time he was puffing and

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blowing under his heavy load, and wishing he was at the end of hisjourney. By and by there came a cobbler along the road with a sack ofold boots and shoes on his back, for he lived at Wellington, and wentonce a fortnight to Shrewsbury to collect his customers’ old boots andshoes, and take them home with him to mend. And the giant called outto him. “I say,” he said, “how far is it to Shrewsbury?” “Shrewsbury?”said the cobbler. “What do you want at Shrewsbury?” “Why,” said thegiant, “to fill up the Severn with this lump of earth I’ve got here. I’ve anold grudge against the Mayor and the folks at Shrewsbury, and now Imean to drown them out and get rid of them all at once.” “My word!”thought the cobbler. “This will never do! I can’t afford to lose mycustomers!” and he spoke up again. “Eh!” he said. “You’ll never get toShrewsbury, not today, nor tomorrow. Why, look at me! I’m just comefrom Shrewsbury, and I’ve had time to wear out all these old boots andshoes on the road since I started.” And he showed him his sack. “Oh!”said the giant with a great groan. “Then it’s no use! I’m fairly tired outalready, and I can’t carry this load of mine any farther. I shall just dropit here and go back home.” So he dropped the earth on the ground justwhere he stood, and scraped his boots on the spade, and off he wenthome again to Wales, and nobody ever heard anything of him inShropshire after. But where he put down his load there stands theWrekin to this day, and even the earth he scraped off his boots wassuch a pile that it made the little Ercall by the Wrekin’s side.

Note: In this version the villain is a giant, not the Devil, and his object is to damthe Severn and flood Shrewsbury, but the plot is the same.

See “The Devil’s Spittleful” (B, III).


Gutch, County Folk-Lore, II, North Riding of Yorkshire, p. 9.

Wade [is] an imaginary being, connected with some monstrous fableslong current in this neighbourhood [Whitby]. This Wade and his wifeand son, possessed the powers of the ancient Cyclops, or rather of the


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Titans, whose mighty grasp could lift the hills and toss the ponderousrocks. To their gigantic operations are ascribed the castles of Mulgraveand Pickering, the Roman road supposed to communicate betweenthem, several Druidical stones in the vicinity, with other works equallystupendous. In the building of Mulgrave and Pickering castles, Wadeand his wife, whose name was Bell, divided their labours, a single giantbeing sufficient for rearing each castle; but, having only one hammerbetween them, it was necessary to toss it backward and forward, givinga shout every time it was thrown, that when the one threw it to Mul-grave or to Pickering the other might be ready to catch it! The Romanroad which is called Wade’s causey, or Wade’s wife’s causey, was formed bythem in a trice, Wade paving, and Bell bringing him stones; once ortwice her apron strings gave way, leaving a large heap of stones on thespot! . . .

Young Wade, even when an infant, could throw a rock several tonsweight to a vast distance; for one day, when his mother was milkingher cow near Swarthouse, the child, whom she had left on SleightsMoor, became impatient for the breast, and, seizing a stone of vast size,heaved it across the valley in wrath, and hit his mother with suchviolence that, though she was not materially hurt, her body made animpression on the stone which remained indelible, till the stone itselfwas broken up, a few years ago, to mend the highways! According toone edition of these fables, Wade’s wife’s causey was laid to accommodateher in crossing the moors to milk her cow. The cow, it seems, partookof the gigantic stature of her owners; and, above 100 years ago, somewag contrived to make the jawbone of a young whale pass for a rib ofBell Wade’s cow. The precious relic was long shown under this name atold Mulgrave Castle; it now lies neglected in the joiner’s shop besidethe present Mulgrave Castle. It is 4 ft. long and 3 or 4 inches in diam-eter, and is carved all over with initials, representing the names ofnumerous pilgrims who formerly repaired to Mulgrave, to presenttheir offerings at the shrine of credulity.

Young, A History of Whitby and Stoneshall Abbey, II, pp. 724, 925.Note: See “The Giants of the Mount”.

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Part 13Historical Traditions

Historical traditions are of various types, and so numerous that onlyrepresentative specimens of them can be given.

I. The Migratory Legend, Type ML.8000 (Legends of Wars andWarriors), is one great sub-division of historical traditions. In theEnglish-speaking part of these islands the wars that are most con-stantly remembered are, the Roman Conquest, the Danish invasions, theNorman Conquest, the wars between England and Scotland and theBorder affrays that followed them, the great Civil War, the MonmouthRebellion, and the ’Forty-five. The Monmouth Rebellion, because ofthe horrors that followed it, made a deep and lasting impression in theWest Country, as the ’Forty-five did in Scotland. All over the country, asis natural, the great Civil War was most lastingly remembered. TheWars of the Roses, which was a nobles’ war, made less impression, butsome popular memories of it remain, as of the Peasants’ Rising andthe Chartist times. In the North, particularly, the suppression of themonasteries made a deep impression.

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II. Legends of famous people are allied to these memories of wars,some of them apparently rather erratically chosen. King Alfred isrightly dear to Englishmen, but William Rufus is more rememberedthan one would expect, and Richard Coeur de Lion, Bonnie PrinceCharlie, and Cromwell are especially conspicuous. There are some out-standing men to whom a legend of wizardry was attached, someof them men of learning, such as Roger Bacon, but others, men ofoutstanding brilliance, such as Sir Francis Drake.

III. Allied to the local traditions are those memories of compara-tively obscure happenings which illustrate social history and show howactual events are reshaped in popular thought. These often have super-natural beliefs attached to them. With these, too, we have links withthe past—long-lived individuals who have bridged generations, andfascinating instances of folk-memory, such as the tradition of Chaucerat Ewelme.

IV. A fourth type of historical tradition is that tale—often an inter-national tale-type—which is told, circ*mstantially and with full belief,as having happened at various places and to various people. It is oftendifficult to decide whether the event has ever actually occurred, and, ifso, to whom. Sometimes it is possible to find some circ*mstance whichhas given rise to the tale, sometimes again, it seems probable that it is inthe main true, though details may have been attached to it to bring it inline with the archetypal tale. Examples of this kind are tale-type 990(The Apparently Dead Revives), and “The Oxford Student,” oftenloosely connected with the Robber Bridegroom tales, some of whichare to be found among the Novelle.

The line dividing Local Legends from Historical Traditions is a nar-row one, and the distinction between them is not easy to make. If aparticular tale is not to be found in one division it may well turn up inanother. Many favourites may, however, be searched for in vain.

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School of Scottish Studies, John Elliott, Notebooks.

In the old days [in] which doctors and students needed dead bodies forscience, in their medical research, doctor Knox in the Cannongate ofEdinburgh, offered ten pound, and sometimes more, for a corpse, atthat time in Scotland. A lot of Irish harvesters came over from Ireland toharvest, and two of these harvesters settled down in Tanners’ Close, inthe Grass Market of Edinburgh. Their names were Burke, and the otherHare. They were men of no human feeling, and would do anything formoney. Burke was married, and his wife stopped with them in theirtwo dark and dirty hovels.


A young country woman, who had a bairn to a young farmer in thecountry, was driven from home by her parents, sought refuge in Edin-burgh, and was stopping with some people not far from Tanners’Close. Her name was Mary Paterson, and she got into bad company,and soon learned to drink. Of course her heart was fair broken, and shedrank to drown her sorrows.

As Burke and Hare had learnt that Dr Knox would buy dead bodies,they went to him, and made inquiries, and was told he would give tenpound, so they met in with Mary Paterson in a pub, and Mrs Burkeinvited Mary to Tanners’ Close for a drink.

They got her in, and sent out for drink, and kept Mary drinking tillshe was drunk, then they threw her into bed, and put another tyke ontop of her, and smothered her.

They took her down to Dr Knox, and got the ten pound. Not longafter, a little woman from the country, who had comed in to do someshopping, but was very fond of drink, was invited into Tanners’ Close.She was a little bright and high-spirited woman, and sang them songs,and drank along with them. They carried her on till they got her stupidwith the drink, and was not long before they were doing a roaringtrade in the body-snatching.

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About that time, a boy called [him] daft Jimmy roamed about thestreets in search of a crust of bread, or anything he could get to make ascanty living. He was well kenned in the town, and was always ready tohelp anyone he thought he could get a penny from. Burke and Harehad been away lifting a dead body that had been buried the day before.They had hired a cuddy and cart, and was bringing the body up a street inthe middle of the night, when the old cuddy dropped down dead. Theywere so feared they would be caught, that they unyoked the dead cuddyout of the cart, and got into the trams themselves, and pulled it home.

Not long after they had disposed of the body, they began to lookaround for another victim, and they thought of trying daft Jamie. Theboy was hungry, and they told him to come in and have some tea.Jimmy sat down at the so-called table to get his tea. They slippedwhiskey into his tea, but Jimmy told them he did not like the whiskey,but said, “I will take as much tea as ye like.” But he did not want thewhiskey, but they tried him just to take a wee drop, but he would not.Burke was not for taking Jimmy, as he kenned he would be missed off

the streets, but Hare threw Jimmy into a bed, and put another tyke onhim, but Jimmy was strong, and Hare could not hold him down, andhe called to Burke, if he did not come and help him, he would kill himtoo. Burke had to go to his assistance, and poor daft Jimmy was mur-dered too, but Jimmy was soon missed off the streets, and he wastraced to Tanners’ Close. [and] They were both apprehended, and triedin Edinburgh, but Hare turned King’s evidence, and was set free, butthe police had to give him protection, or he got out of Edinburgh, asthe crowds would have torn him to pieces. He made for Ireland, and hewas not long in Ireland till one night a young student went into hishouse and murdered him. It was said after that the young man thatmurdered Hare was his own son, and did not know him. At that timekirk yards had to be watched for some time after a burial, and in a littlehouse a man watched at night, as body-snatchers were always on thelook-out for fresh dead bodies.


One dark night, at a wayside inn, a pony and trap drove up, andstopped. There was two men and a woman. The woman was sitting

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between the two men, with a hood on her head, and her face wascovered with a veil. The men jumped out, and left the woman setting.They went into the pub for a drink. The ostler was busy in the stable,and one looked out, and when he saw the woman settin [by] herself,he went up to the trap, and said to the woman, “It’s a cauld night thenight!” But he got no answer. He spoke again, but still no answer. Hehad a close look at her, and he saw it was a corpse. He got up and gothold of her, and carried her into the stable, and took off her disguise,and put it on himself. Then he got into the trap in the woman’s place,and was setting bolt upright and just like the woman when the mencame out, and jumped in, one at either side. They just thought it wasthe dead woman.

After travelling some distance along the road, one of the men said tothe other, “D’ye ken that body’s getting warm?” The other said, “I wasjust thinking the same.” Then the ostler spoke up and said, “If ye hadbeen as lang in Hell as me, ye’d be warm too!” That was enough. Themen jumped out and ran for their life. The ostler saw no more of them;he just turned the pony and trap, and took it back to the inn.

It was now his property, as he knew they dare not come back toclaim it.


A school in a mining village . . . the schoolmaster was busy with theclasses . . . a big boy was getting punished. Not long after the childrengot out for dinner, the boy who had got punished went home, and toldhis mother he would not go to school in the afternoon. His mothertold him he would catch it from his father when he came home for notgoing to school. But the mother told him to go down to the grocer forhalf a stone of self-raising flour, as she had to bake. Away went the boy,and got the flour. By this time the school was in again, and the boy hadto pass not far off the school door. He was carrying the flour. He heardthe schoolmaster laying the law off inside. He noticed the door was notright shut, and he stepped up and keeked in. The schoolmaster’s backwas to him; he gently eased the door open, and hurled the flour at him,and nearly blinded the schoolmaster with the flour, and then he darenot go home, as he knew what he would get. So he hid in the kirk yard

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under a flat headstone. He lay there till nearly midnight, when a grandtrap drove into the kirk yard. Two men got out to lift a body, but theyhad some trouble with the horse as it would not stand.

At last the boy crawled out from below the flat tombstone, and said,“I’ll haud the horse.” The men bolted, and the boy kept holding thehorse till daylight. The minister eyed the trap from his window, andwent to see what the horse and trap were doing there. The boy told theminister that the two men ran away, and left him holding the horse.

“Well,” said the minister, “the men will not come back for theirhorse and trap, so it is now yours. So you can drive it home to yourfather.” So that put things right with his father and mother.

Note: This account of the fifteen murders committed by Burke and Hare is, onthe whole, correct, though the discovery of the crimes was finally due to an oldwoman, Margaret Docherty, wife of Silly Jimmy, who had been killed earlier.Burke was executed in 1829. The crimes made an immense impression on thepopular imagination, and a whole series of tales about the “Burkers” has beencollected from the travelling people of Scotland.

A black coach driven by a gang of medical students in “lum hats” features inmany of them, and is a kind of successor of the death-coach (see Lady Howard’sCoach).

In England there are tales of the “Resurrection Men”, “The Corpse in theCab”, one of the tales told here, is to be found among the Jocular Tales (A, III).

It will be remembered that Jerry Cruncher, in The Tale of Two Cities, was aResurrection Man. The Burke and Hare story is dramatized by James Bridie inThe Anatomist.


Scott, Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, , pp. 232–3.

The following tradition, concerning Cromwell, is preserved by anuncommonly direct line of traditional evidence; being narrated (as Iam informed) by the grandson of an eyewitness. When Cromwell, in1650, entered Glasgow, he attended divine service in the High Church;but the Presbyterian divine who officiated, poured forth, with more

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zeal than prudence, his indignation against the person, principles, andcause, of the Independent General. One of Cromwell’s officers rose,and whispered his commander; who seemed to give him a short andstern answer, and the sermon was concluded without interruption.Among the crowd, assembled to gaze at the General, as he came out ofthe Church, was a shoemaker, the son of one of James the Sixth’sScottish footmen. This man had been born and bred in England, but,after his father’s death, had settled in Glasgow. Cromwell eyed himamong the crowd, and immediately called him by his name—the manfled, but, at Cromwell’s command, one of his retinue followed him,and brought him to the General’s lodgings. A number of the inhabit-ants remained at the door, waiting the end of this extraordinary scene.The shoemaker soon came out in high spirits, and showing some gold,declared he was going to drink Cromwell’s health. Many attended him,to hear the particulars of his interview; among others, the grandfatherof the narrator. The shoemaker said that he had been a playfellow ofCromwell, when they were both boys, their parents residing in thesame street; that he had fled, when the General had first called to him,thinking he might owe him some ill-will, on account of his fatherbeing in the service of the Royal Family. He added that Cromwell hadbeen so very kind and familiar with him, that he ventured to ask himwhat the officer had said to him in the church. “He proposed,” saidCromwell, “to pull forth the minister by the ears; and I answered, thatthe preacher was one fool, and he was another.” In the course of theday, Cromwell held an interview with the minister, and contrived tosatisfy his scruples so effectually, that the evening discourse, by thesame man, was tuned to the praise and glory of the victor of Naseby.

. 8000. : J. 215.1.2 [King refuses to banish gossipers].Note: This anecdote has probably a good deal of truth in it, for it shows thecharacteristic tolerance of Cromwell, and also his concern to ingratiate himselfwith people who disliked him. Among the Cromwell anecdotes, see“Cromwell in Yorkshire”, “The Burly Stranger”, The Grey Goose Feathers.

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Mrs Bray, A Description of the Parts of Devonshire Bordering on the Tamar and Tavy (1836),3 vols, , pp. 170–3.


The day as Sir Francis Drake was playing at kales on Plymouth Hoe hehad news that a foreign fleet was sailing into the harbour. He finishedhis game and then took a hatchet and ordered a large block of wood tobe brought to him. He chopped this up into small pieces and threwthem into the sea with magic words. As they touched the water eachone became a fire-ship and sailed against the foreign fleet so that it wasutterly destroyed.


When Drake sailed away to circumnavigate the world, and “shot thegulf ”, he was away so long that his lady despaired of ever seeing himagain. After seven years she decided to re-marry; the bridal day came,and the bridal party were in the church.

At that moment one of the spirits who served Sir Francis broughthim news, as he sailed in the Antipodes, of what was happening inEngland. At once he took a cannon and fired right down into the sea. Sopowerful was the shot and so true was his aim that the ball spedstraight through the earth and landed with a loud explosion betweenthe bride and bridegroom just as they reached the altar.

“That is Drake’s shot,” said his lady. “I am still a wife.” And she wenthome and waited patiently for his return.


In Drake’s days there was no fresh water at Plymouth, so that thehousewives had to go all the way to Plympton to wash their clothes. SirFrancis Drake resolved to cure this, so one day he called for his horseand rode off to Dartmoor, where he hunted about until he found a fine

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spring that suited his notions. He pronounced a magic word andturned his horse’s head for home. Off he went as fast as he couldgallop, and the spring followed his horse’s heels all the way back. Sothe good wives of Plymouth were never without fresh water again.


Ruth L. Tongue, Folktales of England, p. 94.

There were one o’ the Sydenham maids, and ’er got ’erself betrothed toSir Francis Drake. But afore they could be married, ’e ’ad to go away ona voyage, and ’ow long it’d be afore ’e could come back, no one knew,and ’e didn’t trust ’er father. So they took their troth-plight, the twoof ’en, afore Drake sailed away. Well, ’e sailed away, for three long years,and Sir George Sydenham, ’e found another suitor for ’is daughter, amuch richer one. Well, no matter what the maid do say, marriage wereannounced, and she were half afraid o’ Sir Francis Drake, but she weremore afraid of ’er father. So she gave in.

Well now, Sir Francis Drake, ’e did do some very strange things—’edid sit on Plymouth ’oe, a-whittling of a stick, and all the chips that fellinto the sea, they did turn into ships, to go fight the Spanish Armada.Now, although ’e’d been gone three years, ’e knew what was ’appen-ing, so at the very door o’ the church, ’e dropped a red-’ot cannon ballin front o’ the bridal party. Oh! give ’en a fright, did—and when ’ecome ’ome at last, ’twas to find ’is bride and ’er dear father a-waitingfor ’en with smiles. As for t’other bridegroom, ’e’d a-taken ’isselfacross the length and breadth of England. But I expect Sir Francis Drakeknew where ’e was tew!

From a member of Watcher W.I., 1950. Also heard at Chipstable in 1960.Note: Sir Francis Drake was believed to be a wizard by the Spaniards, and evenin his own country he shared with other outstanding men, such as RogerBacon, Cardinal Wolsey, Sir Walter Raleigh, Owen Glendower and OliverCromwell, a reputation for wizardry. The people round Combe Sydenham stillbelieve that Drake’s cannon ball rolls up and down in time of national danger,and his drum was said to sound during the Second World War. Newbolt’s“Drake’s Drum” is written on a variation of these traditions, by which it is saidthat if the drum is beaten, Drake will return. In the modern version of Drake

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and his Lady, Drake was merely betrothed to the Sydenham girl, as he wasin Noyes’ long poem on Drake, which, however, does not introduce thesupernatural element.

See “Sir Francis Drake and the Devil” (B, III).


Roger of Wendover, Chronicle, , p. 443.

.. 1100, King William Rufus held his court at Christmas with muchmagnificence in Gloucester, at Easter in Winchester and at Whitsuntidein London. On the morrow of St Peter’s ad vincula1 he went to shoot inthe New Forest, where Walter Tyrrel, shooting at a stag, unintentionallystruck the king, who fell pierced to the heart, without uttering a word,and thus by a miserable death ended his cruel life. Many signs presig-nified his departure; for the day before his death, he dreamed that hewas bled by a physician, and that the stream of his blood reached toheaven, and obscured the sky. Upon this, he sprang up from sleep,invoking the name of St Mary, and calling for a light, kept his chamber-lains with him for the remainder of the night. In the morning, aforeign monk, who was at court on some business connected with hischurch, related to Robert Fitz-Hamon, a powerful nobleman, intimatewith the king, a wonderful dream which he had seen the precedingnight; he saw the king enter a church, and cast his usual haughty lookon the congregation round him, after which he took the crucifixbetween his teeth, and almost bit off its arms and legs; the crucifix wasat first passive, but afterwards kicked the king with its right foot, so thathe fell upon the pavement, and emitted such a large flame from itsmouth that the smoke of it rose in a cloud even to the stars. Robert toldthis dream to the king, who said with a laugh, “He is a monk, and, likeall monks, dreamed this to get something by it; give him a hundredshillings, that he may not say he has dreamed in vain.” The king’s

1 August 2nd.

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wretched death was also foretold . . . by the blood which oozed outfrom the ground, though there was no want of other tokens, presigni-fying the same event. For Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury, when hewas in exile for three years, through his tyranny, went from Rome toMarcenniac, about the first of August, to enjoy the conversation ofHugh, abbat of Cluny; there a conversation arose between them, con-cerning King William, and the abbat affirmed with the most solemnprotestation of truth, that in the past night he had seen the king sum-moned before the throne of God, accused of his crimes, and sentencedby the just Judge to damnation; but he did not explain how he wasinformed of it, neither did the archbishop or any other of those whowere present, ask him, out of respect to his great holiness. The follow-ing day also, the archbishop went to Lyons, and the same night, whenthe monks who had accompanied him had chanted the matin-service,behold, a young man, simply dressed, and of a mild countenance,stood by one of the clerks of the archbishop, who had his eyes shut;and calling him by name, “Adam,” said he, “are you asleep?” The clerkanswered, “No,” and the young man continued, “Do you wish to hearsome news?” “Most willingly,” said Adam. “Then,” said the youngman, “be informed for certain that the quarrel between the archbishopand King William is now put an end to.” The clerk, roused by thesewords, looked up, and opened his eyes, but saw no one. The next nightalso, one of the monks of the same archbishop was standing at hispost, and chanting matins, when someone held out to him a smallpaper to read, on which the monk read the words, “King William isdead.” He immediately opened his eyes, but saw no one except hiscompanions. A short time after, two of his monks came to him, andtelling him of the king’s death, earnestly advised him immediately toreturn to his see.

Note: The number of prophetic dreams and visions heralding the death ofRufus, the way in which the rumours spread beforehand among the commonpeople, and the weeping crowd which followed his body, have been utilized byDr Margaret Murray as a proof that William Rufus was a sacred king whosubmitted himself as a pre-arranged sacrifice. In her book on the Divine KingCharles II is cited as the last example of a sacrificed king, and à Becket, Joan ofArc, and Gilles de Rais are supposed to have been willing substitutes for themonarch.

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The bias of the Church against William Rufus is clear in the form thesedreams took.

See “The Death Fetch of William Rufus” (B, XII).


W. H. Barrett, Tales from the Fens, pp. 114–15.

[During a great flood] . . . in a few days’ time the fen looked the sameas it was before it was drained; all the wild water-fowl came back, andso did some of the people living on the edge of it. They came at night,trying to loot the houses, but they didn’t have any luck because wewere out in boats, keeping guard. They ran a big risk because, as soonas the waters came, the old fen flood law began to work. This law saidthat anything found floating about had to be brought to Stack’s Hill atSouthery, and if it wasn’t claimed after a time, then the finder couldhave it. If anybody was found robbing a house, then he had his boatsmashed in and he himself was left in the house. And he had to staythere starving for a week if he couldn’t swim his way out, till a boatwent to pick him up—if he was still alive, that is. This law was kept sowell that a man could leave his watch on the mantelshelf and know itwould still be there when he went back for it. Old Lawyer Archer ofFeltwell was a very old man when he told me that this law, thoughit wasn’t in any of his books, had been kept since long before ElyCathedral was built.

There was another one, too, and this was that no man should go outin his boat alone. This one goes back a couple of hundred years to thetime when a chap, after being flooded out, rowed back to his house tofetch some things. When he got there he found two gypsies robbingthe place; they’d rowed out from Hockwold in a stolen boat. Well, theman’s boat was found next day tied to the door-latch, while he wassitting on his bedroom floor with an axe stuck in his skull. Thosegypsies had loaded their boat with his stuff, but they weren’t lookingwhere they were going as they made off for higher ground, becausethey rammed a gate-post, and ripped the bottom out of the boat. They

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couldn’t swim, but they stood on the boat, as it lay under five foot ofwater, and by clinging to the gate-post they managed to keep theirheads above water.

Next day a chap rowed past, towing the dead man’s body in anotherboat, and he heard the gypsies shrieking for help. He guessed who theywere, so he rowed over, staked the boat with the body in it to the post,saying they could have company, as they looked a bit lonely. Then herowed off and left them. He came back next day, just to see how theywere getting on, and the next day, but by then they’d gone, so the deadman was taken home and buried.

That’s a cruel tale, I know, but everything was cruel when the waterspoured in.

Told by Chafer Legge.Note: This was the flood of 1861 between Brandon Creek and Southery. Thewhole chapter is worth reading for the account it gives of the precautions takento prevent the river walls being broken by people who wanted to save theupper fens from flooding. This they often did without warning, so that thefen-dwellers were exposed to terrible risks.

Jean Ingelow’s High Tide on the Coast of Lincolnshire tells of a similar catastrophe.


H. Bett, English Myths and Traditions, p. 106.

An old gardener in Oxfordshire said to Mr Cecil Roberts in reference toa local road: “I’ve ’eard my granddad say as ’is granddad said that MrChaucer, the king’s poet, used to walk this way.”

“I suppose,” said Mr Roberts, “Mr Chaucer was on his way toOxford when he went past here?” “Not at all, sir. He was going to visithis son at Ewelme. . . . It’s about ten miles from here, sir, just off theOxford road. Mr Chaucer’s son’s buried there, where old Henry theEighth ’ad ’is ’oneymoon—one of ’em. My granddad said the poet wasvery fond of the country. He wrote a lot about it.”1 Now Thomas

1 Cecil Roberts, Gone Rustic, pp. 166–8.

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Chaucer, the son of the poet, married Matilda, the daughter of Sir JohnBurgersh, who brought him large estates, amongst them the Manor ofEwelme, in Oxfordshire, where he is buried. There is an altar-tomb,with brasses, of Thomas Chaucer and his lady in the church, and alsoanother magnificent altar-tomb, one of the finest in England, of theduch*ess of Suffolk, the widow of William de la Pole, and the grand-daughter of the poet. She founded the ancient almshouse in the village.The manor-house, or palace, of Ewelme was a splendid building,where Margaret of Anjou was confined for several years. It is a fact, bythe way, that Henry VIII did spend a honeymoon there with JaneSeymour.

Note: See “A Link with the Past”, “Old Parr”.


T. F. Thistleton Dyer, The Ghost World, p. 83.

In “Ackerman’s Repository” for November 1820, there is an accountof a person being tried on the pretended evidence of a ghost. A farmeron his return from market at Southam, co. Warwick, was murdered.The next morning a man called upon the farmer’s wife, and relatedhow on the previous night her husband’s ghost had appeared to him,and after showing him several stabs on his body, had told him that hewas murdered by a certain person, and his corpse thrown into a marl-pit. A search was instituted, the body found in the pit, and thewounds on the body were exactly in the parts described by the pre-tended dreamer; the person who was mentioned was committed fortrial on the charge of murder, and the trial came on at Warwick beforeLord Chief Justice Raymond. The jury would have convicted the pris-oner as rashly as the magistrate had committed him, but for the inter-position of the judge, who told them he did not put any credence inthe pretended ghost story, since the prisoner was a man ofunblemished reputation, and no ill-feeling had ever existed betweenhimself and the deceased. He added that he knew of no law which

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admitted of the evidence of a ghost, and, if any did, the ghost had notappeared.

The crier was then ordered to summon the ghost, which he didthree times, and the judge then acquitted the prisoner, and caused theaccuser to be detained, and his house searched, when such strongproofs of guilt were discovered that the man confessed the crime, andwas executed for murder at the following Assizes.


The Folktales of England, pp. 84–6.

Thousands and thousands of years ago, the Fenmen, living in theirdesolate wastes, bonded themselves into a secret society. This societywas called “The Brotherhood of the Grey Goose Feathers”, and anyonewho was initiated into that brotherhood, and possessed a grey goosefeather, was sure that whenever they were in trouble or distress, helpwould immediately be given by the whole Fenmen. When KingCharles the First escaped from Oxford, he made his way into theuplands of Norfolk and stayed at a place called Snow Hall, just outsideof Downham Market. And in passing, I may remark that I saw thechamber where, in case Cromwell’s men came to look for him, he didhide. This chamber was aside of a great big chimney; it was hidden byold panelling.

Well, after Charles had consulted with his advisers, he decided torejoin his troops just outside Oxford. The safest route in those days, fora fugitive, was through the desolate, trackless Fens. There was one man,named Porter, who kept an inn at Southery. He used to guide travellersacross the trackless waste. So he was sent for, and asked if he would takea very important personage to Huntingdon, and he said, “Yes. I will.”So they brought the important personage to see what sort of a man theold Fenman was, and some of the king’s advisers didn’t think it wassafe for him to go that long journey with only one man. But Porter saidif that was worrying them, he would initiate the important personageinto the Brotherhood of the Grey Goose Feathers. So they brought a

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feather, and Porter severed it down the centre, and gave half to theimportant personage, and retained half himself. As he did so, he said,“Whilst fishes have scales, and birds have feathers, I will do all I can foryou, and so will every other man who belongs to the Brotherhood ofthe Grey Goose Feathers.”

Well, the King’s advisers seemed quite satisfied to let Porter take himacross the Fens alone. When they arrived at St Ives, they had to cross theriver by a ford. Guarding this ford were two of Cromwell’s soldiers. Butwhen Porter produced the grey feather, they said, “Pass, all is well.”They were Fenmen. So eventually King Charles arrived at the “Bell”Tavern, in Huntingdon, and he gave a reward to Porter for taking ofhim over, but he retained the grey goose feather. Some time afterwards,the King was taken prisoner, but before that happened, one of theofficers in charge of the troops in Cromwell’s army, heard about howthe sentry let them through, and he brought them along to Cromwell.But Cromwell was a Fenman too; so he said to the officer, “It is betterfor a king to escape than for the Fenman to go back on a man whocarries the split goose feather.”

So he let the men go, and not long after that King Charles wascaught, and they brought him up to London and tried him, and he wassentenced to death. But the night before the execution, when Cromwellwas sitting down to supper with his staff, a messenger came from theKing, and Cromwell told his servant to let him in.

The messenger said: “His Majesty does not beg for mercy, but hedemands as a right the help you must give to every man who carriesthis token.”

And he flung down a grey goose quill on the table in front ofCromwell. Cromwell told everyone to go out, and he sat looking at thegrey goose feather. And in the morning when the servants came in hewas still looking at it.

Well, the King was beheaded, but Cromwell was never the same managain. He brooded and brooded, and what made things worse, all theFenmen, who had served him well up to that time, sent back theirgoose feathers, all broken and bent, and they said they were going backto the Fens, where there were still men who kept their word. And ashe’d been false to the old custom of the feathers, none of the promisesthat went with it would ever be made to him or any of his family again.

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Recorded from W. H. Barrett, 11 October 1963. Mr Barrett heard this traditionfrom Chafer Legge in 1900. His written version is in Tales from the Fens, pp.148–9.Note: Snow Hall, Snore, or Snowre Hall is in the parish of Fordham, Norfolk,three miles south of Downham Market. Charles I was received here on 30 April1646 by Mr Skipworth, who was aiding his escape from Oxford before hissurrender at Newark on 5 May 1646.

Tales of the Fens gives further particulars of the goose-feather customs. See“French Prisoners in the Fens”.


Roger of Wendover, Chronicle, , p. 547.

(.. 1232.) A certain English knight, living in the New Forest, whohad long made a practice of clandestinely hunting the king’s deer, wason one occasion caught with some stolen venison, and by a decree ofthe court of the king was condemned to exile. This merciful king hadmitigated the law in reference to stolen venison . . . he . . . considered itquite a sufficient punishment for any, who was caught committing thatoffence, either to be banished from England, or to undergo imprison-ment saving his life and limbs. The above-mentioned knight then wassent into exile, and he, who had formerly enjoyed all the dainties oflife, was, with his wife and children, obliged to beg his bread amongforeigners. The knight, after some reflection, at length determined toimplore the king for mercy, and for his estate to be restored to him,and he accordingly went to the king in Normandy, where he foundhim early in the morning in a church, about to hear Mass. The knighttremblingly entered the church, and did not dare to raise his eyes to theking, for although he was the most handsome of men to look upon,there was still something dreadful in his look; he therefore went to animage of Christ on the Cross, and, weeping incessantly, he humbly onhis knees besought the Crucified One through his unspeakable grace,compassionately to make his peace with the king, by which means he

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might recover his lost inheritance. The king, seeing the knight thusearnestly and with unfeigned devotion praying and weeping, wit-nessed an occurrence wonderful and worthy of narration; for when-ever the knight, who he knew was not of his retinue, bent his knees toworship the image, the image, in all humility, bowed its head andshoulders as it were in answer to the knight, and the king was struckwith wonder and astonishment to see this repeated frequently. As soonas the service of Mass was ended, he sent for the knight to speak withhim, and inquired of him who he was and whence he came. Theknight replied with fear and said, “My lord, I am your liege subject, asmy ancestors also have been”; and then, beginning his history, he toldthe king how he had been deprived of his inheritance and banishedtogether with his family, having been caught with some stolen venison.The king then said to the knight, “Have you ever in your life done anygood act in respect, and to the honour, of the holy Cross?” The knightthen, after carefully thinking over the events of his past life, related tothe king the following deed, which he had done in his reverence forChrist:

“My father,” said he, “and another knight divided between them atown which belonged to them by hereditary right; and whilst myfather abounded in all kinds of wealth, the other knight, on the con-trary, was always poor and needy, and, becoming envious of my father,he treacherously murdered him. I was then a boy, but when I arrived atmanhood, and was installed in my paternal inheritance, I made a reso-lute determination to slay that knight in revenge for my father’s death;he was, however, forewarned of my purpose, and for several years byhis cunning escaped the snares I had laid for him. At length . . . as I wasgoing to church, to hear Mass, I saw my enemy before me, also on hisway to church. I hastened on behind him, and drew my sword to killhim, when by some chance he looked round, and, seeing me rushingupon him, fled to a cross which stood near the road, being worn downby age, and unable to defend himself. And when I endeavoured withupraised sword to slay him and dash out his brains, he encircled thecross with his arms, and adjured me in the name of that Christ, who onthat day was suspended on the Cross for the salvation of the wholeworld, not to slay him, but faithfully promised and vowed, that hewould appoint a chaplain to perform a Mass every day from that time

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for the soul of my father whom he had killed. When I saw the old manweeping I was moved to pity, and thus in my love and reverence forHim who, for my salvation and that of all, ascended the Cross, andconsecrated it by His most holy blood, I forgave the knight for myfather’s murder.” The king then said to the knight, “You acted wisely,for now that Crucified One has repaid one good turn by another.” Hethen summoned the bishops and barons who were there with him,and, in the hearing of all, related the vision he had seen, how at eachgenuflection made by the knight, the image of Christ had humblybowed its head and shoulders. He then summoned his chancellor tohim, and commanded him by his letters patent, to order the sheriffwhom the knight should name to him, at sight of the warrant, torestore to the knight the whole of his property in the same condition ashe received it at the time of his banishment.

Note: Later historians have been unfavourable to Richard I, but he was reveredin his own age, as various traditions show. Among them is his pardon of theyoung archer from whose arrow-shot he died, and the well-known, thoughrather late, story of Blondel. This tale of Roger of Wendover is less known, butparticularly charming.


Briggs and Tongue, The Folktales of England, p. 96.

There were a varmer o’ Walton near Street. ’E ’ad a only son, and’e were tremenjus proud of ’e. Well, the lad, like so many more lads, ’ewent to fight for Duke o’ Monmouth down to Sedgemoor battle, and ’ewere taken a prisoner. Well, ’is vather ’e were frantic, and ’e try and’e try to get the lad’s life saved. ’E spent all ’is savings, and ’e sold ’is’arvest, and ’e took ’en to Judge Jefferies. And then, ’aving took all ’e’ad to offer, the Bloody Judge gave orders the lad should be ’angedright afore ’is ’ome. Well, they did so, and the vather ’e stood by, andwhen ’twas all over, ’e turned round wi’out a word, and ’e go down tostables, and ’e kill ’is best bullock. And then ’e pull out the girt ’ot

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bleeding ’eart o’ ’im, and ’e drove nail arter nail through ’en, till itlooked like a red urchin. Then not saying a word, ’e go back to kitchen,and ’e carry the ’eart there, and ’e nail it up in chimney, where ’twassmoked and scorched for years.

And arter that day, the Bloody Judge, ’e were taken wi’ chokingcoughs, and scorching burning pains all round ’is ’eart, which pierced’en right through. And whenever ’e got an attack like that, there come asight afore ’is eyes, no matter whether ’e closed ’em or no—the sightof a ’anging lad.

Recorded from Ruth L. Tongue, 28 September 1963, as she heard the accountin 1940, while on a riding-tour in Somerset, from a Glastonbury farmer. Shehad heard previous mentions in the 1930s from Street.Note: “Marshall’s Elm” is the name of the tree on which the boy was hanged. Itwas still standing in 1946.


Halliwell, Nursery Rhymes and Tales, p. 166. Oxford.

There was once an Oxford student, who made love to the daughter of abrewer in the town, and got her with child. She pressed him to marryher, and he always put her off, but at last he said that if she would meethim at Divinity Walk the next moonlight night, he would arrange it. Soearly on the night of the next full moon, she set out for the openorchard land that bordered Divinity Walk in those days. She was veryearly, so for safety she climbed one of the apple trees and hid there.Presently she heard a heavy step, and saw her lover plodding up the hillwith a spade across his shoulders. He came up to the very tree whereshe was hiding, and began to dig—a long, narrow, deep hole, a grave.Then he stood and waited with his dagger in his hand. But the girl,lying along the branch above him, never stirred, and at length he wentaway, and she ran, as fast as her feet could carry her, back to her father’shouse. Next day, as she was going down Brewer’s Lane, the student sawher, and greeted her lovingly.

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But the girl said:

“One moonshiny night, as I sat high,Waiting for one to come by,The boughs did bend; my heart did break,To see what hole the fox did make.”

As she spoke, the student whipped out his dagger, and stabbed her tothe heart. Then there was the greatest fight between Town and Gownthat ever was known, and Brewer’s Lane ran with blood. The cruelstudent was killed, but nothing would bring the poor girl back to life,and they say she was buried in the very grave that was dug for her byher false lover.

Note: This tale is an offshoot of “The Robber Bridegroom” (Type 955) which ismore exactly represented in England by Mr Fox and “The Cellar of Blood” (A,IV). In more or less its present form, as a cante fable, it is common in England,and is represented in the United States. This version was collected in Oxford byJ. O. Halliwell. On p. 2 of his Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Tales of England, he refers toMatthew Paris as giving an account of the matter. Nothing is given in MatthewParis’ successor’s account of the genesis of the 1259 riot of the Town againstthe Gown, except the statement that the students had possibly released one oftheir number convicted of murder, which looks as if it might relate to this tale,as Halliwell suggested.

Baughman cites several examples from the United States, as well as a numberfrom all parts of England.

See “The Lonton Lass”, “Mr Fox’s Courtship”, “The Open Grave”, “The Girlwho got up a Tree” (A, IV).


From Mildred E. Bosanquet, Wrotham, Kent. (Bolton Hall, Bolton-by-Rowland,cl*theroe.)

The Pudsay family were at Bolton Hall from the reign of Edward theThird. One of them, whose tomb is in the church, sheltered Henry VI

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after the Battle of Wrexham. His descendant in Elizabeth’s reign wasWilliam Pudsay, and this is the legend about him.

At Rimington on his land lead-mines were discovered. Pudsaystarted making coins and the Queen’s officers came to take him. His lifewas in danger.

Now Pudsay had the power of seeing fairies, and some time back thelocal elves, Lob and Michil, were outside Aithura Hoile, and he cameupon them, and by his art he made them stay. They gave him a magicalbit, which they said he was to keep carefully against the day when hewould be in danger, for it would nourish a drooping horse fromevening red to morning grey.

When the word came to Pudsay, by what faithful messenger we donot know, he went to the stable, saddled his horse, Wanton Grey, withthat fairy bit, and away he went, up over Rainsbut Scaur, for his pur-suers were hot on his trail. There was no other way. He looked overthe river. It is ninety foot high (known as Pudsay’s Leap to this day).And the brave man took his courage and his life in his hands. “I wouldrather die here than lose my life as a prisoner,” and he leaped. And thehorse bore him safely to land. And they rode on through the night,and when morning came, the horse was still fresh, and he rode intoLondon. And when he arrived at the Queen’s house he went up andasked for her. And they said she was away on her barge on the Thames.Then he set off again, and the good Wanton Grey swam out to thebarge, and we hear no more of Wanton Grey. But the mudstainedPudsay clambered on to the barge, and the courtiers stared at thisplain, unselfconscious Yorkshireman. But he thrust himself into thepresence of her Majesty, and fell on his knees, and reminded her thatshe had held him at the Font, and was his kinsman, and craved hermercy.

And the royal lady said, “Whatever ails you, Cousin Pudsay?” Andshe asked him if he had committed murder, for, said she, she wouldpardon no one who had shed any of her subjects’ blood. And Pudsaysaid, “No, not murder, it was nothing but coining.” And he told hisstory.

And they that stood round spoke for him, saying that he had foughtright well at the battle of Zutphen, and had been the Earl of Leicester’sMaster of the Horse, and no one had been braver than he that day.

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And so Queen Elizabeth gave him her pardon, but, said she, theremust be no more of the Pudsay shillings. And there wasn’t!

Note: The journey to the King to ask directly for pardon occurs in severalballads, such as Adam Bell, Clym of the Clough and William of Cloudesley.

Yorkshire Version of End of Story“An a fell upov his knees, an a sed, ‘Pardon! Pardon!’An shu sed, ‘Wat ivver hast bin abeouet, Poodsa?’An a sed, ‘Pardon! Pardon!’An thir wir a deal spak for him, an sed a wir a reet gentlemon, an it didn’t

look laike at a sud do eouet wrang.An shu sed, ‘Weel, then, eouet, coozn Poodsa, but moordir.’An a sed it wir nobbut coinin.So shu sed, ‘Waugh.’But shu teld him at a moodn’t mak ony moar o’ thir Poodsa Shillings.An a dudn’t.”

William Pudsay, Esq., Lord of Bolton from 1577 to 1629, who is the hero ofthis legend, was Queen Elizabeth’s godson, and Master of the Horse to the Earlof Leicester. The Pudsay Shillings, handed down in the family and still existing,are the shillings of Elizabeth 1562, having a mullet of six points for a mintmark; Pudsay’s arms being vert, a chevron between three mullets pierced or. Thisis too early for William Pudsay, but his father, Thomas, Vice-President of theCouncil of the North, may have introduced the new Elizabethan currency intothe country, so that they became Pudsay Shillings. William Pudsay got intotrouble for working the “Mine Royal”, which may have given rise to thelegend, which was current forty years after William Pudsay’s death. Webster(Johannes Hyphantes), 1671, mentions it. Michil and Lob are the two localfairies. It is still the custom to bring all the carts and gates that can be obtainedon the night of 30 April to Bolton Cross, where they are piled up in a heap for abonfire. This is locally stated to be the work of Lob and Michil; who now,however, fortunately confine their labours to erecting the pile, without settingfire to it.

Skelhorne, a limestone hill in which are the remains of lead works, is inRimington, a township near Bolton, then belonging to William Pudsay. Thelead was said by Johnson to contain silver at the rate of 25 lb. a ton.

Rainsbee Scaur, down which Pudsay is said to have leaped, is a rockoverhanging the Ribble, about 90 feet high, and a few hundred yards fromBolton Hall.

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These notes are from Pudsay’s Leap, by H. A. Littledale, privately printedin 1856, and lent me by his granddaughter, Mildred Bosanquet, Wrotham,Sevenoaks, Kent (a descendant of William Pudsay).

Aithera Hoile, or Arthur’s Hole, is a cavern in the woods at Bolton.See “West Molland House”.


E. S. Hartland, English Fairy and Folk Tales, p. 57.


One day, it being observed that William was absorbed in deep thought,his courtiers ventured to inquire the cause of such profound abstrac-tion. “I am speculating,” said the monarch, “on what may be the fateof my sons after my death.” “Your majesty,” replied the wise men ofthe court, “the fate of your sons will depend upon their conduct, andtheir conduct will depend upon their characters; permit us to make afew inquiries, and we shall soon be able to tell you that which youwish to know.” The king signifying his approbation, the wise menconsulted together, and agreed to put questions separately to the threeprinces, who were then young. The first who entered the room wasRobert, afterwards known by the surname of Courthose. “Fair sir,” saidone of the wise men, “answer me a question. If God had made you abird, what bird would you wish to have been?” Robert answered: “Ahawk, because it resembles most a courteous and gallant knight.” Wil-liam Rufus next entered, and his answer to the same question was: “Iwould be an eagle, because it is a strong and powerful bird, and fearedby all other birds, and therefore it is king over them all.” Lastly camethe younger brother, Henry, who had received a learned education,and was on that account known by the surname of Beauclerc. Hischoice was a starling, “Because it is a debonnaire and simple bird, andgains its living without injury to anyone, and never seeks to rob orgrieve its neighbour.” The wise men returned immediately to the king.Robert, they said, would be bold and valiant, and would gain renownand honour, but he would finally be overcome by violence, and die in

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prison. William would be powerful and strong as the eagle, but fearedand hated for his cruelty and violence, until he ended a wicked life by abad death. But Henry would be wise, prudent, and peaceful, unlesswhen actually compelled to engage in war, and would die in peace aftergaining wide possessions. So when King William lay on his death-bedhe remembered the saying of his wise men, and bequeathed Nor-mandy to Robert, England to William, and his own treasures, withoutland, to his younger son Henry, who eventually became king of bothcountries and reigned long and prosperously.

Chambers, Book of Days, p. 328.Note: This story, which most probably is of Eastern origin, is frequently toldunder various circ*mstances by medieval writers. A Latin manuscript of thethirteenth century relates it in the following form:


A wealthy English baron, whose broad lands extended over a largeextent of England and Wales, had three sons: when lying on his death-bed he called them to him, and said: “If you were compelled tobecome birds, tell me what bird each of you would choose toresemble?” The eldest said: “I would be a hawk, because it is a noblebird, and lives by rapine.” The second said: “I would be a starling,because it is a social bird, and flies in convoys.” The youngest said: “Iwould be a swan, because it has a long neck, so that if I had anything inmy heart to say, I should have plenty of time for reflection before itcame to my mouth.” When the father had heard them, he said to thefirst: “Thou, my son, as I perceive, desirest to live by rapine; I willtherefore bequeath thee my possessions in England, because it is a landof peace and justice, and thou canst not rob in it with impunity.” To thesecond he said: “Because thou lovest society, I will bequeath thee mylands in Wales, which is a land of discord and war, in order that thycourtesy may soften down the malice of the natives.” And then, turningto the youngest, he said: “To thee I bequeath no land at all, because thouart wise, and wilt gain enough by thy wisdom.” And as he foretold, theyoungest son profited by his wisdom, and became Lord Chief Justice ofEngland, which in those times was the next dignity to that of king.

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Note: In both the son most commended is not the one to be chiefly endowed,though he came to the highest honours in the end.

Tale II is to be found in a little book, Short Stories, published by Chambers in1878, but the book is not of much use, since it gives no sources. This tale wasprobably retold from Hone. Professor Archer Taylor is making an exhaustivestudy of this type.


The Book of Scottish Story, pp. 88–95.

In the reign of King James V the duty of guarding the Marches againstEnglish raiders was entrusted to Sir John Charteris of Amisfield, nearDumfries, a brave but arrogant man, whose public duties were apt tobe sacrificed to his private interests.

A young farmer of Annandale, George Maxwell, was particularlyactive against the English, who, in reprisal, raided and plundered hishouse, and drove off all his livestock. In hot pursuit Maxwell overtookthe raiders, but in the battle which ensued, he was killed, and hiswidow, Marion, was left with the charge of their nine-year-old son,Wallace. Generous neighbours replaced her in a small farm, but insuccessive raids she lost so much that by the time her son reached theage of twenty, she was reduced to the occupation of a small cottage,and possessed only one cow. But the lad was brave and industrious, anda kindly farmer gave her cow pasturage, so they lived in reasonablecomfort and contentment.

Wallace Maxwell had his father’s courage and patriotism, and he hadwon the love of a girl, Mary Morrison, poor as himself, but endowedwith beauty and goodness, so that all who knew them thought them apair well worthy of one another. She was an orphan, and they werefellow-servants to the farmer in whose cottage the widow Maxwelllived. Both had wisdom and prudence to know that it would be longbefore their circ*mstances permitted them to marry.

It happened that the leader of the English in a certain raid, the son of

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a rich Borderer, had been taken prisoner, and a heavy ransom paid forhis release, the money having been pocketed by Sir John Charteris, whoconsidered it a perquisite of his office. In the following raid, WallaceMaxwell was captured in his turn, and the man who had so recentlypaid a high price for his own son’s ransom kept Wallace a close pris-oner till an equal price should be paid for Wallace’s release. Since therewas not the least hope that either his widowed mother nor any of theirfriends could ever raise such a sum, the poor woman appealed to SirJohn, begging him to send some of his forces after the raiders, andrescue her son. But Sir John had a grudge against young Maxwell, andcontemptuously rejected her request, saying that the matter wasaltogether too trifling to command his attention; and the desolatemother then went and told all her tale to Mary Morrison, whose dis-tress was no less than her own. Mary, indeed, went so far as to renewthe suit to Sir John, and herself, having begged leave from heremployer, went to plead with the hard-hearted Warden, who receivedher in very different fashion. He explained that it would be a hard taskto rescue one who had rendered himself an object of vengeance to theEnglish Borderers, and who must by now be under close surveillance.But he offered to pay the ransom, high as it was, in return for what hetermed her gratitude. Mary, filled with joy, promised that all in theirpower should be done to show this, and prayed that Heaven should behis reward. He, however, replied that she herself had it in her power toshow a more immediate thankfulness, and made it all too clear whatreward he had in mind. But when she, with due modesty and cour-tesy, rejected every advance, he told her roughly that Wallace Maxwellmight perish in a dungeon, or at the hands of his enemies, for heshould never be rescued by him. Mary returned home indignant andsorrowful, and next she and the widow resolved to appeal to their kindfriend, the farmer, for leave for them both, in order that they might laytheir complaint before the King himself. The farmer was in full agree-ment; for the Warden’s insolence and neglect of his duties had becomethe subject of general complaint, and he thought that such an appealmight be for the good of the whole countryside. King James wasalways easy of access to any of his subjects, and he received the womanwith great kindness, promising that on his approaching visit toAnnandale, their case should be attended to; and that when he sent a

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certain nobleman to them, they should come at once to the hearing oftheir case.

It was a favourite custom with the King to go about among hissubjects in disguise and, when asked his name on these occasions, togive it as “The Gudeman of Ballengeich”. In this character he visitedAnnandale, and, seeing a girl washing linen in a stream, whom herecognized as Mary Morrison, he sat down on a nearby stone, groaningas if in dire pain. Mary at once came up to offer help, and helped himto walk, leaning on her arm, to the farm. He declared that a drink ofmilk and a rest would soon cure his distemper, and while lying there,he contrived to learn of the general sympathy for Mary and the widowMaxwell, and the equal dislike and distrust of Sir John.

In due course the King marched back towards Dumfries, and, afterpassing a night in the small village of Duncow, he left his retinue there,and made his way in beggar’s guise to Amisfield, where he requestedthe porter to procure him an immediate audience with Sir John. Thereply was that Sir John was at dinner and could by no means be dis-turbed for two or perhaps three hours. The King gave the man a groat,and bade him tell Sir John that his business was urgent, and on receiv-ing the same reply, produced two more groats, bidding his messengersay that in crossing the Border he had seen the English massing for anattack; and that it was Sir John’s duty to fire the beacons immediately,and alarm the countryside. Sir John only replied, “If he chooses to waittwo hours, I will then see whether he is a knave or a fool; but if he sendsuch another impertinent message to me, both you and he shall havecause to regret it.”

The kindly porter then offered food and ale to help the stranger passthe time until the Warden should be ready to receive him; but the Kingnow gave him three groats, bidding him return and say that the Gude-man of Ballengeich insisted upon seeing him immediately. As the manwent off on this errand, King James winded his bugle horn loudly, and,casting aside his beggar’s garb, stood in his royal insignia, while hismen-at-arms came galloping up in all haste. The terrified Wardenstood trembling, pleading his ignorance of the King’s presence, butJames sternly replied that the meanest of his subjects had access to himat all times. But to give Sir John his fair chance of clearing himself ofthe charges brought against him, the King appointed him to attend for

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the hearing of his case at Hoddam Castle. He added that, if WallaceMaxwell were not produced within a week, the Warden himself shouldbe hanged from a tree before his own window.

Meantime, the King’s retinue was to be entertained at the Warden’sexpense, in the Warden’s own castle. The King now sent the youngnobleman, as he had arranged to the widow at Stirling, to bring herand Mary Morrison to him at once. When they arrived, he gave thewidow a cow, worth double the price of the one stolen from her, withblankets and other presents; but even in the height of her gratitude shecould not forbear asking for her son; but he sent her away in the joyfulhope of seeing him again very soon.

The Warden’s distress was daily increasing, but in the nick of timeWallace Maxwell was brought before him, when, allowing him no restat all, he sent him on in hot haste to Hoddam Castle. The King nowconfronted Sir John with all three of his victims, and compelled him toacknowledge his guilt before them all. The Warden could do nothingbut confess to it all; and the King decreed that he should establishWallace in a fifty-acre farm, rent-free, for his lifetime and his wife’s,fully stocked and furnished within three months, on pain of immediatedeath by hanging. Sir John submitted, and the King sent the three awaywith his blessing.

Note: See “The Court Cave”, “The Goodman of Ballengeich”.

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Part 14Local Legends

Some of the Local Legends hover on the brink of being HistoricalTraditions. Many have grown from the impact of historical events upona quiet place: battles and the visits of kings and special privilegesgranted to a place. Most of those collected here, however, are strictlylocal. For example, the planting of a sprig of the Glastonbury Thorn atIlminster and the flowering bush that sprang from it, “The Beasts’Thorn”, is the local account of the Twelfth Night miracle of the kneel-ing cattle. There are many legends of the transportation of buildingmaterial to account for the seemingly unsuitable position of a church,of which “The Church of Fordoun” is one. Type 766, The Sleepersunder the Hill, is common all over Europe. In England it is oftenattached to King Arthur, but in “Canobie Dick and Thomas of Ercil-doun” it has a more recent character, dating from the early fourteenthcentury. He takes the place often held by Merlin where the sleepers areArthurian knights. “Crawls” is a local Godiva story where the feataccomplished is to crawl round a piece of land in the course of a

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winter’s night. There are family traditions, such as “The Horn of Egre-mont”, which could only be blown by the true Lord of the Castle andsupernatural traditions of stone circles which had once been men, like“The Rollright Stones”. There are stories of revealing dreams, of whichthe best-known is “The Pedlar of Swaffham”, and many stories ofburied treasure.

It is indeed impossible to do justice to the rich variety of locallegendary matter in one short section.

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Ruth L. Tongue, Somerset Folklore, pp. 29–30.

A pilgrim who went from Ilminster to Glastonbury was asked by thevillagers to bring back some holy relic to bless the village. They were allmuch disappointed when he brought back a single thorn which mighthave been plucked from any hedge. He told them that it was part of theCrown of Thorns, but no one believed him. He planted it, however, andprayed beside it morning and evening. The strange thing about thethorn was that it began to shoot and grow at an uncanny rate, andpeople began to draw away from the pilgrim and look at him withsuspicion. The thorn still grew, and by Christmas it was quite a littletree. The pilgrim promised that it would bloom on Christmas Day, butChristmas Day passed and nothing happened. But on Old Christmas Eveat night the whole village was wakened by a great clatter in the street.People threw on their clothes and ran to the windows, and there belowthem went all the sheep and cattle of the place, which had beensecurely shut in folds and bartons hours before. The richest farmer’smaster bullock was at the head of them. People tumbled out into thestreets and followed their cattle. They went straight to the little thorntree, which stood blossoming white in the moonshine. The pilgrimwas kneeling there already. Just as the crowd came up the first stroke ofmidnight chime sounded. At that the great master bullock lowed aloudand knelt down on the frosty ground and every beast knelt with him.The stiff knees of the villagers were loosened and they knelt too, amongthe beasts. And that is how Ilminster knows that it has a holy thorn.

A homelier version of this was told to L. Key in Taunton in 1948. Theold man who told it has since died. His experience could be datedabout 1888–90:

“When I was a bwoy we did make up our minds to take a look-seeon Chrissmus Eve to find if the tree did bloom and cows come to kneelto ’en. So we went along lane to Nailesbourne like, and ’twas dark,couldn’t see nothing at all. Proper black, and we had no light, zee, andall to a zudden there was breathings all round us, zeemlike, whicheverway we’d turn. Thic lane were vull of cattle, and we just turn and run

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for it. No, we never zee no thorn blossom nor I wouldn’t go now if Iwas asked. Vull of cows thic lane was.”

Note: See “The Apple-Tree Man” (A, II).


Gibbings, Folk-Lore and Legends, Scotland, p. 1.

Now it chanced many years since that there lived on the Borders a jollyrattling horse-cowper, who was remarkable for a reckless and fearlesstemper, which made him much admired, and a little dreaded amongsthis neighbours. One moonlight night as he rode over Bowden Moor onthe west side of the Eildon Hills, the scene of Thomas the Rhymer’sprophecies, and often mentioned in his history, having a brace ofhorses along with him, which he had not been able to dispose of, hemet a man of venerable appearance, and singularly antique dress, who,to his great surprise, asked the price of his horses and began to chafferwith him on the subject. To Canobie Dick, for so we shall call ourBorder dealer, a chap was a chap, and he would have sold a horse to theDevil himself, without minding his cloven hoof, and would have prob-ably cheated Old Nick into the bargain. The stranger paid the price theyagreed on, and all that puzzled Dick in the transaction was that the goldwhich he received was in unicorns, bonnet-pieces and other ancientcoins, which would have been invaluable to collectors, but were rathertroublesome in modern currency.

It was gold, however, and therefore Dick contrived to get better valuefor the coin than he perhaps gave to his customer. By the command ofso good a merchant, he brought horses to the same spot more thanonce, the purchaser only stipulating that he should always come bynight and alone. I do not know whether it was from mere curiosity,or whether some hope of gain mixed with it, but after Dick hadsold several horses in this way, he began to complain that dry bargainswere unlucky, and to hint, that since his chap must live in the

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neighbourhood, he ought, in the courtesy of dealing, to treat him tohalf a mutchkin.

“You may see my dwelling if you will,” said the stranger; “but if youlose courage at what you see there, you will rue it all your life.”

Dickon, however, laughed the warning to scorn, and, havingalighted to secure his horse, he followed the stranger up a narrowfootpath, which led them up the hills to the singular eminence stuckbetween the most southern and the central peaks, and called, from itsresemblance to such an animal in its form, the Lucken Hare. At the footof this eminence, which is almost as famous for witch-meetings as theneighbouring windmill of Kippilaw, Dick was somewhat startled toobserve that his conductor entered the hillside by a passage or cavern ofwhich he himself, though well acquainted with the spot, had neverseen or heard.

“You may still return,” said his guide, looking ominously back uponhim; but Dick scorned to show the white feather and on they went.They entered a very long range of stables; in every stall stood a coal-black horse; by every horse lay a knight in coal-black armour, with adrawn sword in his hand; but all were as silent, hoof and limb, as if theyhad been cut out of marble. A great number of torches lent a gloomylustre to the hall, which, like those of the Caliph Vathek, was of largedimensions. At the upper end, however, they at length arrived, where asword and horn lay on an antique table.

“He that shall sound that horn, and draw that sword,” said thestranger, who now intimated that he was the famous Thomas of Ercil-doun, “shall, if his heart fail him not, be king over all broad Britain. Sospeaks the tongue that cannot lie.

“But all depends on courage, and much on your taking the sword orhorn first.”

Dick was much disposed to take the sword, but his bold spirit wasquailed by the supernatural terrors of the hall, and he thought tounsheath the sword first might be construed into defiance, and giveoffence to the powers of the mountain.

He took the bugle with a trembling hand, and blew a feeble note, butloud enough to produce a terrible answer. Thunder rolled in stunningpeals through the immense hall; horses and men started to life; thesteeds snorted, stamped, ground their bits and tossed their heads; the

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warriors sprang to their feet, clashed their armour, and brandishedtheir swords. Dick’s terror was extreme at seeing the whole army,which had been so lately silent as the grave, in uproar, and about torush on him. He dropped the horn, and made a feeble attempt to seizethe enchanted sword; but at the same moment a voice pronouncedaloud the mysterious words:

“Woe to the coward, that ever he was born,Who did not draw the sword before he blew the horn!”

At the same time a whirlwind of irresistible fury howled throughthe long hall, bore the unfortunate horse-jockey clear out of themouth of the cavern, and precipitated him over a steep bank ofloose stones, where the shepherds found him the next morning,with just breath sufficient to tell his fearful tale, after concludingwhich he expired.

Note: In this version of the Sleeping Army there is no King; but the tabu abouttouching the sword and horn in the wrong order still holds. Here Thomas ofErcildoun takes the place of Merlin.

See “The Wizard of Alderley Edge”, “Potter Thompson”, “King Arthur atSewingshields”.


Chambers, Popular Rhymes of Scotland, p. 337.

. . . the church of Fordoun [is] in Kincardineshire. The recently exist-ing structure was of great antiquity, though not perhaps what themonks represented it—namely, the chapel of Palladius, the early Chris-tian missionary. The country-people say that the site originally chosenfor the building was the top of the Knock Hill, about a mile north-eastfrom the village. After, as in the former case, the walls had been forsome time regularly undone every night by unseen spirits, a voice washeard to cry:

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“Gang farther down,To Fordoun’s town.”

It is added that the new site was chosen by the throwing at randomof a mason’s hammer.

Note: See “The Church of Old Deer”.


Norton Collection, , p. 19.

In the days of the Civil War, when the country was frequently infestedwith travelling bands of marauders, one of these villainous gangs madean attempt on Combwell whilst the family were in church, there thenbeing no one but the cook left in the house. According to tradition oneof the robbers, disguised as a beggar-woman, appealed to the cook foradmission, and the cook, being a kind-hearted woman, allowed him toenter the kitchen. He begged a piece of bread to satisfy his hunger, andwas granted permission to cook it in the boiling fat in the frypan.Whilst her unwelcome visitor was stooping over the pan, the cooknoticed that he was wearing boots and spurs and, with a sudden gleamof inspiration, the sinister situation burst upon her, with all its horriblepossibilities. Seizing the kitchen poker, which was the most formidableweapon near at hand, she struck him a tremendous blow upon thehead, which laid him lifeless at her feet, and, rushing upstairs to thebell turret, she vigorously tugged at the bell-rope, thereby givingthe alarm. The hoarse-throated clang of the bell was clearly heard in thepeaceful precincts of the sacred edifice at the top of the hill, and itsportent in those troublous times was only too patent that dangerthreatened. The male members of the family, accompanied by a bandof stalwart neighbours and dependents, made all haste to the house,and so opportune was their arrival that they succeeded in dispersingthe scoundrels, who in the meantime had laid siege to the house and,through the open bell turret, had, from the rising ground a short

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distance away, employed their time in taking pot-shots at the gallantdomestic, whose presence of mind and courageous action had been themeans of summoning help, which arrived in the nick of time to pre-vent the robbers from carrying out their nefarious designs. It wasafterwards discovered that the robbers, in order to trick their pursuersin the event of their scheme failing, had had their horses’ shoesremoved and put on the opposite way, in order to make it appear thatthey were proceeding in another direction. It is stated that the head ofthe family, in recognition of the cook’s courage, caused the bust to beexecuted and placed over the doorway.

“Over the entrance to the house is carved a woman’s bust”, Igglesden, A Saunterthrough Kent, , p. 42.Note: See “The Brave Maidservant”, “The Long Pack”, “The Robber and theHousekeeper” (A, IV).


Burne and Jackson, Shropshire Folk-Lore, p. 91.

Many hundred years ago there was a young lady, her father’s onlydaughter and heiress, whom a gallant knight wooed and sought for hisbride. And she loved him well, and gave him her promise. But whenher father came to hear of it, he would by no means give his consent,for the knight was a younger son and landless. The young lady, though,was firm, and held to her word. One day she came and told her fatherthat she and her true love would be married the next morning atBromfield Church. The father was angry, as he might well be. Heupbraided her for a headstrong lass, who must e’en take her own way,but of all his broad lands he vowed she would have none but what shecould crawl round by morning light. She said not a word, but wentquietly away. An old servant brought her a pair of leathern breeches toguard her poor knees (“else they would ha’ wore out”), and thusstrangely equipped she crawled round the fields all through that darkcold winter’s night, and came in covered with mud to her father at his

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breakfast, saying that she had taken him at his word, and crawled roundso much fair meadow land as reached nearly to Downton. The old manwas so much delighted at his girl’s brave spirit that he forgave herobstinacy, and took her back into favour. He made her heiress of allhis estates, which continued to belong to her descendants for manygenerations, and the land she crept round during that long drearynight still bears the name of “Crawls”.

Note: See “The Barefoot Pilgrimage”, “Lame Haverah”.

THE GOLD OF LARGO LAW [abbreviated]

Wilkie, Bygone Fife, p. 166.

Largo is peculiarly endowed with [such] legends . . . Best known is thetradition of a treasure or a gold-mine reputed to be either under ornear the Law. The locality is tantalizingly vague, but that one or theother exists is proven by the fact that the sheep grazing on the hillpastures are occasionally seen to have their wool tinged yellow. Thecottars know that they have been lying above hidden gold.

. . . While the origin of the hill is familiar, it is not so widely knownthat one of the tasks set by the Wizard of Balwearie to his familiars wasits removal. They had only begun their labours when the happier ideaof a never-ending employment of their turbulent energies occurred toSir Michael . . . otherwise, surely, the gold under the Law must havebeen laid bare. Enough soil, as it happened, had been removed to formNorrie’s Law.

. . . The story told around the ingle-neuk ran thus:Once, lang syne, the shepherd of Balmain came near solving the

mystery of the gold. Balmain, as everybody knows, lies at the north-western slope of Largo Law, and the shepherd had brooded for yearsover the problem. He had watched the resting-places of the sheep for aclue, but it evaded him. His chance came in another way. The ghost ofsome forgotten denizen of the region haunted the vicinity, and waspopularly believed to be possessed of the secret, but to be tongue-tied

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till a mortal sought of him enlightenment. Many would have fain putthe question, but when the opportunity was given fear fell upon themand they fled.

Dazzling visions of future grandeur opened before the shepherdwhile he sat on green hillock or feal dyke with his collie at his feet, ortook his way homeward after a spell at lambing-time. He had seen thedread shape more than once and quailed. But at last he took his couragein his hands, and when again the spectre stood beside him accosted it.In quavering tones he demanded what kept it from its rest. The answerwas that the uncommunicated secret troubled its repose. The promisewas given that if the mortal were brave enough to come to a certainpart of the hill on a night indicated, precisely at eight o’clock (thetradition is exact as to the hour, though the day is not mentioned), hewould learn all he ought to know.

There were, however, two conditions:

“If Auchindowie co*ck disna craw,And the herd of Balmain his horn disna blaw,I’ll tell ye where the gowd is in Largo Law”.

The shepherd was elated. He saw himself the equal of the Laird ofLargo, to say nothing of those of Montrose and Lundin. He was a manwho left naught to chance. Every co*ck, young and old, in Auchin-dowie perished mysteriously; and Tammie Norrie, the cowherd, wasenjoined by his colleague to refrain, on peril of his life, from blowingthe horn that called the cows together for their return from thepastures.

Whether it was forgetfulness or dourness on Tammie’s part that ledto the catastrophe can never be known.

The shepherd was at the spot appointed. Eight o’clock was indicatedby the place of the westering sun. The visitant from the world beyondstood punctually by his side.

At that moment, ere either could address the other, there floateddown from the height above the notes of the cowherd’s horn. Mortaland immortal were alike struck dumb by dismay and wrath, if indeedthe dead suffer the emotions of the living. Then, regaining the power ofutterance, the spectre pronounced doom:

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“Woe to the man that blew that horn,For out of that spot he shall never be borne!”

The shepherd stood alone.No more did Tammie Norrie call the cattle home to Balmain. The

blast he sounded had not re-echoed from Largo Law ere he fell, wherehe stood, a lifeless corpse. Nor could his body be moved. The strengthwent out of every arm that attempted the task, and men struggled as ina dream. So they abandoned it, and piled a cairn above the lucklesscowherd.

Note: It is not certain if the ghost was summoned away by Norrie’s horn, butfrom the killing of Norrie it seems likely. There are many features of interest inthis story.

See “The Treasure of Castle Rach”.


H. Bett, English Legends, p. 4.

There are two high points on a ledge of rock near Sewingshieldsknown as the King’s Crag and the Queen’s Crag. The legend is that KingArthur was once seated on the first and was talking to his queen, whowas combing her hair. Angry at something she said, he seized a hugerock and threw it at her, where she was standing some hundreds ofyards away. She caught it on her comb, and so warded off the missile,and it lies where it fell, a large block of many tons weight, with themarks of her comb still upon it.

Note: This legend is an example of the way in which people important intradition grow in size. An example is “Macbeth’s Grave” at Dunsinnon.“Cabal’s Paw-mark” : . 972.5.3. (Indentations on rock from paws of KingArthur’s dog) is another example in Welsh tradition of Arthur’s potency.

See “King Arthur at Sewingshields” and “The Silver Horseshoe” for otherArthurian legends.

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H. Bett, English Legends, p. 23.

Sir Eustace de Lucy, the Lord of Egremont (in Cumberland), and hisbrother Hubert left home to go on a Crusade in the Holy Land. On hisdeparture Sir Eustace blew the horn which always hung by the gatewayof the castle, and which could only be sounded by the rightful Lord ofEgremont, saying to his brother, “If I fall in Palestine, return and blowthis horn, and take possession, that Egremont may not be without aLucy for its Lord.” When they were in the Holy Land, Hubert bribedthree ruffians to seize his brother, and throw him into the Jordan.Believing him to be dead, Hubert returned to England and tookpossession of the castle, but did not venture to blow the horn.

One day when he was giving a banquet he suddenly heard a blastfrom the horn at the castle gate, and, knowing that only his brother asthe rightful owner could have sounded it, he started from his seat andfled by the postern. The gate was then opened to Sir Eustace, whor*sumed possession of Egremont. His brother is said to have died in amonastery.


The Book of Scottish Story, pp. 316–20.

About three hundred years ago, on the estate of Lord Cassilis betweenAyrshire and Galloway, lay a great moor, unrelieved by any trees orvegetation.

It was rumoured that unwary travellers had been intercepted andmurdered there, and that no investigation ever revealed what had hap-pened to them. People living in a nearby hamlet believed that in thedead of night they sometimes heard a sudden cry of anguish; and ashepherd who had lost his way once declared that he had seen threemysterious figures struggling together, until one of them, with a

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frightful scream, sank suddenly into the earth. So terrifying was thisplace that at last no one remained there, except one old woman and hertwo sons, who were too poor to flee, as their neighbours had done.Travellers occasionally begged a night’s lodging at their cottage, ratherthan continue their journey across the moor in the darkness, and evenby day no one travelled that way except in companies of at least two orthree people.

One stormy November night, a pedlar boy was overtaken by dark-ness on the moor. Terrified by the solitude, he repeated to himself thepromises of Scripture, and so struggled towards the old cottage, whichhe had visited the year before in a large company of travellers, andwhere he felt assured of a welcome. Its light guided him from afar, andhe knocked at the door, but at first received no answer. He then peeredthrough a window and saw that the occupants were all at their accus-tomed occupations: the old woman was scrubbing the floor and strew-ing it with sand; her two sons seemed to be thrusting something largeand heavy into a great chest, which they then hastily locked. There wasan air of haste about all this which puzzled the watching boy outside.

He tapped lightly on the window, and they all started up, withconsternation on their faces, and one of the men suddenly darted out atthe door, seized the boy roughly by the shoulder and dragged himinside. He said, trying to laugh, “I am only the poor pedlar who visitedyou last year.” “Are you alone?” cried the old woman in a harsh, deepvoice. “Alone here—and alone in the whole world,” replied the boysadly. “Then you are welcome,” said one of the men with a sneer. Theirwords filled the boy with alarm, and the confusion and desolation ofthe formerly neat and orderly cottage seemed to show signs of recentviolence.

The curtains had been torn down from the bed to which he wasshown, and though he begged for a light to burn until he fell asleep,his terror kept him long awake.

In the middle of the night he was awakened by a single cry ofdistress. He sat up and listened, but it was not repeated, and he wouldhave lain down to sleep again, but suddenly his eye fell on a stream ofblood slowly trickling under the door of his room. In terror he sprangto the door, and through a chink he saw that the victim outside wasonly a goat. But just then he overheard the voices of the two men, and

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their words transfixed him with horror. “I wish all the throats we cutwere as easy,” said one. “Did you ever hear such a noise as the oldgentleman made last night?” “Ah, the Murder Hole’s the thing forme,” said the other. “One plunge and the fellow’s dead and buried in amoment.” “How do you mean to dispatch the lad in there?” asked theold woman in a harsh whisper, and one of the men silently drew hisbloody knife across his throat for answer.

The terrified boy crept to his window and managed to let himselfdown without a sound. But as he stood wondering which way to turn,a dreadful cry rang out: “The boy has escaped—let loose the blood-hound.” He ran for his life, blindly, but all too soon he heard thedreadful baying of the hound and the voices of the men in pursuit.Suddenly he stumbled and fell on a heap of rough stones which cuthim in every limb, so that his blood poured over the stones. He stag-gered to his feet and ran on; the hound was so near that he couldalmost feel its breath on his back. But suddenly it smelt the blood onthe stones, and, thinking the chase at an end, it lay down and refused togo further after the same scent. The boy fled on and on till morning,and when at last he reached a village, his pitiable state and his fearfulstory roused such wrath that three gibbets were at once set upon themoor, and before night the three villains had been captured and hadconfessed their guilt. The bones of their victims were later discovered,and with great difficulty brought up from the dreadful hole with itsnarrow aperture into which they had been thrust.

Note: There are many Burker stories after this style.See “Burker Story” (B, VIII). Here, as in many other stories, a pedlar is the



Our Meigle Book, p. 68.

[Above a door leading into the garden] is the old grey stone, with itscurious motto and quaint spelling:

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I. shall. overcome. Invy. with. Gods. help. to. God. Be. Al. prais. Hon-our. and. Glorie. 1660.

Around the stone is a legend of considerable charm. The story islong, but briefly, is something like this:

In a bare old castle (mayhap the old house of Balhary) dwelt a fatherand son. The son, David, was a hunchback, and in consequence, wasdisliked and neglected by his father, who favoured a nephew, Ronald.To the castle one day, accompanied by her maid, came Lady Jean, abeautiful girl who had been placed under the guardianship of David’sfather. David and she became great friends; Ronald arrives on a visit,and Jean and he fall in love. David is again neglected. Came the wars ofthe Commonwealth, and the father and Ronald are called to the aid ofMontrose. On defeat, the father had to flee to France, while Ronald,severely wounded, is brought to Jean to be nursed.

On his recovery they become engaged, and David, in bitter envy andjealousy, wanders for hours into the hills. At nightfall he lands at thehut of an aged priest who comforts him. There he spends the night anddreams a dream. In it he sees Jean and Ronald and the people of theplace building a castle. No matter how quickly they build up the stonesit grows no bigger. David finds someone standing beside him, whosays, “It is your envy and jealousy which comes between them and thebuilding of the castle. Overcome that by raising this stone and placingit as a foundation for the castle.”

Glancing at his feet, David saw a huge stone. “How can I, a poorhunchback, raise such a stone?” he said. Then he noticed its curiousmotto, “I shall overcome envy with God’s help to God be al praishonour and glorie.”

Unexpected strength came to him, and he lifted the stone and put itin its appointed place, and immediately the castle reared forth.

Next morning he went home in a different frame of mind, to findtwo items of news awaiting him; one, that his father could not againreturn, and so he made over the castle and lands to David, and theother, that owing to the very active part Ronald had played in the warhe had forfeited his estates and money, and so couldn’t marry Jean.

With much difficulty David persuaded them to accept the castle andlands, while he joined his father abroad. Many, many years elapsed, and

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feeling that his days on earth were almost numbered, he returned to hisold home. He was welcomed by the two he had left and their family,the youngest of whom, his namesake, David, was a fragile, delicateyouth, much as he had been. Between the two a great friendshipdeveloped, and the story of the dream was related. “Why not have themotto inscribed on a stone, and when you are gone I shall erect it toyour memory?” suggested David the younger. This was done, and thatis the legend of the stone, and this is its after-story. . . . Once a year, soit is said, a figure wearing a long cloak and a beaver hat co*cked at oneside with a feather appears to pay tribute. If the night be warm and heremoves his cloak the outline of the poor hunchback can be seen.


Ruth L. Tongue, Somerset Folklore, p. 196.

The memory of this historical mystery still survives in Shepton Mallet.Owen Parfitt was an elderly seafaring man who returned to SheptonMallet from no one knew where. He was supposed to be wealthy, andrumour went round that he had been a pirate. He and his sister livedtogether for many years until he became paralysed, and a youngerrelation came to look after them both. One summer day old Parfitt hadbeen settled outside in his chair, to which he could just shuffle, when apassing neighbour told him that a seafaring man had been inquiringabout an old sailor. Old Parfitt turned white, but he said nothing. Nextday he was settled as usual, and his cousin went out to her shopping.When she got back his chair and rug and cushion were there, but therewas no sign of Parfitt himself. The haymakers were working in the fieldnear and had heard or seen nothing, but he was never found again. Thelocal explanation is that he was not so lame as he pretended and that hehad made off with his hoard when he heard of someone who had aright to share it. If so, he had gone off just as he was, without evenchanging his slippers.

Note: See Andrew Lang, Historical Mysteries.

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The disappearance is one of the unexplained mysteries, almost as insolubleas that of the Marie Celeste or of the adventures of Mr Harrison of ChippingCampden, which has been examined in The Camden Wonder.

It is doubtful if a solution of any of them will ever be found.


From Abraham de la Pryme, Diary, published by the Surtees Society, p. 220.

“Constant tradition says that there lived in former times, in Soffham[Swaffham] alias Sopham in Norfolk, a certain pedlar, who dreamedthat if he went to London Bridge, and stood there, he should hear veryjoyful newse, which he at first sleighted, but afterwards, his dreambeing dubled, and trebled upon him, he resolved to try the issue of it,and accordingly went to London, and stood on the bridge there two orthree days, looking about him, but heard nothing that might yield himany comfort. At last it happened that a shopkeeper there, hard by,having noted his fruitless standing, seeing that he neither sold anywares, nor asked any almes, went to him, and most earnestly begged toknow what he wanted there, or what his business was; to which thepedlar honestly answered, that he had dreamed that if he came toLondon and stood there upon the bridge, he should hear good newse;at which the shopkeeper laught heartily, asking him if he was such afool as to take a journey on such a silly errand, adding, ‘I’ll tell thee,country fellow, last night I dreamed that I was in Sopham in Norfolk, aplace utterly unknown to me, where me thought behind a pedlar’shouse in a certain orchard, and under a great oak tree, if I digged, Ishould find a vast treasure! Now, think you,’ says he, ‘that I am such afool to take such a long journey upon me upon the instigation of a sillydream? No, no, I’m wiser. Therefore, good fellow, learn witt from meand get you home, and mind your business.’ The pedlar observing hiswords, what he say’d he dream’d and knowing they concenter’d inhim, glad of such joyful newse, went speedily home and digged andfound a prodigious great treasure, with which he grew exceedinglyrich, and Sopham [Church] being for the most part fal’n down, he set

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on workmen and re-edify’d it most sumptuously at his own charges;and to this day there is his own statue therein, but in stone, with hispack at his back, and his dog at his heels; and his memory is alsopreserved by the same form or picture, in most of the old glasswindows, taverns and alehouses of that town unto this day.”

Note: Glyde’s Norfolk Garland, p. 69, gives the following addition:“The box containing the treasure had a Latin inscription on the lid, which,

of course, John Chapman could not decipher. He craftily put the lid in hiswindow, and very soon he heard some youths turn the Latin sentence intoEnglish:

‘Under me doth lie,Another much richer than I’.

“And he went to work, digging much deeper than before and found a muchricher treasure than the former”.

In Transactions of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, , p. 318, is another version:

“Where this stood,Is another as good.”


Wright, Folk-Lore Record, , pp. 165–79.

There was once a king and his knights who were going to war, and itwas prophesied that if ever he came in sight of Long Compton, hewould be King of all England, but just as he was labouring up to the bigridge, an old witch met him, and turned him and all his men to stones,even the rebellious knights who were whispering against him. So therethey stand to this day, and no one can tell the size of the army, forwhoever tries to count the stones, can never count them twice thesame. Many or few, they are destined to be there for ever, and ill-luckattends anyone who tries to move them. There was once a farmer whofancied one of the Whispering Knights to build into his big barn. In

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spite of all the neighbours could say, he yoked up his best oxen to hisstrongest waggon, and set to work to fetch it. It was mortal heavy, butthey somehow got it on to the cart, and began the downhill way home.The oxen laboured under it as if they could hardly move, and whenthey had got it down to the farm-yard, they all three fell dead, and thewaggon crumbled to pieces. But the farmer would have his way; hebuilt the knight into his wall, and from that moment he never had a bitof good fortune. He had to mortgage his land and sell his stock, till inthe end he had nothing left but one poor old shaky horse, and aricketty cart that no one would buy. Then at last it came into his headwhat anyone could have told him, that all his misfortunes came fromthat stone. He pulled it out of the wall like a desperate man, and leveredit on to the cart. He hitched up the old shaky horse and it stepped outlike a four-year old all the way up the hill at a smart pace. The farmerdropped the stone back into its socket, and set off home again with alight heart. And after that his luck turned, and in a few years he was asrich as he had ever been. But he never meddled with old stones again.

Note: The Whispering Knights are still said to go down to the stream to drinkon the night of the full moon.Informant, Frank Pearman, Burford, 1947.

See “The Evil Wedding” (B, III), The Wimblestone.

THE SALE OF A WIFE [summary]

Thompson Notebooks, x.

A cobbler at Blackburn used to ill-treat his wife shockingly, though shewas a very decent woman. One day he put a halter round her, and saidhe was going to sell her. She was ready enough. He put her up toauction and people began to bid in fun, but there was one decent oldman who liked the look of her very much. He had no money, butborrowed 2s. from a shopkeeper and, when that was not enough,2s. 6d.

He got the wife, and she said she was glad to go to him, and said,

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“You’ve got me and everything about me, I expect.” He said, he didn’tcare for that, as long as he’d got her. But she put her hand in herbosom, and pulled out a bag with £200 in it. The old man bought alittle business with it, and she was set up for life.

The people used to sing at the cobbler:

“Oh Mister Duckworth,You are a cure.

You sold your wife for beer,And live at [Cuckold’s] Moor.”

From Taimi Boswell, Oswaldtwistle, 10 January, 1915.Note: It was widely believed in country places that if a man put a halter roundhis wife, and offered her in the market for half-a-crown, he would be quit ofher if he could find a purchaser. An incident exemplifying this belief occurredin Burford (Oxfordshire) in the mid-nineteenth century. A man living in ahouse near the bridge bought a wife for half-a-crown. Public opinion wasagainst him, and he was serenaded with “rough music”. He dashed out with apitchfork and drove some of the crowd into the river, but the feeling againsthim was too strong, and he had to send his wife back to her husband in theend. In this tale the purchaser was more fortunate, and the “rough music” wasdirected against the first husband.Informant, Mrs Groves, Shipton-under-Wychwood, from her father, G. P.Hambridge.


S. O. Addy, Household Tales, p. 61.

A long time ago there was a village in the North Riding of Yorkshirecalled Simmerdale, at one end of which stood a church, and the houseof a Quaker woman at the other end. It happened one day that a witchcame into the village, and, beginning at the house next to the church,asked for food and drink, but her request was refused. And so she went

1 Semer Water, or Simmer Lake, is near Askrig in the North Riding.

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on from house to house, without getting either food or drink, until atlast she came to the Quaker woman’s house. There, sitting in theporch, she was regaled with bread, meat, and beer. Having finished herrepast, she rose and waved an ash twig over the village, saying:

“Simmerdale, Simmerdale, Simmerdale, sink,Save the house of the woman who gave me to drink.”

When the witch had said these words the water rose in the valley andcovered the village, except the old woman’s house. Simmer Water isnow a peaceful lake, and on fine clear days people in the neighbour-hood fancy that they can see down in its placid depths the ruins of thevillage and the church.

Gutch, County Folk-Lore, II, North Riding, etc., p. 37.T. Whellan, History and Topography of the City of York and the North Riding of Yorkshire,vol. , p. 403, gives the date of this story as “previous to the year of grace 45”,and the wayfarer is not a witch, but variously given as an angel, St Paul, Josephof Arimathea, or Our Saviour in the form of a poor old man.Note: See “Bomere Pool”.


Hugh Miller, Scenes and Legends, p. 245.

In a central part of the churchyard of Nigg there is a rude, undressedstone, near which the sexton never ventures to open a grave. A wildapocryphal tradition connects the erection of this stone with the timesof the quarantine fleet. The plague, as the story goes, was brought tothe place by one of the vessels, and was slowly flying along the ground,disengaged from every vehicle of infection, in the shape of a littleyellow cloud. The whole country was alarmed, and groups of peoplewere to be seen on every eminence, watching with anxious horror theprogress of the little cloud. They were relieved, however, from theirfears and the plague by an ingenious man of Nigg, who, having

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provided himself with an immense bag of linen, fashioned somewhatin the manner of a fowler’s net, cautiously approached the yellowcloud, and, with a skill which could have owed nothing to previouspractice, succeeded in enclosing the whole of it in the bag. He thensecured it by wrapping it up carefully, fold after fold, and fastening itdown with pin after pin; and as the linen was gradually changing, as ifunder the hands of the dyer, from white to yellow, he consigned it tothe churchyard, where it has slept ever since.

Note: There are many legends of the persistence of the plague germs. One suchwas current in 1926 of a piece of land in the middle of Bristol, in which plaguevictims had been buried, and in which the infection still persisted. The morepicturesque belief was that the plague was a spirit.

See “The Plague in Edinburgh” (B, XII).


Ruth L. Tongue, Somerset Folklore, p. 12.

Zebedee Fry were coming home late from the hay-making aboveShipham. It were full moon, for they’d worked late to finish, and thecrop was late being a hill field, so he had forgot what night ’twas. Hethought he saw something big and dark moving in the field where thebig stone stood, but he was too bone-weary to go chasing any straybullock. Then something huge and dark in field came rustling allalong-side lane hedge, and Zebedee he up and dive into the brimmlesin the ditch till it passed right along, and then he ran all a-tiptoe toreach Shipham. When he come to the field gate he duck two-doubleand he rush past it. But, for all that, he see this gurt stone, twelve feetand more, a-dancing to itself in the moonlight over top end of field.And where it always stood the moon were shining on a heap of goldmoney. But Zebedee he didn’t stop for all that, not until he were safe atthe inn at Shipham. They called he all sorts of fool for not getting hishand to the treasure—but nobody seemed anxious to have a try—notafter he’d told them how nimble it danced round field. And nobody

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knows if ’twill dance again in a hundred years. Not till there’s a fullmoon on Midsummer Night.

From a school-friend, who heard it from her Mendip great-grandmother, agedninety.Note: This is one of many legends of moving stones. The Whispering Knightsin The Rollright Stones are said to go down and drink in the stream at midnight(Frome, Folk-Lore, 1895, pp. 6–51). A Cornish stone turns round three times atco*ck-crow (Hunt, p. 187).

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Part 15Saints

Most of the saints shown in this small gleaning are native to theseislands, except the missionary St Augustine and St Aloys who wasnaturalized. English tradition claims him as a Somerset man. Small asthe gallery is it shows a remarkable diversity of character, well illustrat-ing the truth of the saying that the Christian profession develops char-acter instead of flattening it. Some of the saints are hardly edifyingcharacters. We have the peppery St Keverne and the thievish St Just.Some of the Saxons according to legend, appear to have had sainthoodthrust upon them like King Edmund, who was dragged from hishiding-place under a hedge to be martyred, and who liked the prospectso little that he cursed the couple who betrayed him, and any newly-wed couple who crossed the bridge after them. Little St Kenelm wasanother involuntary martyr, as innocent as little St Hugh of the ChildBallad and of Chaucer’s “Prioress’s Tale”. Others, however, like St Wul-fric, were ascetic almost to morbidity. Legend, however, has softened

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their acerbities in such late, delightful stories as “St Wulfric and theGreedy Boy”.

Many of the saints passed much of their time in conflict withdemons and devils, and some of them were suspected of being magi-cians themselves. The same stories were told of St Adelme as of Jack o’Kent, Faustus, or William of Lindholm, and even St Dunstan, whose liferests on a firm historical foundation, has some magical prodigiesattached to him, as well as his famous combat with the Devil.

The Celtic saints here are chiefly Cornishmen, though theundoubted fact that Ulstermen are English-speaking has made it pos-sible to include a delightful fragment of recent oral collection about thelovable St Patrick. Some of the Cornish saints were canonized only inoral tradition, and find no place in the Calendar.

Some of the most delightful tales of both the Celtic and the Saxonsaints are of their relations to animals. Of these only a few can be given;but more can be found in Helen Waddell’s Beasts and Saints. The sourcesof each tale are given, but as well as these, and such early books as TheGolden Legend, Aelfric’s Lives of the Saints and Bede’s Ecclesiastical History, thereare a number of modern books to consult, among them HippolyteDelehaye’s Legends of the Saints, Helen Roeder’s Saints and Their Attributes, andChristina Hole’s Saints in Folk-Lore.


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Hunt, Popular Romances of the West of England, p. 262.

St Just lived at Penwith, and, finding little to do there, except to offerprayers for the tinners and fishermen, he once went to visit St Kevernein his hermitage near the Lizard headland. The two saints feasted anddrank together, and St Just’s envy was aroused by the beauty of thechalice from which he was drinking his rich wine. With many profes-sions of undying friendship, he pledged St Keverne to return his visit,and took his way home.

Very soon St Keverne missed his famous cup and, after long searchhad been made, he could not but believe that his visitor had made awaywith it; so he decided to pursue him, punish him, and get the chaliceback. As he passed over Crowza Down he picked up a few of the “Iron-stone” pebbles which lie on its surface, put them in his pockets, andhastened on his way. Soon afterwards, he caught sight of St Just and,raging inwardly, called to him to stop.

St Just only quickened his pace a little, but made no other sign ofhaving heard. But at last St Keverne was within a stone’s-throw, and,taking a stone from his pocket, he flung it at St Just. It fell so near thatthe saint was alarmed and took to his heels. But as he ran he untied thecup, which he had fastened to his girdle, and dropped it to the ground.St Keverne recovered it and, being wearied he abandoned his longpursuit. But he threw all the remaining stones after the vanishing figureof St Just, one by one, and a curse with each. There the pebblesremained, entirely unlike all the other stones about them, but clearlythe same as the stones at Crowza, and so heavy that none but a saintcould hope to lift them. By day they have sometimes been removed, butthey always return to their places by night.

Note: The Saints of Cornwall and the Celtic countries were by no means alwaysimmaculate characters. To be a hermit and a missionary was qualificationenough to be counted a saint.

See The Giant Bolster.

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H. Bett, English Myths and Traditions, p. 86.

There are at least three local legends about the people of differentplaces in England being blessed with tails, and the reason why. Onestory is that St Egwin, who was bishop of Worcester in the latter partof the seventh century, was much displeased with the blacksmithsof Alcester because they would work on Sundays, and he visited thetown on purpose to persuade them to desist. But they drowned hisexhortation by hammering on their anvils, whereupon the saint cursedthem, and each irreverent blacksmith forthwith grew a tail.

A similar story is told of St Augustine and the men of Dorset. Caxtonrelates the legend thus in his version of The Golden Legend: “After this StAustin entered into Dorsetshire and came into a town whereas werewicked people who refused his doctrine and preaching utterly, anddrove him out of the town, casting on him the tails of thornback, orlike fishes; wherefore he besought Almighty God to show his judgmenton them, and God sent to them a shameful token; for the children thatwere born after in that place had tails, as it is said, till they had repentedthem.

“It is said commonly that this fell at Strood in Kent, but blessed beGod at this day is no such deformity.”1

The third legend is concerned with Strood, and Caxton evidentlyconfused it with his story about those who treated St Augustine sobadly. It is said that the townspeople of Strood sided with Henry theSecond in his quarrel with Becket, and cut off the tail of Becket’ssumpter-mule as he passed through the place, whereupon the angrysaint doomed their posterity to be born with tails, “binding themthereby with a perpetual reproach”, as Polydore Vergil writes, “forafterward (by the will of God) it so happened that everyone whichcame of that kindred of men which played that naughty prank wereborn with tails, even as brute beasts be”. The inhabitants of Strood andof the district are still jestingly called “Kentish long-tails”.

1 Caxton, Golden Legend, , p. 201.


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Coulton, Life in the Middle Ages, , p. 238.Note: The taunt of having tails was a common accusation against the English inmedieval times, and was even occasionally heard in the seventeenth century, inthe epithet, “The Tailed English”.

ST ADELME [Aldhelm]

Briggs and Tongue, Folk-Tales of England, p. 77.

St Adelme, Abbot of Malmesbury; his father was a weaver, who as herose early to go to worke, walking over the churchyard, when he cameto the crosse something frighted him still. He spoke to his wife to goealong with him; she did, and when she came to the crosse she wasstruck at the botome of her belly, and conceived this Saint.

Miracle. When a boy—one Sundaye as they were at Masse he filled abarn full of little birds.

This Saint gave a bell to the Abbey, which when it was rung, had thepower to make thunder and lightning cease.

The Pope, hearing of his Fame sent for him to preach at Rome; hehad not above 2 daies warning to goe. Wherefore he conjured for afleet spirit. Up comes a spirit he askes how fleet.resp: as fleet as a birdin the air. yt was not enough. Another as fleet as an arrow out of a bownot enough either. a 3rd. as swift as thought. This would doe. Hecommands it to take the shape of a horse, and presently it was so; ablack horse on which his great saddle and footecloth was putt.

The first thing he thought on was St Pauls steeple lead: he did kick itwith his foot and asked where he was, and the spirit told him etc.When he came to Rome the groom asked what he should give hishorse. quoth he a peck of live coales.

This from an old man at Malmesbury.

From John Aubrey’s MS. on Wiltshire, Hypomnemata Antiquaria, Bodleian MS.Aubrey, p. 251. Aubrey heard the tradition in 1645, from old Ambrose Brownat Malmesbury.Note: Some similar tales are told of St Mungo, as also of less saintly characters,such as Jack o’ Kent, Faustus, and such worthies as Francis Drake.

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Briggs and Tongue, Folk-Tales of England, p. 78.

There were a carter ’ad a ’oss. Fine ’oss ’e were, worked wonderful ’till’e took ’en carting stones, and they broked ’is feet dreadful. ’E ’ad asandcrack so wide you could ’a’ put a finger in it. Well when ’e took’en down to blacksmith, he couldn’t do nothing for it. ’Ot as fire thatfoot was, and the butcher ’e began to get ’is axe ready. But the carter, ’ewas proper proud ’o’ that ’orse, real fond of it, ’e was. So ’e ’ears aboutSt Aloys down to Wincanton, and ’e reckoned as ’ow ’e’d take cart’orsethere. Well, it took ’en the best part o’ two days to do the two mile, butcarter ’e were determined ’oss should ’ave a chance. Well, when theygot to Wincanton, St Aloys come out of ’is smithy. “Bring ’oss in ’ere,”says ’e, “I’ll take care of ’en, and ’ere’s a bit o’ zider for ’ee, and somebread and cheese.” “I’m feared ’e won’t stand,” says carter, knowing’ow e’d treated blacksmith. “Oh! E’ll be all right,” says St Aloys.

So carter, ’e sits down to ’ave ’is zider and ’is bread and cheese;welcome as May, it was; and Saint, ’e just put ’is ’and on old ’oss, andthen ’e go into smithy. Carter, ’e took a look and then he took anotherlook, and ’e gollops down ’is zider. There’s old ’oss, wi’ a bit o’ ’ay in’is mouth, what Saint ’ad give ’im, and Saint were busy in the smithy,and ’old oss were standing there wi’ three legs!

“ ’Ere we are, then,” says the Saint, coming out, and he brings outfourth leg, and ’e claps it on, and old ’oss stands there, and ’e nuckersquietly wi’ ’is bit of ’ay, and ’e worked for years arter that. Ah! that wasSt Aloys, that was, down to Wincanton.

Proper fine smith!

Recorded from Ruth L. Tongue, 29 September 1963, as she heard it from acarter at Wincanton in Somerset, where the legend is well known.Note: There is a carving of St Aloys in Wincanton Church, and a fine alabaster inNottingham Castle Museum representing the miracle. S. Baring-Gould, in hisLives of the Saints (xv, p. 9), says: “In art he is represented erroneously as a farrierwith a horse’s leg in his hand; the story going that he was one day shoeing ahorse, the animal proved restive, so he took the leg off, shod it, and put it onagain, without evil consequences.”


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The story is known in France and Germany, and is discussed by F. Saintyvesin his Saints, Successeurs des Dieux (Paris, 1907, pp. 248–51).

St Aloys was not St Aloysius Gonzaga, but the earlier St Eligius of Noyau.See “The Old Smith” (A, II).


J. E. Field, The Myth of the Pent Cuckoo, pp. 152–3.

Long Compton has . . . [a] legend pointing to the . . . conclusion thatthe Briton still occupied the combe when the Saxon came here. It is nothanded down in the traditions of the people, but preserved in theChronicles of the Yorkshire Abbey of Jervaulx—a compilation, as itsupposed, of the time of King Edward III, though commonly attributedto John Brompton, who became Abbot of that house half a centurylater.

According to this story, St Augustine himself travelled into Oxford-shire, and came to preach “in the town called Compton”, where thepriest of the town complained to him that the lord of the manorrefused to pay tithe of his possessions, and though he had oftenadmonished him, and had even threatened him with excommuni-cation, he still found him obstinate.

When Augustine had called for him and reasoned with him in vainhe turned to the altar to begin the Mass, bidding all the excommunicateto depart, whereupon a corpse arose from the churchyard. Augustineasked him who he was, and he replied that he was a patron of thechurch before the English came and had died excommunicate, forrefusing to pay his tithe; and the saint enjoined him to point out thegrave of the priest who had repelled him from communion; so he inhis turn arose from his grave, and bore out the truth of the story. Thenat Augustine’s bidding the ghost absolved the other ghost and bothreturned to their graves in peace, while the obstinate knight became ahumble follower of the saint’s teaching. At least we may gather fromthe tale that the memory of the Britons and their church at LongCompton had a place in the minds of the Saxon conquerors.

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H. Bett, English Legends, p. 51.

[A] saint who had a connection with marital affairs, was St Wigefort,surely one of the most extraordinary saints of the Middle Ages. She wascommonly known as Maid Uncumber, and her aid was invoked bywives who wished to be rid of their husbands. It is said that wild oatswere usually offered to her. A sixteenth-century writer, describing theresort to various saints for help of different things, says that “if a wifewere weary of her husband, she offered otes at Poules, at London, toSaint Uncumber”. Another writer of the same period quotes a charm,one stanza of which runs:

If ye cannot slepe, but slumber,Geve Otes unto Saynt Uncumber,And Beans in a certain number

Unto Saynt Blase and Saint Blythe.1

Many altars up and down England were dedicated to this strangesaint, including one in Old St Paul’s in London, and one, which seemsto have been a special centre of veneration, at Chew Stoke in Somerset.There is perhaps no saint with such a variety of names. She is variouslydescribed as St Wilgefortus, Uncumber, Kummernis, Komina, Comera,Cumerana, Hulfe, Ontcommene, Ontcommer, Dignefortis, Eutropia,Reginfledis, Livrada, Liberata, and so on. The legend says that she wasthe daughter of a heathen king of Portugal, and she became a Christian.Commanded by her father to marry a pagan prince, she prayed that herbody might be disfigured, so that she might keep her chastity. Inanswer to her prayer, a beard grew upon her chin, and then her fatherhad her crucified. She is always represented as a bearded woman.

One pretty legend about St Wigefort is that a poor fiddler onceplayed before her image, and it gave him one of its golden shoes. Hewas condemned to death on the charge of having stolen this from the

1 Brand, Popular Antiquities, , p. 149, from Bale’s Interlude.


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church. He begged that he might play before the image again before hedied, whereupon it kicked off its other shoe towards the fiddler,whose innocence was thus proved.

It has been suggested that Wilgefortis is from Virgo fortis. The moreprobable view is that it is derived from Hilge Vartz (Heilige Fratz, HolyFace) and that the whole legend has grown out of the fact that copies ofthe Volto Santo of Lucca were multiplied and spread through Europe. Thisrepresents Our Lord bearded with long hair hanging down to Hisshoulders, and clothed in a long tunic. As this was not a familiar type ofcrucifix, it was probably somewhere taken as the representation of abearded and crucified woman, and so the legend arose. It does notseem to go farther back than the fifteenth century. The name “Uncum-ber” and its variants arose from the belief that if the saint were invokedin the hour of death you would die ohne Kummer, without anxiety. Thefeast of St Wigefort is on the 19th of July. The Roman Breviary stillcommemorates “the holy Virgin and martyr Wilgefortes, whocontended for Christian faith and chastity, and obtained a glorioustriumph upon the Cross”.


Ruth L. Tongue, Folk-Tales of England, p. 73.

There was a poor widow with a large family and they all worked hard,even the little ones, and folk were very kind. There was always an eggor two or a sack of teddies, or a cabbage, or a bit of bacon put by tohelp them out. Then the farmers found work and their food for thebiggest lads, and they ought to have managed, but they all went onlooking so thin as a yard of pump-water except Dicky—and he grewfat. One day the poor widow crept to St Wulfric’s cell. She’d broughthim a thin little flat oat-loaf, made from the scrapings of the meal chest.St Wulfric took it, and the three little trots that had come with theirmother burst into tears as they saw it go.

The saint looked down at their poor little pinched faces, and whis-pered gently, “Go down to the spring for me, and see what the birds

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have left me.” So off they toddled—half the size of the pail the babywas—but he would go. And back they staggered with it only half full,their poor little sticks of arms and legs couldn’t lift more—but thebaby’s face was rosy with joy over a big loaf with fresh butter and acrock of cream they’d found there.

“Now, sit down and eat them,” said the saint. “My birds must haveknown you were coming. But I’ve a use for your mother’s oat-cake.”Down they sat in the sunshine, and down the good food went—andafter that it was easy for the grateful widow to tell her troubles.

“’Tis our Dicky, zur; he do get his vittles all down to Varmer Mell-ish, where he be bird-boy, and they do give he a-plenty. But neverwere such a boy to eat, Missus Mellish say, and they be hearty trench-ermen down there. But when he do come whoame a-night he dogollop up all in the house if I don’t stop him. Then he do sneakyround when all’s asleep and there’s nought for breakfusses. And he doget his dew-bit at farm, no fear! All my others, they do bring a few bitsof vittles whoame for me and they little trots, but if Dicky be about ’tisall goed down his throat while they be getting two bites in—and himso fat as a pig!”

“Tell him I want to see him,” said the saint. So, after they’d pickedthe saint a bunch of primroses and he’d blessed them, she took thelittle trots home. They even ran a bit. Next day, a fat sulky lad came tothe cell. “I want you to take any bread you see on my shelf down toyour mother,” said the saint. “Be very quiet, for it is time I was at myprayers.”

Dicky glanced at the shelf and saw his mother’s oat-cake. He’dsearched for it all night! And she’d given it to an old man who knelt ona cold stone floor—the old fool! Here he looked at the shelf again andthere were two large white cottage-loaves beside the oat-cake. Dickygrabbed them in terror and ran for it, scared out of his wits. He was sofat he soon lost his breath, and sat down on the turf—and the loavessmelt delicious. Nobody would know what happened to them. The sillyold saint was busy praying and his mother wouldn’t expect any food.Down Dicky’s red lane went all three loaves, yes, oat-cake and all, andmy young raskill strolls off home. He wasn’t feeling at all happy insideand there were no end of queer pains so he didn’t go indoors, but satdown on the drashel. Out came his mother smiling and handed him a


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big crust of white bread covered with butter. “There, Dicky,” she said.“You shall have a taste for being such a good, kind boy, bringing inthey three loaves from the saint. Lovely bread ’tis, like us ate yesteddy, Idid wish you others could taste.” But Dicky’s hair was standing on end.“T-Three?” he gasped. “A girt big oat-cake and two white loaves all a-buttered,” she said. “I did find they on table where you did a-putthem.” With that Dicky took off in terror and never stopped till he gotback to the saint’s cell. St Wulfric was still kneeling, and there on theshelf above him were a poor thin little oatcake and two cottage loaves.Dicky stood there and shook with fear. Then St Wulfric stood up, “Youmust be hungry after your climb,” he said “Finish your bread andbutter.” Dicky dare not refuse, but, oh, how terrible it was. It left himwith such a taste in his mouth that he didn’t eat for days—until he wasas thin as the baby had been. After that he never made fun of saints ortook more than his share. He even brought his mother home three eggsone evening!

Recorded from Ruth L. Tongue, 29 September 1963, who heard the story as achild at Hazelbury Plunkett in Somerset.Note: Miss Tongue was told this story by an old retired clergyman of eighty-three. He had heard it from his great-grandmother, who was seventy-three, andshe had heard it from her great-grandmother. At a rough estimate, the line oftradition stretches back to 1681.

“Teddies” are potatoes; a “dew-bit” an early-morning snack; “drashel” isa threshold.


T. G. F. Paterson, Contributions to Ulster Folk Life, Armagh Miscellanea.

It wus in the days of Ushen, an’ Patrick wus sore tormented for ivery-thing that he’d be buildin’ on the Brague wud be down the nextmornin’. An’ Ushen was jist back from the lan’ of niver die, where hemight have been livin’ still, only that he liked Ireland better. An’ that’sthat.

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Shure it wus on the other side of Carrickbroad it all happened.Ushen on he’s big white horse wus careerin’ up the mountain when awoman with a bag of turf—bad luck to her anyhow, for it wus thegreed of her caused it. Why cudn’t she be after fillin’ what she cudcarry an’ not be burdenin’ herself with the lazy man’s load? But shureall the sorrows of Ireland come be the weemin an’ if ye ax me, they’rethe cause of many a heartburn still. An’ mebbe some of them are worthit an’, more like, some are not. How an’ so iver, till be slicin’ a longstory short, shure Ushen forgot he wus safe on he’s horse only so longas he didn’t be after droppin’ his legs on the groun’, an’ down hehopped, an’ helped her up with the turf on her back. An’ och anee, thatwus the harm. Ushen soon felt the death upon him, an’ down he layupon the hillside. An’ the woman, who wus mebbe the Cally Berry, orsomeone like her, went away.

An’ Patrick wus passin’ along an’ he heared all about it, an’ up hegoes. An’ says Patrick till Ushen, “It’s sorry I am till see ye so wake now.Shure it’s yerself can have the wish three times one before ye die now.”An’ Patrick talked to him of Heaven, but Ushen wasn’t in much of abother. Says he, “Are there houn’s an’ baygels there?” “The divil one,”says Patrick. “Well I’m not going there at all,” says Ushen. An’ Patrickwus sore put about, for he wus takin’ a likin’ till him. Says he, “Tweenyou an’ that brute of a bull on the Brague, I’m like to be breakin’ myheart.”

An’ Ushen had a wish, says he, “Will ye bury me on Slew Gullion?An’ will ye bury me high an’ dry, an’ clap a stone or two above me?”“Deed an’ I will,” says Patrick. Then says Ushen, “For me last wish I’llhave me strength again till I take a look at yer bull. Give me back mestrength, an’ I’ll rid ye of him,” says he. An’ Patrick says, “Rise, meboul’d boy, an’ be after doin’ your best.”

An’ Ushen went an’ sarched for the bull, an’ when he foun’ it hestruck it a mortal box in the face that knocked it as stiff as you like. An’it’s buried on a mountain somewhere near till the Brague with a stoneabove it, like a Christian himself. An’ when Patrick come till look forhim, thinkin’ as like as not he wud be totally destroyed, there he wusasleep in the skin of the baste. Usin’ it for a blanket he wus. But shurehe woke no more. An’ they brought him back till oul’ Slew Gullion an’buried him there. An’ Patrick wus real sorry.


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Note: This is a different account of the killing of the Wild Bull that harassed StPatrick from that given in “St Patrick and the Bull”. Even in this broken-downversion there is a touch of wistful beauty in the friendship of the Christian saintand the pagan hero.

See “St Patrick and the Bull”.

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Part 16The Supernatural

The modern researches into the field of extra-sensory perception,pursued in such books as The Hidden Springs, by Renée Haynes, coververy much the same ground as do the supernatural legends. The talesin this section are those which cannot be called “ghost stories” andare not precisely about witches, fairies, bogies or devils, yet have,nevertheless, no naturalistic explanation—or at least are not supposedto have such. Many of those to be found in Catherine Crowe’s NightSide of Nature are supernatural rather than ghost stories. These talesdeal with wraiths, second sight, visions of things distant in time orplace, judgments and other unexplained, often inexplicable,happenings.

Wraiths are among the commonest of these, and are of variouskinds. Sometimes a man will see his own double, and this is oftenthought to be a sign of imminent death, particularly when the real manand his shadow meet face to face. The danger of this can sometimes beaverted by vigorous speech, as in the pleasant story of “The Waff”,

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when the ominous double was fairly scolded away. Most often thewraith appears at the moment of death to friends at a distance. Some-times the man is seen double, as in “The Doctor’s Fetch”, when thedoctor’s wife saw her husband asleep beside her and at the same timestanding by the window. Sometimes the wraith is not ominous ofdeath, but merely goes where the person wishes to go, and effects whathe is unable in his own body to do. The appearance of the wraith atdeath is possibly a form of the same state, as in the story of the dyingmother who wished vehemently to see her children once more, fellinto a trance, and woke calm and comforted, having visited them andbeen seen by them.

Another group of stories very similar to these is about people whogo back into the past or who visit distant places. Often these are seen aswraiths, as in the story of “The Dream House”. Some of these experi-ences seem well established. The most famous of them is that recordedin An Adventure, which is too long and detailed to be treated in a sum-mary and should be studied in the original book. “A Vision at Dunino”is a pleasant version of this type of tale.

The separable soul or the Escaping Soul is not unlike the wraith, buthas a slightly different, very primitive philosophy behind it. In thesestories, which range over a wide period of time, the soul is conceivedof as a tiny creature, often of a different shape from the body—a bee, alizard, or the like—which issues out of the sleeper’s mouth or ear andhas adventures suitable to its size, which are remembered by the wak-ing man as dreams. An early and often-quoted example occurs in SaxoGrammaticus, but the belief persisted until the end of the last century,and may yet be found alive somewhere.

There are also explorations into the past which concern heroesrather than places—mighty sleepers in underground caverns, orstrange wanderers who come into men’s houses and make brief con-tact with them. There are other stranger contacts still—nature spirits,dangerous creatures from the woodland or mountains, or voicescalling out from the sea.

Second sight, prophetic glimpses into the future and visions ofHeaven and Hell may be listed as examples of extra-sensory perception,but there are a few other, stranger legends, like “The Anchor” andother queer and freakish tales. The section covers many activities of

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man’s spirit, from the crudest moralities to what seem like upsurgingsof the unconscious itself. It is this variety which gives its interest to thewhole section.

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S. Baring-Gould, A Book of Folk-Lore, p. 153.

On a certain feast-day in Great Britain, when the congregation camepouring out of church, they saw to their surprise an anchor let downfrom above the clouds, attached to a rope. The anchor caught in atombstone; and though those above shook the cable repeatedly, theycould not disengage it. Then the people heard voices above the cloudsdiscussing apparently the propriety of sending someone down torelease the flukes of the anchor, and shortly after they saw a sailorswarming down the cable.

Before he could release the anchor he was laid hold of; he gaspedand collapsed, as though drowning in the heavy air about the earth.After waiting about an hour, those in the aerial vessel cut the rope, andit fell down. The anchor was hammered out into the hinges and strapsof the church door, where, according to Gervase (of Tilbury) they wereto be seen in his day. Unfortunately, he does not tell us the name of theplace where they are to be seen.

Note: This strange early space-men story from Gervase of Tilbury [Floruit 1211]shows some glimmering of scientific knowledge about the relative density ofthe air near the earth. It is one of those strange, unmotivated and thereforerather convincing tales that are scattered through the early chronicles. Anexample is the story of Nicholas Pipe, the sea-man (B, V).


Choice Notes from “Notes and Queries” p. 52.

At Axholme, alias Haxey, in ye Isle, one Mr Edward Vicars (curate to MrWm Dalby, vicar), together with one Robert Hallywell a taylor, intend-ing on St Mark’s Even at night to watch in ye church porch to seewho should die in ye year following (to this purpose using divers

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ceremonies), they addressing themselves to the business, Vicars (beingthen in his chamber) wished Hallywell to be going before and hewould presently follow him. Vicars fell asleep, and Hallywell (attendinghis coming in ye church porch), forthwith sees certain shapes present-ing themselves to his view, resemblances (as he thought) of divers ofhis neighbours, who he did nominate; and all of them dyed the yearefollowing; and Vicars himself (being asleep) his phantome was seen ofhim also, and dyed with ye rest.

This sight made Hallywell so agast that he looks like a ghoast eversince. The lord Sheffield (hearing this relation) sent for Hallywell toreceive account of it. The fellow fearing my Lord would cause him towatch the church porch againe he hid himself in the Carrs till he wasalmost starved. The number of those that died (whose phantomesHallywell saw) was as I take it about fower score.

Thos. Cod, Rector Ecclie. de Laceby.Bottesford Moors. Edward Peaco*ck, IV, p. 470.Note: See “St Mark’s Vigil”, “Midsummer Eve”.


Augustus Hare, In My Solitary Life, p. 59.

. . . “I have got a story quite on my mind, and I must really tell it toyou.” And he said that when he got to Lymington, he found LordWarwick1 ill in bed, and he [Lord Warwick] said, “I am so glad to seeyou, for I want to tell you such an odd thing that has happened to me.Last night I was in bed, and the room was quite dark (this old-fashioned room of the inn at Lymington which you now see). Sud-denly at the foot of the bed there appeared a great light, and in themidst of the light the figure of Death just as it is seen in the Dance ofDeath and other old pictures—a ghastly skeleton with a scythe and adart; and Death balanced the dart, and it flew past me, just above my

1 George Guy Greville, 4th Earl of Warwick.

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shoulder, close to my head, and it seemed to go into the wall; and thenthe light went out and the figure vanished.

“I was as wide awake then as I am now, for I pinched myself hard tosee, and I lay awake for a long time, but at last I fell asleep. When myservant came to call me in the morning, he had a very scared expres-sion of face, and he said, ‘A dreadful thing has happened in the night,and the whole household of the inn is in the greatest confusion andgrief, for the landlady’s daughter, who slept in the next room, and thehead of whose bed is against the wall against which your head nowrests, has been found dead in her bed’.”

Told by Lady Waterford, who heard it from her cousin Charles, 3rd Earl ofSomers, who is the narrator.


Augustus Hare, In My Solitary Life, p. 263.

A few years ago there was a lady living in Ireland—a Mrs Butler—clever, handsome, popular, prosperous, and perfectly happy. Onemorning she said to her husband, and to anyone who was stayingthere, “Last night I had the most wonderful night. I seemed to bespending hours in the most delightful place, in the most enchantinghouse I ever saw—not large, you know, but just the sort of house onemight live in oneself, and oh! so perfectly, so deliciously comfortable.Then there was the loveliest conservatory, and the garden was soenchanting! I wonder if anything half so perfect can really exist.”

And the next morning she said, “Well, I have been to my houseagain. I must have been there for hours. I sat in the library; I walked onthe terrace; I examined all the bedrooms; and it is simply the mostperfect house in the world.” So it grew to be quite a joke in the family.People would ask Mrs Butler in the beginning if she had been to herhouse in the night, and often she had, and always with more intenseenjoyment. She would say, “I count the hours till bedtime, that I mayget back to my house!” Then gradually the current of outside life

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flowed in, and gave a turn to their thoughts; the house ceased to betalked about.

Two years ago the Butlers grew weary of their life in Ireland. Thedistrict was wild and disturbed. The people were insolent and ungrate-ful. At last they said, “We are well off. We have no children. There’s noreason why we should put up with this, and we’ll go and livealtogether in England.” So they came to London, and sent for all thehouse agents’ lists of places within forty miles of London, and manywere the places they went to see. At last they heard of a house inHampshire. They went to it by rail, and drove from the station. As theycame to the lodge, Mrs Butler said, “Do you know, this is the lodge ofmy house.” They drove down an avenue—“But this is my house!” shesaid.

When the housekeeper came, she said, “You will think it very odd,but do you mind my showing you the house? That passage leads to thelibrary, and through that there is a conservatory, and then through awindow you enter the drawing-room,” etc., and it was all so. At last, inan upstairs passage, they came upon a baize door. Mrs Butler, for thefirst time, looked puzzled. “But that door is not in my house,” she said.“I don’t understand about your house, ma’am,” said the housekeeper,“but that door has only been there six weeks.”

Well, the house was for sale, and the price asked was very small, andthey decided at once to buy it. But when it was bought and paid for, theprice had been so extraordinarily small, that they could not help amisgiving that there must be something wrong with the place. So theywent to the agent of the people who had sold it, and said, “Well, nowthe purchase is made, and the deeds are signed, will you mind telling uswhy the price asked was so small?”

The agent had started violently when they came in, but recoveredhimself. Then he said to Mrs Butler, “Yes; it is quite true, the matter isquite settled, so there can be no harm in telling you now. The fact isthat the house has had a great reputation for being haunted, but you,madam, need be under no apprehensions, for you are yourself theghost!” On the nights when Mrs Butler had dreamt she was the ghost,she—her “astral body”—had been seen there.

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Norton Collection, , p. .

I remember some forty years ago, hearing a servant from Lincolnshirerelate a story of two travellers who laid down by the roadside to rest,and one fell asleep. The other seeing a bee settle on a neighbouringwall, and go into a little hole, put the end of his staff in the hole, and soimprisoned the bee.

Wishing to pursue his journey, he endeavoured to awaken his com-panion, but was unable to do so, till, resuming his stick, the bee flewout to the sleeping man, and went into his ear. His companion thenawoke him, remarking how soundly he had been sleeping, and askedwhat he had been dreaming of.

“Oh,” said he, “I dreamed that you shut me up in a dark cave, and Icould not awake till you let me out.” The person who told me thisstory firmly believed that the man’s soul was in the bee.

Choice Notes from “Notes and Queries”, p. 269. From F.S., , p. 206.


Hugh Miller, Scenes and Legends of the North of Scotland, pp. 70–1.

There are a few other traditions of this northern part of the country—some of them so greatly dilapidated by the waste of years, that theyexist as mere fragments—which bear the palpable impress of a paganor semipagan origin. . . .

A lady dressed in green, and bearing a goblin child in her arms . . .used to wander in the night-time from cottage to cottage, when all theinhabitants were asleep. She would raise the latch, it is said, take up herplace by the fire, fan the embers into a flame, and then wash her childin the blood of the youngest inmate of the cottage, who would be

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found dead the next morning. There was another wandering greenlady, her contemporary, of exquisite beauty and a majestic carriage,who was regarded as the genius of the smallpox, and who, whenthe disease was to terminate fatally, would be seen in the grey of themorning, or as the evening was passing into the night, sitting by thebedside of her victim. I have heard wild stories, too, of an unearthly,squalid-looking thing, somewhat in the form of a woman, that used toenter farmhouses during the day, when all the inmates, except perhapsa solitary female, were engaged in the fields. More than a century ago, itis said to have entered, in the time of harvest, the house of a farmer ofNavity, who had lost nearly all his cattle by disease a few weeks before.The farmer’s wife, the only inmate at the time, was engaged at thefireside in cooking for the reapers; the goblin squatted itself beside her,and shivering, as if with cold, raised its dingy, dirty-looking vestmentsover its knees. “Why, ye nasty thing,” said the woman, “hae ye killed a’our cattle?” “An’ why,” inquired the goblin, “did the gudeman, whenhe last roosed them, forget to gie them his blessing?”

Fragmentary Legends of North Cromarty.


Norton Collection, , p. 21.


One evening, between the years 1790 and 1800, a traveller dressed inwoman’s clothing arrived at the Old Spital Inn, the place where themail coach changed horses in High Spital, on Bowes Moor. The travellerbegged to stay all night, but had to go away so early in the morning,that if a mouthful of food were set ready for breakfast, there was noneed the family should be disturbed by her departure. The people ofthe house, however, arranged that a servant-maid should sit up till thestranger was out of the premises, and then went to bed themselves.

The girl lay down for a nap on the long settle by the fire, but before

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she shut her eyes, she took a good look at the traveller, who was sittingon the opposite side of the hearth, and espied a pair of men’s trouserspeeping out from under the gown. All inclination for sleep was nowgone; however, with great self-command, she feigned it, closed hereyes, and even began to snore.

On this, the traveller got up, pulled out of his pocket a dead man’shand, fitted a candle to it, lighted the candle, and passed hand andcandle several times before the servant-girl’s face, saying as he did so,“Let those who are asleep be asleep, and let those who are awake beawake.” This done, he placed the light on the table, opened the outerdoor, went down two or three steps which led from the house to theroad, and began to whistle for his companions.

The girl (who had hitherto had presence of mind to remain perfectlyquiet) now jumped up, rushed behind the ruffian, and pushed himdown the steps. Then she shut the door, locked it, and ran upstairs totry to wake the family, but without success; calling, shouting, andshaking were alike in vain. The poor girl was in despair, for she heardthe traveller and his comrades outside the house. So she ran down andseized a bowl of blue [i.e. skimmed milk] and threw it over the handand candle; after which she went upstairs again, and awoke the sleeperswithout any difficulty. The landlord’s son went to the window, andasked the men outside what they wanted. They answered that if thedead man’s hand were but given to them, they would go away quietly,and do no harm to anyone.

This he refused, and fired among them, and the shot must have takeneffect, for in the morning stains of blood were traced to a considerabledistance.

Henderson, Folk-Lore of the Northern Counties, pp. 241–2 (1879), 1st edn pp. 202–8.Spring, 1861. Told by Bella Parkin, an old woman who was the daughter of theservant-maid. Stainmore, Westmorland.


Ibid. p. 242, The Baring-Gould Version.

Two magicians having come to lodge in a public-house with a view to

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robbing it, asked permission to pass the night by the fire, and obtainedit. When the house was quiet, the servant-girl, suspecting mischief,crept downstairs and looked through the keyhole. She saw the menopen a sack, and take out a dry, withered hand. They anointed thefingers with some unguent, and lighted them.

Each finger flamed, but the thumb they could not light; that wasbecause one of the household was not asleep. The girl hastened to hermaster, but found it impossible to arouse him. She tried every othersleeper, but could not break the charmed sleep. At last, stealing downinto the kitchen, while the thieves were busy over her master’s strong-box, she secured the hand, blew out the flames, and at once the wholehousehold was aroused.

Delrio. See also Thorpe’s Mythology, , p. 274.


Norton Collection, , p. 22.

One dark night, after the house had been closed, there came a tap at thedoor of a lone inn, in the midst of a barren moor. The door wasopened, and there stood without, shivering and shaking, a poor beggar,his rags soaked with rain, and his hands white with cold. He askedpiteously for a lodging, and it was cheerfully granted him; thoughthere was not a spare bed in the house, he could lie along on the matbefore the kitchen-fire, and welcome.

All in the house went to bed except the cook, who from her kitchencould see into the large room through a small pane of glass let into thedoor. When everyone save the beggar was out of the room, sheobserved the man draw himself up from the floor, seat himself at thetable, extract a brown withered human hand from his pocket, and set itupright in the candle-stick. He then anointed the fingers, and applyinga match to them, they began to flame. Filled with horror, the cookrushed up the back-stairs, and endeavoured to arouse her master andthe men of the house; but all in vain—they slept a charmed sleep;and finding all her efforts ineffectual, she hastened downstairs again.Looking again through the small window, she observed the fingers of

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the hand flaming, but the thumb gave no light—this was because oneof the inmates of the house was not asleep.

The beggar began collecting all the valuables of the house into alarge sack, and, having taken all that was worth taking in the largeroom, he entered another. The moment he was gone, the cook rushedin, and seizing the candle, attempted to extinguish the flames. She blewthem all in vain; she poured some drops from a beer jug over them,and that made the flames burn the brighter; she cast some water uponthem, but still without putting out the light; as a last resource, shecaught up a jug of milk, and dashing it over the four lambent flames,they were extinguished immediately.

Uttering a loud cry, she rushed to the door of the apartment thebeggar had entered, and locked it. The whole house was aroused, andthe thief secured and hung.

Baring-Gould, Henderson. Yorkshire.Note: Milk has a magic quality against enchantments. In “Tamlane” Burd Janetquenched the burning brand into which Tamlane had been transformed in abucket of milk.

Aubrey has also a story of the Hand of Glory.


E. M. Leather, Folk-Lore of Herefordshire, p. 168.

Years ago, on the Black Mountain above Longton, there lived a hiredshepherd, who managed a little farm for his master. There were oneither side of this farm two brothers, farming for their father. I canremember in my time there was terrible jealousy and animositybetween the shepherds on the mountain, where the sheep all runtogether. I could always tell my sheep; if I whistled, they would allcome running to me every one, while the strangers took no notice. Agood shepherd knows his sheep, and they know him.

Well, it was worse nor ever for this man, because the brothers weretogether and they hated him. He stuck to his master, and they to their

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father. At last one day they got him alone on the mountain, and caughthim, and said they would murder him. They told him there was no oneabout, and it would never be known. “If you kill me,” he said, “thevery crows will cry out and speak it.”

Yet they murdered and buried him. The body was found after sometime, but there was no evidence to show who the murderers were.Well, not long after that, the crows took to come wheeling round theheads of those two brothers, “crawk, crawk, crawk”, there they were,all day long—when they were together, when they were apart. At lastthey could scarcely bear it, and one said to the other, “Brother, do youremember when we killed the poor shepherd on the mountain topthere, he said the very crows would cry out against us.” These wordswere overheard by a man in the next field, and the matter was lookedinto, so that in the end the brothers were both hanged for murder.

From W. Perry of Walbersham, a native of Langton, aged 80. 1903.


Wilkie, Bygone Fife, p. 325.

Some years ago, when many of the roads in the east of Fife were stillused but by few, a visitor to the district chanced to ride from the southcoast to St Andrews by that across the uplands. He had heard of DuninoChurch, and knew something of its associations. He therefore resolvedto make a detour to visit it. A somewhat rough track leads down to abridge across the Pitmilly Burn, not yet united to her sister streams.Thence there diverges a broad and well-made path, cut in the hillside,and climbing among the trees to the kirk and the manse. Leaving thisfor the moment he continued on the level track round the flank of thehill, and saw before him on the farther side of the stream a picturesquehamlet. Some of the cottages were thatched, some tiled; but all werecovered with roses and creepers. In front a strip of garden, stretching tothe burn, was trimly kept, and full of old-world flowers; behind, it tookon more the nature of a kail-yard. At the east end, on slightly higher

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ground, a smithy closed the prospect, save for the trees that shut out thefarther windings of the Den.

No sound broke the stillness of the summer noon but the flow of theburn. At one or two of the doors there stood an old man in knee-breeches and broad bonnet, or a woman in a white mutch and a stuff

gown, while in the entrance to the forge the smith leant motionless onhis hammer. . . .

Peace brooded like a benediction over the hollow. Half in a dream,he turned and climbed to the church, nor, as time pressed when he hadseen it, did he return that way.

No sense of the abnormal had occurred to the intruder. Heencountered no living thing till he had passed back to the high road.All was solitude.

A year or little more elapsed ere the wanderer came thither again. Itwas autumn, and tints of russet and gold were stealing into the colourof the woodlands. This time he was accompanied by a companion towhom he had told the story of his glimpse of “the most old-worldhamlet in Fife”. Where he had left the highway they diverged from itand, crossing the bridge, prepared to sketch the Arcady to be revealed.

The cottages were gone.The burn flowed through the Den as when last he saw it, but its

farther bank was bare. The smithy, like the cottages and those whosesimple lives were passed in them, had returned to the world of dreams,and where it had stood appeared a croft, the house on which itselfseemed old. The wanderer could but assure his questioning com-panion of the truth of his vision, and leave the riddle to be solved byother minds than his.

Both the Statistical Accounts state that there has been no village in theparish “within living memory”; but the population in Sir John Sin-clair’s day was only one-half of what it had been, and there were thenthirty-one fewer inhabited houses than at an earlier date.

The author is informed on excellent authority that there were atone time at least three or four cottages and a blacksmith’s shop at theplace described. It is said these were taken down “some time lastcentury”.

Note: Glimpses into the past are not unheard of, though not common. The

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best-known example is described in An Adventure, by Miss Moberly and MissJourdain, a book which has aroused a good deal of controversy.

See The Lord Protector.


Gutch, County Folk-Lore, , North Riding of Yorkshire, p. 83.

Not very many years have gone by since a man of Guisborough enter-ing a shop in this old fishy town [Whitby] saw his own wraith standingthere unoccupied. He called it a “waff”. Now it is unlucky in thehighest degree to meet one’s own double; in fact, it is commonlyregarded as a sign of early death. There is but one path of safety; youmust address it boldly.

The Guisborough man was well aware of this and went up withouthesitation to the waff. “What’s thou doing here?” he said roughly.“What’s thou doing here? Thou’s after no good, I’ll go to bail. Get thyways yom, wi’ thee, get thy ways yom.” Whereupon the waff slunk off

abashed and the evil design with which it came there was broughthappily to nought.

Norway, Highways and Byways in Yorkshire, p. 139.Note: Scolding is often an effective way of dealing with the Devil and ghosts.


Aubrey, Miscellanies, p. 83.

Anno 165. At —— in the Moorlands in Staffordshire, lived a poor oldman, who had been a long time lame. One Sunday, in the afternoon, hebeing alone, one knocked at his door: he bade him open it, and comein. The Stranger desired a cup of beer; the lame man desired him totake a dish and draw some, for he was not able to do it himself. The

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Stranger asked the poor man how long he had been ill? The poor mantold him. Said the Stranger, “I can cure you. Take two or three balmleaves steeped in your beer for a fortnight or three weeks, and you willbe restored to your health; but constantly and zealously serve God.”The poor man did so, and became perfectly well. This Stranger was in apurple-shag gown, such as was not seen or known in those parts. Andno body in the street after evensong did see anyone in such a colouredhabit. Dr Gilbert Sheldon, since Archbishop of Canterbury, was then inthe Moorlands, and justified the truth of this to Elias Ashmole, Esq.,from whom I had this account, and he hath inserted it in some of hismemoirs, which are in the Museum at Oxford.

Note: Aubrey’s version is appended to Sternberg’s notes for the sake of hispleasant narrative style, though it is summarized by Sternberg.

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Part 17Witches

The witchcraft beliefs are those which are most present to modernconsciousness as a proper subject for folk-lore research. The automaticresponse of a person uninstructed in folk-studies on hearing thatsomeone is a folklorist is to ask about witches. There is an almostmorbid interest in the subject, which was illustrated by the crowdedaudience, many of them self-declared witches, which attended a lec-ture given to the Folk-Lore Society by a leading American authority onwitchcraft. That the lecturer was entirely and avowedly sceptical madeno difference to the fervour of his audience.

There is no doubt that witchcraft beliefs are still alive in this country,though a great deal of the interest taken in witchcraft depends uponscepticism; it is the pleasure taken in quaint, obsolete, horrific storieswhich would be no pleasure at all if they were believed in. Hallowe’enparties, children’s games about witches, witch fairy stories would haveno pleasure about them if the actual witch beliefs and witch persecu-tions were really present to the imagination. The humour of the

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witch’s curse in Ruddigore depends on the complete scepticism of sophis-ticated people at the end of the last century, just as Ruthless Rhymes forHeartless Homes were born in the peaceful days before the First WorldWar. That complacency is not possible to us now; our horror comicsare more ruthless and brutal, and something more sinister has creptinto the new fashion for witchcraft.

There are two strands in modern witch beliefs, deriving from twovery different strains. The first and most widely publicized is the mod-ern cult of self-styled witches, who claim that they are reviving, or evencarrying on, a Bronze-Age fertility religion. As far as one can see—though the evasiveness of the propagandists makes it difficult to becertain—the inspiration of this is almost wholly literary and is foundedon the writings of Dr Margaret Murray, herself a complete sceptic. It isan ironic thing that Reginald Scot’s Discoverie of Witchcraft, written at theend of the sixteenth century to expose the groundlessness of the witch-craft persecutions, became a kind of textbook on witchcraft, and dis-seminated the beliefs it was meant to disprove. In the same way, DrMargaret Murray’s writings have provided a base and groundwork forthe modern literary cult of witchcraft. Little of this will be found in thefollowing witch legends, though there are a few lingering traditions ofthe Rosicrucians, a learned, mystical society of dabblers in theurgicmagic, who were popularly credited with all kinds of witchcraftpractices.

The real country belief in witchcraft, with its ill-will, forespellingand sympathetic magic, has left plenty of traces all over the country,and the actual belief itself is still lurking among the unsophisticatedpeople, though no longer so explicit as it once was. This is the soil outof which the theological, intellectualized beliefs arose, which nour-ished them and made the witch persecutions possible. The more comp-licated and thoughtful features of the belief have faded in England andleft only the basic assumptions on which they were founded. In Scot-land, where the beliefs were more theological and nearer to those heldon the Continent, and where the persecutions were more cruel, we findtales of the witches’ Sabbat and more instances than in England of thediabolic compact. Tales of imps, familiars and shape-shifting are to befound everywhere. Everywhere dairy produce is tampered with,livestock are injured and human beings bewitched and visited with


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sickness or death. Everywhere witches are nasty people to annoy, andthey are often retaliated on with unnecessary brutality. Barrett’s mem-orat, “Witches at Hallowe’en” gives a very vivid and suggestive pictureof the countryman’s attitude to witchcraft in the stark surroundings ofthe Fen Country.

The country consciences were not over-sensitive about magical prac-tices. Some people were content to use prayers, good thoughts, theBible or the sign of the Cross as their defence; others resorted to magicas black as any the witches used, torturing and burning live animalswith the intention of thus destroying the witches in slow fires ormaking them unable to urinate. Some pride and pleasure was certainlytaken in the exploits of white witches and wise women, and a few ofthe tales about them are entertaining enough, but on the whole thesestories make us realize the pressures of close proximity, when neigh-bours have no power to separate, however antipathetic they may be,and show us how easy it would be for ill-will to acquire supernaturalpowers in the minds of those who were exposed to it.

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THE BLACK HEN [slightly shortened]

J. R. W. Coxhead, The Devil in Devon, pp. 39–40.

A great many years ago, there was a large fairy ring of particularly lushgreen grass in one of the meadows of a certain remote parish on thewestern fringe of Dartmoor, and within this magic circle a jet-blackhen and chickens were occasionally to be seen at nightfall.

The vicar of the parish was an extremely keen student of sorcery,and possessed a large collection of books and manuscripts dealing withthe perilous subject of black magic.

One day, while the parson was conducting a service in the villagechurch, one of his servants happened to visit his study and, finding alarge volume lying open on the table, began to read it aloud. He hadread no more than half a page when the sky became dark, and thehouse was shaken violently by a great wind. The servant, deeplyabsorbed in the book, read on; and as the storm increased in fury, thedoor flew open, and a black hen and chicken entered the room.

The creatures were of normal size when they first appeared, but theygradually grew larger and larger, until the hen became as big as a prizebullock. At this point the vicar, who was in the midst of his sermon inthe pulpit of the church, suddenly closed his discourse, and abruptlydismissed the astonished congregation, saying that he was needed athome urgently, and hoped he would arrive there in time.

When he entered his study the hen had grown so large that it wasalready touching the ceiling. He quickly threw down a bag of ricewhich stood ready in a corner of the room, and while the hen andchickens were busily engaged in picking up the grains, he had time toreverse the spell.

From Notes and Queries, 1st series, , 1850, p. 512.


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Douglas, Scottish Fairy and Folk-Tales, pp. 177–9.

Some years back, the blacksmith of Yarrowfoot had for apprentices twobrothers, both steady lads, and, when bound to him, fine healthy fel-lows. After a few months, however, the younger of the two began togrow pale and lean, lose his appetite, and show other marks of declin-ing health. His brother, much concerned, often questioned him as towhat ailed him, but to no purpose. At last, however, the poor lad burstinto an agony of tears, and confessed that he was quite worn-out, andshould soon be brought to the grave through the usage of his mistress,who was in truth a witch, though none suspected it. “Every night,” hesobbed out, “she comes to my bedside, puts a magic bridle on me, andchanges me into a horse. Then, seated on my back, she urges me on formany a mile to the wild moors, where she and I know not what othervile creatures hold their hideous feasts. There she keeps me all night,and at early morning I carry her home. She takes off my bridle, andthere I am, but so weary I can ill stand. And thus I pass my nights whileyou are soundly sleeping.”

The elder brother at once declared he would take his chance of anight among the witches, so he put the younger one in his own placenext the wall, and lay awake himself till the usual time of the witch-woman’s arrival. She came, bridle in hand, and flinging it over theelder brother’s head, up sprang a fine hunting horse. The lady leapedon his back, and started for the trysting-place, which on this occasion,as it chances, was the cellar of a neighbouring laird.

While she and the rest of the vile crew were regaling themselveswith claret and sack, the hunter, who was left in a spare stall of thestable, rubbed and rubbed his head against the wall till he loosened thebridle, and finally got it off, on which he recovered his human form.Holding the bridle firmly in his hand, he concealed himself at the backof the stall till his mistress came within reach, when in an instant heflung the magic bridle over her head, and behold, a fine grey mare! Hemounted her and dashed off, riding through hedge and ditch, till,

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looking down, he perceived she had lost a shoe from one of herforefeet. He took her to the first smithy that was open, had the sho*replaced, and a new one put on the other forefoot, and then rode herup and down a ploughed field till he was nearly worn out. At last hetook her home, and pulled the bridle off just in time for her to creepinto bed before her husband awoke, and got up for his day’s work.

The honest blacksmith arose, little thinking what had been going onall night; but his wife complained of being very ill, almost dying, andbegged him to send for a doctor. He accordingly aroused his appren-tices; the elder one went out, and soon returned with one whom he hadchanced to meet already abroad. The doctor wished to feel his patient’spulse, but she resolutely hid her hands, and refused to show them. Thevillage Esculapius was perplexed; but the husband, impatient at herobstinacy, pulled off the bedclothes, and found, to his horror, thathorseshoes were tightly nailed to both her hands! On further examin-ation, her sides appeared galled with kicks, the same that the apprenticehad given her during his ride up and down the ploughed field.

The brothers now came forward, and related all that had passed. Onthe following day the witch was tried by the magistrates of Selkirk, andcondemned to be burned to death on a stone at the Bullsheugh, asentence which was promptly carried into effect. It is added that theyounger apprentice was at last restored to health by eating butter madefrom the milk of cows fed in kirkyards, a sovereign remedy forconsumption brought on through being witch-ridden.

Note: See “The Two Fellows”.


R. Blakeborough, Wit, Character, Folk-Lore and Customs of the North Riding of Yorkshire,p. 191.

A man living at Broughton had a spell cast on him, and went to consulta wise man, who first wished to know whom he suspected of havingworked the spell. There were two possibilities: the witch Nancy


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Newgill and a man known to have the evil eye. If a counter-charm wereworked upon the innocent suspect, it would recoil against the victim ofthe spell, thus adding to his sufferings; so the wise man advised him togo to both of them and accuse them openly. This he did, and wasconvinced that, for once, Nancy was innocent, for she looked himstraight in the face, and swore a fearful oath, while the man’s behaviourwas so shifty that he felt safe in telling the wise man to act against him.

Just before midnight they lighted a fire of wicken wood, and while itwas burning up they took a ball of clay, beat it flat with the back of anold Bible, and scooped out of it a rough figure in the shape of a man.

Into this rough mould was poured a mixture of pitch, beeswax,hog’s lard, bullock’s blood, and a little fat from a bullock’s heart. Thiswas melted and stirred over the wicken-wood fire, and what remainedafter filling the clay mould was divided into two parts. One part wasthrown into water, then worked into a ball, and thrown away; the otherwas poured on to the fire. It flared up into a tremendous blaze, andwhen this had died down, the ashes were buried in the churchyard.The figure was then taken out of the mould and two small holes madein it for eyes. Into one of these eyes a pin was driven, a charm waspronounced, and the spell was complete.

As the man was returning home to Broughton, the pain suddenlyleft him; and in the same night the evil-eyed man of Nunthorpe wasseized with a fearful pain in the eye, and by morning that eye wasblind. This story was told by one who knew all three men personally.

Note: See “The Pig and the Butcher”.


Ruth L. Tongue, Forgotten Folk Tales.

There were a farm not far from Knighton, and ’tis an unket bit of landround there, but farmer took it and he did well. His few cows give thebest milk round-abouts. There wadn’t any big trees to the farm, butgood hedges down to the shores—and no elder bushes.

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No one like elder thereabouts.There was a tale my own great-granddad used to tell and he’s aheard

’en vrom his own girt-grand-dad about a veller as went to chop downan elder tree and it bled and chased ’en—he might h’taken thought,witches can turn into elders if they wish, but he didn’t and he got aterrible chasing till he crossed running water.

Well, whether farmer believed the tale or no, there came a timewhen his cows was being milked unbeknown to him.

He wadn’t a rich man, and he couldn’t afford the loss, so he gets upby starlight and goes out to make sure his cows was in safe grazing andthere was the shadow of a tree up by the hedge.

So all in a cold sweat, he drove cows to the little home pasture, butthe chain was gone off the gate, and he couldn’t fasten it with iron, sohe put a girt stone agin it.

Come morning he tells his women-folk what had been seen and hiswife she say, “Thee girt fool, did’n ’ee draw a criss-cross in the muddroo the gate?”

No, he hadn’n.And his daughter she up and peep out the window, then she turn so

pale as curd cheese, and run around cottering the inside shutters safelycrying, “ ’Tis out in the pasture now, right among the cows.”

“Oh Lord, save us!” say the wife. “What tree be it?”“A elder!” says the girl, shivering and shaking, and the old Granny

she lays the big iron shovel among the red-hot embers, and raked in afa*ggot of ash to make a blaze.

“Elder!” say the farmer, and he were all a-shiver too, but he were acourageous man and his cows was dear to him. “Wife, go fetch thissilver button as come off my Zunday coat.”

Well, she’d a-sewed’en on again but she took and snipped ’en off

and brought ’en to ’en, and by time he’d a-load his gun with it thedaughter she’d a-swung the cross bar down across back door and thegranny she’d got the iron shovel nice and hot.

Then the wife opened vront-door a crack and he took a look. Thisthere tree were right in among his cows now so he couldn’t take a longshot.

“I’ll have to get upsides with ’en,” he says. “Hold the door open andlet I out and in again if I has to run for it.”


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And his wife she done it and out he went trembling all over. But hewas bound to save his cows.

Well, the elder tree were right in among they, and he had to get tooclose for comfort to take aim, and for the life of him he couldn’t holdthe gun steady and the silver button missed her.

Well she let out a yell, and so did he, and she leapt arter ’en like astag, and he leapt too, and she come rushing arter him and wentrushing vor thic open door. He were a fat old fellow, but he made thepace, and his wife she slammed door so quick she caught his coat-tailsin it, but for all that she drop the iron bar safe into its socket. And therethey were all safe inside.

They could hear her branches a-scrattling and a-rattling outside andher a-skreeking like a high wind. Wife and daughter they skreeked too,and farmer he bellered like a bull-calf trying to get his coat-tails freeand be out to his cows again.

He had the courage, see, but not the right knowledge, or not enoughof it. Then they heard her rushing round the house and rap-tapping atthe shutters, but she couldn’ get in, no more than they could get out—and what was to happen to the pig and the pony?

Then the old Granny she get up vrom hearth-place with a girt shovelof burning coals and she say to the girl, “Open the back door nowwide,” and she did, and ran back to her mother, but the old Granny shejust stood there, and when the elder tree come straight at her a-leapingand a-skreeking, she just up and throw all they red hot coals at her andcome in and shut the back door, then they all see blue flames flickerand hear tree crackling into cinders.

After a bit Granny she take the ashen cattle-gad and go out and therewas a girt heap of ashes cold already and they women all made a criss-cross on the ashes with the ashen gad, then they ran and openedshutters and vront door again, and varmer were able to free hiscoat-tails and go out to his cows.

Then the neighbours all come, and they all rejoiced, for they saidthat were the end of Madam Widecombe and her coach and the goldpig who pulled it, but ’twasn’t to be—she were still around, theCombwich man said, nor it wadn’t the old black witch over to Steart,and then someone up and told ’em Raggy Lyddy over to Doddingtonhad valled in her vire, and was burnded dead—so that were who ’twas.

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From Mr Burton, Stolford. Somerset.Note: In some parts of the country elders are thought to give protection againstwitches and fairies, and it is often said that flies will not trouble one underelders. It used to be quite widely thought, however, that if elders are cut theywill bleed.

See “The One with the White Hand” (B, XII).

THE FERRYMAN [summary]

The School of Scottish Studies, Maurice Fleming from Mrs Reid.

There was a ferry, and at one time it was not safe for anyone to cross itbut the ferryman himself. Everyone else was drowned. One day a shep-herd came who wanted to cross to the other side to see his mother andhis two sisters. The ferryman told him it was not safe, but the shepherdbegged him to take him, and at last the ferryman gave him a sword, andtold him to sit in the prow, and cut the waves as they came at the boat.“For three great waves will come against us,” he said, “and unless youcut them they will drown the boat.” So the shepherd sat in the prow,and when they were halfway across, a great wave came up, and he leantout and cut it, and it died back into the water, and let the boat pass.Then a second wave came up, and the shepherd cut that, and they gotsafely through. Then a third wave came up against them, far greaterthan either of the others, and the shepherd leaned far out, and cut intothe wave, and it died back into the water, and the boat got safe to land.Then the shepherd paid the ferryman, and went up to his mother’scottage. But when he went in he found his mother and his two sisterslying on the floor, cut in two. They were the witches who had troubledthe ferry.

Note: This story is usually told in Gaelic, but has been transmitted to English-speaking tinkers.

See “The Aith Man and the Finn”.


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W. Carew Hazlitt, National Tales and Legends, p. 77–96.

I (A)

There once lived in the West Country a rich farmer, who had an onlyson. The farmer’s name was Bacon, and his son was called Roger, and,not because his father looked to make him a holy clerk, but for that heshould get learning enough to enable him to use his wealth wisely, thisRoger was put with the parson of the town where he was born, to learnhis letters and to become a scholar.

But the boy discovered so rare an aptitude and so quick a wit, that hismaster could, after a short time, teach him no more; and as he judged itto be pity that young Bacon should lose what he had gained, he went tothe farmer, and exhorted him to suffer Roger to go to Oxford, that hemight shew, by taking upon him that charge, his thankfulness to God inhaving sent him such a son.

The father said little; but as soon as Roger came home, he asked forhis books, and taking them and locking them up, gave him a cart-whipin place thereof, saying to him so: “Boy, I will have you no priest; youshall be no better learned than I; you can tell, as it is, by the almanac,when it is best to sow wheat, when barley, peas, and beans, and whenthe gelding season comes; and how to buy and sell I shall instruct theeanon, for fairs and markets are to me what his Mass and Ave Maria are toSir John. Take this whip; it will prove more useful to you than crabbedLatin. Now do as I bid, or, by the Mass, you will rue it.”

The young fellow thought this hard measure; but he made no reply,and within a short space he gave his father the slip, and entered himselfin a cloister some twenty miles off, where he was heartily entertained,and continued his studies.

And, ere many years had passed he made such progress in all kindsof learning that he grew famous, and was invited to go to the Uni-versity of Oxford, where he perfected himself in all the sciences, andwas known for a master of the secrets of art and Nature throughoutChristendom.

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Now the king of England, hearing of this learned friar, and of thewonderful things which he was able to perform and to answer, sent forhim at such time as he and the queen were sojourning in Oxfordshire,and he said to the king’s messenger: “I pray you, thank his grace fromme, and say that I am at his grace’s service; but take heed lest I be at thecourt two hours before thee.”

“Scholars, old men and travellers,” answered the messenger, “maylie with authority. Scarce can I credit such a thing.”

“To convince you, I could tell you the name of the wench you lastlay with; but I will do both within four hours.”

The gentleman departed in haste; but whether he took the wrongroad or not, the friar was there before him.

The king warmly welcomed him, and told him, from what greatmarvels he had heard of him, that he had long desired to see him. Thefriar declared that report had been too flattering, and that among thesons of learning there were many worthier than himself. The kingprayed him not to be too modest, and to afford him some taste of hisskill; and he said that he should be unworthy of possessing either art orknowledge, did he grudge to make his grace and the queen witnessesof his ability. So he begged them to seat themselves.

Friar Bacon then waved his wand, and forthwith there arose suchravishing music that all were amazed.

“This is to please,” quoth he, “the Sense of Hearing. All the othersenses shall be gratified, ere I have done.”

He waved his wand again, and the music waxed louder; and lo! fivedancers entered, the first like a court-laundress, the second like a foot-man, the third like a usurer, the fourth like a prodigal, the fifth like afool. And when they had given great content by their antics and posi-tions, they vanished in the order in which they came. This was theindulgence of the second Sense, the Sense of Sight.

He waved his wand the third time, and the music was changed, andbefore them appeared a table covered with all manner of deliciousfruits, many not to that season belonging, and when they had partakenfully thereof, they were suddenly removed from view. And this was theSense of Taste.

Then the wand once more moved, and the most fragrant perfumesfilled the air. And this was the Sense of Smell. And presently for the fifth


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and last time Friar Bacon exercised his mastery, and men of diversnations, as Russians, Polanders, Indians, Armenians, were seen bearingthe richest furs, which they offered to the king and queen to handle,and for softness they surpassed all that had ever been seen of thatnature. And this was the Sense of Touch.

When it happened that these wonders were at an end, Friar Bacondemanded of his majesty if there was any other thing in which hemight do him service; and the king thanked him, and said no, not forthat time, and he took a costly jewel from his neck, and gave it to thefriar of his royal bounty. And when the friar was about to take his leaveof the court, he cast his eyes round, and espied the messenger hurryingin with all speed, covered with mud, for he had ridden throughquagmires and ditches, through mistaking his way.

“Be not wrath,” said the friar to him. “I shall now fulfil my wordthat I pledged to thee.” And he lifted the hangings, and there stood akitchen-maid, with her basting-ladle in her hand.

“I trow,” quoth the friar, “you have no great store of money in yourpurse, and I will bear the charges of your wench’s journey home.” Andat his bidding she disappeared, and all laughed at the gentleman’sgreasy sweetheart.

I (B)

Now Friar Bacon had one servant to wait upon him, and his name wasMiles; and he was none of the wisest. So the friar being yet at Oxford inresidence with other scholars, all were wont to fast on the Friday; andnone so devout as Miles, for when his master offered him bread to eat,he would refuse it, saying that it was holier and meeter not to eatought. But the friar knowing his craft, and that he secretly ate meat,served him well for his deceit, and it was in this manner following.

On a certain Good Friday, when the friar was accustomed to partakeof bread only, he tendered some to Miles; but Miles, with a graveaspect, turned away from it, and desired leave to fast altogether. Thenhe left his master, and went where he had a delicate black-pudding thathe had made the day before, and began to eat the same. But the friar hismaster so contrived by his art, that when his man had set the end of thepudding in his mouth, he might in no wise remove it again; and when

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he pulled and pulled, and it stirred not, he cried out for help. The friarran to him, and taking the other end of the pudding, drew him to thehall, where all the scholars were, and showed them how Miles wouldnot eat meat on Fridays for conscience’ sake; and he tied him by thepudding for a while to one of the window-bars, where he looked like abear fastened by his nose to a stake.


Friar Bacon now began to accomplish many other strange and marvel-lous works. Whereof one was the deliverance of a gentleman inOxfordshire, that had been a prodigal, and had brought his estate toruin. This gentleman scarce knew at the last how to earn bread enoughto keep him during the rest of his miserable existence, and so hewandered about here and there. Then came to him one day an oldpenny-father, and besought him that he would say why he was in thispiteous case.

The Oxfordshire gentleman told the stranger everything, and theother said that, if he would fulfil certain conditions, he would furnishhim with money enough for all his creditors; and when he said that hewould swear to return the money, the old man rejoined that it was notoaths he would have, but bonds.

So the gentleman met him the next morning in a wood, as they hadappointed, and he was attended by two serving-men carrying money-bags. Then he dictated to him the conditions on which he would lendhim what he needed; and they were, that he should discharge all hisdebts, and when he was no longer indebted to any man, he shouldbecome at a word the slave of the lender.

That gentleman, in the plight in which he found himself at that time,yielded to this treaty, and paid all his mortgages and chief creditors,and became richer than he had ever been before. But he was secretlytroubled in his mind when he remembered how he had bound himselfto the stranger, and had consented to submit to his will; and after atime the old penny-father appeared, and claimed his bond, saying,“Thou hast paid thy debts, now thou art mine.” But he replied, “Nay,sir, I have not yet discharged them all.” And the userer therefore waxedwrath, and transformed himself into a horrible shape, and cried, “Thou


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shalt not deceive me; I will come tomorrow morning, and prove tothee thy falsehood, till when I leave thee to despair.” And he vanished,and the gentleman now knew that it was the devil with whom he hadmade that compact.

This caused him to be so sorrowful and downcast, that he wouldhave thrown himself on his sword, and so ended his life, had not FriarBacon happily interposed, and comforted him; and when he unfoldedto the friar what had passed between the devil and himself, the friarsaid unto him so: “Sir, appoint to meet the devil tomorrow in thewood, and for the rest be content.”

So the Oxfordshire gentleman met the devil in the wood, and thedevil in sore anger upbraided him with his falsity, and commandedhim to tarry no more, but to follow him.

Then the gentleman asked him whether he would suffer someone tobe judge in the case, and to deliver an award; and the devil agreedthereto. Whereupon suddenly Friar Bacon was seen by the gentlemanwalking near at hand, and he called him, and set out how the matterwas. Friar Bacon considered, and asked the gentleman whether he hadever paid anything to the devil for all his great goodness to him, and heanswered that he had not. Then he told him, as he valued his life, neverto do so, for he was his chief creditor; and thereupon the devil vanishedwith a loud cry, and the Oxfordshire gentleman thanked Friar Baconfor the great boon which he had conferred upon him in so wiselyjudging between them.


The next exploit which Friar Bacon sought to achieve proved him aloyal subject to his prince and a dear friend to England. For reflectinghow often England had been invaded by Saxon and Dane and Norwe-gian, he laboured with a project for surrounding the whole island witha wall of brass, and to the intent that he might compass this, he firstdevised a head of brass which should speak. And when he could not forall his art arrive at this, he invited another great scholar, Friar Bungay byname, to aid him therein; and they both together by great study made ahead of brass, yet wist not how to give it motion and speech. And at lastthey called to their succour a spirit, who directed them, but gave them

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warning that, when the head began to speak, if they heard it not ere ithad finished, all their labour would be lost.

So they did as the spirit had enjoined them, and were right weary;and bidding Miles to wake them when the Head spake, they fell asleep.

Now Miles, because his master threatened him if he should notmake them aware when the head spake, took his tabor and pipe, andsang ballads to keep him from nodding, as, Cam’st thou not from Newcastle?Dainty, come thou to me, and It was a rich merchant-man.

Presently the Head spake, saying, ! But Miles went on play-ing and singing, for the words seemed to him to import nought.Twice and thrice the Head said, ! But Miles was loath to wakehis master and Friar Bungay for such a trifle; and there surely,enough, came in one of his ditties, Dainty, come thou to me, and he beganto sing:

Time is for some to eat,Time is for some to sleep;

Time is for some to laugh;And time is for some to sleep.

Time is for some to sing,Time is for some to pray,

Time is for some to creep,That have drunk all the day.

At the end of half an hour the Head spake once more, and deliveredthese two words, ! And Miles make sport of them as he haddone before. Then another half hour passed, and Head uttered thissentence, ! And fell down amid flames of fire andterrible noise, whereat the two friars awoke, and found the room full ofsmoke.

“Did not the head speak?” asked Bacon.“Yea, sir,” replied his man, “but it spake to no purpose. I’d teach a

parrot to talk better in half the time.”“Out on thee, villain!” cried his master. “Thou hast undone us both.

Hadst thou roused us, all England would have been walled about withbrass, and we had won everlasting renown. What did it say?”


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“Very few words,” answered Miles, “and I have heard wiser. It said, !”

“Hadst thou called us then, we had been made forever.”“Then in half an hour it said, !”“And thou didst not wake us then!” interposed Bungay.“Alack, sir,” answered Miles. “I was expecting him to begin some

long tale, and then I would have awakened you; but anon he cried, ! and made such an uproar withal that he woke youhimself.”

Friar Bacon was greatly incensed at what his servant had done, andwould have beaten and maybe slain him; but Friar Bungay pleaded forthe fellow, and his master said, “Well, his punishment shall be, that heshall be struck dumb for a month.”

So it was that England was not girded round with a brazen wall, ashad nearly come to pass.


Friar Bacon, this mishap notwithstanding, ever grew more famous astime passed; and it so fortuned that, when the king of England pro-ceeded to his conquests in France, and could by no means take a certaintown, but, on the contrary, sustained much loss before it he wox angry,and offered ten thousand crowns truly counted, to anyone who shouldconquer this town and gain it for him.

So, when proclamation had been made to such effect, and no onecame to essay to do what the king desired, Friar Bacon, leaving hisstudies, crossed over to France, and sought admittance to the king. Towhom he recalled how his grace had formerly shown him greatcourtesy in Oxfordshire, and he was now ready to do his pleasure.

“Bacon!” said our lord the king. “Alas! it is not art, but arms that Inow require.”

“Your Grace saith well,” returned the Friar; “but be pleased toremember that art doth often times accomplish more than force. Andspeaking of art and nature, pure and simple, without any magical prop-erty, consider how ships are made without oars, and large vessels tocross the wide sea, and only one man to guide them; how chariots maybe built to move with incredible force without human help to stir

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them; and how one may fly in the air and turn an engine; or walk in thebottom of the sea (as Alexander the Great did) and, which is morepertinent at this time, how by means of a mirror you may make oneman wear the semblance of a whole army, and what is far off seem nearat hand, and what is high, low, or the contrary. So Socrates did detectthe dragon that lurked in the mountains, and destroyed all round.Then, as Aristotle instructed Alexander, instruments may be contrivedby which venomous influences may be brought in contact with acity, and infect its inhabitants every one, even the poison of a basilisklifted up upon the wall. These things are worth a kingdom to a wiseman.”

His grace gave leave to Friar Bacon to do as it liked him, and heshould name his reward; and the friar caused an earthwork to be raisedhigher than the city wall, and desiring his grace to be in readiness thenext morning to attack the town, when he should wave a flag from theearthwork, on the morrow, at nine of the clock the friar had, withcertain mathematical glasses, set fire to the town hall, and while thepeople and the soldiers were busy in extinguishing the flames, the flagwas waved, and the king took the place with little resistance.

He treated the inhabitants with such clemency, that he won the loveof his brother the king of France, who, to divert him, summoned aservant of his, a German named Vandermast, to show conjuringsleights before both their graces; and the king of England, understand-ing what the entertainment was to be, privily sent for Friar Bacon andFriar Bungay to come to him, that they might witness the same. But hebad them keep their counsel.

When the banquet was over, Vandermast asked the king of England ifit was so that he would choose to see the spirit of any man that hadformerly lived. The king said, “Yea. Above all I would see Pompey, whocould brook no equal.” And Vandermast made him appear as he wasattired at the Battle of Pharsalia, whereat all were mightily contented.

Then Friar Bacon, all without warning given, raised the ghost ofJulius Caesar, who could brook no superior, and had beaten Pompey atPharsalia; and Vandermast, not knowing that Friar Bacon was present,said that there was someone in the hall who was skilled in magic. Towhom Bacon discovered himself, and declared that he had broughtCaesar to overthrow Pompey, as he did erst; and therefore Caesar


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engaged Pompey, and vanquished him. Which pleased all presentpassing well, and then both disappeared.

The king of England said to the German ambassador, that he thoughthis man had got the better of Vandermast; but Vandermast said that hewould tell a different tale, ere all was done. “Ah!” said Friar Bacon, “mycompanion, Friar Bungay, shall deal with thee, sirrah; and if thou canstworst him, I will try what I may do, and not till then.”

Then Friar Bungay raised the Hesperian tree, laden with goldenapples, which were guarded by a fiery dragon, stretched beneath itsbranches. Vandermast conjured up the ghost of Hercules, and said,“This is Hercules, who in his life gathered the fruit of the tree, andmade the dragon crouch at his feet; and so shall he do again.”

But when Hercules offered to take the fruit, Friar Bacon raised hiswand, and Hercules desisted. Vandermast threatened him and hepicked it not: but he said, “Vandermast, I cannot; I am fearful; for hereis great Bacon, that is more powerful than thee.” Vandermast cursedHercules, and again threatened him. But Bacon bad him not fret him-self, for, since he could not persuade Hercules to do this bidding, hehimself would cause him to do some service; and he commandedHercules to take up Vandermast, and carry him back straightway toGermany.

“Alas!” cried the ambassador, “I would not have lost Vandermast atany price.”

“Fear not, my lord,” answered Bacon; “he hath but gone home tosee his wife, and shall return to you anon.”


Shortly after, when Friar Bacon had come again into England, a richman of that country died, and left his estate to that one among his threesons who loved him best; and none could say who that was, for eachone avowed that it was he, by reason that to him his father was mostdear. So Friar Bacon was asked by the king to help him in this matter,and that learned and famous man, when the three brethren agreed toabide by his judgment, having caused the body of the father to be takenfrom the ground, and gotten ready three bows, and three arrows,summoned the sons to attend him, and said unto them so; “Sirs, there

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appeared to be no other method whereby this controversy might beconcluded; therefore I have brought hither the dead body of yourfather, and whoever strikes him nearest to his heart shall have all hisgoods and lands.”

The two elder brothers shot one after the other, and both hit thebody, yet did not go near the heart. But the youngest refused to shoot,saying that he would liever lose his patrimony; and Friar Baconawarded him the estate, because he showed by his loyal act that heloved his father better than the others: and all men commended thefriar’s wisdom therein.

Now, albeit Friar Bacon had seldom indeed taken any reward for allhis great services to our lord the king, and many other, yet the reportspread abroad that in his house he kept rich treasure; and certainthieves brake one night thereinat, and demanded of Miles, who admit-ted them, and of the friar, what money they had. The friar answeredthat he was poorly furnished with money; whereto they replied, thesethree thieves, that they must have whatso there was; and the friar gavethem one hundred pounds each in a bag.

They heartily rejoiced at their good fortune; and he said to them thatthey should have music to boot, which still further contented them;and Miles took his tabor, and began to play thereon. Then the threethieves rose and set to dancing, and danced so lustily with their money-bags in their hands that they grew weary, but could not cease, for thefriar had set a spell on them; and Miles went out of the door playing thewhile, and led the thieves over the fields, and over hedge and ditch, andthrough quagmire and pond, till they were wet to the skin, and wearyto death. Then Miles stayed his hand, and they lay down as they were,and slept; and he took the money from them, and returned home to hismaster.

Meanwhile Vandermast was plotting how he could compass thedeath of Friar Bacon, to revenge the dishonour which had been castupon him in France; and the friar, looking into his books, and findingthat a great danger would befall him in the second week of the presentmonth, unless he used some means to prevent it, devised this sleight,namely, while he read to hold a ball of brass in one hand, and beneathit a brass basin, and percase he should fall asleep, the loosing of the ballfrom his hand would awake him.


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Now Vandermast had recently hired a Walloon soldier to come overto England, and to kill Bacon, and if he did so his reward was to be onehundred crowns; and when he arrived at Bacon’s house, this Walloonsoldier found Bacon dozing, yet the ball of brass still in his hand; but ashe lifted the sword to slay him, the ball dropped into the basin, andBacon awoke.

“Who art thou?” he demanded of the Walloon.“I am a Walloon, and a soldier, and more than that, a villain; and I

am come, hired by Vandermast, to kill thee.”“What is thy religion?”“To go to an ale-house, to abstain from evil for want of employment,

and to do good against my will.”“A good profession for a devil! Dost thou believe in Hell?”“I believe in no such thing.”Then Friar Bacon raised the spirit of Julian the Apostate, with his

body burning and full of wounds, whereat the soldier was almost outof his wits for fear. Friar Bacon asked the spirit wherefore he was thustormented; and he answered, that he had been happy if he hadremained a Christian, but he abjured the true faith, and now enduredthe doom of all unbelieving wretches.

The Walloon soldier that had come to kill the friar stood tremblingall this time, and when the friar dismissed the spirit, he begged that hewould instruct him in a better way of life, which the friar engaged todo; and this Walloon became a true Christian and died in the Holy War.


It becomes time to relate how Friar Bacon once had a strange adven-ture, and helped a young man to his sweetheart, that Friar Bungaywould have married to another.

An Oxfordshire gentleman had a daughter named Millisant, whowas courted by a youth whose love she returned, and whose wife shedesired to be; but her father was averse from that match, and wouldhave wedded her to a rich knight.

This knight, when he perceived how loth the maiden was, went toFriar Bungay, and asked him to get her for him, either by his counsel orart; and Bungay, for that he was something covetous, promised, if he

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would take the lady for the air in a coach, so to direct the horses, thatthey should bring them to an old chapel in the wood, where theymight be secretly married.

But meantime the gentleman had sought Friar Bacon, and imploredhim to do what he might to further his suit: and Bacon, knowing himto be virtuous and deserving, brought out a beryl, wherein he couldsee his best-loved and the knight in the chapel, though it was fifty milesthence, on the eve of being joined together in holy matrimony by FriarBungay. The gentleman was overwhelmed by grief; but Bacon bad himbe of good cheer, and seating himself in a chair, they were presently atthe chapel door. Friar Bungay was about to join their hands, whenBacon struck him dumb, and raising a mist in the chapel, no one couldsee his way, but each mistook the other, and amid their bewilderment,Bacon led Millisant to the poor gentleman, and they were married byhim in the chapel porch and furnished with a good store of money fortheir journey; and while they went their way joyfully together, the friarby his magic detained the father, and the knight, in the chapel, untilthey could not overtake them. And at a certain distance he prepared forthem (albeit unseen) a banquet, succeeded by an antic masque of apeswith music, wherein first entered three apes, and then three more,dressed in quaint coats, and then six; and all danced in merry andstrange wise together, and then, when they had saluted the bridegroomand the bride, vanished.


News had been brought to Vandermast, where he sojourned in Ger-many, that at length Friar Bacon was dead; and accordingly he cameover once more into England, and met Friar Bungay in Kent, whom-ofhe learned that Bacon yet lived.

Now he bare no goodwill to Bungay, for that he was a friend toBacon; and when he rose in the morning to leave his inn, he went tothe stable where Bungay’s horse was, and took it, leaving a spirit in itsroom. And when Bungay sought his horse to go on his way, he wist notwhat Vandermast had done, and mounted it, and in the middle of astream it let him go, so that he perforce returned to his inn, at thedoor whereof he met the other, who asked him if he had been in a


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swimming match, and Bungay answered him again that if he had beenso well posted as he was when he went to Germany, this would nothave so fallen out.

Vandermast bit his lip, but said nought. And then Bungay, know-ing that this German loved a wench in the house, and spared nopains to get her, shaped a spirit in her likeness, which yielded untohis advances, that he was enraptured; and when he had gone to bed,the sheet on which they lay was carried into the air, and fell into adeep pond. When Bungay saw him, he asked him how he liked thegirl.

“Marry, I wish thee such another,” quoth he.“Nay, the rules of my order forbid it,” he replied.So it came to pass that these two conjurors grew more and more

wroth with each other, until at last the Devil wox impatient of nothaving received from them the money for teaching them all theirknowledge, and slew them, so that they were strangely scorched withfire amid a mighty storm of wind and rain; and the country people,finding their bodies, bestowed on them Christian burial, for thatBungay was a friar and Vandermast a stranger.


You have heard that Friar Bacon, who thus outlived both Bungay andVandermast, possessed a wonderful glass, in which it was possible tosee what was happening some fifty miles away; and this glass had beena source of great profit and pleasure to many, whom Bacon had obligedwith the use thereof; till it happened that two youths, whose fathers—being neighbours—were absent from home, wished to know how theydid, and besought Bacon to suffer them to look in his glass.

But those gentlemen, since their departure, had grown to be foesone to the other, and when their sons looked, they saw that their fatherswere on the eve of fighting together, and as they fought, one killed theother; and this sight so fired one of the youths, whose father was slain,that he began to quarrel with his friend, and they both became sofurious that they stabbed each other. Which when Friar Bacon knew,hearing the noise, he was so grieved, that he broke his mirror, the likewhereof the whole world could not show; and then arrived the news of

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the deaths of Bungay and Vandermast, which further distressed him, sothat he kept his chamber three days.

He now began to repent his wicked and vain life, spent in the serviceof the devil, and to turn his thoughts to Divine studies: and callingtogether many of his friends, he addressed them in these words:

“My good friends and fellow-students, it is not unknown to youhow by my art I have attained great credit with all, and have done manywonders, as everyone knows, both king and commons. I have unlockedthe secrets of nature, and have laid them open to the view of man,whereas they had been buried and lost since the days of Hermes thephilosopher. I have revealed the mysteries of the stars and of every kindof life that is under the sun. Yet all this my knowledge I value so lightly,that I could wish I were ignorant; for what hath it availed me, save tokeep me from the study of God, and the care of my soul, which is theimmortal part of man. But I hasten to remove the cause of all my error,gentlemen.” And, a fire burning in the hearth, before they could pre-vent him, Friar Bacon threw all his books therein, and consumed themutterly.

Then he gave away all his goods to the poor, and, building himself acell in the church wall, withdrew from the world, and after two yearsspace died a true, penitent sinner.

Note: In some chapbook versions Friar Bacon is said to dig his own grave withhis nails. The whole story is told in Robert Greene’s Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay,1594.

This strange medley of motifs is an example of the traditions by which afamous man is shaped into a magician. Examples are “Virgilius”, Drake as aWizard (B, III, and B, VIII), St Dunstan (B, XI), St Adelme.


N. Cooper, Ulster Folk-Life, 1959.

Mary and Pat lived in a nice wee house. Mary one day bought alooking-glass. When she was admiring herself in the glass she noticed


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that her ears were growing long and furry, and that she was gettingwee-er and wee-er, and when she looked down at herself, she saw shewas a hare. She ran out of the house, and started skipping about. Shefelt herself drawn in a certain direction and skipped along. In the mean-time, Pat came into the house, and began to look for Mary; soon hespied the looking-glass. He too began to look at himself, and the samething happened to him. Out he ran, and he also felt drawn in a certaindirection. Soon he overtook Mary, and they skipped along together.They noticed that there seemed to be a great many hares all going thesame way as they were. At last they arrived at a big field at Clonmallon,which was filled with hares all dancing round. So Mary and Pat dancedround too. A great big hare called them all to order and began to speak.They could understand the hare’s talk quite well, and it was a sort ofparliament of hares.

Before long the boss hare said, “I can smell strangers. There are somehares that should not be here at all.” Mary and Pat felt sort of uneasy atthis, and when all the other hares turned and looked at them theyturned and ran away, and all the other hares ran after them. But Maryand Pat had a good start, and got away safely and reached home. Marywent to the looking-glass to see what she looked like as a hare, andwhen she looked into the glass she saw that she was turning back into awoman and Pat into a man again.

Told by Mrs Mulholland, Warrenfoot.Note: There are traditions in Oxfordshire and elsewhere of hares’ parliaments,which are the meetings of the natural animals, but, in view of the magictransforming mirror, it seems almost certain that this was a gathering ofwitches. At Kinloch Rannoch, in Perthshire, it was believed at the end of the lastcentury that the witches used to meet in the form of hares in the churchyard,and would scamper away in all directions if anyone passed by (Informant: MrsJ. McIntosh, c. 1946, who had it from her grandfather).

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Ruth L. Tongue, Forgotten Folktales.

My mother always drove our cob. She took him to market regularly,and he’d go well. He was very fast and everybody knew him, but hewas so smart and good to handle she could do anything with him.

And all of a sudden he turned. He would become nappy and backaway or just stand for an hour for no reason. In the end he had thedogcart over, and broke the shafts, and mother’s arm was put in plaster.They were going to have the Vet. and have him put down. Fatherthought he had poll evil. It was hay-carrying time, and the Vet. was toobusy to come.

Grandma (she lived six miles away) was ailing, and she wanted tosee mother. All the horses were working except the cob, and, of course,mother couldn’t drive him. We had a very old man still doing littlejobs on the farm. Father wouldn’t part with him, he’d worked for ussixty-five years, and he said to mother, “I’ll drive cob vor’ee, missus.There’s old putt I can put ’en in, and ’tis heavy enough to steady ’enup.”

Well, mother chanced it. Father never knew till after—he’d havebeen furious—and old Ben drove to Grandma’s without a bit oftrouble.

Grandma was better, so they didn’t stay too long. They wanted to getback while the cob was in the right mood, so mother was cross whenold Ben went a roundabout way all through the lanes. “I knows what Ibe about, missus” was all he said, and they came home at a fine smarttrot all the way.

When mother did tell father, he had a word with old Ben. Then he’phoned the Vet. not to come. Mother didn’t want the cob put down,so, of course, she asked why. And father said, “Did you notice whichway old Ben came back?”

Mother said, “Yes. Almost in a circle.”Father said, “Going westwards?”“Yes. It must have been.”“Well, then,” said father, “Ben tells me the cob has been driven


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along the lower road lately, that goes past Jakey Bascombe’s, and it goeswrong-handed. Ben says he reckons Jakey Bascombe won’t overlookthe cob any more, and his ill-wish will go back on him.”

The cob worked for mother for years afterwards, and never mis-behaved, but Jakey was tipped out of his putt and kicked, and laid upfor a month seven days after old Ben brought mother home, “with thesun”.

From the daughter of a Mendip farmer then living on the Gloucester Downs, amember of Brislington W.I., 1962. Gloucestershire.


Sir James Carnegie

R. Chambers, Popular Rhymes of Scotland, p. 386.

The Earl of Southesk—better known in Mearnshire as Sir JamesCarnegie of Pittarro—was an expert swordsman, and vulgar fameattributed his skill in this and other sciences to the gift of supernaturalpower. In this tradition of Mearnshire, he is said to have studied theblack art at Padua, a place once famed for its seminaries of magic. TheDevil himself was the instructor, and he annually claimed, as thereward of his tuition, the person of a pupil at dismissing his class. Togive them all a fair chance of escape, he ranged them up in a linewithin the school, when, on a given signal, all rushed to the door—hewho was last in getting out being the devoted victim. On one of theseoccasions, Sir James Carnegie was the last; but, having invoked theDevil to take his shadow instead of himself, it being the object lastbehind, the Devil was caught by the ruse and was content to seize theshadow instead of the substance. It was afterwards remarked that SirJames never had a shadow, and that he usually walked in the shade tohide this defect. Sir James is also remembered as a griping oppressor ofthe poor, which gave rise to the following lines, and occasion to hisenemies secretly to injure his property:

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The Laird of Pittarro, his heart was sae narrow,He wanna let the kaes1 pike his corn-stack;But by there came knaves, and pikit up thraves,And what said the Laird of Pittarro to that!

Note to Lamont’s diary, 1660.


R. Blakeborough, Wit, Character, Folk-Lore and Customs of the North Riding of Yorkshire,p. 164.

Molly Cass lived for many years in a cottage close to Leeming Mill,possibly in the mill itself. Abe Braithwaite, of Bedale, used to tell astrange story of her, told by his grandfather.

Abe’s grandfather, the miller and two others were playing cards inthe mill one night, and eight times in succession George Winterfieldhad the nine of hearts dealt to him. At the ninth deal one of the playerslaid a guinea on the table, and wagered it with Winterfield against ashilling, that he would not receive the nine of hearts again.

Just then Au’d Molly put her head round the door, and said: “Put thybrass in thy pocket. Thy brass is not for him, and his is not for thee.”

So terrified was the man of incurring her ill-will that he at once putback his guinea into his pocket, and Molly said, as the cards still lay onthe table: “Thou’s gotten it again, George; take thy hand up and see.”And so he had. The old woman went on: “Thou’s gotten it hardenough; thou’s had it eight times already. The Old ’Un’s in thee now,and he’ll not leave thee till he’s gotten thee altogether. Thou’st thrownaway thy chance, so I’ve pitched it into the Swale. The Swale’s waitingto be thy bridal bed. Go now; the longer thou waits, the longer thou’llstay.”

George turned white as death, and got up, crying: “I’ll wed her. Giveme another chance. I’ve rued all I’ve done.” But Molly replied: “I’m not

1 Kaes = crows.


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often in the mind to give one chance, let alone two. Go thy way. Thybride’s waiting for thee in a bed of bulrushes. Oh, what a bridalbed!”

George left the mill, saying he would go at once and wed his oldsweetheart. Molly shrieked after him: “Good night, George. All roadslead to the Swale to-night.” And whether he lost his way in the dark-ness, or for some other reason, his dead body and his sweetheart’s werefound the next day, tangled in reeds and sedge, side by side in thewater. He had never seen her alive, for she had drowned herself beforehe came.

For many years afterwards it was said that anyone who ventured nearthe spot at midnight would see the body of a girl first, and then that ofa man, float by, and disappear when they joined one another amongthe bulrushes.


Parkinson, Yorkshire Legends and Traditions, 1st series, p. 151.

Most, if not all, of these stories are derived from a book published in1684, 130 years after the reputed death of Mother Shipton, and it isuncertain how far they were the invention of the author, Richard Head.

It is said that her mother, Agatha, died in giving her birth, and thatstrange and horrible noises on the occasion terrified and nearly droveaway all those who were present. “She was born at Knaresborough, andbaptized by the Abbot of Beverley by the name of Ursula Southell. Herstature was larger than common, her body crooked, her face frightful,but her understanding extraordinary.”

She was put out to nurse with a poor woman outside the town, butstrange manifestations made the nurse’s life well-nigh impossible.Once, when the child was about six months old, the woman left thehouse for a short time, and on returning found the door open and anuproar in progress. She called some neighbours to her help, but as soonas the foremost of them entered the house large yokes, in the form of across, were put round their necks, to detain them, and when, after a

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hard struggle, they cast these off, a staff was laid across their shoulders,from which an old woman clung by heels or toes.

The men of the company made their escape somehow, but thewomen forced their way in, and were at once compelled to take hold ofthe four ends of a cross, and dance round, each of them goaded by animp like a monkey, until they were utterly exhausted. At last the priestwith a band of followers, succeeded in crossing the threshold, andsearching the house—the child was nowhere to be seen; but was atlength discovered hanging with its cradle, both unsupported, halfwayup the chimney.

As the child grew, the work of the foster-mother was invariablyinterfered with in mysterious ways. Chairs and tables would marchupstairs, the meat would be spirited away from the table, and the childUrsula would grin and say, “Be contented. There is nothing here thatwill hurt you.”

At school she was a prodigy: she needed no teaching of alphabet orreading; at first sight she read whatever book was shown to her. Attwenty-four she was married to Toby Shipton; but little is known oftheir life together.

Long before her death in 1561, she foretold its day and hour. As thetime drew near, she took a solemn farewell of her friends, and when itarrived she lay quietly down on her bed to await her end.

The earliest collection of her prophecies was printed about 1641;they included one to the effect that Cardinal Wolsey should never cometo York with the King; in fact, he arrived within eight miles of it, butwas summoned to return to the King, and died on his way to London.She is also said to have foretold the Great Fire of London and theplague, and other events of history; but it is uncertain which of theprophecies attributed to her were really hers, and which werefabricated later to fit the events.

Note: Mother Shipton. Mother Shipton is a kind of homely Merlin. Like him, shewas the offspring of a woman and a devil, born toothed and of precociousintelligence. A play printed in 1660, Mother Shipton, deals with her mother’shistory, rather than hers. Mother Shipton is a patroness of washerwomen, andin the Eastern Counties “Mother Shipton’s Day” is celebrated by laundresseswith a holiday and tea-parties. More can be learned of her in Mother ShiptonInvestigated, W. H. Harrison, 1881.


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H. Henderson, School of Scottish Studies.

There was an old farmer who had a fine herd of cattle, but they gave nomilk. At last he asked a wise woman, and she said someone must bemilking the cows, and he had better watch in the byre at night. So theold man lay in the byre, but always at midnight a drowsiness wouldcome over him, and he would fall asleep. So at last he made up hismind that he must stay awake, and at midnight the byre door creakedopen a little crack, and a brown hare came into the byre, and went fromstall to stall. So the next night the old farmer watched again, and hetook his gun, and loaded it with a silver sixpence and waited till mid-night. In came the hare, and lolloped from stall to stall, and when shegot to the door, the farmer took aim and fired, he only hit her frontpaw, but she gave a great scream, and a flood of milk came out of her,and she scampered away. The next morning the farmer went to see anold woman that lived near. The door was shut, and her granddaughtercame to it. “You’ll no can see Grannie,” she said. “She’s ill. She’s hurther hand.” “That’ll no prevent her seeing me,” said the farmer. “An oldneighbour like me.” He went in, and found the old wife sitting by thefire, with her hand all bundled up.

“Let’s look at your hand, Maggie woman,” said the old farmer.“Maybe I can cure it.” He unwrapped the bandages, and sure enoughthere was a wound in it, and in the middle of the wound there was abent silver sixpence. The farmer’s cows gave good milk after that.

From Jeannie Robertson.Note: See “The Witch Hare”, “Jane Wood of Basedale”.

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J. Bowker, Goblin Tales of Lancashire, p. 37.

“Owd Jeremy” lived in a wretched hovel in a lane leading from thetown of cl*theroe. He had the reputation of being a wizard, andclaimed to be on familiar terms with the Evil One, and to be able toforetell men’s destinies by his help. This cottage was furnished with allthe apparatus of a wizard, and would strike awe into those who came toconsult Jeremy; but in fact he was a charlatan, and had no faith in thepowers he so often invoked.

For all his strange and solitary existence, Jeremy loved the worldoutside his home, and one day, when an inquirer had just left thecottage, he stood gazing out of the window towards Pendle, andthinking of its ancient beauty, so much more powerful and enduringthan the life of a man; and as he turned back to the darkness of thecottage, he saw a stranger sitting in the clients’ seat, who said to him,“Devildom first, and poetizing afterwards.”

“What do you want?” said Jeremy.“Security,” said the stranger. “For five and twenty years you have

been duping fools in my name, and amassing wealth for yourself, andnow I want my share.”

Jeremy pointed to his poverty-stricken abode, for, in spite of hisreputed lore, he remained very poor, but already he suspected who hisdreadful visitor was, and, rising in his agitation, he saw from thewindow that darkness had suddenly fallen, and a terrible clap ofthunder broke over the cottage at the same moment. In panic Jeremymurmured, “What security do you seek?”

The stranger produced a written bond, and demanded Jeremy’s sig-nature, but the sturdy old man refused to sign. Then the Devil threat-ened that by the next day he should have a rival who would take thebread out of his mouth, and expose all his pretences and sham wisdom.But if he signed the bond, he was to have twenty-two years of life andsuccess such as he had never dreamed of.

But still Jeremy, after deep thought stoutly refused to sign. Thevisitor departed, the storm abated, and the sun shone again.


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But for five days no one came to Jeremy’s house, and when at lasthe crept out to buy food, the people he passed, instead ofshrinking from him in terror, called out jeering remarks, and childrenwent on with their games, as though they had never feared him in theirlives.

Next day a shower of stones broke old Jeremy’s window, but no oneelse came to the house, and at last he cried aloud in his misery, “I wishI had another chance!”

Immediately there was a loud burst of thunder, and there sat hisvisitor as before, with the parchment on the table in front of him.

“Are you ready to sign?” he demanded.“I cannot write.”The devil seized him by one finger, which he used as a pen, and

made a neat X writing beside it, “Jeremiah Parsons, his mark.”He disappeared as mysteriously as he had come, and almost at once

a man knocked at the door, wishing to have his future declared tohim. He told Jeremy that he had first tried the new wizard’s house incl*theroe, but found it completely deserted. All fell out as the Devilhad foretold. For twenty-two years Jeremy’s fame continued to soar,till after one wild night, his cottage was discovered in ruins, and notrace of him remained.

Note: This tale illustrates a declension often stressed by the seventeenth-centurywriters on witchcraft, the steps by which a man, from using the Devil as a tool,descends to signing the diabolic contract.

See “Nancy Camel”.


William of Malmesbury, Chronicle, , chap. 13, p. 230.

About the time of the Norman Conquest there lived a woman in thevillage of Berkeley who was a witch and augur, very gluttonous andluxurious, who led a life of riot and pleasure, although she was gettingon in years. One day, as she was eating, her pet raven suddenly cried

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out loudly. At the sound the witch’s knife dropped from her hand. “To-day my plough has reached its last furrow; there is nothing but griefbefore me from this day.” No sooner had she spoken than a servantcame running in with news of the death of her eldest son and all hisfamily. This news struck her to the heart, and grief brought her to herdeath-bed.

When she knew that she had no hope of recovery she sent for hertwo surviving children, a monk and nun, both of great piety. Whenthey had come she said to them: “My children, I have to confess to youthat all my wealth has been gained by diabolical arts; all these years Ihave practised every wickedness, and have had no hope of salvationexcept in your piety. Even that has failed me now and I despair of mysoul, but it may yet be that you can save my body from the Devil’sclutches. Sew up my corpse in the skin of a stag, lay it on its back in astone coffin and bind it with three great chains, curiously wrought. Letthere be psalms sung for my soul for fifty nights, and masses said forfifty days. If I lie secure for three nights you may bury me on the fourthday.”

With that she died, and her children did all they could to save herbody from the Devil. On the first night, whilst the monks were singingtheir psalms, the bolted door of the church burst open, and a crowd ofdevils broke one of the chains. On the second night they broke another,but the third was more artfully made and resisted their efforts. On thethird night, however, just before co*ck-crow, there was a tremendousrumbling like an earthquake, the foundations of the church shook, thedoor was shivered to splinters, and a great devil, more terrible than anyof the rest, came up to the coffin. The monks’ singing died on theirlips, and their hair stood on end. The fiend called on the woman byname, and from the coffin she answered him: “I cannot come, I amchained.”

“You shall be loosed,” he said, and broke the massive chain like apiece of flax. He shattered the lid of the coffin with one thrust of hisfoot, and plucked out the woman. He led her through the door. A blackcharger was neighing outside, its back covered with iron hooks. Heflung the woman on them and vanished with her from men’s sight. Butpitiable lamentations and cries for help were heard from the air forfour miles.


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Note: The same story in almost the same words is recorded in Ranulph’sPolychronicon, translated by Trevisia, and also by Roger of Wendover, Chronicle,Bohn’s Edition, , p. 181.

See “Nancy Camel and the Devil”, “The Round Square” (B, III), and otherDevil tales.


W. H. Barrett, More Tales from the Fens, p. 133.

I reckon I was a lad of about seven or eight when, because Mother wasexpecting another little one to join our already crowded house, I wassent to stay with an old aunt in one of the loneliest parts of the Fens.She had a big family, this aunt, though most of them were grown up bythen, except for a boy of fifteen and a girl of twelve.

Although there wasn’t another house within a mile, that didn’tbother them; the farm was run by the family, and for most of the yearthey went to bed when it got dark and got up at daybreak.

While I was there Hallowe’en came round. In the afternoon every-one was busy putting osier twigs in front of all the doors and windows,the pigsties, stables and cow-house.

Uncle killed one of his black hens and hung it on the chicken-housedoor after he’d pulled out two of its wing feathers and tied them on theyard-dog’s collar; then he caught the cats and shut them up in the barn.From all the talk going on, I found out that this was the night when thewitches went round the fen, meeting each other and then, at the chim-ing of midnight, coming to some spot they’d chosen and casting spellsover all the folks and animals nearby. That was why the peeled osierrods were put at all the ways into the house because no witch daredcross over them, neither would they go near black chicken feathers.

As the evening went by we all sat round the big open hearth. Auntdidn’t put peat on the fire that night because witches could smell peatsmoke for miles away, she said; instead, huge logs of oak were blazingaway. The candles had been blown out, so the only light we had camefrom the fire, as we sat and listened to Aunt’s stories of what witches

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could get up to. After supper a plate of thick slices of ham and half of aloaf of bread were stood outside on the door-stone so that, if a witchcalled, she wouldn’t have to go away hungry because, if she did, shemight start casting her spells on us. Then I was given a glass of gingerwine while my aunt and uncle and the others drank a lot ofhome-made botanic beer. After a while Uncle stood up and said to me:

“Come along, it’s time we were up and doing.”He told me it was the custom, this night, for the oldest man and the

youngest boy in the house to go round the farm an hour before mid-night; so we set off. It was very queer padding along behind Uncle ashe carried the lantern. All the animals seemed restless, and Uncle saidthey were like that because they could see and hear things that wecouldn’t, and they all knew what was going on.

After we’d been round the farmyard we had to visit the bees. As wewent into the orchard an owl swooped over us with a loud screech,just above Uncle’s head. I was scared, but Uncle got a firm grip of thethick stick he was carrying and, when the owl turned to fly over usagain, he caught it such a clout that it fell down to the ground, flut-tered its wings a bit and then lay still. My uncle bent down, turned itover and said:

“Well, there’s one old witch who won’t go home tonight.”When we got to the bee-hive, we went close up and listened to the

noise going on inside; it was just like the hum of a threshing tackle ona frosty morning.

“Bor,” said Uncle, “they’re all worked up because they’re a lot wiserthan we are”; then, after tapping the hive with his stick, he bent rightdown to the entrance and said:

“Well done, my old beauties. I got one just now and, by the sound ofit, you’ve got another; push her outside when you’ve done with her.”

When we were back indoors we all sat round the fire again whileUncle told my aunt and the others what had happened while we wereout.

“It looks as though some of us will be tudded [bewitched] for surebefore morning,” said Aunt, “if we’re not careful. There’s nothing,after all, to stop one of those old witches coming down the chimneyand casting a spell on us.”

I saw everyone backing away from the fire, and I did so too. Then


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Aunt got up, went over to the cupboard in the corner and came backwith a big brown-paper bag.

“Whatever any old hag turns herself into,” she said, “I promise I’llmake her cough before she gets to the hearth. This ought to make hersneeze a bit first,” and she took a handful of flowers of sulphur out ofthe bag and threw them on the fire. Bright blue flames and yellowsmoke roared up the chimney. Aunt did this several times, even thoughUncle told her not to forget that the roof was thatch, and if we wereburnt out it wasn’t going to be any good blaming it on any witches;but she only told him to be quiet, she knew what she was doing. Thisstarted a lot of arguing; everybody joining in till it seemed to me thatthe witches had been forgotten and that I was in the middle of a goodold family row. Anyway, Aunt got into such a temper that she threw thewhole bag on to the fire and the yellow smoke came pouring out intothe room worse than ever, making us all splutter and choke.

Uncle said that two could play at that game and he went over to thecupboard and fetched out a linen bag full of the black gunpowder heused in his muzzle-loader. He’d no sooner hurled it at the back of thefire than there was a hell of a bang and we were all smothered in sootfrom head to foot. Well, that cleared everybody’s temper and when thesmoke had cleared away a bit Uncle said: “Well, I’ll be damned,”because lying on Auntie’s lap was a jackdaw just kicking out his lastgasp. And just then the old grandfather clock struck midnight.

After that we all ate a lot of thick ham sandwiches and the othersdrank some more botanic beer and I had another glass of ginger wine.Then Uncle said to me: “Come on, bor. We’ve got to make anotherround.”

It was still very dark when we got outside, but all the animals werequiet and settled down. When we got to the orchard we found the beesquiet, too, but on the flight board, believe it or not, was a dead mouse,still warm. Uncle picked it up then went back to fetch the owl whichhe’d killed the time we were out before. When we were back in thehouse he threw the owl, the mouse and the jackdaw on the fire andsaid:

“Three witches on one Hallowe’en isn’t a bad bag. Now, all of youget up to bed and sleep well. You won’t have to worry about anywitches for another twelvemonth.”

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Now, if you want to know where all this happened, then just walk acouple of miles from Littleport till you come to Crouchmoor Drove. Goalong the drove for three miles till you come to the place called Cold-harbour, and by the side of the drove you’ll see a corner of a field allgrown up with wild plum and nettles. That’s where the farm waswhere I spent that Hallowe’en, and that was over seventy years ago.

Note: It is interesting to know that these ancient beliefs still had practicalexpression within living memory.

Curiously enough, the Motif Index does not mention Hallowe’en as thechief time of the meeting of witches, although ghosts and fairies are bothmentioned as active at that time.


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Part 18Miscellaneous Legends

The small mixed bag that follows contains a few examples of modernlegends. “The Stolen Corpse” may have been a fictional tale at first, butit has been passed from mouth to mouth in at least two continents bypeople who believe that they know at second-hand the lawyer whohandled the case or the cousins of the people who suffered the tragicloss of their grandmother’s, aunt’s or godmother’s body and failed toprove their right to the legacy which should have been theirs. Thesetting of the “The Foreign Hotel” is rather earlier, the end of the lastcentury or the beginning of this. I myself was told it in childhood. Afictional source of this is claimed, but it is possible that it may not bethe original source. It dates from the time of country house parties,when people ensured their welcome by telling each other tales, as theyhad done from the time of the Pentamerone.

The memorat is another type of Folk Tale, an unfledged legend,because it is still at first-hand. A good example of this is “FarmerHewlett’s Amends” which is of special interest because it enshrines

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folk practice by which, as the country people believed, legal statuscould be given to an illegitimate child by a mock-birth recognized inchurch. It is a ceremony which was much less practised than “The Saleof a Wife” (see Part 14), but like that it met a need in the countryeconomy. “The Good Magpie” is a naturalistic version of a super-natural tale, though the conduct of the magpie might almost qualify itto count as supernatural. It is a gruesome comment on the extremepoverty of the peasantry in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centur-ies. “The Wooden Legs” is an interesting example of a folk-tale inreverse—a negative print of “Bluebeard”, as it were. It is difficult toimagine it as anything but an invention. Perhaps the narrator felt it tobe unconvincing, and so added the corroborative incident of the narra-tor beginning to tell the tale as an after-dinner story in the presence ofthe hero and heroine. It is one of the tales noted by Augustus Hare, andso belongs to the period when the spoken narrative was still important.

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Ruth L. Tongue, Somerset Folklore, p. 148.

This was told to me by a bed-ridden old granny somewhere nearGoathurst on the Quantocks. She was repeating the tale told by hermother, who as a girl of fourteen, was a witness, of this service. I donot know where the mother’s family came from—it may have beenanother Western county, but for its interest I have included it. It is averbatim report except where the dialect was so archaic that an inter-preter was needed. Even so, I have tried to use phrases still to be heardin casual speech. The names and locality are slightly altered in order toprotect any relatives.

“There was a farmer Hewlett up around as were highly thought of byall. When his time came he were terrible worrited ’bout Mr George ashe’d done wrong by. Oh dear, ’twas a gurt shock ’twas! Mr Georgehe’d a-handled varm and stock vor his vather come twenty year andthere wadn’t none as folks didn’t set by like Mr George, Squire and all.Well, it did sim like he were going to lose all his labour, and farmwould go to a cousin over to Taunton. But varmer he set his mind to doright by un, and his wold Missus as had been the friend to the wholeparish she come out brave and she said she’d do as he wished. So poorMr George he just done what his Dad want. I see them come to church,and me but a maid then. And Mr George he had a loving arm to hisdear mother. Then she did up and say in front of all as her and Farmerwasn’t a-wed when this dear son come along. Poor old soul! She calledhim her dear and there wadn’t a dry eye to hear her old voice. And thatgurt beardy man he do croopy on hands and knees and she do pull hemof her Sunday black over’n and Parson do say the words to right’n so heshould a-get farm. Parson he was so quiet as death, but his looks theyproper daunted any to miscall ’en, but there wadn’ no rabblement, theywas too well liked. Farmer died happy—but ’ee see, my dear—old sinsdo come up again like weeds after a shower.”

Note: This interesting survival, by which a grown man has a mock birth inorder to prove himself born in wedlock, is so rare as to have no adequate motif.

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Briggs and Tongue, Folktales of England, p. 98.

A lady and her daughter were travelling abroad, and arrived late atnight, very tired after an exhausting journey, at the hotel where theyhad booked their rooms. The mother was particularly worn-out. Theywere put into adjoining rooms, and the daughter tumbled into bed andfell asleep at once. She slept long and heavily, and it was well on in thenext day before she got up. She opened the door into her mother’sroom, and found it empty. And it was not the room into which theyhad gone the night before. The wallpaper was different, the furniturewas different, and the bed was made up. She rang, and got no answer toher bell; she dressed and went downstairs.

“Can you tell me where my mother is?” she said to the woman at thereception desk.

“Your mother, mademoiselle?”“Yes. The lady who arrived with me last night.”“But, mademoiselle, you came alone.”“We booked in; the night porter will remember; we wrote for two

rooms!”“Mademoiselle indeed wrote for two rooms, but she arrived alone.”And wherever she asked among the servants she got the same

answer, until she began to think that she must be mad.At last she went back to England and told her friends what had

happened and one of them went to investigate. He went to the Consuland the police, and at last he found out the truth. The mother had beenmore than tired when she arrived that night, she had been in theinvasion stages of cholera. No sooner had she gone to bed than she wastaken violently ill; the doctor was sent for, she died, and the hotel-owners were filled with panic and decided to conceal all that hadhappened. The body was carried away, the furniture was taken out tobe burnt, the wall was repapered, and all the staff were told to allownothing to be guessed of what had happened. They knew that not aguest would be left to them if it was known that cholera had been inthe house.

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Yorkshire. K. M. Briggs from Agnes Hannam, 1915. Also heard by M. E. Luck(now Nash-Williams) at Warwick, c. 1926.Note: Alexander Northcott traced this legend in While Rome Burns (New York,1934, pp. 87–94), and got as far back as a report in The Detroit Free Press in 1889.Baughman gives as a reference Foster, Collier’s Magazine, 1 January 1949. Therehas also been a film “So Long at the Fair”.


S. O. Addy, Household Tales, p. 46.

There was once a gentleman who used to ride on horseback every day.One day he had occasion to call at a house by the roadside, where awoman and her little boy lived. Whilst he was talking to the woman, hesaw that she was making the oven hot, and the little boy said to him,“Mother’s holing the oven to put me in.”

But the gentleman thought that the boy was only joking, so he tookno heed and rode away. But he had not gone far before a magpiecrossed his path, and kept flying in front of his horse, and would not goaway. So at last he thought that the magpie wanted him to turn back. Sohe rode straight back to the house, and when he got there he found thatthe woman had gone, and that the poor little boy was roasting in theoven.

Nottinghamshire.Note: This is a naturalistic and modified version of a widespread tale. Grimm,no. 141, is remotely allied to this tale. No. 141 has, however, a magicalfoundation, and the villainess is a stepmother, not a mother.

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Briggs and Tongue, Folktales of England, pp. 99–100.


This story was told me by my cousin, who had heard it from afriend in Leeds, about a couple whom he knew, who went for acamping holiday in Spain with their car. They had taken his step-mother with them, she slept in a different tent to the others. On themorning that they struck, they were very busy, and they didn’t hearanything of her for a while, and then, when they went to her tent,they found she had died, and rigor had already set in. They were in agreat state, and they didn’t know what to do, but they decided to rollher up in the tent, and put her on top of the car, and go to thenearest town, and go to the consul and the police. So they did this,and went to the town, and then they felt very cold and miserable,and they hadn’t had a proper breakfast. So they thought they’d get acup of coffee to revive them before they went in search of theconsul. So they parked the car, and went to a small café, and hadtheir cup of coffee, and then came back to look for the car. But itwasn’t there; it had gone. So they went home to England without thecar or the stepmother. But the difficulty was, they couldn’t prove herwill.


Shortly after the end of the Second World War, when money for travelwas very tight, a young bride and bridegroom were anxious to spendtheir honeymoon abroad, but couldn’t afford it. The bride’s god-mother said: “I should like to go to Spain. Why not come as my guests,and bring your car? We can sit lightly to each other. You can go aboutas you like, and I’ll sit in the sun and be quiet.”

So it was arranged; and they had a very happy time; but the daybefore they left for home the godmother had a heart attack and died.The local doctor came, and was very helpful, and said he would make

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all funeral arrangements for them. The girl said: “She wanted to becremated. I know she left it in her will.”

“But she can’t be cremated in Spain,” said the doctor. “It’s illegal.”“But it was her wish. She must be!” said the girl.They were at a deadlock for some time, but at length the doctor

suggested that they should smuggle the corpse across the border toFrance, where cremation was legal. The hotel was very ready to co-operate, as a death in the place was bad for trade. The corpse wasdressed, wrapped in shawls, and carried down to the car after dark.

At the frontier there was a sleepy guard, who didn’t look too curi-ously into the car when they were told that madame was asleep. Thepassports were all in order, and they got through without incident, butfor all that it had been a nerve-racking experience, and they stopped inthe first town where a café was open, locked the car and went to have adrink of coffee and a roll before making inquiries about the consul.When they got back to the car-park, the car had been stolen with thecorpse inside it. They had neither time nor money to stop in France, sothey went straight home.

Kentish version.I is recorded from Winifred E. Briggs in Burford, Oxfordshire, 3 November1963. She heard it in Canada from a cousin who had heard it in Leeds, York-shire. It is by way of becoming an international migratory legend. StewartSanderson of Leeds University is making a collection of various versions of thetale, some of them dating back twenty years. It is, however, travelling, forLaurits Bødker of Copenhagen has seen it as a newspaper story told aboutPoland, and Bengt Holbek, also of the Folkedigtning Institut in Copenhagen, knewit in September 1963, having heard it from Gustav Henningsen—again aboutSpain—from a friend’s friend. I have lately come across versions from Sussexand Kent. Richard M. Dorson heard an American variant in East Lansing,Michigan, 31 December 1963, localized in the South-West.

Other versions of the tale are rather different. A plausible one is about theGerman occupation of France in the Second World War. A young couple werestaying with a grandmother who had a villa in the South of France. When thenews of the German advance came, they prepared to escape, taking with themsome particularly valuable Persian carpets, which they put in a roll on the topof the car. They were leaving early in the morning. In the night the grand-mother died, and they would not leave her corpse to be insulted by the

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Germans, but rolled it up in the carpets. When they reached a port, they wentto make enquiries about a boat, but when they got back to their locked car, theyfound the carpets had been stolen from the top, with the corpse inside(informant, Gerald Hardman, May 1964).

There are by now other and more extravagant variants.


Augustus Hare, In My Solitary Life, pp. 109–11.

There was, and there still is, living in Cadogan Place, a lady of middleage who is clever, charming, amiable, even handsome, but who has themisfortune of having—a wooden leg. Daily, for many years, she wasaccustomed to amble every morning on her wooden leg downCadogan Place and to take the air in the Park.

It was her principal enjoyment.One day she discovered that in these walks she was constantly fol-

lowed by a gentleman. When she turned, he turned: where she went,he went: it was most disagreeable. She determined to put an end to itby staying at home, and for some days she did not go out at all. But shemissed her walks in the Park very much, and after a time she thoughther follower must have forgotten all about her, and she went out asbefore. The same gentleman was waiting, he followed her, and atlength suddenly came up to her in the Park and presented her with aletter.

He said that, as a stranger, he must apologise for speaking to her, butthat he must implore her to take the letter, and read it when she gothome: it was of great importance. She took the letter, and when she gothome she read it, and found that it contained a violent declaration oflove and a proposal of marriage.

She was perfectly furious. She desired her lawyer to enclose the letterto the writer, and say that she could not find words to describe hersense of his ungentlemanly conduct, especially cruel to one afflicted asshe was with a wooden leg.

Several years elapsed, and the lady was paying a visit to some friends

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in the country, when the conversation frequently turned upon a friendof the house, who was described as one of the most charming,generous, and beneficent of mankind.

So delightful was the description that the lady was quite anxious tosee the original, and was enchanted when she heard that he was likelyto come to the house. But when he arrived, she recognised withconsternation her admirer of the Park. He did not, however, recur totheir former meeting, and after a time, when she knew him well, shegrew to esteem him exceedingly, and at last, when he renewed hisproposal after an intimate acquaintance, she accepted him andmarried him.

He took her to his country-house, and for six weeks they wereentirely, uncloudedly happy. Then there came a day on which heannounced that he was obliged to go up to London on business. Hiswife could not go with him, because the house in Cadogan Place wasdismantled for the summer. “I should regret this more,” he said, “butthat where two lives are so completely, so entirely united as ours arethere ought to be the most absolute confidence on either side. There-fore, while I am away, I shall leave you my keys. Open my desk, read allmy journals and letters, make yourself mistress of my whole life. Aboveall,” he said, “there is one cupboard in my dressing-room which con-tains certain memorials of my past peculiarly sacred to me which Ishould like you to make yourself acquainted with.”

The wife heard with concern of her husband’s intended absence, butshe was considerably buoyed up under the idea of the three days inwhich they were to be separated by the thought of the very interestingtime she would have. She saw her husband off from the door, and assoon as she heard the wheels of his carriage die away in the distance,she clattered away as fast as she could upon her wooden leg to thedressing-room, and in a minute she was down on all fours before thecupboard he had described.

She unlocked the cupboard. It contained two shelves. On each shelfwas a long parcel sewn up in canvas. She felt a tremor of horror as shelooked at them, she did not know why. She lifted down the first parcel,and it had a label on the outside. She trembled so she could scarcelyread it. It was inscribed: “In memory of my dear wife, Elizabeth Anne,who died on the 24th of August, 1864”.

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With quivering fingers, she sought for a pair of scissors, and rippedopen the canvas, and it contained—a wooden leg!

With indescribable horror, she lifted down the other parcel, of thesame form and size. It also bore a label: “In memory of my dearestwife, Wilhelmine, who died on the 6th of March, 1869”, and itcontained—another wooden leg!

Instantly she rose from her knees. “It is evident,” she said, “that I ammarried to a Bluebeard—a monster, who collects wooden legs. This isnot the time for sentiment. This is the time for action.” And she swepther jewels and some miniatures that she had into a handbag, and sheclattered away on her own wooden leg, by the back shrubberies, to thehigh-road—and there she saw the butcher’s cart passing, and shehailed it, and was driven by the butcher to the nearest station, whereshe just caught the next train to London, intending to make good herescape that night to France, and to leave no trace behind her.

But she had not consulted Bradshaw, and she found she had somehours to wait in London before the tidal train started. Then she couldnot resist employing them in going to reproach the people at whosehouse she had met her husband, and she told them what she hadfound. To her amazement, they were not the least surprised. “Yes,”they said, “yes, we thought he ought to have told you: we do notwonder you were astonished. Yes, indeed, we knew dear ElizabethAnne very well; she was indeed a most delightful person, the mostperfect of women and of wives; and when she was taken away, thewhole light seemed blotted out of Arthur’s life, the change was so veryterrible. We thought he would never rally his spirits again; but thenafter two years he met dearest Wilhelmine, to whom he was firstattracted by her having the same affliction which was characteristic ofher predecessor. And Wilhelmine was perhaps even more a charmingperson than Elizabeth Anne, and made her husband’s life uncloudedlyhappy. But she too, was alas! early snatched away, and then it was as ifthe whole world was cut from under Arthur’s feet, until at last he metyou, with the same peculiarity which was endeared to him by two lostand loved ones, and we believe that with you he has been moreentirely, more uncloudedly happy than he was with either Wilhelmineor Elizabeth Anne.”

And the wife was so charmed by what she heard that it gave quite a

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new aspect to affairs. She went home by the next train. She was therewhen her husband returned; and ever since they have lived perfectlyhappily between his house in the country and hers in Cadogan Place.

Note: Mrs de Bunsen (who told this story to A. H.) said that a cousin of hers wasrepeating this story when dining at the Balfours’. Suddenly he saw that his hostand hostess were both telegraphing frantic signals to him, and by a great efforthe turned it off. The lady of the wooden leg and her husband were bothamongst the guests.

This story begins like a kind of echo of Type 312 (Bluebeard). It is indeeda kind of Bluebeard in reverse, in which the lady is given the keys of the hiddenchamber, and expressly told to explore it. It is not surprising that so strange apredilection should have no motif attached to it.

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